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The Bestfriend
The Bestfriend
The Bestfriend
Ebook203 pages3 hours

The Bestfriend

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Dalton Baxter and Blake Gibson have been best friends since kindergarten. Now that they have graduated, Dalton plans on one day being famous painter while Blake is still undecided.


After leaving a graduation party the duo are in a horrible accident. Dalton would undergo surgery while Blake walks away scratch free.


After being released from the hospital Dalton's girlfriend Morgan Murphy is by his side helping him get better. His parents are being strict and forbid him from seeing his best friend but that doesn't stop Dalton from hanging out with Blake.


Blake has a secret and he's spiraling out of control. His near death experience has changed him. When the women he meets are found dead Dalton suspects Blake murdered them. When Dalton confronts Blake he is given a choice. Keep the secret or Morgan is next.


Will Dalton do the right thing or will he do whatever it takes to keep Morgan alive.

PublisherF.A. Witte
Release dateJun 14, 2024
The Bestfriend

F. A. Witte

F. A. Witte was born in Fairview, Oklahoma. She has an associate degree in Medical Assisting. Writing has always been her passion. Starting with poetry, then to short stories, and finally expanding to novels. She has always been a big fan of Poe, King, and Patterson. She likes to get comfortable with a book from any genre when she's not writing, working, or spending time with her daughters and grandkids.

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    The Bestfriend - F. A. Witte


    Istood in the sand barefoot like I had a thousand times before, but this time was different. This time I’m an adult. I just graduated from high school six hours ago. I felt like I deserved a night out with friends. I worked hard for this night out. It would be a lie if I said I was a good boy and always did the right thing. I’m not a bad boy either. I got good grades. I always came home by curfew. Growing up being the only child at home my parents weren’t too strict, but they had rules. I followed them as much as I could. Seeing my mom in the stands with tears rolling down her cheeks from how proud of me she was made me feel like I finally did something right. My dad didn’t show much emotion, at least he didn’t let me see it. He always had a tough guy demeanor, but I knew he was proud as well.

    Dalton Baxter. my English teacher Mrs. Stanford called out my name just like she did the several students before me. As I walked across the stage and shook the hands of the principal and vice principal, I knew I was even proud of myself. I guess I never really had any doubt.

    My parents wanted me to stay home tonight. My dad wanted to throw some steaks on the grill and my mom was going to whip up some side dishes. She wanted to invite all the family over to celebrate but I had other plans. After much convincing, she finally let me have my way with a promise of a family get together sooner than later.

    My best friend Blake Gibson wanted me to go with him to this beach party, a lot of our graduating class was going to be attending it. It sounded more fun than hanging out with my parents. Little did I know that tonight would change my life forever.

    WATCH OUT! I heard Blake yell from behind me. As soon as I turned around to see him a football hit me hard in the stomach. I cried out in pain as I fell into the hot sand. Blake ran up to check on me laughing hysterically the whole way. Instead of asking if I was alright, he purposely fell beside me and continued to laugh.

    You’re a jerk, I muffled then punched him hard in the shoulder. He playfully hit me back and without hesitation we began wrestling in the sand. Blake got me in a head lock within seconds. He was always stronger than me. Maybe because he took part in all the school sports while I worked hard studying the books. Academics didn’t come so easy for me.

    Help me up! I ordered him as I reached my hand out to his. Blake pulled me up easily. I was only one hundred and seventy-seven pounds. He was no less than two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle. He constantly bragged about what he could bench press and I had never seen a bench press before. How we became best friends is due to our first year in school together. If we had met any time after that I don’t believe we would have been friends today. Blake is what some would call a jock. He loves sports and chasing after females and I’m more into being a homebody and hanging out with my girlfriend Morgan Murphy.

    I brushed the sand away from me as soon as I stood up. You made me spill my drink. I complained to him as I picked up the now empty red solo cup out of the sand.

    Quit crying and go get another one. He fired back with no remorse. I’ll go with you.

    We both walked over to where the keg was sinking into the sand. Two guys were starting a bon fire not far from it. The sun was beginning to set as the beach seemed to get fuller. Brandon, the one who planned this party, was going on and on about the several winning games he had won and how it was he that got the school the championship this year. There were a couple other players who disagreed with him.

    Don’t take all the credit! Blake yelled at him.

    It was all me baby! Brandon yelled at him back. He and several others started laughing. I didn’t know these guys personally. Just in passing at school. They’d come into the store often, but we hardly exchanged words. They wouldn’t be caught talking to me without Blake present which didn’t bother me one bit. They have spoken to me a few times during the past four years I'm assuming only because I am friends with Blake. Other than that, they wouldn’t have anything to do with me.

    Where’s Morgan? Blake asked as we walked away from the crowd.

    She didn’t come. I put my head down with disappointment. I was a little sad Morgan didn’t want to come but at the same time I felt more relieved.

    What? Why? he asked in shock. Morgan and I were hardly ever apart.

    She’s doing something with her parents and after that I'm going to meet up with her at another party with her friends. I explained to him.

    Another party? he plastered a smile on his face. I like the sound of that.

    Just depends, I told him doubtfully.

    On? he asked waiting for me to answer.

    Depends on how this goes. I’m having fun here. I admitted.

    You? A night out without your girlfriend? He gave me a funny look. Is everything okay between you two? he asked concerned.

    Yeah, we are fine. Just enjoying being alone. You know. I lied to him. Truth be told I was feeling free. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Morgan. Being together almost every single day for the past four years was starting to become draining. We never got to do anything without the other. Except for work, but even then, she came into the store a lot. Everyone expected us to get married and start a family right after high school. I admit, I was all for it then, but now? I questioned whether we were making the right choice. Not that I had another person in mind, but what if we both left for college, and she found someone else? I haven’t told her how I felt yet. Or anyone for that matter. I usually tell Blake everything but this secret I'm keeping to myself until the right time. Until I talked to Morgan first. I guess I am confused. I knew I loved her, and she loved me, and I didn’t want to make any drastic choices fresh out of high school. We both had plans for our futures, and I didn’t think we should rush into things.

    So, what’s your plans now? he asked.

    I’m not sure. I answered. I thought I had my future all mapped out, but now I'm not really sure. I hated being confused about life. Here we are just graduating from high school, and I have no idea what the next step was. Of course, college. But even now I debated if I wanted to take the year off and save up money.

    Are you second guessing yourself? he asked. You never second guess yourself. he pointed out.

    I’m just changing my mind I guess. It was hard to explain when I didn’t understand it myself either. I just knew something was missing and I didn’t want my future mapped out for me. I wanted to explore. I wanted to live. Live by my rules and my decisions. Not someone else’s. I knew I wouldn’t get the life that I wanted if I married Morgan and had kids right away. Maybe in ten years. Maybe not.

    So, no college? Blake looked shocked. I thought you wanted to be a painter or something like that?

    I still do and I’m going to go to college. I was thinking about taking some time off. The store has really been busy, and I haven’t even got to submit my portfolio yet.

    Dalton slacking? This isn’t normal for you. The Dalton I know would have had his portfolio done before they even asked for it. Should I be worried?

    "No, I’ll have it done before my extension and if not, I’ll just start a semester late if necessary.

    I hope so, He patted me on the back. "This isn’t like you at all and it’s starting to worry me. What does Morgan think about all this?

    She doesn’t know yet,

    What! he exclaimed and started laughing out loud. Dude, I know before Morgan knows? Can I please be the one to tell her? He begged.

    No, you idiot. I’ll tell her when the time is right. I still have plenty of time.

    Blake tucked in his top lip under his bottom lip and made a sad face. He and Morgan had a love-hate relationship. They could only tolerate each other for so long then they got on each other's nerves. Blake is one of the reasons Morgan wasn’t here tonight, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

    As the night progressed, I was talking and laughing with people I barely even knew. The beach became crowded, but I was having the time of my life. People I’ve gone to school with for the past four years that never said a word to me knew my name. They joked with me, and it was a whole new experience. I was actually having the most fun I have ever had.

    I had lost track of time. I looked at my phone and had ten missed calls from Morgan. I knew instantly that I was in trouble. Then again when I was not in trouble with Morgan?

    Why are you on your phone? Blake asked upset. We are having a fun time. Put it away.

    I have a lot of missed calls from Morgan. I confessed.

    You’re in trouble. He joked. Little did he know, it wasn’t a joke.

    Should I call her back? I asked his opinion which I soon regretted. His opinions were always the worst you could imagine. He never had a steady girlfriend, so he was out of the loop on how to keep a girl.

    Just tell her you were abducted by aliens, and they had your phone and didn’t know how to answer her call. He was being serious. Exactly why I regretted asking his opinion.

    I chuckled. We gotta go. I told him.

    He was upset. Do we have to? he pouted.

    My relationship depends on it. I told him.

    Fine! he said putting his head down. Let me fill my cup first.

    I waited patiently while he refilled his cup and announced to the group we were leaving. There were a bunch of awe's and don’t go. His head grew bigger the more people begged him to stay. He always said a party wasn’t a party if he wasn’t there. He was right about that. Blake had a charm about him. A real people person. He could meet a total stranger and in no time, they hang out like they have known each other for years. I damn sure was going to miss him when I did leave for college.

    Are you okay to drive? he asked precautional as we climbed into my black Ford F150 super cab.

    I saved for three years for this truck. She was a real beauty too. An Amethyst Grey paint job with tinted windows, custom rims, and a stereo system to impress anyone. Morgan wasn’t a fan of it, but I loved her. I haven’t drunk that much. I assured him.

    Okay, I’m trusting you with my life. He said before letting out a chuckle. He may have been joking but I knew he was right.

    Shut up and get in. I ordered him playfully. He did as he was told.

    No art school huh? he asked as we started our journey to Morgan’s parents' house.

    My dad is really pushing me to major in business. He wants me to take over Baxter's. I admitted. I would rather do art. That’s one of the reasons why I needed to take a break so I can figure it out.

    Live for yourself. Not your dad. It might seem like a tuff decision but to me it sounds like an easy one. Blake made sense. I knew exactly what he was saying and that was the first time in a long time that he actually said something that was sincere.

    Still up for debate. I like Art. It takes me away to another place. I confessed.

    For what it’s worth, you have talent. Don't give that up for anybody. He was right.

    Everyone always complimented me on my work. I had joined a lot of competitions throughout the years and even won a scholarship. My dad has been against it since day one. He wants me to take over the family business working at the store. Baxter’s was one of the main grocery stores here in Lakeville Massachusetts. I have worked here part time for the past four years. It just wasn’t my dream, and I didn’t know how to explain that to him without breaking his heart or upsetting him. I wanted to do Art and see my work in Galleries. I knew I was that good. My dad just didn’t think I was that good.

    I’m trying not to, I told him. But thanks man. For the support.

    Anytime. He said before taking a drink from his cup. If you want to go egg Baxter’s I'm down with that too.

    You’re crazy. I laughed at his question.

    Hey, I'm just saying. I’m not compelled or anything but if you need to let some stress out that’s fine with me.

    I’m not going to egg my dad’s business Blake. I laughed at him.

    "Okay, that’s on you then. Don’t say I never offered.

    Where do you come up with this stuff? I shook my head at him.

    I don’t know. It just pops in my head. he admitted.

    I believe you. I joked.

    Watch out for the dog! he shouted.

    A dog came out of nowhere and I swerved barely missing the small dog. It just stood there standing in the middle of the street watching us. The tires squeal from slamming on the brakes and sliding on the road. I missed several parked cars parked on the side of the street. I finally got control of the truck. My heart was pounding out of my chest and my body trembled from the fear of almost losing my life.

    Are you okay? I asked, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice.

    No! he answered angrily.

    What’s wrong? I asked, hoping he wasn’t hurt.

    I spilled my beer. he said seriously.

    Are you kidding me right now Blake? I let out a sigh of relief that it was only spilt beer. You’re an ass! I added.

    No man, he said as he brushed the liquid off his shorts. Did that dog have a death wish or something?

    Blake! I yelled at him.

    What? he yelled back.

    Don’t get that shit all over my truck. I leaned over and grabbed his cup that was tipped over and still spilling everywhere.

    It’s your fault. he complained.

    A loud honk caught both of our attention. We both looked up to see headlights in the windshield. I slammed on

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