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The End ...: What Happens Next?
The End ...: What Happens Next?
The End ...: What Happens Next?
Ebook74 pages56 minutes

The End ...: What Happens Next?

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Death is not the end of the story—it's only the beginning!

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the afterlife? Fire and brimstone? Harps and clouds? What happens after we die is mysterious and can be scary and overwhelming to think about, but it doesn't have to be. Using biblical evidence and engaging stories, Pastor Robert Morris provides an encouraging and thought-provoking perspective on God's character, death, heaven, hell, judgment, and the end times.

You'll receive answers to many common questions, including:

What happens when I die?
What is heaven like?
Is there a literal hell?
Will there be a judgment?
Would a loving God send people to hell?
Do my choices today affect how I spend eternity?

This book will inspire and challenge you to fully live in the present and boldly tell others about Jesus.
Release dateJun 4, 2024
The End ...: What Happens Next?

Robert Morris

ROBERT MORRIS is the founding senior pastor of Gateway Church, a multicampus church in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. He is featured on the weekly television program The Blessed Life and is the bestselling author of twelve books, including The Blessed Life, From Dream to Destiny, The God I Never Knew, and The Blessed Church. Robert and his wife, Debbie, have been married thirty-five years and are blessed with one married daughter, two married sons, and six grandchildren. Follow Robert on Twitter @PsRobertMorris.  

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    The End ... - Robert Morris


    Several years ago, I passed out due to critically low blood pressure and had to be airlifted to the hospital. The doctors later discovered I had a blood clot in my abdomen the size of a cantaloupe. It was a scary experience, and I had every reason to be terrified. But even as I was being flown to the hospital, passing in and out of consciousness, I had peace because I knew, regardless of what was about to happen, God is good and God is faithful. Even Debbie, who had to drive to the hospital by herself, chose to trust God and experienced peace. Why? Because we know who God is. That’s not to say we weren’t concerned or scared or battling fear, but we understood that no matter what we were going through, God is good. And we knew the amazing eternity that awaits us as followers of Christ.

    I’m so grateful God healed my body and spared my life that day, and I am committed to continuing to do His good work here on earth until the day He calls me home forever.

    We will all die one day. This may sound abrupt or harsh, but it’s a truth we must all acknowledge. My guess is, because you’ve picked up this book, you’re curious about what happens after you die. It’s part of the human experience to wonder about the existence of an afterlife, and many cultures and religions have interpretations, theories, and ideologies about what happens beyond the grave. The good news is the Bible has a lot to say about this topic.

    The Bible is God-breathed, infallible, timeless, and filled with absolute truth. It holds the keys to life’s great mysteries, including what happens after death. Within these pages, we will read a lot of Scripture as we answer common questions about God’s heart for us, death, the realities of heaven and hell, what we will be judged for at the end of our lives, the truth of Jesus’ Second Coming, and our job as we wait for that glorious day.

    As we navigate these difficult but necessary topics, I pray you discover your part in what happens next.


    A Tough Question

    How could a loving God send anyone to hell? Have you ever heard this question? Maybe you have even wondered it yourself. Most of the time, this question is asked in an accusatory way, but sometimes it’s asked by well-meaning people who are simply trying to understand. It’s a tough question, and the answer depends on two traits of God: God is just, and God is loving. Within these two statements, we find the answer to this tough question and the beginning of another, more important question.

    God Is a Just God

    First and foremost, we have to understand this truth: God is always just, and there will never be an unjust judgment from Him. We will dive into this truth more, but it brings up another question we need to answer: would God send anyone to hell who had never heard the gospel? What about a person who lived before Jesus or who lives in a place so remote, they never hear the gospel preached?

    Many times, we try to answer these questions about God with human logic. We argue, we debate, and we try to use our limited human knowledge to answer God-sized problems. But God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours (see Isaiah 55:8–9), and biblical questions must be answered with the Bible.

    So, let’s see what God’s Word says:

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. (Romans 1:18–20)

    Since the beginning of time, God has testified of Himself to every person so that no person has an excuse for an unrighteous life. Remember, God is a just God. This passage makes it clear God has testified to every person, both inwardly and externally.

    Every person has a conscience, which came from God. Our conscience teaches us what’s right and wrong. It’s a way God testifies of Himself within us.

    Have you ever, at some point in your life, looked up at the stars at night and wondered if there’s a God? God’s creation testifies of Him. At some point, God reveals Himself to every person. He gives every person a chance to accept Jesus. And He promises that every person who seeks Him will find Him, even if they live

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