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Black Tide Part 5
Black Tide Part 5
Black Tide Part 5
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Black Tide Part 5

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A day had passed when Karen received instructions from Charles. This time she no longer felt nervous or scared. She also did not feel surprised when she received instructions from him. So the problem is solved.

Release dateJun 3, 2024
Black Tide Part 5

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    Black Tide Part 5 - Tram Doan





    A day had passed when Karen

    The End

    By Tram Doan 2024


    A day had passed when Karen

    A day had passed when Karen received instructions from Charles. This time she no longer felt nervous or scared. She also did not feel surprised when she received instructions from him. So the problem is solved.

    Go to the Saint James Club on the island of Saint Hubert in the British Virgin Islands.

    Karen knows that place. They had sailed there several times before. It's a beautiful spot in a horseshoe-shaped bay; Running around the beach is a row of wooden houses with thatched roofs. A very remote place.

    Charles added: Hurry up, Karen. Just for a few more days, don't take it to a few weeks. I will contact you when I get there.

    There were many things Karen thought she would say to Charles. But all she answered was: I will come.

    RONALD TORBOR IS NAKED and doesn't know what to do. That morning, when he looked up, he saw Steven Hanson, the American customer, standing in front of his desk.

    Hanson came to close his accounts.

    The bank manager tried to hide his surprise. Ever since the two Americans came to his house, he had wished he wouldn't have to see Hanson again. But then he came. They talked and worked for a long time, Ronald's heart was pounding. Immediately after Hanson left, Ronald rushed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his hot face.

    What should I do?

    He knew that doing what those two scary people asked was not right. I know that violates credit rules. That he might lose his job if someone found out. You will lose everything you have achieved in all those years.

    Ronald also really likes Mr. Hanson. That person is always cheerful and polite. He always commented very cleverly on Ezra in the photo that Ronald always kept on his desk. Also the time Hanson met Ezra and his wife at the bank.

    But what other choice do you have? He had to do this, for Ezra.

    The mustache guy said it - if he finds out you lied to him, they'll come back. And if they had followed Hanson here, they could have followed it further. And if they discovered that Hanson's accounts had been transferred, things would get even worse for Edith and Ezra.

    Much worse.

    Ronald realized that there was much more at stake than just the risk of losing his job. That's your family. They threatened to kill him. And Ezra too. Ronald swore that he would never be allowed to see that panic in his wife's eyes again.

    Mr. Hanson, please understand. Do I have any other options?

    Outside the bank, in the far corner of the square, there is a telephone pole next to a bench with an election advertising sign on it. It was a picture of the corrupt former minister in Nevis and a slogan: IT'S TIME TO REPLACE THESE PEOPLE.

    He inserted the phone card into the slot and dialed the phone number provided. Make sure I get information from you, Ronald, the man with the mustache said before leaving. He also patted Ezra's head and said, He's very pretty. - He winked. - You will definitely have a great future.

    The call is connected. Ronald tried to suppress his fear.

    Hello, a voice answered on the other end of the line. Konald recognized the voice immediately. Just hearing that voice again sent a chill of shame and fear running down his spine.

    I'm Ronald It's Tobor. From Nevis, you told me to call you.

    Ronald. It's good that you called. - The mustachioed man replied. - Is Ezra okay?

    I just met him. - Ronald said, not answering his question. - The person you are looking for came here today.

    I will go alone. - Karen explained to Hauck.

    The two met again at the Arcadia cafe. Karen informed him of how Charlie had finally contacted her, and of Charlie's instructions. - He said I'm the only one going. That's what I agreed on. You have to follow that agreement, Ty.

    No, you can't do that. - Hauck put down his coffee cup and shook his head. - That's not reasonable, Karen. I still don't know who he is related to. I can't let you risk it.

    That's the deal, Ty. I have already agreed.

    Karen. - Hauck leaned closer forward, speaking softly so that people sitting nearby could not hear what they were saying. - Charlie left me and my family. I know very well what he did. I also know what he has to protect. This is very dangerous, Karen. This is not a risky game for high school students. I told Charlie exactly what I found out about him. Someone had to die. I can't let you go there alone.

    You don't have to remind me of those dangers, Ty. - Karen's voice is louder and tense. She looked at him pleadingly. - When I came to you, I completely trusted you. You told me all the things you've never told anyone.

    I think I'm worthy of your trust, Karen.

    That's right. - Karen nodded. - I know that. But now you have to trust me a little. I'll go, she said, her eyes shining, determined. Charlie is my husband, Ty. I understand him. No matter what happens, I know he will never do it. harm me. I told him I would come, Ty. I won't miss this opportunity."

    Hauck took a deep breath, his stern eyes showing his determination. He knew he could stop her. He could expose everything today But that was what he had always promised her, right from the start. And when he examined all his major options, he realized that he was stuck in every way getting too involved.

    The meeting place must be a public place. - Hauck finally spoke. - "From there I can observe you.

    Karen raised her eyes. - Ty....

    This is no longer up for debate, Karen. If the situation seems safe once we have all the specifics, then you can go see Charles, alone. I promise. But he will be around the rendezvous point. Here's the deal.

    Karen looked at Hauck and reminded him: You are not allowed to use me to capture Charles, Ty. You have to promise.

    You think I'm going to go there to get him, Karen? What do you think, do you think I will report to the international police like in the movie Miami Crime? - Hauck looked at her intently. - The main reason for me to go there with you may be because I love you , Karen - don't you understand that? - or something close to it. I went there because I would never let you walk into a trap and get murdered.

    His eyes were full of determination and hardness. The blue light in his eyes became unbreakable. The two sat like that for a long time.

    Finally, Karen also seemed angry smiled. - You said 'maybe you love me'

    That's right, maybe. - Hauck nodded. - And when I say that, maybe I'm a little jealous.

    Jealous of Charles?

    Jealous of those eighteen years, Karen. That's the man I built a life with, no matter what the hell he did.

    That has passed.

    I didn't know it was over. - He looked away for a second, then took a deep breath, full of despair. - Anyway, I said it, even though it sounds stupid, damn it.

    Karen took Hauck's hand. She pressed his palm firmly between her palms, rubbing her palms. Finally he looked up at her.

    You know, maybe I love you too. - She shrugged. - Or something close to that.

    I feel self-conscious.

    But if that's the case, Ty, we can't do it. I beg you. This is the most important thing to me right now. That's why I went there. Then... - Karen pressed her thumb into his palm. - "Then we will meet. Is such an agreement possible?

    Hauck wrapped his pinky around her finger and hesitantly agreed. - Do you know the location yet?

    Saint James Club, yes. We went there once before. We stopped at the port there for lunch. - Karen noticed Hauck's worried eyes. - Like in Condé Nast Traveler magazine. This is not the place to set up an ambush.

    So when are you leaving?

    We'll go, Ty. We. Tomorrow. - Karen said. - I have already booked two tickets.

    Two tickets?

    That's right, Ty, two tickets. — Karen laughed. — Do you really think I believe you would let me go there alone?

    Rick and Paula are also away, as are the Karen children. She sent an email to the motel where Sam and Alex were staying, saying she would be away for a few days. She understood that she had to tell someone where she was going. She dialed a phone number, and a familiar voice answered on the other end of the line.


    Karen? - Lennick's voice sounded surprised but very satisfied. - How are you? What about the children?

    We're all right, Saul. That's why I called you. I'm going away for a few days, if you believe that hunting trip. It was a gift for Sam after graduation. The children went with some of my family members.

    Yes. I remember you told me once. - Lennick acted unintentionally. - "Now I see

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