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The Fart that Shook the World
The Fart that Shook the World
The Fart that Shook the World
Ebook45 pages28 minutes

The Fart that Shook the World

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About this ebook

In "The Unexpected Fame of Thomas Larsen," set out on a journey alongside Thomas, an average boy thrust into the spotlight by a hilarious mishap – a monumental fart. As Thomas grapples with the complexities of newfound fame, he navigates a whirlwind of laughter, awkward encounters, and unexpected friendships.


Through uproarious moments and touching encounters, Thomas learns valuable lessons about resilience, growth, and the importance of authentic connections. As he embraces the challenges of fame, he discovers that true fulfillment comes from being true to oneself and cherishing the bonds of friendship.


With humor, heart, and a dash of unexpected flatulence, "The Unexpected Fame of Thomas Larsen" in 'The Fart that Shook the World" is a charming tale that celebrates the journey of self-discovery and the joy of embracing life's quirks.


Release dateJun 4, 2024
The Fart that Shook the World

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    Book preview

    The Fart that Shook the World - Maya Ann Chaplin

    In The Unexpected Fame of Thomas Larsen, set out on a journey alongside Thomas, an average boy thrust into the spotlight by a hilarious mishap – a monumental fart. As Thomas grapples with the complexities of newfound fame, he navigates a whirlwind of laughter, awkward encounters, and unexpected friendships.

    Through uproarious moments and touching encounters, Thomas learns valuable lessons about resilience, growth, and the importance of authentic connections. As he embraces the challenges of fame, he discovers that true fulfillment comes from being true to oneself and cherishing the bonds of friendship.

    With humor, heart, and a dash of unexpected flatulence, The Unexpected Fame of Thomas Larsen in ‘The Fart that Shook the World" is a charming tale that celebrates the journey of self-discovery and the joy of embracing life's quirks.

    ©️ 2024 Author Maya Ann Chaplin


    Chapter 1: The Lament of Thomas Larsen

    Thomas Larsen sprawled across his bed like a starfish on sand, his mind meandering like a lost balloon in the breeze. Sunlight tiptoed through the curtains, nudging him gently from his slumber. Another day peeked over the horizon, but Thomas felt like a rock stubbornly anchored in a stream, unmoving against the current.

    Outside, the world awoke with a symphony of chirps and tweets, mocking Thomas's reluctance to join the dance of the day. He groaned, dreading the school day ahead, where he often felt as out of place as a penguin in a desert.

    Then, like a lifeline tossed from a passing ship, a heavenly smell tickled his nose. Bacon! His stomach growled, momentarily distracting him from his impending doom at school. Maybe he could fake a sickness. Last Monday he pretended to have a stomach worm, something he had made up. But his mom hadn't fallen for it. But the allure of crispy bacon pulled him like a magnet toward the kitchen.

    With the weight of impending school hanging heavy on his shoulders, Thomas dragged himself downstairs, each step echoing the dragging of his feet. But as he entered the kitchen, a strange sensation gripped his gut, like a rollercoaster creeping up its first hill.

    Ignoring the sensation, Thomas focused on the sizzling bacon in the pan, his mouth watering at the sight. He tried to banish thoughts of school and lose himself in the comforting embrace of home and the promise of breakfast. But beneath the surface,

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