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A Year of Prayer eBook
A Year of Prayer eBook
A Year of Prayer eBook
Ebook262 pages

A Year of Prayer eBook

By Nph

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About this ebook

“ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6).God knows your needs, wants, worries, and frustrations, and he wants you to come to him in prayer at all times. Don' t know what to pray about or how to pray? Be inspired and encouraged to talk with your heavenly Father anytime with A Year of Prayer. This handy book will aid you in your prayer life every day with over 700 morning and evening prayers— two for every day of the year. It also includes space at the end of each week' s worth of prayers for you to write down your thoughts and prayers.This book makes a great and valuable tool for your prayer life!
Release dateJul 1, 2014
A Year of Prayer eBook

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    A Year of Prayer eBook - Nph


    Morning Prayer

    Lord God, heavenly Father, because of your tender mercy, I am privileged to open my eyes once again. Lord Jesus Christ, because of your amazing grace, I am privileged to enter your courts this day and give you thanks and praise. Lord God, Holy Spirit, because of your quiet work in me, I count it my privilege to hear and believe your Word. O Holy Trinity, bless my worship this day. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord God, my eyes have seen your salvation once again. Your Son was crucified and raised again for me! Bury that truth deep in my heart this night. Let your gospel grow in me and produce fruits that are pleasing to you. Grant rest to my body tonight, just as you gave rest to my soul this morning. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Heavenly Father, I wake this morning to a new week of possibilities. There are so many ways to serve you, so many potential paths to take, so many people to meet! I seek your blessings upon my words and ways this day. Let my hands be dedicated to your service, my mouth to your message, and my heart to your glory. I enter this week as your child. Father, guide me! Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord, the day is drawing to a close. But before I close my eyes tonight, I must open my heart for your examination. My hands were not always helping hands. My mouth was not always a messenger of peace. My heart was often divided—for you, yet at times against you. Forgive me. Renew me for your service. And grant me a good night’s rest in the peace of your forgiveness. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Heavenly Father, you set the lonely persons in families. I praise you this day for the gift of my family and the role you have given me in it. Equip me for the challenges of family life. Give me eyes to see the blessings I have in my family. I entrust my family and all I love into your strong hands this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord Jesus, when you hung upon the cross, you received the full wrath of your Father for me and my sins. I haven’t always been the family member you have called me to be. But I know that because of your grace, I am now viewed by your Father as a perfect child. Grant that your forgiveness will settle upon my loved ones and give peace to our hearts as we journey toward our home in heaven. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord, your Word tells me that you appoint the exact times and places that we are to live in this world. You have placed so many people into my life. I could not begin to count them even if I tried: family and friends, neighbors and strangers, fellow workers and acquaintances. Today help me view each and every face I meet as an opportunity to serve you. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Every face I meet is an opportunity to serve you. Forgive me for often turning my face away. Every person I speak to is in need of the message of your grace. Forgive my silence. Each man, woman, and child is a person for whom you died. Forgive me for being dead to their needs. In the power of your forgiveness, help me love my neighbor as myself. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, you are the Lord of the church. I can, therefore, confidently approach your throne this morning on behalf of my church. Allow my congregation, its members, and its staff to take a firm stand upon your Word and sacraments. Guide its every effort to reach people with your precious gospel. Bless us all with a zeal to work for you while it is still day! Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord Jesus, as I look at my congregation and at my heart, I have divided feelings. Instead of a rock-solid reliance upon your Word, we have often made friends with worldly ways and means. Instead of a burning zeal to share you, we have often barely whimpered your truth—fearful of what others might think. Renew me. Forgive me. Help me share the joy I find in you with many others at my church. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    O Holy Spirit, through your precious Word and sacrament, you have made my heart your home. How wonderful it is that you have placed me into the fellowship of thousands of like-minded brothers and sisters. Hinder every one of Satan’s efforts to destroy this blessed fellowship. Keep our focus upon your message and your mission. Bless all the work we carry out together in your precious name. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord Jesus, send your holy angels to watch over our missionaries who serve for us in foreign lands. Send the Spirit of wisdom upon our professors who are busy training a new generation of gospel messengers. Guide and direct our leadership so that they may use our resources to the greatest possible advantage. And grant us all a Spirit-given zeal for your work. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Heavenly Father, I come before you at the end of another week. May the passing of this week remind me of how quickly earthly life flies by. Forgive me for every wasted moment and every lost opportunity to serve you. By the power of your forgiveness, keep me focused on my future reward in Christ Jesus—a crown of life that will never pass away. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord Jesus, as I prepare to praise your name tomorrow morning, I am saddened by the knowledge that many of my brothers and sisters are making excuses to stay away from worship. Use me to reach them. Stir up the hearts of our members to reach out to those who are wandering and wavering in the faith. In the peace of your forgiveness, grant me a good night’s rest and awaken me for another Sunday celebration of your resurrection. Amen.



    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, you are the everlasting Word who came to supply our salvation. On this day, we give thanks that you continue to come to us through your visible Word, by which you strengthen our faith. Prepare our hearts to hear what our pastor says today so that we might be empowered to put our confidence in you. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord and Father of all, we give thanks to you that you have joined us to your family and have made us heirs of eternal life. Lead us by your Holy Spirit also to appreciate and value our earthly families. Move us to live within the role you have designed for us and so let our families serve your faith-strengthening purposes. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, our Savior and protector, already in Eden our Father designed a plan for life that included labor. To his disappointment and our disadvantage, sin often makes work dreary and burdensome. Work in us through your Word to think of our work as a blessing that you give and something that carries your blessings to us and our families. Trusting in your power, we pray. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord of wisdom, you created us to be people with emotions. With deep regret, we admit that Satan often takes those emotions and uses them for his purposes. Cleanse us of frustration, anger, doubt, and bitterness, and fill us with love, peace, joy, and contentment. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, you are the Lord of our bodies and our souls. Teach us to care for the bodies you have given us, and remind us that they are temples of the Holy Spirit. Keep both our souls and bodies safe from all harm and danger today. In your name we pray. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Holy Spirit, you have joined us with believers on earth and in heaven. Teach us to long for our reunion with the saints in heaven and to value our fellowship with your followers on earth. Cleanse churches everywhere of sin and error so that we may find many more with whom we may join in the blessings of your Word and work. In the name of Jesus, the Lord of the church, we pray. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, be with us today in all we do and say. Be in us today, and empower us to live and work for you. Be for us today as you are every day with your forgiveness. Belong to us today and every day until we become yours eternally in heaven. Hear us for your name’s sake. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Praise be to you, Lord, our only guide and leader! Hear our thanksgiving because you have given and preserved for us your life-giving Word. Teach us to value your Word and believe that your Word is to our faith what food is to our bodies, and so let us daily be nourished and fed. For Jesus’ sake we pray. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, our only Savior, we offer our sincere thanks to you! In love you came to earth, and in humility you presented to your Father your life and death as payment for our sins. Teach us each day to value your work for us as our most precious treasure, and lead us to rely on it with our entire hearts. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Holy Father, pour out your guidance and direction on the homes of our congregations. Heal the wounds that bleed because of disobedience and disloyalty. Bind up the hearts of those who have been forsaken and forgotten. Forgive the sins of those who have strayed from your will and design. Keep all families safe from Satan’s attacks, and finally join us all in the family of heaven. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, you have promised that you will rule among your believers for all eternity. Comfort us again today with that promise. All around we see the enemies of your people on the attack. In your good time, break down the will and the wisdom of evildoers, and rescue your church from their threats. Because of your promise, we pray. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord, Father and protector of all, we pray for all the children of our congregations. Hold them in the hands of your wisdom! Teach them to see the beauty of discipline and order. Show them that your joys are joys that last. Keep all the dear children in your tender care, and take them to heaven to live with you there. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Lord Jesus, we have come to the end of another week of your grace. We confess to you that in our thinking, our speaking, and our doing, we have sinned against you. Forgive us, Savior! Work in us through your Word so that we might always repent of our sins willingly and amend our lives eagerly. Hear us, and answer us in your grace and power. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Lord God, give to our bodies quiet and peaceful rest this night so that tomorrow we may arise with bright and open minds. Guide our pastor as he prepares to preach your Word. May we together be strengthened and built up to believe what you say. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.



    Morning Prayer

    Dear Lord, thank you for another day of worship. Whether in spirit or in person at church, I will pray to you, meditate on your Word, and sing your praises. Thank you for creating faith in my heart, a faith that trusts in Jesus and his forgiveness. Through him I have you as my Father and eternal life as my hope. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Dear heavenly Father, I have been privileged to hear your Word today. Your Word of grace brought me to faith, and it has sustained me to this day. Thank you for preachers and teachers to whom you have given insights into your Word. Their teaching and preaching has been a blessing to me. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Dear Lord of grace and mercy, may your name be kept holy! I feel hurt as I think of the many who call themselves by your name but who teach error, who claim to be preaching the gospel but are only heaping the burdens of the law on their hearers, who claim to be your spokesmen but whose words rob you of your glory. Forgive them; convert them; and lead them to a true understanding of your gospel. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Merciful Lord, your name means more to me than I can say. When you brought me to the baptismal font, you made me one who bears your name. You washed away my sins, made me a child of the Lord of all creation, and sent the Spirit of life to dwell in me. Your name gives me peace of conscience, courage to pray, and the hope of eternal life. Because of your name, I will rest well tonight. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Dear heavenly King, may your kingdom come! As I listen to the promises of earthly kings, presidents, and governors, I realize that few will ever come true. And if they do, it is not because of the greatness of the earthly ruler but because of your mercy on the citizens of his country. How glad I am that you have made me a citizen of your kingdom where promises are never broken. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Dear Lord, thank you for another day of peace. I am not thinking of earthly peace, although I thank you for that peace also. I am thinking of the peace of sins forgiven that I have as a member of your kingdom. I have enjoyed another day of knowing peace with you. As I go to sleep this evening, I place myself into your hands, my King, and lie down in peace. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Dear Lord, your will is to save all people. May your will be done! I do not presume to understand how your will to save all people can be thwarted by the hardness of their hearts. After all, you broke through the hardness of my heart. Your will was done by the power of your message of forgiveness and not because my heart was any better than the hearts of others. All I can ask is that you continue to cause your Word to be spread and to lead people to faith through it. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Dear Lord, I thank you that your Holy Spirit had his way with me. Your will was done, and I was brought to faith. May your Holy Spirit continue to dwell in my heart by faith. Continue to overcome my sinful resistance, soften my heart by your Word, and keep me on the path that leads to eternal life. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Dear Lord, give me my daily bread. Even as I am conscious of my great spiritual needs, I come before you with a prayer for my physical needs. I can do so with confidence because you have told me to pray. Yet I come to you in the spirit you desire—a spirit that is content to ask only for the bread I need today. You know what I need. I put myself in your hands today, confident that you will fill all my needs. Amen.

    Evening Prayer

    Dear Lord, thank you for my daily bread. Often I take for granted all you have given me. Yet the food I have eaten today, the clothing that has kept me warm, the home that has served as my shelter, and the car that has transported me where I needed to go—all these are important and without them I would not be able to serve you and my fellowman as I should. Thank you for them, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


    Morning Prayer

    Dear Savior, forgive my many sins. I entered this week with high hopes, but my actions have not kept pace. My sinful nature showed itself more than once and in many different ways. Forgive me. Grant me pardon and peace. In you I hope. I rejoice that my sins cannot wag their fingers at me and condemn me. In Christ, your

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