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Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2040: Predictions for Healthcare, Higher Education, and Urban Administration - EPUB EDITION
Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2040: Predictions for Healthcare, Higher Education, and Urban Administration - EPUB EDITION
Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2040: Predictions for Healthcare, Higher Education, and Urban Administration - EPUB EDITION
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Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2040: Predictions for Healthcare, Higher Education, and Urban Administration - EPUB EDITION

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Release dateJun 3, 2024
Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2040: Predictions for Healthcare, Higher Education, and Urban Administration - EPUB EDITION

Marco De Prosperis

Marco's journey is nothing short of cinematic. From craftsmanship to aerospace science, through the technological industry and higher education, his path is a testament to versatility and vision. Crossing continents and industries, Marco's career is a mosaic of opportunities and passions. Currently, as Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration at the University of Arkansas and soon to hold an Ed.D. in Adult and Lifelong Learning, his story is one of relentless innovation and learning.

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    Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2040 - Marco De Prosperis

    Artificial Intelligence And Blockchain In 2040

    Predictions for Healthcare,

    Higher Education, and Urban Administration

    Marco De Prosperis

    Marco De Prosperis

    Copyright © 2024 Marco De Prosperis

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events depicted in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author. No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the explicit written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 9798869124135- ISBN: 9798869142955 – ISBN:9798330210640 ISBN: 9798876389008 - ISBN: 9798876503497 Publisher: Marco De Prosperis - Published Independently Disclaimers: Legal Notice 1: This publication represents the personal views and understanding of the author, which are not from or endorsed by the University of Arkansas or the European Space Agency. The insights and interpretations herein are developed independently and should not be considered reflective of these institutions' official policies or positions. No endorsement or review of the contents by the aforementioned institutions has been given, and they are not accountable for any misinterpretations or misuse of the material presented. The author assumes all responsibility for the content and any inadvertent errors contained within. This book is intended to serve as a source of information and education only, and care should be taken in how its contents are applied. Legal Notice 2: All images presented in this publication are distinct works of art inspired by its narrative, conceived by the author with the assistance of DALL-E 3, an advanced image creation tool by OpenAI. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead or to pre-existing works of art is purely coincidental and not intentional. The use of DALL-E 3 in the creation of these images does not suggest an official endorsement or association with OpenAI. Legal Notice 3: This book is for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice. The contents of this publication are not intended to offer any form of financial or investment guidance. Readers are advised to conduct their own research or consult with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions. The author and publisher of this book disclaim any responsibility for any personal loss or damage that may result from the application of the information contained herein. The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and should not be construed as investment advice.

    To my brilliant wife Jamie: your dedication to improving the lives of stray animals is more than admirable, and your relentless efforts in this regard are a constant source of inspiration for me. Every day I realize how fortunate I am to have someone with such strength of spirit by my side. I am infinitely grateful for your love and strength, which have been my guiding light in this adventure. And to our son William: my heart swells with pride every time I think of you. I cannot help but admire your dedication to giving your best in everything you do, even though you are only nine years old. Know that my love for you knows no bounds, and my pride in you is immeasurable. To my cherished parents, Alfonso, and Angela: your unconditional affection and continuous attention have set forth a definition of love that goes far beyond mere words. Like a guiding star in the sky of my life, your ongoing presence has shaped the person I have become. Deep in my heart is the wish that my father could have held this book in his hands; his absence, due to the relentless grip of COVID-19 during the pandemic, is a wound that will never heal. I extend this dedication also to my brothers, Alessandro, and Claudio, and to their remarkable wives, Daniela, and Stefania. And how could I forget the fruits of their love: my beloved nieces and nephews, Simone, Sara, Arianna, Davide, Giulia, and Benedetta? Each one of you is an indispensable piece in the mosaic of our family. To Caryn and Denny, and all your friends and relatives in the United States, who have welcomed me with open arms from the very first day, making me feel not just welcome, but truly part of your family. A special mention is due to all the other relatives whom I hold dear in my heart. Your presence, both physical and spiritual, is a haven and a source of unmatched inspiration. And to my friends scattered across the world, from the distant shores of the Americas to energetic Australia, crossing ancient Europe and vibrant Asia: your contribution has shaped the multicultural mosaic of my existence. Finally, to all my relatives and friends who are no longer with us: your memories breathe life into every page of this book. They serve as a constant reminder of the ephemeral nature of life and the eternal impact of love. Thus, this work is more than just a book. It represents a testament to the profound richness of human relationships and serves as a memento of the transformative power that family and friends can have, elevating our existence from merely ordinary to truly extraordinary.




    n a world that is evolving at breakneck speed, the ever-accelerating pace of technological innovation continues to weave and re-weave the fabric of our daily existence, bringing forth new opportunities while also ushering in unprecedented challenges. The dawn of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain is on the brink of radically altering our lifestyles, our work, and the way we connect with one another. But what do these changes portend for our future? How will they shape our society by the year 2040? These are the questions I have endeavored to explore within the pages of this book, attempting to chart a journey from the inception of AI to a vision of a world radically transformed by technology.

    Our journey commences in the year 1956, at the historic Dartmouth conference, where the term artificial intelligence was first coined, heralding the advent of a new epoch filled with discovery and innovation. From there, we navigate through the decades of technological advancements, tracing how AI and blockchain have begun to weave their threads into the very fabric of our society, molding new realities and challenges along the way.

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    In today’s era, we casually ask Alexa to play our favorite tunes, or implore Siri to locate the nearest dining establishment. We are recipients of tailored recommendations from Netflix and wield smartphones that recognize us by our very faces. But how did we arrive at this juncture? And, more intriguingly, what does the future hold? Throughout this book, we will delve into how AI, blockchain, and the Internet of things (IoT) are merging to revolutionize key sectors such as healthcare, education, and public administration. We will contemplate the evolution of the devices we use daily, and see how technological innovation has turned the once-impossible into our present reality.

    But the ramifications of these technological metamorphoses are not exclusively rosy. With the advent of these new technologies come new ethical and social quandaries. From the obsolescence of jobs once deemed secure to concerns about privacy and biases within the data that fuel our AI systems, there are myriad considerations to ponder as we chart our course towards 2040.

    In crafting this book, I've tried to make the language as approachable as possible, explaining complex concepts in a simple and straightforward way. This is to make sure that people from all walks of life, regardless of their technological expertise, can understand and appreciate the wonders and challenges of our evolving technological world.

    Beyond serving as a map and guidebook for navigating the future, this book is also an invitation to be active participants in shaping the world of tomorrow rather than passive onlookers. We bear a collective responsibility to be prepared, armed not only with cutting-edge technology but also with a deep ethical and social awareness. So, dear reader, are you ready to join me on this thrilling yet demanding expedition through the rapidly shifting landscape of emerging technology? Are we truly equipped to sculpt a future that is bright for all, not merely for a technological elite? The answers to these pivotal questions are not inscribed in the stars but lie within the pages you are about to turn, and in the choices we will make together as a global community. Welcome to the journey towards 2040: an exploration of our technological and societal future.

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    Marco's Odyssey: His Journey Towards Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain



    arco's story starts with a curious boy, who spends his long summer days learning the art of locksmithing in the family's workshop, under the watchful eye of his father. Yet life has unexpected turns in store for him. Following a tragic motorcycle accident, Marco is confined to a hospital for weeks and undergoes a lengthy convalescence at home, during which he battles to regain his motor skills. In those years, the early '90s, the digital age was merely a blip on the horizon. Online lessons and the chance to stay connected via mobile phones were non-existent. Due to this enforced isolation, Marco fell behind in his high school curriculum, missing a crucial year. Lacking the connectivity and digital resources we take for granted today, he had to find other means to stay engaged and motivated during his recovery.

    He immersed himself in books, listened to music on old cassettes, and watched films on VHS, including the iconic 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    A group of people in a room with computers Description automatically generated

    Each viewing of this film led Marco to ponder the future. He wondered when humanity would achieve such technological feats and how these advancements could help people like him, bedridden for long stretches.

    Marco still holds vivid memories of the computer he had then, a bulky marvel of engineering that promised revolutions—a promise that, undoubtedly, was kept. The enchantment of that era was tangible. He still feels a thrill recalling the transition from the VIC 20 to the Commodore 64, a technological leap that made him realize the potential of computing. But he did not stop there: the Amiga 500 became his next digital companion, a machine that at the time epitomized the future.

    And then, as if on a perpetual journey through technological evolution, he encountered computers equipped with Intel i386 and i486 processors. That period led to the dawn of a new era, the era of Pentiums, which would further redefine the concept of computing. Each step, each new device, was an exhilarating chapter in his personal journey through technology. Reflecting on it now, he realizes how technology has been a constant companion in his growth, a silent witness to his milestones and discoveries. Marco also recognized the significance of Kubrick's vision. The depiction of a tablet in a '60s film was not just the fantasy of a visionary director, but rather a foreshadowing of what was to come. Years later, when Marco holds his first iPad, he cannot help but reminisce about that iconic and deeply meaningful scene.

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    The briny scent of the sea and the familiar sounds of the Ostia district in Rome seemed distant memories as Marco stepped into an entirely different world: military service with the Fire Brigade. Enlisted in the 151st brigade he found himself in a reality where uniform and discipline were paramount. Yet, amidst this austere and stringent environment, he discovered the beauty of camaraderie and brotherhood. This experience was not just professional training; it was a human journey, marked by encounters and bonds. He met young men from every corner of Italy, each with their own story, dialect, and culture to share. The long nights on watch, the drills, the breaks—all became opportunities for exchanging stories, laughter, and dreams.

    Friendships forged within the barracks' walls, fueled by a sense of duty and a passion for service, taught Marco that despite differences, there is an invisible thread that connects people, making them part of a larger family. And even though time and life would lead everyone down separate paths, the bonds formed in the barracks would remain indelibly in Marco’s heart, a precious reminder of a formative and unforgettable period in his life. Yet, even there, during that time, he did not abandon his passion for technology. The nineties witnessed the bloom of technological innovations and social changes at every turn of the globe. For many, these years represent a golden age, a time marked by a sense of anticipation for the future.

    A group of firefighters sitting at a table in a room with a window and ladder Description automatically generated

    Technology was becoming an ever more integral part of everyday life, and the feeling was that society was stepping into an era of boundless possibilities. Consider Marco and his two friends. In a historical moment where the world was in constant flux, these three individuals found themselves at the heart of a perfect storm of opportunity. Each brought something unique to the table. Like in a band, where each member contributes a distinct sound, their combined skills created a perfect harmony. Have you ever wondered how certain people manage to find teammates so in tune with their visions and aspirations? It is as if fate had a hand in their union, ensuring that their diverse abilities complemented each other perfectly. This trio embodies the epitome of a well-balanced team. Like in a soccer match, where every role is crucial for victory, these three friends represented the fundamental pillars of their project.

    Amidst all this excitement and innovation, there was also a deep understanding of the challenges being faced. Marco, with his passion for mechanical design, gave shape to the trio's visions, turning abstract ideas into tangible realities. While one of his friends mastered the art of programming, the other had a keen understanding of electronics. Together, they created something truly special. Here lies the beauty of innovation: when brilliant minds come together with a common goal, the result can be magical. Have you ever pondered how the security systems that protect you while you sleep work, or how your electric blinds know when to raise and lower?

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    Well, the answer might very well reside in the minds like those of this trio. But what is most fascinating is how their work wove into the broader fabric of popular culture. Artificial intelligence and technology had become omnipresent themes in the movies and TV series of the time. Who can forget the futuristic security systems in movies like Mission: Impossible or the high-tech gadgets of James Bond? Yet, unlike the characters in these films, our heroes were real and working on something that would have a direct impact on people's everyday lives. We are not talking about sci-fi movie gadgets, but electronic locks and motors for roller shutters that could be used in every home. Their innovations' impact was not just theoretical or confined to the screen; it was concrete and tangible. Think about how their inventions could improve security in a home or business. Or consider the convenience of having blinds that open and close automatically, perhaps programmed to follow the rhythm of the sun. It's an example of how AI and advanced technology can become an integral part of our daily lives without us even noticing. The team developed an innovative electronic security system that used contact memories as electronic keys. But they did not stop there. Later, they devised electronic limit switch systems for electric motors of roller shutters and blinds. These solutions not only improved the accuracy of operation but also allowed a significant reduction in production and installation costs compared to older mechanical systems. Marco and his team were charting a new course in the industry, blending traditional craftsmanship with technological innovation.

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    It's as if a group of amateur musicians discovered a new musical genre; the essence of creativity remains the same, but the application is radically different. Innovation is a concept that often evokes images of sparkling laboratories, cutting-edge equipment, and brilliant inventors dressed in white coats. However, reality teaches us that innovation does not have a single face. It can be born anywhere, sometimes in the most unexpected places. The story of Marco and his friends is a perfect testament to this. They did not meet in a high-tech lab; their collaboration came to life in a small room, transformed into a laboratory, in Marco's parents' house. A familiar and comfortable place, away from the spotlight of official science, but rich in passion, curiosity, and determination. These early projects, and especially the experience gained in the design and manufacturing of electronic circuits, programming of microcontrollers, and control of electric motors, laid the foundation for Marco's future career in the aerospace industry in the Netherlands.


    Picture the European Space Agency (ESA) as the stage for an incredible scientific opera, where the sharpest minds of humanity come together to compose a symphony dedicated to understanding and conquering the cosmos. Among these space maestros, we find Marco, a youthful professional who becomes an integral part of a team assigned to an epoch-making mission: the modernization of the Large Space Simulator (LSS).

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    Have you ever wondered how we can be sure that satellites can withstand the extreme conditions of outer space, from icy frost to abrasive heat, through solar radiation and the void? The answer lies within the Large Space Simulator (LSS), a kind of cinematic stage for science, where satellites are the actors required to endure numerous tests, replicating space conditions. However, even in this advanced setup, there were shortcomings. Marco and his team introduced an innovative system of photodetector sensors, controlled by stepper motors, to address these gaps. Now, let's draw an analogy to understand the importance of this improvement. Imagine you are a chef in the kitchen of a Michelin-starred restaurant. You have all the finest ingredients at your disposal, but if your stove is not functioning correctly, these premium elements could be wasted. Similarly, the old LSS system was akin to a malfunctioning stove. It did not evenly distribute solar light and infrared rays within the test chamber where

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