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Not For Sale: The Billionaire Brothers, #2
Not For Sale: The Billionaire Brothers, #2
Not For Sale: The Billionaire Brothers, #2
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Not For Sale: The Billionaire Brothers, #2

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Love in Gabriel Mills, TX

Near the small town his brother Grant has moved to, Kiel Helms finds what he thinks is the perfect investment.

To fulfill his plans, he'll have to purchase a farm that became a lakeside property after the state and county built a manmade lake. But Berni Schumaker, the young widowed single mother who lives on the farm with her disabled father, refuses to consider selling the property that has been in her family for more than fifty years.

The bank wants out from under the mortgage.

Kiel wants to buy it.

Berni just wants him to go away, so she can focus on the small business she's trying to start and earn enough to get the bank off her back.

Will Kiel be able to change Berni's mind?

Or will the feisty single mom put a stop to the billionaire's plans?

Release dateJun 14, 2024
Not For Sale: The Billionaire Brothers, #2

Lynn Nodima

Lynn Nodima learned to love telling stories from her tall-tale telling grandfather, her story-spinning father, and her mother's round-robin storytelling games. Spinning yarns (Texan for telling tall tales) is in her blood, and she happily continues the family tradition. The main difference is that Lynn writes her stories down to share with people she will never meet. Lynn writes clean urban fantasy, contemporary romantic suspense, paranormal romances/adventures, fantasy, and science fiction.

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    Book preview

    Not For Sale - Lynn Nodima

    Chapter 1


    Be still, Chase! Berni Schumaker blew her bangs out of her eyes and concentrated on getting her four-year-old son’s bowtie tied. Not an easy task, since her hyperactive child would rather be chasing rabbits, frogs, or garden snakes in the backyard than getting ready for a wedding.

    What Maisy was thinking when she asked Chase to be the ring bearer in her wedding, Berni didn’t know. When Travis, her late husband, named their son Chase, Berni thought it was cute. She didn’t know then that most her of days would be spent chasing the child from one exploit to another, trying to keep him safe.

    Tight, Mommy. Chase squirmed, trying to get away.

    I know, Baby, but it’s supposed to be tight. Berni easily slipped two fingers inside her son’s collar. It wasn’t too tight, just tighter than Chase wanted it. After using her fingers to comb through his unruly blond curls, she gave him a quick hug and a kiss. Now, go play with PopPop while I finish getting ready. And don’t be jumping on him. You’ll hurt him.

    The moment she released him, Chase dashed from the room screaming, PopPop! at the top of his lungs.

    I’m in the kitchen, her father called.

    She sighed and shook her head. Hyper and loud, that was her son. Hurrying to her bedroom, she stood in front of her full-length mirror and brushed her hair. She bit her lip and turned her face one way then the other. After meeting with the loan officer at the bank yesterday, she forgot to stop at Cindy’s Cut and Style Shop to get her hair done for the wedding. Gathering her thick brunette hair at the back of her head, she decided to wear it up. A chignon would be fancy enough.

    A few minutes later, she pulled a few wisps of hair loose at each side of her face and used the curling iron to give them a bit of curl. After a touch of blush, a little powder, a dash of eyeshadow,  and mascara to highlight her eyes, she frowned at her reflection. Using her little finger, she swiped clear lip gloss over her cupid bow mouth, then sighed. She hadn’t seen the woman looking back at her for a while. Since Travis died four years ago, she hadn’t had the desire to indulge in makeup and was rarely bothered. But this was Maisy’s wedding.

    Turning away from the sad hazel eyes regarding her from the mirror, she changed from her normal jeans and flannel shirt into a full-length slip. She walked to the closet and removed her gown. Tracing the rose pattern in the lace bodice of the fully lined, dusty rose chiffon bridesmaid gown Maisy chose, Berni sighed.

    The lace was so similar to that she wore on her wedding day, except that her dress was white. Curly blonde hair, green eyes, his tall muscular body in his dress uniform, Travis made such a handsome groom. Two months after they married, he was sent to Iraq. Eight months later, two Marines knocked on her door to let her know he wasn’t coming home, and she went into early labor.

    The husband she loved so much never met his son. Her gaze moved to the silver-framed photo on her dresser. Stradling their dirt bikes, they both held trophies. He won second to her first in their last AMA competition before he went into the military. She blinked away the tears that threatened and fingered the silver star necklace he bought her after the win. Even though he was always a competitor, he was as thrilled when she won as he was when he did.

    With a sniff, Berni took the dress from its hanger, unzipped it, and shimmied into it. She turned to the mirror and studied her reflection. The A-line skirt gathered below the wide satin ribbon at her waist before falling in graceful folds to the floor. She tried to zip it but couldn’t. Sighing, she took her rose gold sandals from the shoe rack hanging on the back of her closet door and slipped them on.

    She walked into the study, stopped, and watched her father, Tom Tate, playing chess with her precocious son. It was amazing to her that her frenetic child could sit still to play chess, but he loved it. Well, not still, she mentally amended when Chase squirmed in his chair, but it was still for him. Dad, could you zip me?

    An easy smile crinkled the corners of his blue eyes. Sure.

    She turned so that he had access to the zipper. A moment later, the dress felt like it fit better. Thanks!

    Any time. He motioned for her to turn in a circle, then whistled when she completed the turn. He leaned toward his grandson and whispered in a loud voice, You better keep an eye on her, Son. Some handsome rich dude might snap her up and disappear.

    Berni blushed, rolled her eyes, then dropped her gaze to her grandmother’s wool braided rug. The corner had a slightly singed area from the candle her mom dropped on it when she was a child. Thankfully, the fire resistance of wool kept the blaze small enough it was easily put out.

    Mommy? She looked up. Her son turned his wide-eyed gaze on her. Where would you go, Mommy?

    Huffing at her father, Berni bent at the waist and stroked her son’s cheek. I’m not going anywhere, Chase. PopPop is just teasing.

    Her son frowned at his grandfather. PopPop, do you want Mommy to go away?

    Of course not, Chase. That’s why I told you to keep an eye on her.

    Berni shook her head. Dad!

    At the same time, her son said, Oh. Okay. With a shrug, he shoved his hands beneath his thighs and went back to studying the game board. He often sat on his hands to keep them from touching the chess pieces before he was ready to move them.

    It’s time to go, Chase. Berni glanced at her father. You sure you don’t feel like going? I can stay home if you need me. Maisy would understand.

    He’d recovered enough since the tractor turned over with him last fall that he could manage himself most days. After breaking his pelvis, left leg, and left arm, he still had the odd day when the aches left from the knitted bones combined with arthritis to make him miserable. Even after a full year, he wasn’t able to work like he did before the accident. According to his doctor, he never would.

    He tilted his head and gave her the ‘look.’ We’ve already discussed this, Berni. Maisy is one of your best friends. You can’t miss her wedding. I’m just sorry I can’t go with you and help you corral this wild young’un. Grinning, he ruffled Chase’s curls.

    PopPop! Chase ducked away from his grandfather’s hand. You’ll mess up my hair.

    Berni snickered. No matter how much combing or brushing you did, Chase’s hair was a wild mop of curls. Well, okay. We better go, Chase.

    Can I have a drink, first?

    Berni sighed.

    Please, Mommy?

    Oh, let him have a cup, Berni.

    But, Dad...

    Her father harumphed and limped to the water dispenser. Berni shook her head. The water dispenser was new, and Chase was still fascinated by the large blue plastic bottle holding water. She smiled at the memory of his impassioned plea to put goldfish in the bottle. It took both Berni and her dad to convince the child the water was for drinking only. After giving Chase a minute to gulp the water her dad handed him, Berni held out her hand. We need to go, Chase.

    He obediently gave her his left hand while giving the empty paper cup to his grandfather. Berni stood on her toes and kissed her dad’s cheek. "Take care, Dad. I’ll have

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