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A BUM's Taming A Silent Killer: Your Stress
A BUM's Taming A Silent Killer: Your Stress
A BUM's Taming A Silent Killer: Your Stress
Ebook87 pages42 minutes

A BUM's Taming A Silent Killer: Your Stress

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About this ebook

Throughout life, you will consistently have stressful situations with your family, business, or social life. You must learn to understand and cope with stress, but more importantly, you must learn who and what causes that stress before you can resolve it. Throughout the pages of this book, you will hopefully understand what stress is about, how it is caused, and ideas on how to cope with it. By no stretch of the imagination is this book intended to be a total cure; however, it is intended to make you think, reflect, and work towards a more stress-free, enjoyable, and productive life.
Release dateJun 4, 2024
A BUM's Taming A Silent Killer: Your Stress

Eugene G. Spiegle

Mr. Eugene G. Spiegle founded The Pulse Factor, a consulting organization working with companies worldwide to improve corporate cultures, leadership, and management techniques. As a motivational speaker and management consultant, he has found worldwide recognition and over fifty years of experience in management and leadership from both line and staff positions. Prior to founding The Pulse Factor, Mr. Spiegle performed positions from President of a firm specializing in automated systems to Vice-President of engineering of a Fortune 500 company. He holds degrees in psychology and engineering with an advanced degree in psychology. Mr. Spiegle held a full professorship at Rutgers University in the Department of Supply Chain Management. You can follow Gene's blog at

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    Book preview

    A BUM's Taming A Silent Killer - Eugene G. Spiegle


    As I have included in other bum books, dingus Magee, this book is no different. Throughout the book, I will use some of Dingus’s experiences to make a point rather than use names of persons or companies. In the first edition of the stress book, I used a personal example of early stress, and since I found it to be quite a profound part of my life, I am repeating it here.

    I first met stress when going to boarding school, but not until six weeks after school had started and networks of friends had been well established. The question, of course, was who is the new kid and where is he going to fit in. Well, you can be assured that the first weeks of my life in that school could have been classified as pure hell. Yes, it did change after a while, and the following years became some of my life’s best years.

    Certainly, throughout life, we constantly have stressful situations Why? Because that is the way life is; whether it is family, business, or social, we have to learn to understand and cope with stress, but more importantly, we have to learn who and what causes that stress before we can resolve it.

    Throughout the pages of this book, you will hopefully understand what stress is about, how it is caused, and ideas on how to cope with it. By no stretch of the imagination is this book intended to be a total cure; it is, however, intended to make you think, reflect, and work toward a more stress-free and enjoyable, and productive life.

    As Dingus Magee and others have said, Taking time to smell the roses, having a cup of coffee, and learning to understand yourself, go a long way toward the effect we have on ourselves and others.

    Why don’t you find that cup of coffee and enjoy this BUM Book about stress management?





    Two Rules of Stress Management

    Rule Number 1-Don’t sweat the small stuff.

    Rule Number 2-It’s all small stuff when managed well.

    At the beginning of time, the earth was inhabited by cavemen and women who had not experienced stress until they were first surprised and confronted by a tiger who proceeded to have them for a meal. This was probably what became known in history as the first fast-food meal.

    No question about it, early mankind didn’t confront issues of unemployment, terrorism, street crime, social media, or holiday shopping it is, however, a fact that they had their problems and issues with which to deal.

    Life today has become a process of identifying, adapting, and adjusting to both positive and negative situations (changes) surrounding us on a daily basis. It has always been interesting to me that most people start talking about the negative instead of the positive. Understanding the positive first allows us to understand its value and extract parts of it to help resolve the negative. Pondering the negative often restricts your mind from finding the positive and ways to change the negative to the positive.

    In the reality of life, it doesn’t make any difference if you are fighting daily business battles or challenges, running from physical dangers, losing a friend(s), falling in love, or getting a promotion, every one of us is called upon to adapt. Adapt can mean change, and it is a fact that we have all heard the expression, But we have always done it that way. It is time to consider the paradigm shift and look at

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