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Hug the Moments
Hug the Moments
Hug the Moments
Ebook91 pages57 minutes

Hug the Moments

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About this ebook

Hug the Moments invites readers to discover the extraordinary adventures, miracles, and revelations bubbling beneath the surface of our world.

Amidst the constant barrage of negative news, there exists a faith-based love force, alive and in motion moment-to-moment.

Featuring powerful, heart-stirring dramas filled with suspense, this book aims to instil in readers the most desirable goals in life – a sense of optimism, peace, and hope.

By revealing uplifting narratives hidden within everyday life, Hug the Moments calls us to pause and embrace the beauty around us.

Release dateJun 21, 2024
Hug the Moments

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    Hug the Moments - Mary Ellen Stephens


    To Claire, my dearest friend, who urged me to share my vision.

    Copyright Information ©

    Mary Ellen Stephens 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

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    Quantity sales: Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the address below.

    Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

    Stephens, Mary Ellen

    Hug the Moments

    ISBN 9781685626464 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781685626471 (ePub e-book)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024902389

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

    40 Wall Street 33rd Floor, Suite 3302

    New York, NY 10005


    +1 (646) 5125767

    The stories in this book are about the Greatest Show on Earth. God is the producer and director. We are the cast. A script is given to us and the drama unfolds.

    Lights, camera, and the curtain rises in everyday life. What we have before us is an action-packed production filled with extraordinary adventure, mystery,

    and mind-blowing revelation.

    Be the Light That Erases

    the Darkness

    He stunned and shook the world with his presence and opened our eyes to what lies beyond. Two billion people on the planet follow the teachings of the most powerful and influential figure in religious history.

    Jesus came into our midst and gifted us with the perfect blueprint for a life filled with happiness and peace. The guidelines are simple and yet so powerful. Love one another taps deep into the very core of human behavior. It rises up and becomes real each time we reach out to another with kind and compassionate gestures.

    Faith fuels the fire within us. We become an unstoppable force determined to promote the restorative power of love in this beautiful awesome creation of God. The world is being constantly renewed by those who walk the spiritual path that is paved with love, honor, respect, and morality. They take that extra step, jump in, and make all things new and fresh again. This book is their story. They are worthy of our attention. No more backward glances as they pass by rather a stirring reminder that in our presence are the healers of the world. They put a face on love.

    We will not be misled by negative news coming at us in all directions. Our faith, which is love based, enables us to identify and remove from our lives the distractions that draw us away from God, away from peace and harmony. If we give our attention to the many positive heartstirring events taking place all around us, we will resist the negative and halt its rapid growth. We are living in a world that is bubbling over with miracles, extraordinary adventures, and mind-blowing revelations. Let us do a little editing and aim the spotlight on a love force that is alive and constantly on the move.

    The stock market crashed. Government shut down, thousands lost their jobs and were unable to make mortgage payments. Because of the numerous foreclosures leaving empty buildings, the banks allowed the occupants to remain in their houses until a buyer became available. Shops closed leaving malls in a ghost-like state. The building industry halted. The flu epidemic was upon us, taking the lives of many. Quiet hush fell over our lands. The year was 2009.

    History is repeating itself. However, each time the situation becomes more intense and demanding. The challenge leads to a deeper level of compassion for those who have lost loved ones. In an inexhaustible effort to rise above it all, our courage and determination will lead the way through this renewal period.

    Church bells ring. People come on bended knees. Live the Commandments and peace will be ours.

    So many heroes walk among us offering concrete actions of love and compassion. Very often, the uncertainty of a dangerous situation up ahead does not dim their desire to save the fellow man. Brave, mighty, and strong, they march into scenes of catastrophe bringing monumental gestures of hope and healing. It is who they are – the People of God!

    We enjoy our freedom here in our country due to the heroism of our young men and women in the Anny, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Navy Seals. Without hesitation, they rise to the occasion when called by their country. For

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