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Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love. ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~
Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love. ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~
Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love. ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~
Ebook266 pages3 hours

Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love. ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~

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An inspiring and practical handbook and resource for navigating these times of radical change. From who we truly are as eternal Consciousness, to the 2030 global agenda, it empowers and guides our creation of a New Earth based in Love.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 23, 2024
Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love. ~with Rays of Hope and Reasons to Prevail~

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    Love’s New Earth - Hope Ives Mauran

    Copyright © 2024 Hope Ives Mauran.

    All rights reserved. References, quotes and citations must be attributed to their original authors. This book may be reproduced, transmitted or utilized in any form by any means including photocopying, for personal or non-commercial use, without permission in writing from the author. There are no restrictions except word changes and changes to the text are not allowed.

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403


    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Interior Graphics/Art Credits: Hope Ives Mauran; Glove photo by Ross Newkirk; Author Photo by BARRIE FISHER PHOTO

    Front Cover by Michael Stack of Sacred Mountain Multidimensional Media using Author’s artwork: The Future is Positive, acrylic and gold leaf, 12 x 48

    The old Earth, captured in the net of darkness is lifted and transformed, freed and enlightened, by 6 bright lights who have come to Earth to assist at this time in catalyzing the creation of Love’s New Earth.

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5038-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5037-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024905239

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/16/2024





    Sarah’s Package

    The Field of Love

    Ben and the Gang

    Ross’ Grace

    More Evidence for The Field of Love

    A Light In the Head

    A Mass Awakening


    Sam’s Subway Ride

    Who Are We?

    What Created the Forms?

    We Are Not Small And Powerless

    Oneness Holds Us to a Higher Standard



    Creating From Wholeness vs Separation in Order to Know

    A Cause and Effect Reality

    Jumping Timelines

    Images from Elsewhere

    Our Wild Card—Who We Are

    Group Creation

    Make Time To Create For Humanity



    It’s No Time to be Alone

    How Could This Be?

    Mass Formation Psychosis

    A Community Forms

    Now What?


    Miracles Need Freedom from Fear

    Fear Inoculation



    Who are These Brazen Globalists?

    Chaos And False Flags

    Our Purpose Here On Earth

    Money, Banks and Investments

    What Future Are We Investing In?

    Reduce Our Online Data

    Use Cash

    Non-Compliance and Satyagraha


    Deborah’s Visions of the Future

    Your Role

    Anastasia and Kin’s Domains


    Hearts Break Open





    Declaration of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence

    Jesus’ Commentary on the Resurrection

    Purification and the Purification Space Definitions from Oracle Girl

    The Declaration of Independence

    The Great Reset in a Nutshell

    The Hippocratic Oath

    The Hopi Prophecy

    The Ten Points of the Nuremberg Code of Medical Experimentation Ethics




    Also by Hope Ives Mauran

    Available in Print:

    The Key to Love, A Teaching from The Beings Of Light for an Enlightened Reality on Earth (2016)

    Being the Miracle of Love: Conversations With Jesus (2013)

    Be The Second Coming: A Guidebook To The Embodiment Of The Christ Within: A Personal Journey, Our Collective Destiny (2012)

    Where the Wisdom Lies: A message From Nature’s Small Creatures (2006)

    Available in eBook:

    Be The Second Coming: A Guidebook To The Embodiment Of The Christ Within: A Personal Journey, Our Collective Destiny (2012)

    Teaching Audio CD: written and recorded

    Emotional Transformation: Learn to Speak the Language of Creation


    This book is dedicated to the Love within all of us, that it may pour forth into this world through these words, this story and our hands, to find its solid rooting in the rich soil of this good Earth.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    If a statement is not cited it is from my own inner wisdom higher self, or my innate divine intelligence.

    In the recounting of the pandemic, if there are un-cited statements, their original source is no longer available online. Some sources have been censored and are no longer available at this time.

    Sarah, Karen, Sam and Rachel are pseudonyms, to protect their privacy.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    This book is a call to awaken to the excitement and opportunities of these times of rising frequency on Earth. The creation of a New Earth is now possible. Our New Earth will be based in Love and asks of us to be caring stewards, creators and holders of the Light of Love. Deep inner and outer changes are happening now as a result of this rise in frequency and will help us to transition to a new more loving and positive way of living together. This book offers a roadmap to a new and beautiful future.

    The positive future for humanity rests upon our understanding of who we are and why we are here. We are not just our bodies; we are infinite, eternal Consciousness masquerading as humans. Love is our true nature and we are all connected. Who we think we are matters at every level of our lives. We and our monolithic identity have been entrapped in our bodies and minds for generations, where we have been experiencing ourselves as disconnected from each other and from all of Nature. We have lost touch with the interconnectedness of all life, our Source Creator, our innate power and role as creators and the Field of Love that surrounds and supports all of creation.

    We have become victims to the outer world, when in fact it is our internal guidance, intuition and our heart that we need to listen to and follow to navigate these times of transition. We are multidimensional beings of love, creativity and transformation. Our positive future hinges on our ability to know who we are as infinite eternal Consciousness beyond the body. Knowing who we are expands the playing field of Life from being our immediate local surroundings to all of creation. This knowing moves us from being spectators to leaders, creators and builders of the New Earth. We are all critically important to this delicate process of evolutionary transformation.

    The Earth’s frequency is rising and the density that has hidden our ability to know ourselves as infinite eternal Consciousness is diminishing. We are now at the end of a great cycle of time, Kali Yuga; a 5000 year cycle is ending (in this century). Sadhguru,¹ the Indian mystic explained that it takes 25,920 years for our Solar System to circle a larger star. Whenever our solar system comes closer to this big star, all the creatures living in our system rise to greater possibilities this is called Satya Yuga. When our system moves away from this big star, creatures in our system come to the lowest level of possibility. We say this is Kali Yuga and we are leaving this low-point now.² So this time on Earth is very hopeful. It is a new dawn in the largest sense.

    The rise in Earth frequency is also reflected in the upward spikes in the Schumann Resonance—the measurement of the electromagnetic radiation resonating between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.

    "Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world." —Eric Thompson³

    The Schumann Resonance has risen from 7.8 Hz in 1954 to 35 Hz and higher now. You can think of this as the Earth’s heartbeat.⁴ It affects our behavior, our emotions and the natural world. A higher frequency carries more information and therefore we have the opportunity now to know more, see more, feel more, love more and become more of who we already are. It affects the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere and hence all of us.

    This increase in the Schumann Resonance supports Sadhguru’s declaration of greater possibilities for humanity. Our placement in the galaxy supports a more enlightened human society. This is very good news!

    This book is also about Truth. Both practical and spiritual truth at the same time. Practical, in that it presents some very real but uncomfortable, global situations that some people might not want to know about. I didn’t want to learn of these things either—no one did. But I urge us all to push through any discomfort and investigate these truths for ourselves. The situation on Earth today involves the tragic scenario of many people dying prematurely.⁵ Understanding this difficult situation just might save your life or even save your soul.⁶ I say save your soul because the possible transhuman effects down the road, could disconnect your body from your soul. It would be horrible to look back on the choices we are making today and say, If only we had known, or have nothing to say when our children ask us, What did you do to prevent this from happening? This book chronicles some of what happened during and after the pandemic and what continues to happen currently.

    In a million years I would never have imagined that there are forces in our world purposefully working to harm and separate us from each other and from our innate power. Forces of manipulation, coercion and control have been steadily encroaching into our lives already for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years, bringing Earth destruction, population reduction, manipulation and transhumanism as their overarching goals. All this represents the manifestations of Kali Yuga’s final act, and humanity’s extreme and downward journey into separation from our divine essence. It is my hope and understanding that these negative forces will naturally dissipate as the Earth’s frequency rises. However, this plan of coercion and manipulation has the potential to take many human lives. This human exodus has already begun as many are tragically dying. The data confirms that all-cause deaths have increased 40% in the 18-49 year old range since 2021.

    This Global plan that the negative forces have in place, would radically change who we are (i.e. transhumanism) and the way we all live by the year 2030. The negative forces wish to control humanity’s freedoms, our health, creativity, reproduction, population, and access to Nature and the outdoors. They also plan to control Earth’s resources .… water, lands, minerals, animals … everything. The globalists have a great deal invested in our not knowing what they are doing, they have set up life situations to ensure we all stay asleep to their plans. Several documentaries, interviews and books listed in the Resources Section, Bibliography and footnotes, reveal their well organized hidden plan. Their plan is dangerous, devastating, world-destabilizing and heartbreaking.

    If we are to survive Agenda 2030, (the plan) it requires us to wake up and learn what is happening behind the scenes around the world. We can move in a direction that will bring freedom, harmony, beauty and love to planet Earth. Once we know what is happening, it would be best to make clear choices and move forward to create a beautiful abundant reality that serves us all. We humans are powerful, resourceful, intelligent and plentiful enough to do this, when we join together. This is our chance to learn and know, make a clear choice and move forward to create the future we want to live within.

    Like a cell divides, two Earths of different frequencies are splitting apart. There are two Earths now. The old one that is being encroached upon by controlling negative forces . . . and a new higher frequency Earth, that is being birthed and created now. The higher frequency Earth is forming in partnership with our inner shift to reclaim our interconnected and Love-based identity as Consciousness. We are creating it in partnership with the energy shifts happening as the Yuga cycles transition. These evolutionary changes will naturally bring Love-based New World societies that live in harmony, self-responsibility and in alignment with Nature. It is my understanding that the old Earth will run its course and eventually disappear.

    This book navigates our internal and external transition to the New Earth. It coaches our extrication from the old Earth and guides our energetic and physical creation of the New Earth. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to how we will navigate this transition. There is however one skill that we all must master, and that is the skill of staying focused upon what it is we do want.

    Inspiration and ideas for creating our collective future on the New Earth are offered here in expansive and general enough terms that most humans can support them, participate and contribute. We can seed the New Earth’s creation with specific words, intention, spontaneous action and love, and Nature can help us to fill in the details. Our words and thoughts are that powerful!

    It is a potent and very exciting time to be on Earth. Embodying love, uncovering truth and figuring out what’s important in this world is not a spectator sport. Each of us has a role we’ve come to play that is uniquely ours and we need to exercise that great gift and live it now. We are at a choice-point where our choices are critical, and even more important than usual. What we all choose now will impact our own lives and health, and the kind of world our children, grandchildren and all of humanity will live in. Humanity’s future is in our hands.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    A list of "Rays of Hope and reasons to prevail" follows the text and offers inspiration for new ways of living and being that may inspire your engagement in creating the New Earth. The Appendix has documents mentioned in the text, and Documentaries and Other Reference Materials has links for your convenience in the back of the book.



    Love is the healing force within and around all life.

    It is here right now. Feel it.⁸ — Jesus

    Sarah’s Package

    It’s 2022. I look in the mirror, concerned . . . and wonder What kind of hardship lies ahead? As I see it, there is a force hard at work, dismantling the life that we have been living, eager to control our lives and take over our human bodies in every way it can. The moment passes as I remember Sarah’s package, and so many other synchronicities and miracles and think . . . TRUST. Trust that the world is a benevolent place. Trust that we have the answers we need. Trust that it is no mistake to be here, right now at this momentous time on Earth, and Trust that there is a field of Love that we all exist within, and that we will make it through this.

    Sarah’s small package arrived on my porch with several for me. Sarah is renting my friend Karen’s house on a different road three miles away. I wondered how could anyone have made such a perfect mistake? From the moment I heard her story, I had wanted to meet Sarah, but never told anyone. The thing that intrigued me was Sarah’s plan to give birth at Karen’s home without professional help.

    I called Karen to get Sarah’s number so that I could deliver her package. There was a big snow storm brewing, with heavy winds and cold temperatures predicted. As I spoke to Sarah, she was heading into town to stock up on groceries and would try to stop by to pick up her package on my porch on the way back. She never made it to my house and the box sat out on the porch as the storm dropped its heavy load of snow, toppled trees and power lines for another day and a half. I had no telephone or internet, and the power was out, but I did at least have heat.

    As the storm cleared, I decided to take the package over. I found a huge tree and electrical lines down across the road. The next day I finally made it through. In the frigid back hall amidst boots and coats I met Sarah—a natural beauty in a snug gray sweatshirt that couldn’t hide her full belly. She was teary, alone, cold, and the house was slowly beginning to freeze. She was feeling overwhelmed and distraught. I offered that she could come stay at my house while the power was out. She said she had stocked up on food and wanted to stay there at Karen’s.

    Our meeting at that moment in time was perfectly choreographed. It eased some of her isolation in that moment, and in some small way made a big difference. I left, carrying her

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