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Destined Trinity
Destined Trinity
Destined Trinity
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Destined Trinity

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Three souls.


One destiny.


The bringer of light and the ones cast in shadow will merge and bring forth the sins of their blood. And the three shall be as one.


Born abominations and deemed unworthy, we were cast out by our creator. The Nephilim have been forced to walk amongst the dark, cursed never to see the light of day, and left with no choice but to feed from the very beings we despise.


Through the centuries of unrest, we have longed for the missing piece of our Unholy Trinity.


Behind the walls of our castle, nestled amongst the hills of Budapest we search for the one meant to be ours, for only she can break this curse and set us down the path of righteous vengeance.


Once we find her, there will be no stopping us. She will be the one to complete us, making us whole. And when that happens, the Lycans' world will cease to exist.


Born an anomaly with latent powers has made me an outcast within my coven, forcing me to remain on the edge of our circle, not quite a perfect fit.


I longed for something more. I craved that which I didn't know, but was never allowed to have because I lived a life bound by a path carved in stone.


And since Fate can be a capricious b*tch and Destiny is not abeyant, I was sent down this cursed path, and they come for me.


It's been etched in my DNA to loathe everything they stand for, our enemy sent to destroy us. I was told to stay hidden amongst the shadows, or I would become an instrument to be used by them at their will.


But the more that is revealed about our entangled webs, the more questions that I have. And the more secrets that unravel, it seems I've been lied to for far too many years to count.


What if being with them isn't the prison I've been taught to fear? What if being with them sets me free?


***This is a dark, paranormal, MMF romance for readers 18+. Destined Trinity is also a prequel to Carnival of Sins. Please read the Author's Note before beginning.***

Release dateJun 9, 2024
Destined Trinity

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    Book preview

    Destined Trinity - Christine Besze

    Chapter One


    Oh fuck. Yeah, that’s it. Choke on my dick like a good boy. I fist the back of Elek’s head as I slam my hips against his face.

    His ice-blue eyes stare up at me between dark lashes as his tatted hand fists my dick taking every inch of my massive length. He braces the elbow of his free hand against the mattress, giving him better leverage. The silver piercings running through his ebony brows reflect from the sconces lining the stone walls. Halvány Castle has belonged to my mother’s family and will remain ours for the rest of our immortal lives.

    Working in tandem with the slick wet heat of his mouth, Elek’s forked tongue flicks out, toying with the Apadravya piercing at the tip of my dick. Each lick sends my body higher and higher into a cloud of euphoric bliss. Sex is a drug. One I’m happily addicted to.

    You like sucking my dick? Don’t you? I lick my bottom lip with my own forked tongue and glance down between my legs, where Elek lies.

    He growls around my dick and picks up his pace. Stroking, sucking, and licking down the sides of my shaft. His hand slips underneath my balls, tugging on the hoop of my Guiche piercing, and my head spins. Liquid heat shoots from my chest straight down to my dick. I’m so close to exploding.

    I’m coming in your mouth, and you aren’t going to stop sucking until I let you. I grip the back of his head and force him to take me even deeper down his throat.

    The sound of him choking on my dick in agreement is a beautiful symphony to my ears. That melody echoes through the drafty bedroom and turns me on further. With quick, shallow thrusts, I pick up my pace, hitting the back of his throat until I feel a tingling at the base of my spine, and my balls tighten.

    His incisors descend, scraping the sharp ends against my flesh before sinking into my dick. It sends a rush of heat flooding through my body, making my skin ignite from the inside, and it’s all over. My dick throbs as it explodes with my release, shooting my cum down his throat.

    Swallow it all. With my fist, I hold Elek’s head in place, giving him no choice. His throat constricts around my dick as he swallows every last bit of my cum.

    When he releases my dick, I grab him by the throat and jerk his body into mine. My lips crash against his in a dominating kiss. I pry his lips open with my tongue and suck on his, stroking and toying with it the same way he did with my dick moments ago. The salty taste of my cum mixed with the metallic bite of my blood fills my mouth. I suck on his tongue, milking every last bit of it.

    I taste good.

    You do. Elek grins, showing off his dimples.

    Feel better? I brush a strand of his ebony hair out of his face and attempt to sense his emotions through our bond, but he has his shield up.

    He shrugs, resting his hands on my chest and setting his chin down on them.

    That’s not an answer. I cup his cheek and force him to look at me. The kaleidoscope of emotions staring back at me is like a stake through the heart. There isn’t much in this world I give a fuck about besides my mates and my coven. I’m numb to all else. Seeing him so distraught displeases me.

    I’m tired of feeling like a part of me is missing. It’s like there’s something crawling under my skin, but I can’t ever reach it.

    I know, but trust me. We’re close. The drabardi predicted that this would be our time. That we would find her this year, on the eve of her forty-fifth birthday, and our trinity will be complete.

    You trust the Romani?

    What choice do we have? I sigh. They aren’t my first choice, but when all else has failed us, our options for finding her are limited.

    But we’re running out of time. She’s out there alone, and it’s almost All Hallow’s Eve. We have a little over three weeks. If we don’t find and mate with her before then, we lose our chance. I’m not waiting another couple of centuries for her to be reborn and have to go through this yet again.

    "You worry too much, társam." My thumb toys with the set of barbells above his brow.

    You don’t worry enough, Mátyás. What if the Lycans find her first? Farkas won’t hesitate to keep her for himself, and you know it.

    They touch what belongs to us, then we’ll skin them alive and fuck on their fur. My incisors ache as the beast inside of me itches to be set free and rip apart any threat to one of my mates.

    How can you be so calm about this? His brows pinch together as his frustration seeps through, his beast lurking near the surface.

    I have to be. We can’t afford to fail. It’s that simple. She won’t be taken from us. Not in this lifetime.

    He lets his head drop, avoiding my eyes, but I won’t allow him to retreat into his head and drive himself insane with what-if scenarios. I’ll lose him for nights if I do.

    Look at me. I force his head up. Once we complete the bond, our powers will emerge. You are the water that soothes the fire coursing through my blood, and she will be the earth that grounds us to this world. My thumb traces the tatted column of his throat.

    We’re both decorated in ink from head to toe. It’s the story of our history written on our bodies for the world to see. To let them know that they may have moved on, but we won’t be forgotten.

    Our powers will be unsurpassed by any other before us. My fingers squeeze around the column of his throat, reassuring him of the reckoning yet to come.

    I hope you’re right.

    "I’m always right, társam." I grin, but it falls off my face when I sense him. He knocks but doesn’t wait for me to invite him in.

    Am I interrupting? His brown gaze travels down our naked bodies intertwined in black sheets. There’s no missing the hunger behind his gaze as he stares over Elek. If he’s not careful, I’ll hang him by his blond ponytail and watch the sun burn his ass to a crisp.

    Nudity doesn’t bother us. We feed. We fuck. It’s the cycle of our existence.

    What are you doing back, Sebo? I thought you were out with István? Sebo always has been cocky. I should never have agreed to Elek turning him. Part of our curse is being able to turn those we wish into the walking undead, and I can never tell my mate no. He has a soft spot for those that are lost and forgotten. Or as I like to call them, the rodents of society.

    I was, but we ran into a complication. He shrugs and steps deeper into the room.

    What’s so important that you had to leave him behind? My gaze narrows on him.

    He found her. A lightness stirs in my chest at his words. They came through much sooner than I was hoping for.

    Why didn’t you start with that? I grind my teeth together, battling with the need to rip his head from his shoulders.

    You didn’t ask. He smirks.

    Where? Elek asks, not in the mood for our banter.

    She’s in the United States. A small town in Georgia called Everton. Sebo places his hands behind his back and stands taller.

    And the complication? I cock my head and raise a brow at him.

    Tibor and Gabor were there watching her. All humor leaves his face.

    Fucking Lycans, Elek growls out while my fists clench.

    This isn’t the outcome we wanted, but at least we have her in our sights, and she’s being protected.

    I want eyes on her at all times. I’m leaving nothing to chance.

    István’s doing his best, but during the day, she’s vulnerable. The only reason they haven’t taken her is that they can’t get close enough without alerting her coven.

    She wears the bloodstone? That’s a promising sign. It should keep her safe until we can get to her.

    She does. Sebo nods his blond head.

    What are we going to do? Elek asks.

    I grin and glance down at him. Looks like we’re going on a little trip.

    Chapter Two


    I toy with the bloodstone my aunt gave me, trying to appear relaxed—a task that’s easier said than done. The black chain holds one big ruby in the center with two smaller ones on either side. According to her, it’s an heirloom that’s been in my family for centuries—passed down from generation to generation, but only to a witch who is deemed worthy.

    My eyes wander over to the raven-haired guy in the corner. He’s been visiting the bookstore for the last two days but never buying anything, which I find a bit odd. When he thinks I’m not looking, he watches me through those coal lashes, with his piercing blue eyes that match my left one and brow piercings. Tattoos peek out from underneath the collar of his T-shirt.

    It’s been the same routine. I stalk him from the corner of my eye, attempting to summon the courage to confront him. He never utters a word or spares me a glance before he magically disappears near closing. It’s unnerving on nights when I’m alone. At least I’m not tonight.

    Earth to Kiara. A petite hand waves in front of me.

    Sorry. I spaced. What were you saying? I blink and shift my focus back to my friend.

    Anna rolls her brown eyes at me. I said we should hit up that new club this weekend.

    I don’t know. I think I’m too old for that crowd. I don’t have the heart to tell that I’d probably throw my back out trying to get Low. Plus, staying home and losing myself in a good romance book is more my speed.

    Are you kidding me? Anna shakes her blonde head at me. She’s twenty-four and still has an abundance of energy, even for a witch. She can stay out until four and get up an hour later to face the day.

    Me, not so much. I’m usually passed out on my couch by nine, but in the last few weeks, something’s changed. I’m exhausted from the time I wake up to when I go to bed. The only guess my doctor came up with was menopause, but he’s not even sure if that’s accurate. Getting older sucks for women.

    You’re one of the hottest forty-four-year-olds out there. Seriously, I think I have more wrinkles than you. You need to share what spell you’re using to keep that youthful glow.

    You don’t have any wrinkles. I fight an eye roll.

    I’m planning ahead. She wiggles her brows at me. Back to the club idea. Cougars are all the rage, and I think you’ll be surprised at how many eyes you’ll have on you. Not to mention, having one green eye and one blue eye makes you a mystery. And men love to solve them.

    Yeah, I’ll pass on that. I’m not into babysitting. At my age, I want a man, not a boy. One who will appreciate all of my curves.

    Your loss. She shrugs and changes the subject. So, what’s up with that hottie in the historical romance section?

    You noticed him too? A foreign feeling prickles in my chest at her words. It’s an overpowering sense of possession, but that’s ridiculous. He’s a complete stranger that I have no claim over.

    Hard not to. All those piercings and tattoos. We don’t get many walking book boyfriends in here, and that man is hawt. She fans her face, making a huge production of his presence.

    Can you put these back for me, please? I slide a stack of books to the side in front of her, doing my best to keep my voice even, but judging by the gleam in her eyes, I’ve failed.

    Sure thing. She nods and bounces over to the dark romance section, twirling her skirt on the way. Sometimes, she’s too perceptive for her own good.

    We both become lost in our nightly tasks until closing, with little time for more conversation. I’m so lost in doing inventory that time escapes me until I hear the chime of the bell above the door. When I glance up, the mystery man has vanished into thin air once again.

    A heavy sigh escapes me. Another opportunity missed.

    Ready to go? Anna asks as she turns the sign and locks everything down for tomorrow.

    Sure. I shut down the computer and go lock it up in the back room. Anna is standing by the door when I return, twirling her car keys. I grab my purse, and together, we head out into the night. At least it’s a full moon, so the walkway is brighter than normal.

    Puddles of water splash onto my boots from the earlier storm as we near the employee parking lot. It’s an unusually brisk night in Everton, but it’s my favorite time of year. The leaves have begun changing color. I cross my arms over the thin material of my skater dress, cursing myself for not bringing a sweater.

    So, what time should I pick you up tomorrow night? Anna asks.

    I told you, clubbing isn’t my thing. My eyes scan our surroundings, looking for a certain person, but if I find him, I’m not sure that would be a good thing.

    Trust me. You’ll have fun. She brushes off my protest. And I thought I was stubborn.

    Anna… I turn to tell her I’m not interested, and my insides freeze. A scream bubbles in my throat, but I’m too late.

    A furry beast towers over her shoulder, his amber eyes glowing. He flashes his razor-sharp teeth at us as he growls out a hideous sound.

    Lycans! Run, Kiara. She shoves me forward and turns around, shouting, "Auferet." A green glowing ball flies from her hands as she uses the full force of her powers and hits the creature in his stomach, knocking him back.

    The beast doesn’t stay down for long. In the blink of an eye, he’s up and charging at us on all fours. This time, when Anna goes to shoot another green ball at him, he’s prepared and manages to avoid it. In a countermove, he swipes out his claws, slicing a gash across Anna’s stomach. She screams and falls to the ground.

    She shouts for me to run again, and this time, preservation mode kicks in. I turn to run when I’m grabbed from behind. I’m spun around, and my body is slammed against the window of the dry cleaners at the end of the block. The cool glass at my back is a welcome shock to my system.

    I reach my hand out, ready to knock him on his ass with what little power I have, when a stranger stands before me with a head full of greasy raven hair and the same amber eyes as the beast. The bones of his cheek protrude from his sunken cheeks. He’s stuck between the form of man and beast. It’s times like these I wish I could cast a damn spell, but I won’t reach my full potential as a witch until my forty-fifth birthday.

    His hollow eyes glow as he smirks at me and grabs my hands, stopping me from throwing him across the street. The other hand wraps around my neck in a possessive hold.

    The second he touches me, the amulet around my neck glows a bright red and begins to burn. Pain racks through me with such force that I would be on my knees if it weren’t for the creature holding me up by my throat.

    It is you. He smiles to himself like I’m some sort of prize he’s won. He’s so focused on my appearance that he’s not paying attention to our current position. I take advantage of the opening he’s given me and knee him in the balls. Instead of dropping to the ground in agony and letting go of me as I’d hoped, his grip tightens around my throat, cutting off my air.

    You really shouldn’t have done that. His voice drops several octaves as his claws come back out, scraping the skin on my neck.


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