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Mental Kidnapping II: God's Mental Therapy
Mental Kidnapping II: God's Mental Therapy
Mental Kidnapping II: God's Mental Therapy
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Mental Kidnapping II: God's Mental Therapy

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This is the scripture that I am standing on for this book. I Steven Treadwell make my declaration for this day, be it hear by affirmed that this day and everyday of my life I declare and decree that; (Hebrews 13:20-21AMPC) "Now may the God of peace strengthen, completes, perfects)

Release dateAug 31, 2021
Mental Kidnapping II: God's Mental Therapy

Steven Treadwell

Steven Treadwell is a noted author and minister chosen by God to encourage, uplift, and motivate those he comes in contact with to read the unadulterated, uncompromising, unchanging Word of God. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, where he graduated from George Washington Carver High. He started to serve God at an early age being baptized at age ten. He sang in the choir at church and in junior high school, high school, and college. He studied sociology and sang in the college choir under Omar Robinson, a music maestro, for a year and a half at Shelby State (now called Southwest Tennessee College. He transferred from Shelby State to Philander Smith in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he continued studying sociology and singing in the choir. His mission has always been to motivate others to share their courage and confidence. He moved to Los Angeles and studied the teachings of Fredrick K. Price at Crenshaw Christian Center, where he began to walk by faith, not by sight, and he was not afraid of what he saw or heard and became very conscious of what he said. He studied real estate briefly at West Los Angeles in Culver City. He was in the city of angels with a devil's heart and didn't take that lightly. While working across from CBS on Beverly Blvd and Fairfax, he rubbed shoulders with the stars, who gave him a larger-than-life picture of himself. His job delivering flowers kept him on the scene in LA, and then he moved to Atlanta to attend Rutledge, a small business college. He reached out to save a struggling school but was too late. He returned to Memphis after sharing what he had learned at Crenshaw Christian Center in Atlanta. He studied more and evangelized at Northwest College in Southhaven, Mississippi, the University of Phoenix, Strayer University, and the University of Memphis. He is writing his second book and still providing others a reason to do everything with courage and confidence.

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    Mental Kidnapping II - Steven Treadwell

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    Prayer Covering

    Chapter 1:Manipulation 

    Is America Being Mentally Kidnapped?

    Chapter 2:Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery 

    The Walking Dead

    Mental Kidnapping II


    Prayer of Forgiveness

    Barabbas: Murderous Spirit

    Sorcery: Manipulating Spirits

    Feminism: The Door to Lesbianism

    Slaves to Sin

    Chapter 3:Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery 

    The Origins of Christmas

    Christ in Christmas

    The Story of the Candy Cane

    Prayer to Receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior



    Let Your Complaints Be Turned into Praise and Thanksgiving

    Raise a Child

    Moving Forward in Faith with Patience


    Chapter 4:Social Wellness 

    Take Heed of My Ways

    The Power of Our Words

    Meditate on These Scriptures

    God Spanks His Children

    God’s Protection

    Hedge of Protection Prayer

    We Might Be Cast Down but Not Out

    The Fool

    Why Is My Soul Cast Down and Disquieted?

    Satan’s Spider Web

    Chapter 5:Social Awareness 

    What Is Religion?


    Monsters of Our Imagination


    Tell People How You Escaped

    God’s Secret Enemy—The Hypocrite

    God Made Us and Not We Ourselves

    Why Do We Need God in Our Lives?


    Mental Therapy Now Faith Is …

    Serve God or Money

    The Glory of God

    The Blame Game of Satan

    Be a Vessel of Honor


    To Obtain and Maintain a Godly Character

    Crab Mentality

    Disciples Should Observe the Miners

    Prayer: Godly Wisdom in the Affairs of Life (by Jermaine Copeland)

    Public Nuisance



    Dangers of Marijuana


    Prayer for the Protection and Deliverance of Our City and Nation


    The Word Written in Our Hearts


    The Whole Duty of Man

    Your Better Brings the Worst Against You

    About the Author 


    When you read the title of my previous book, Mental Kidnapping, conversation had already started in your mind. Mental Kidnapping II will help you emancipate yourself from mental slavery, manipulation by mind therapy, and compartmentalizing.

    I promise not to leave you alone until my book accomplishes what it set out to do—bring you back to your creator. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places dispatching my angels sending them to the north, south, east, and west to bring in the lost of this world to turn from Satan to Jehovah God. This is so they can have the peace of mind that Jesus Christ died and rose from the grave for.

    Mental Kidnapping II: Mind Therapy is my trumpet to sound the alarm and fight the enemy to bring social wellness and awareness. It will help you remember your God as you stay fixed on his purpose for your life. I do this because it is never wrong to do the right thing.

    Rise up in me Lord God and scatter my enemies. Make those who hate you run from you (Numbers 10:5). That’s right. Every spirit contrary to my Jehovah God needs to get booking now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I call the angels of the Lord who are messengers swift as the wind, servants made of flaming fire, to surround you and the world. I decree and declare that you receive the Word coming forth so it and God will be alive and working in you.

    Our young want to go back in time and be savage beasts, but we are all one blood. Whatever our races or sexes, we all still have the same blood. Jesus said, How can you say that you love me whom you have not seen, and hate your brother that you see every day? Satan twisted the thoughts of humankind in the beginning. Let’s get back to Eden, where man and woman began with God, and stop worshipping what God has created including Satan.

    Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden because they were hardheaded, rebellious, and disobedient. They did not submit to God totally. On God’s solid rock I stand; all other grounds are sinking sands.

    Wherever I land, it will be on God’s Word or his will. There was a separation of blacks when some went the wrong way through the Strait of Gibraltar and ended up in the Caucasian Mountains in caves, but that is a whole different book on race. This is another book of how a black man turned white from the lack of melanin in his skin and became Caucasian. The end is formed at the beginning. Genesis reveals that one man was formed from the dust of the ground and one woman from the rib of that man. God said in Acts 10:28, But God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Our society is compartmentalizing itself by blocking out and putting the truth or a lie on the shelf just to be alone. We are all one blood. And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.

    Manipulation in the form of voodoo, hoodoo, and witchcraft is running rampart in our daily lives. These people are trapped by their sins. Thank Jehovah for carrying and correcting us like children. Thank Jehovah’s Holy Spirit who is in me, on me, around me, and for me. There is so much evil in the world, but God’s people are standing tall through it all. God guided Israel to the Promised Land through all its enemies. It was black on black then in Egypt, and it is the same today in America. The spirit of witchcraft and sorcery is at its peak. I thank God that I am in the world but not of the world. I am taking up my cross, my sacrifice, and I hope the Lord God will find it acceptable in Jesus’s name. His truth is marching on in me, amen.

    No one can say ; I am innocent; I have never done anything wrong (Proverbs 20:9 Everyday Bible). God uses clean vessels. The Lord looks deep inside people and searches their thoughts. He is warning you that if you go back to your Egypt, from which he delivered you, you will die by war, hunger, or terrible disease. Pride means to show no respect toward God.

    My child respects the Lord and the King, don’t join those people who refuse to obey them, The Lord and King will quickly destroy such people. These two causes great disaster. (Proverbs 24:21–22 Everyday Bible)

    When we spiritually consecrate ourselves to God, we dedicate our hearts to Him. We must reflect, repent, be baptized, separate ourselves from the world, and draw closer to God by staying committed to him. You can consecrate a person or a thing holy to the Lord; it is a personal act of dedication.

    Consecrating ourselves is dedicating ourselves to a purpose or intention of the greatest importance. Right now, our nation is of the greatest importance. Let’s get our leaders involved in prayer so we can pray together to our God. I see they are doing everything but praying, and prayer is what this world needs.

    Prayer Covering

    Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the authority of the Word of God and the victory of Jesus Christ, the anointed one.

    Lord Jesus, you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. I am redeemed by your blood, and I belong to you. I confess all my sins known and unknown. I renounce these sins as well as those committed by my ancestors all the way back to the garden of Eden. I forgive them, myself, and everyone who has hurt me. Please forgive me and my ancestors. Cleanse me now from all curses and sin with your precious blood. As your servant, Lord Jesus, I put on the whole armor of God. I take the keys of the kingdom that have been given me as a believer, and I exercise the power that has been given to me to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.

    I cover every area of my life with the blood of Jesus. I declare that nothing shall by any means hurt me. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I bind, rebuke, cast down, and bring to no effect all powers, principalities, evil forces, and spiritual wickedness in this world that is against me, my family, and those doing the work of God. I rebuke all evil and generational curses and disease, the powers of debt and lack, soul ties from sin, and all filthy communication and negative words coming out of people’s mouths. I also break and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Holy Spirit that may have been placed against me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

    Satan, you must flee from me now in terror. No weapon, no evil shall prosper against me. I am subject to God. I resist the devil so I can prosper my soul, body, spirit, and finances. Satan, get out of my life, mind, body, home, job, family, business dealings, finances, and all else that concerns me.

    Father, I pray for your will to be done. I call forth my God-ordained destiny to materialize fully. I thank you, Father, that I stand firm in your spirit centering in on the gospel’s work. I thank you, Father, that I have a godlyandlimitlessfaith.

    I confess that I am called, anointed, and equipped to accomplish all God has called me to do. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the words of my testimony. I rebuke all rejection, bitterness, and rebellion. I put the blood of Jesus between me and these evil forces forever. I ask you, Lord, to dispatch mighty angels to protect and assist me.

    I walk in forgiveness, Lord. I receive from you, Lord, my provider. I thank you, Lord, for divine appointment and open doors of opportunity. I call forth God-ordained increase and multiplication of souls. I declare it so in Jesus’s mighty name. May the Lord perfect all that concerns me. Hallelujah!

    (Ben and Malisa King, abbreviated version.)



    Is America Being Mentally Kidnapped?

    We are so glad that we have found many cures for physical diseases. We can thank God for his Word for the healing and renewing of our minds. Our nation was built on the Word of God, but our salvation is built on the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We live only once, but if we do it right, once is enough.

    I expect change because everything changes. Be big, better, and best. Be creative, and live out your imagination and creativity, not your history. Life is a stage, and you get only one performance, so make it a good one. There are no elevators to success. You must take the stairs one step at a time. Let the Word of God teach you how to open and get intimate with him. The greatest nation in the world is suffering from identity theft that began in the garden of Eden. Our country is running away from sound doctrine. The government wants to have full control of its citizens. Jehovah God wants you to have the mind of Christ and to hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of his heart. People are about to vote their way into slavery where they don’t do what they want but only what the government wants. Government control will end only in sadness.

    A house divided against itself cannot stand any more than a divided America can. The president says, Either you are with me or against me. Either you are in or out. And most have been going out. It’s my way or the highway. And it seems the highway is jam-packed. Our country is getting gangrene from the inside, and God will have to cut the wickedness off. Our government wants to become a welfare state. It also has a taste of drug-induced amnesia caused by alcohol and pain medications and other illegal drugs that disturb mental functions.

    Our society has a loss of memory regarding facts, information, and experiences. People can’t seem to recall who they are. Loss of memory usually comes from aging or a concussion. Violent shaking in the relationships of our government in America has made families and leaders forget their roles. They are becoming unresponsive to their natural roles and are role-playing thanks to our government passing laws along with drugs, alcohol, and TV. Husbands and wives are divorcing and spending the rest of their lives trying to make each other miserable and destroy each other. Proverbs 23:7 says, For as a man thinketh in his heart then so is he. You can’t go any further than your thoughts take you. Others’ thoughts seem to be on the curse and death, and the graveyard is not full.

    Men and women are trying to win the best supporting actress award at the Oscars ceremony each year. Our government is supporting these actors as they help the LGBTQ+ agenda win Oscars as they play each other’s roles. America’s people are choosing roles as actors on a stage that has become Hollywood, which was around the corner from where I worked in California. I worked across from CBS on Beverly Boulevard, which was my first stop in the morning when I delivered flowers and baskets to the beauties of Hollywood. On my day off, I hung out at the basketball court at Roger Park right behind the DMV on Hyde Park Street in Inglewood, around the corner from where I lived. Hollywood is a place where anything that the mind can conceive can be done.

    This state that we have come to that controls the public narrative is trying to strip away the norm that Jehovah set in place for man and woman. Satan is using the woman as a tool to divide and conquer. America is teaching second graders that drag queens are role models. Girls want to be boy scouts. Adults are raising their kids as nongender when God created onlymaleandfemale.

    Certain women are openly rebelling against Jehovah by slapping him in the face with their choices. Everything God has, the devil has a counterfeit for. God told Israel to choose none of their ways. This does not reflect what the Bible teaches. When church denominations start supporting what is in the world, that becomes false Christianity. When you claim that the source of the world’s agendas is Christ and the Bible, you are flogging. This is fake news.

    This is real fake teaching that is brought to the children as adults place their imagination in children’s minds. We must sound the trumpet. Jesus spoke about adultery and put a strict emphasis on looking and imagining. They mentally kidnap each other with tongues and tools they call toys to make believe they have the real thang.

    God wanted to keep the Israelites away from the Sodomites and Amorites. He said to destroy that spirit completely because he did not want Israel or his children to be contaminated spiritually because that spirit was not of him. The Sodomites were professionals in sodomy. In Lost Angeles as I call it, sodomites have their own streets they hang out on. They wear jewels around their mouths, in their tongues, on their faces, and around their mouths advertising sodomy. They are the 2019 Sodomites. Call a spade a spade. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is a duck.

    God wants us to be strong and very courageous. What are we going to say to that? We are put here to represent the Father and Jesus. We should tell the sodomites that they have the tools around their mouths that will send them straight to hell. They are not just minding their own business but interfering in mine by advertising their mouths painted and jeweled up ready for the act of sodomy. I can’t tell a person what to wear because as soon as I come out my front door, I am public; I must deal with it. I am in the soul business.

    God said in Ezekiel that we should set others’ hearts on God. If I don’t tell them, their blood will be on my head. If I tell them, their blood will be on their own heads. You are going to let me do my job, aren’t you? I’m a watchman looking out for the souls of man and woman while I breathe God’s fresh air.

    People, listen. This is open rebellion against God. Show them in the Word of God—anywhere in the Old Testament—where God destroyed all the ones they are trying to betray. We must warn them that the road is out and they are about to go off the cliff. Don’t be one of those people who won’t tell even friends and family members that they have boogers in their noses. Now that’s low down and dirty.

    You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery’ with her in his heart (Matthew 27:28). The presence of drag queens is defiling and teaches others to rebel against Jehovah in their hearts. Some church leaders say the law is done away with, give deceptive interpretation of scriptures, and cause many to follow the lie. There are some things hard to understand.

    Who is it that does not understand?

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