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The Beehive Theory
The Beehive Theory
The Beehive Theory
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The Beehive Theory

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Beehive Theory is based on the premise that parts of the universe in which we live are spawning grounds for spiritual consciousness. As in the real-life beehive, the habitat contains areas in which the coming generation of bees are born and nurtured until they reach maturity. But activities in the beehive are not solely

Release dateDec 28, 2023
The Beehive Theory

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    Book preview

    The Beehive Theory - Alfred G Davison


    Dr. Alfred Gerald Davison Ph.D.

    © 2024

    Published by

    Marlab Media

    Enghavevej 9A

    7800 Skive


    Second Edition

    ISBN 978-87-993990-6-2

    Copyright © Alfred Gerald Davison 2024

    Cover design. Alfred Gerald Davison

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publishers’ prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


    One of my favourite quotes is from the South-American biologist turned philosopher, Maturana. He wrote We can only think the thoughts that we are built to think. I fully agree with that, but feel that it does not go far enough, so I have added The others don't exist. This you will hear me say in conversation.

    What do I mean by that? Try to imagine explaining to a cat what cat food contains. The cats' brain is not capable of such thoughts, so even if you in some strange manner were capable of communication in a language which the cat understood, your message would be lost in translation. Since the cat is incapable of thinking on this level, does that mean that your thoughts do not exist? Of course not. That is the reason for my addition to the words of Maturana. Are the thoughts which our brain is capable of handling the only ones in existence? Not at all. We are not built to think the same way as the cat, but we know that the cat thinks. Its thoughts are outside the limits of our consciousness. It is proven then that there are beings capable of thoughts outside our own level of consciousness that exist in our own space/time. Some of those beings are likely capable of thoughts much more complex than our own level permits. We would then become the cat, to which it is impossible to explain the contents of the cat food that the cat eats to survive.

    Beehive Theory is a metaphysical philosophy. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality. This includes the first principles of: being or existence, identity, change, space and time, cause and effect, necessity, actuality, and possibility.

    Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with epistemology, logic, and ethics. It includes questions about the nature of consciousness and the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality.

    Metaphysics studies questions related to what it is for something to exist and what types of existence there are. Metaphysics seeks to answer, in an abstract and fully general manner, the questions of: What is it that exists; and What it is like.

    Beehive Theory considers spirit (or soul) as being real and of a non-corporeal nature. Non-Corporeal beings are those who have no true physical form. Though they may have physical bodies, but their true essence exists non-physically, whether as a soul, as energy, or as an abstract concept. Being non-corporeal is very different than Intangibility, as an intangible being's body is their true body, it just can't be affected by conventional physical forces. A non-corporeal being does not usually have any kind of concrete, defined form, and can appear in many different forms if they wish, though the destruction of these bodies is of little relevance to the entity behind them.

    The death of the sentient body will therefore have no lasting effect on the spirit, although it may place the spirit in a situation where it can no longer affect the physical universe.

    To Beehive Theory, the spirit is not a mythical being which transcends all laws of existence. That would be a state of illusion, which Beehive Theory considers is counter-productive to development of the spirit. Development of itself, of the network which it is part of, and of universal life, is of ultimate importance to the spirit. It is the only activity which in itself is great enough to give its existence purpose and therefore meaning.

    In this book I intend to describe Beehive Theory by discourse, that is as a discussion in a question-and-answer format. This format was first used by Søren Kierkegaard in the 1840’s. It is very suitable for shedding light on existential matters. The questions and responses were published in the Facebook group Beehive Theory. Even though the book is finished, the group remains open for relevant comments and questions, should any reader wish to participate further.

    While reading this book, please remember – we are not here to find answers. We are here to try to ask the right questions and hope that we shed some light on the answers – if any exist at all.

    Beehive Theory is based on the premise that parts of the universe in which we live are spawning grounds for spiritual consciousness. As in the real-life beehive, the habitat contains areas in which the coming generation of bees are born and nurtured until they reach maturity. But activities in the beehive are not solely centred on these areas. There is a lot going on which the immature young are not aware of at all.

    Although the existence of multiple beehives spread across the universe is recognised, Beehive Theory only concerns itself with this planet Earth. The dimension W proposed by the theory, may not necessarily be limited to this one beehive, but may encompass many or all. Although the term Dimension W is used, if this dimension exists outside this time/space continuum, it too will have to use dimensions x, y and z as physical descriptors, so becoming wx, wy and wz. Using these descriptors will complicate matters which are already complicated enough, so that will be avoided by only using the term Dimension W.

    Generally, the natural sciences reject anything which cannot be weighed and measured. Weights and measures are an excellent tool when studying how things function. However, the belief among some that only these tools

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