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Life as We Know It
Life as We Know It
Life as We Know It
Ebook305 pages3 hours

Life as We Know It

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**Trigger warning- blood, gore, death****

The world has crumbled under the weight of a relentless undead horde. Cities have become wastelands, and humanity a fading memory. In this desolate landscape, two friends, Samantha and Dimitri, have carved out a fragile existence. They are scavengers, fighters, and ghosts in their own ruined city, relying only on their wits and unwavering loyalty to each other.

But a hidden cache unveils a horrifying truth: The apocalypse wasn't just the end - it was the beginning. The dead are evolving, transforming into something deadlier and more intelligent than anyone could have imagined.

Armed with this unsettling knowledge, Samantha and Dimitri face a chilling choice: trust the information and adapt, or cling to the familiar ways that might get them killed. As the lines between survival and extinction blur, they must confront a new enemy unlike any they've faced before in a world where humanity itself is on the brink of unrecognizable change.

Can they survive the next stage of the dead's evolution? Or will their trust become their downfall?

Dive into Life as We Know It, a heart-pounding tale of survival, friendship, and the fight for humanity's future in a world where the dead are no longer mindless.

PublisherSarah Boggs
Release dateJun 14, 2024
Life as We Know It

Sarah Boggs

Sarah Boggs is a writer from Pennsylvania. She's a mom to two lively kids and also nurtures three feathered companions. In her spare time, Sarah loves creating stories, reading steamy romance novels, and making sure her little ones stay happy and healthy. Sarah has carved her niche in the literary world with three published books: Our Feral Love, Our Feral Fight, and Life as We Know It.

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    Book preview

    Life as We Know It - Sarah Boggs


    SUNLIGHT FILTERED THROUGH the grime-covered window, its feeble rays struggling against the oppressive clouds that blanketed the sky, casting the world below into a gloom akin to a storm cloud brooding ominously. A sharp bang echoed against the walls within this dimness, jolting a young girl from her slumber. Disheveled red curls bounced as she darted towards the window, seeking refuge in the corner adjacent to it, uncertainty clouding her young face.

    Another resounding bang and realization dawned on the girl as she sprang to her feet, propelled by sheer instinct. Racing through the open doors of the hallway, darkness loomed ominously, swallowing her tiny form as she hurried toward her parents' room. A solitary light beckoned at the distant end of the corridor, a beacon of hope amid the encroaching shadows.

    Daddy! Mommy? Her voice, tinged with panic, pierced the silence, tears streaming down her cheeks as fear gripped her heart. Yet, her calls yielded only an eerie silence, broken by her trembling sobs.

    With cautious steps, she approached the room, dread clawing at her insides. Stepping over shattered remnants of glass and furniture, she was met with a scene that shattered her innocence. Blood painted the walls in grotesque patterns, a stark contrast to the once familiar sanctuary of her parents' abode. Every surface bore the cruel testament of violence, a scene that defied comprehension.

    Yet, despite the horror, curiosity tugged at her, urging her forward. The distant sirens' wail served as a discordant backdrop as she navigated through the wreckage, her small frame trembling with each step.

    Peering around the corner of the bed, now stripped of its former elegance, she found her father lying motionless, his features contorted in a grotesque parody of sleep. Daddy? she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos surrounding her. The chill of death clung to his still form, sending shivers down her spine.

    Desperation clawed at her as she reached out, her trembling fingers recoiling at the cold touch of his lifeless skin. Daddy, please wake up! she pleaded, her cries echoing through the room, unanswered.

    A familiar voice shattered the silence, sending hope through her veins. Samantha, baby, is that you? Her mother's weak voice, tinged with pain, cut through the suffocating dread, drawing her closer.

    Mommy? Samantha called out, her tiny brow furrowed. She stood up and climbed onto the bed. There, her mother lay, a frail figure barely clinging to life.

    Brown hair stuck to the woman's face, her eyes sunken with dark circles. Her skin was an unnatural blue-purple, like a bad case of frostbite. A large gash on her forehead bled freely, and a gruesome bite mark on her arm sported a thick clot of blood. Despite the horrific scene, Samantha crawled closer and wrapped her arms around her mother.

    Mommy, she murmured, seeking comfort in her mother's familiar scent.

    Samantha, listen, her mother rasped, urgency lacing her voice. Get out of here. Now! Run as far as you can... The woman's voice trailed off into a gurgle as she vomited a spray of crimson blood. Samantha recoiled in horror, the blood coating her from head to toe.

    Her mother's body convulsed a couple of times before falling still. Mommy? What's happening? Samantha cried, tears streaming down her face. She reached out, gently shaking her mother's arm. There was no response. Was her mom sleeping? Why wasn't she answering?

    Suddenly, her mother lurched upright. Samantha's heart hammered in her chest, a flicker of hope igniting within her.

    Mommy? she whispered.

    The woman's reply was a long, bloodcurdling scream that morphed into a feral growl. Her cloudy eyes snapped open, locking onto Samantha. She lunged forward, her jaw unhinging to reveal a horrifying maw that stretched impossibly wide, tearing at the skin of her cheeks. Terror seized Samantha. She scrambled backward, tumbling off the bed and landing with a yelp. Her mother, transformed into a terrifying monster, was no longer the woman she knew. Sobbing, Samantha scrambled to her feet and bolted for the open door, the slick feeling of blood in her hair a stark reminder of the nightmare she was leaving behind.

    Chapter 1

    THE HORIZON BLUSHED with delicate hues of pink, heralding dawn's approach. Like a painter's delicate touch, frost adorned every surface, transforming the world into a glistening spectacle of white. Seated atop a slide, I traced intricate patterns in the frost with my fingers, marveling at the fleeting beauty of the cold morning.

    My fiery red curls cascaded down my back like flames, framing my face adorned with bright green eyes and a sprinkle of freckles across my nose and cheeks. With a sigh, I rose from my perch, my lanky frame awkwardly navigating the steps of the slide, a constant reminder of my perpetual clumsiness.

    As I glanced up, a figure emerged on the horizon, stumbling awkwardly in its haste. With a resigned sigh, I readied myself, knowing all too well what was to come. Survival in this lonely world demanded a grim routine, a dance with death performed daily.

    Duty calls, I muttered, my voice tinged with resignation as I retrieved the trusty machete strapped to my waist. With a fluid motion, I descended from my vantage point, skipping several steps in haste.

    The figure drew nearer, its pitiful moans and erratic movements marking its approach. With determination etched on my features, I sprinted towards it, red curls trailing behind me, the machete gleaming in the pale light as I steeled myself for the grim task ahead.

    A swift strike and the creature fell, its head rolling away as its lifeless form crumpled to the ground. With a heavy heart, I approached the fallen creature, revulsion churning in my stomach. An Ambul—a creature of the undead, driven by insatiable hunger—lay before me, a grim reminder of the world's twisted reality.

    Taking a shaky breath, I surveyed the ghastly sight before me. The creature's body bore the unmistakable signs of decay, its once-human form now grotesquely disfigured. Each detail spoke of a life extinguished, a soul lost to the relentless march of the undead.

    With a pang of guilt, I turned away, haunted by the unanswered questions that lingered after each encounter. Who had this creature once been? Did it have loved ones who mourned its passing? The weight of such thoughts hung heavy on my shoulders as I retreated from the scene, seeking solace in the company of a familiar voice.

    Samantha! The cry pierced the silence, drawing my gaze across the park. A smile tugged at my lips as I recognized the figure bounding towards me—Dimitri, my steadfast companion, his presence a beacon of hope in this bleak world.

    As he enveloped me in a bear hug, concern etched on his features, I couldn't help but chuckle at his perpetual worry. Dimitri, you worry too much, I teased, gently pushing him away.

    His blue eyes softened with affection as he regarded me. I can't help it. As long as we're together, I'll always worry about you, he admitted, his sincerity warming my heart.

    With a playful punch to his arm, I teased, You're such a cheeseball, before darting off towards the slide, leaving Dimitri trailing behind.

    Perched once more atop the slide, I let my thoughts wander, reminiscing about a world long lost to the ravages of time. Tales of towering skyscrapers and bustling cities, recounted by the late Sadie, echoed in my mind, offering fleeting glimpses of a bygone era.

    Lost in reverie, I scarcely noticed Dimitri's frantic shouts, dismissing them as another of his playful pranks. It was only when his tone grew urgent that I turned, my heart skipping a beat at the sight before me.

    Samantha...turn around...  The ragged wheeze at the end of his sentence sent a shiver down my spine. I whipped around, my heart hammering against my ribs, and finally saw the source of the horrifying rasping.

    A grotesque parody of a human, an Ambul, was clambering up the rusty slide steps. Its once-blond hair, now matted and filthy, hung limply around its face. It snarled; jaws snapping shut with a sickening crack that echoed off the metal. A metallic clang resonated with each labored step, the sound of flesh hitting the cold bars. This particular Ambul was a woman, her vacant green eyes, eerily similar to my own, hadn't yet succumbed to the milky white emptiness that consumed so many.

    A fresh convert.

    Grief, sharp and unexpected, stabbed at me. I stood there, rooted to the spot, as the Ambul lumbered closer. Witnessing the newly turned always felt like a sucker punch, a stark reminder that this fate awaited us all, no matter how fiercely we clung to our humanity.  My stomach lurched violently as I noticed the mangled mess below the creature's waist. Entrails dragged behind it, leaving a trail of putrid black slime that stained the metal steps a sickly green. As the Ambul reached the top of the slide, the stench of decaying flesh assaulted me. A gag rose in my throat, and fear, cold and primal, coiled in my gut.  Panic jolted me out of my paralysis. I stumbled backward, reaching for the machete strapped to my hip. My foot, slick with the Ambul's ooze, betrayed me, and I tumbled down the slide with a scream.

    The Ambul launched itself after me, its exposed entrails weaving a grotesque tapestry down the metal chute. At the bottom, the creature lunged, a feral snarl ripping from its throat. Razor-sharp claws raked down my arm, drawing a stinging line of blood. Adrenaline surged through me. I slammed the flat of my machete against the Ambul's throat, shoving it back.

    The struggle was brutal. I pushed with all my might, but the creature's strength was immense.  Despair threatened to consume me. I squeezed my eyes shut, a silent plea escaping my lips for Dimitri to find me, to save me. My life, a chaotic montage of memories, flickered behind my eyelids. A horrifying realization dawned: I regretted everything I hadn't done.  I'd spent too long drowning in despair, accepting this cruel existence.

    A sudden spray of cold, fetid liquid jolted me back to reality. I sputtered, flinging my eyes open. Dimitri stood before me, gasping for breath. His machete dripped crimson, and an Ambul head lay discarded at his feet.  His face contorted with a mix of fury and relief.

    Tears blurred my vision as I struggled to my feet. A torrent of questions erupted from Dimitri.  Why didn't you fight back? What were you thinking?  His voice boomed, his grip tightening painfully on my shoulders.  Disoriented and shaken, I could only stare at him, tears streaming down my face.

    Dimitri's features softened as he saw my distress. Sammy, hey, I'm sorry, he murmured, pulling me into a brief hug. The familiar nickname, a relic from a happier time, shattered the dam inside me.  Fresh sobs wracked my body.

    Dimitri gently wiped my tears, his touch lingering on the bloody gashes on my arm. The sight of his blood-stained hand made me wince. The extent of the wounds was obscured by the crimson flow.

    Oh my god, Samantha, are you bitten? His voice trembled with fear. He ripped a strip from his shirt and began to staunch the bleeding.

    Were you bitten? he repeated, his voice rising in urgency.

    The terror of the near miss choked my voice. I-I don't know! I stammered, tears blurring my vision further.

    Dimitri cleaned the wounds with shaking hands, the water from his canteen washing away the last of the gore. Relief flooded his face as he revealed only deep scratches. A bite would have spelled certain doom, a life sentence of insatiable hunger and monstrous existence.

    A silent prayer of thanks echoed in the hollowness of my chest, a prayer to whatever unseen force, if any, was presiding over this desolate world.

    Dimitri's voice, raw and ragged with emotion, ripped through the growing storm. I thought I was going to lose you, Samantha. I can't lose you. You're all I have left. Tears welled in my eyes, blurring my vision. Before I could manage a reply, a choked sob escaped my throat.  Dimitri, his face etched with a storm of worry and anger, spun on his heel and disappeared into the darkening woods.

    The wind howled through the skeletal trees; whipping fallen leaves into a frenzy around my ankles. The sky, once a pale blue, was morphing into a bruised purple, the underbelly heavy with the promise of a downpour. Dead branches snapped under my feet as I hurried after Dimitri, a knot of dread tightening in my gut. We needed shelter, a place to assess our dwindling supplies and the gnawing hunger that never seemed to fully leave. Food was scarce, and the thought of another night with an empty stomach sent a tremor of worry through me.

    Dimitri was a whirlwind of pent-up fury, kicking aside anything in his path - leaves, sticks, even a small, dented tin can. Why was he so angry? Part of me ached to reach out, to offer comfort. But I knew better than to intrude on his silent rage.

    The first fat drops of rain splattered against my face, quickly escalating into a relentless torrent. Thunder boomed overhead, each crackle of energy momentarily illuminating the dense forest path.  Shoving a curtain of rain-soaked hair out of my eyes, I strained to see through the deluge, praying for a sign of refuge.

    A mournful cry, long and drawn-out, echoed through the storm's roar.  We both froze, hearts pounding in our chests.  A rustle in the underbrush a few feet ahead sent chills racing down my spine.  In a synchronized movement, Dimitri and I dropped into fighting stances, machetes gripped tight.

    But instead of a snarling Ambul, a young girl, no more than seven, stumbled out of the brush and onto the path. Her slight frame was propelled by pure terror. A single, matted blonde braid whipped behind her as she ran, her face a mask of pure, unadulterated fear. Tears streamed down her red, tear-streaked cheeks.  I lunged forward, scooping her up just as she collided with me, her panicked shrieks echoing through the downpour.

    The little girl thrashed against me, her sobs intensifying with each desperate wiggle.  Then, bursting from the undergrowth behind her, came the Ambul.  It moved with surprising speed for its decaying state, its head a bloody mess glistening in the flashes of lightning.  Its clothes hung in shreds, a testament to the brutal punishment it endured during its desperate flight through the forest.  A grotesque parody of a smile stretched across its face, revealing blood-stained teeth.  The creature paused, its head swiveling, nostrils flaring as it tried to locate the source of the commotion.

    I hugged the girl tighter as she choked out a single, heartbreaking word, Mommy!  Fresh tears welled in my eyes, blurring my vision further.  The Ambul lurched forward, its movements slow and deliberate, punctuated by guttural growls and rasping moans.  It must have exhausted itself while it fled through the dense woods.

    Dimitri, take her, I rasped, my voice firm despite the turmoil churning within me. I couldn't let this child witness the fight that was coming.

    What? No way, I'm staying with you, Sam! he argued, his voice laced with defiance.

    Take her. Now! I repeated, my voice leaving no room for argument.  The little girl squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in my shoulder, her tiny hands trembling uncontrollably.  Dimitri's hero complex could wait.

    He reluctantly took the girl and retreated down the path. Faintly, I could hear him weaving fantastical tales of magical fairies and brave knights, a desperate attempt to distract her from the horrors unfolding behind them.

    With a deep breath, I gripped my machete and faced the approaching Ambul.  As it lumbered closer, the stench of decay hit me like a physical blow.  I parried its clumsy swipes with the blade, feeling a pang of morbid fascination.  The creature let out a frustrated snarl, its exposed entrails dragging a grotesque furrow in the mud.  Driven by a primal hunger, it lunged at me, its rotting arms flailing.

    Who were you? I whispered, the question tumbling out before I could stop it. I'll take care of your daughter, I promise, I added, a hollow vow to a creature incapable of understanding.

    The words tumbled out before I could stop them, a choked whisper carried away by the storm. But if I were ever a mother, I would hope someone would promise me that too.  Tears welled up again, blurring the Ambul's decaying form into a grotesque parody of a human being.  With a deep breath, I steeled myself. This wasn't about me anymore.

    Heaving the machete, I brought it down in a vicious arc.  The rusted metal sank into decaying flesh with a sickening squelch. A geyser of putrid liquid erupted, spraying me with a vile mist.  The stench hit me like a physical blow, knocking the breath out of my lungs for a moment.  The head, severed clean, tumbled into the undergrowth with a sickening thud.  The body twitched for a few seconds before finally going still.

    Grimacing, I shoved the corpse aside with my foot, the metallic tang of blood heavy in the air.  My stomach lurched violently, the acrid taste of bile rising in my throat.  This wasn't the first Ambul I'd killed, but the presence of the little girl made the act all the more horrifying.

    Pushing through the nausea, I hurried back to Dimitri and the child. Faintly, I could still hear him weaving fantastical tales, his voice a beacon of hope in this desolate world.  As I emerged from the rain-soaked trees, I saw him sitting on a fallen log, the little girl nestled in his lap, her eyes wide and terrified but no longer filled with tears.

    Dimitri looked up, relief flooding his face as he saw me.  Sam! You're okay, he said, his voice thick with concern.  I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat.  The weight of the world seemed to press down on me, the burden of survival a constant weight on my shoulders.

    But for now, at least the little girl was safe.  That was all that mattered.

    Chapter 2

    WALKING TOGETHER, DIMITRI and I chatted with the girl, trying to keep her calm as we searched for a spot to rest and recharge. I was exhausted and noticed Dimitri trying to hide his yawns so I wouldn't worry about him being tired, too. Suddenly, we heard a loud crack from the underbrush, and Dimitri quickly pushed the little girl behind him. A rabbit darted out from the bushes, and I couldn't help but laugh at Dimitri's startled reaction.

    A bunny! the little girl exclaimed happily. It was the first time she had spoken since we found her alone in the forest.

    We both breathed a sigh of relief.

    Wanting to learn more about her, I knelt to her level.

    Hey there, I began gently. What's your name? I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam.

    I don't wanna tell you! she snapped back rudely. But I'll tell him, she added, nodding toward Dimitri.

    Looks like I've got a fan, Sam, Dimitri said with a grin.

    I shrugged and continued down the path, watching for any signs of civilization. I ran along the trail, dodging tree roots and grabbing onto branches as I went.

    Was this what freedom felt like? To be able to move without worrying about the Ambul lurking around every corner? It was a strange sensation I hadn't experienced in a long time.

    After about an hour, I fetched a canteen of clean water and carefully poured it into the eager girl's mouth. Dimitri, who had been scouting ahead for a place to rest, came bounding back down the path.

    Sam, there's a house down here! We've gotta check it out, he exclaimed, his breath ragged as he leaned over, hands on his knees. Hope surged within me as I gathered our supplies and took the little girl's clammy hand.

    Sometimes, these places were overrun by Ambul and weren't safe to

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