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Untethered: The Woman at the Well
Untethered: The Woman at the Well
Untethered: The Woman at the Well
Ebook87 pages1 hour

Untethered: The Woman at the Well

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Do you feel heavy? Perhaps you need to untether yourself from the lies and trauma spoken over your life in order to live in transparent freedom.

In Untethered, author Esther K. Marks tells her life story, exploring her emotional challenges and traumas and describing the healing that began the moment she surrendered to the love of her heavenly Father. In the Bible, the woman Jesus meets at the well had been married five times and was living with another man. Jesus chose her to reveal himself publicly as the Messiah. He went to a worldly woman tethered with sin. Similarly, through six failed marriages, Esther struggled with hurt and anger. She had been shunned at her church, gossiped about, and asked to not sit in the front seat. Just about the time she had decided to kill herself, Jesus spoke to her and saved her life. Thus, the untethering of her pain and suffering began, with God freeing her from the lies and curses that had been spoken over her.

Now Esther has set out to share her anointing from Holy Spirit to help others learn what they are tethered to so they can be delivered for kingdom work.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 29, 2024
Untethered: The Woman at the Well

Esther K. Marks

Esther K. Marks is an accomplished nurse who holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing. She was raised in rural eastern Kentucky and later overcame a dysfunctional upbringing in which education was not the focus of life. Her life changed when Jesus came to her and stopped her from committing suicide. She currently lives in Chillicothe, Ohio.

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    Untethered - Esther K. Marks

    Copyright © 2024 Esther K. Marks.

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    ISBN: 979-8-3850-2605-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-3850-2606-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024910496

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/24/2024

    To my late mentor

    She was a vessel used by God to change many lives. My mentor shared her vision of helping other women find freedom from their past traumas and moving them to an intimate relationship with God our Father in heaven. God used her to intersect my life with God and putting me on a collision course with Him. That encounter has ruined me for all whatever temporary world has to offer. God, my caller, is my keeper, and I am forever changed by my encounter with Him. Thank you very much to this woman who definitely did not miss the calling of God upon her life!



    This Book is dedicated to the late, Pastor K.D. K.D. was a vessel used by God to change many lives. K.D.shared her vision of helping other women to find freedom from their past traumas, moving them to an intimate relationship with God our Father in heaven. God used Pastor K.D. to intersect my life, to put me on a collision course with Him. That encounter has ruined me for all this temporary world has to offer. God, my caller is my keeper, and I am forever changed by this encounter. Thank you, K.D.for laying your life down for kingdom purposes!


    From the moment I met Esther, I knew that God had a special plan for her life. Her love for God and for the deeper life of knowing Him has always pulled me to her. It has been an honor to walk her through deep healing. Watching her come to life spiritually has been a gift.

    You will love reading Untethered: the Woman at the Well. This is Esther’s life journey. She will walk you through her emotional challenges and traumas. Her healing began the moment she surrendered to the love that comes from her heavenly Father. My prayer is that you too will be encouraged and moved to begin this life-healing and transforming journey.

    K. D.


    All names have been changed in this true story to

    protect the privacy of the lives of the people involved.


    Introduction: I Knew You Before You Were Born

    Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Tethering

    Chapter 2: The Ignorant Life

    Chapter 3: No Longer Ignorant

    Chapter 4: The Untethering Begins

    Chapter 5: Here I Am, Lord

    Chapter 6: Cleanse Me and Make Me New

    Chapter 7: I Am Redeemed


    References Cited




    My name is Esther, and I was born in West Virginia. Because there were no local hospitals in my hometown, I was raised in rural Kentucky by parents who had middle-school education. They were very hard workers. Daddy was a security guard at a local coal mining company, and my mother stayed at home to care for the family. They grew a garden and lived judiciously with their resources. My parents were so good at stewarding their resources that I thought we were rich. Did I mention that we did not have indoor plumbing, save for a kitchen sink and a saltwater well until I was almost six years old? Outhouses are cold, smelly, and have lots of bugs, spiders, and an occasional snake in them!

    From what I have been told, before my birth, my dad was a drunken scoundrel who physically abused my mother, making him a poor provider at best during his unsaved years. I do not remember when my dad was baptized because I was so young; however, I do remember my mother’s lack of trust in Daddy. I did not understand why my mother did not trust my dad. My sisters have told me about how mean he was to my mother, but I could not grasp that because all I saw was the saved version of my daddy. Thank God, Jesus only sees the saved version of us!

    I was the last of five children of Mom and Dad, and I was Daddy’s favorite. My dad made me feel so special that I thought nothing in this world would harm me if Daddy was by my side. When Daddy drank his coffee, I sat on his lap and drank his coffee too; this was bliss for me as my daddy owned my heart. This was the purest love that I would ever experience next to the love of Jesus.

    I can remember being about four or five years old and sitting on the tailgate of Daddy’s truck while he and Mother sliced potatoes for planting and put them into a giant tub. The garden had been freshly tilled, and the air was so fresh. The garden was to the left of the outhouse as you came around the back of the house. Life was so good! I was beyond spoiled by my dad. I used to ask him who he loved more, me or Mommy. What a position to put him in!

    Mother and Daddy heated our little two-bedroom, zero-bathroom house with chopped

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