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Legacy of the Titans
Legacy of the Titans
Legacy of the Titans
Ebook394 pages5 hours

Legacy of the Titans

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In a world teetering on the brink of destruction, the ancient prophecy foretells the rise of a disgraced knight to halt the return of the titans—beings of unimaginable power. Draven, once a celebrated knight, finds himself exiled and dishonored, falsely accused of treason. Determined to clear his name and reclaim his honor, he embarks on a perilous journey guided by a cryptic prophecy.


Joined by Elara, a powerful sorceress with a tragic past, and Tariq, a wise elder, Draven must retrieve three legendary artifacts: the Shield of Ages, the Staff of Wisdom, and the Sword of Destiny. These artifacts, each hidden in dangerous and enchanted lands, hold the key to stopping the titans.


Their quest takes them through enchanted forests, treacherous deserts, and ancient ruins, each step fraught with trials testing their strength, wisdom, and unity. Along the way, they encounter formidable enemies, unexpected allies, and the ever-present shadow of the titans' awakening.


As Draven and his companions overcome each challenge, they grow stronger and more united, embodying the true spirit of the prophecy. But time is running out. The titans' forces are gathering, threatening to plunge the world into chaos. The final battle looms on the horizon, and only by uniting the artifacts can they hope to defeat the titans and save their world.


"Legacy of the Titans" is a tale of redemption, courage, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship. It is a story of ordinary heroes rising to meet extraordinary challenges, proving that even in the darkest times, hope and unity can light the way to a brighter future.

Release dateJun 5, 2024
Legacy of the Titans

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    Legacy of the Titans - Cassandra Nightshade

    Legacy of the Titans

    Unite the Artifacts, Defy the Titans


    Cassandra Nightshade

    Copyright © 2024 by Cassandra Nightshade

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    First Edition: June 2024

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Disgraced Knight

    Chapter 2 The Journey Begins

    Chapter 3 The Sorceress in Ruins

    Chapter 4 The Desert Nomad

    Chapter 5 The Test of Trust

    Chapter 6 The First Clue

    Chapter 7 Journey through the Desert

    Chapter 8 Forging the Artifacts

    Chapter 9 The Curse Unveiled

    Chapter 10 The Cursed Ruins

    Chapter 11 The Titan Minion Attack

    Chapter 12 Healing and Prophecy

    Chapter 13 Through the Mountains

    Chapter 14 The First Major Confrontation

    Chapter 15 The Bond of Trust

    Chapter 16 Gathering Strength

    Chapter 17 The Betrayal

    Chapter 18 The Rescue Mission

    Chapter 19 The Final Journey

    Chapter 20 The Fortress of Titans

    Chapter 21 The Army of Minions

    Chapter 22 The Titan King’s Wrath

    Chapter 23 Elara’s Sacrifice

    Chapter 24 Brigid’s Elemental Power

    Chapter 25 Aftermath

    Chapter 26 Honoring the Fallen

    Chapter 27 Legacy and Future


    Chapter 1

    The Disgraced Knight

    In the grand hall of Aldoria’s castle, the atmosphere was thick with tension, punctuated only by the distant tolling of bells. Draven stood in the center, his heart burdened by the weight of false accusations. Sunlight filtered through the tall stained-glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the stone floor, adding to the solemnity of the moment. His armor, once polished and gleaming, now bore the scars of battles fought for a kingdom that had turned its back on him.

    Draven Alaric, King Alistair's voice echoed through the hall, cold and unfeeling. You stand accused of treason against the crown. How do you plead?

    Draven raised his eyes to meet the king’s gaze. I am innocent, Your Majesty. These accusations are lies, fabricated by those who wish to see me fall.

    The murmur of the assembled court grew louder, whispers of doubt and disbelief circulating among the nobles and knights. Draven’s eyes darted to the side where his accuser, Lord Roderic, stood with a smug expression. Roderic had always been jealous of Draven’s position and had seized this opportunity to discredit him.

    King Alistair's face remained impassive. The evidence against you is overwhelming. Witnesses have testified to your collusion with our enemies. What do you have to say in your defense?

    Draven took a deep breath. Those witnesses are either mistaken or have been coerced. I have served this kingdom loyally for years. I would never betray Aldoria.

    A few heads nodded in the crowd, but the majority remained skeptical. Roderic stepped forward, his voice dripping with false concern. Your Majesty, Draven speaks of loyalty, yet he cannot deny the documents found in his quarters—maps of our defenses, correspondence with the enemy. How do you explain this, Draven?

    I have no explanation, Draven admitted, frustration clear in his voice. Those items were planted. I know nothing of them.

    Convenient, Roderic sneered. Too convenient.

    King Alistair raised a hand, silencing the hall. Enough. We have heard enough. Draven Alaric, the court finds you guilty of treason. You are hereby stripped of your title and exiled from Aldoria. You have until sundown to leave the city. Should you return, you will be executed on sight.

    The verdict hit Draven like a physical blow. He stood there, numb, as the crowd erupted in murmurs once more. He wanted to scream, to fight, but he knew it was useless. The king’s decision was final. With a heavy heart, Draven turned and walked out of the hall, the heavy doors closing behind him with a resounding thud.

    Outside, the city bustled with life, unaware of the drama that had just unfolded in the castle. Draven’s steps were heavy as he made his way to the barracks to collect his few personal belongings. His comrades avoided his gaze, some out of pity, others out of a desire not to be associated with a traitor.

    As Draven packed his belongings, his friend and fellow knight, Ser Jorin, approached him. Draven, this is madness. There must be something we can do to clear your name.

    Draven shook his head. The king has spoken. My fate is sealed. I have to leave, Jorin.

    Jorin’s eyes were filled with determination. I will find a way to prove your innocence, Draven. I swear it.

    Be careful, Draven warned. Roderic is behind this. He won’t hesitate to silence anyone who gets in his way.

    Jorin nodded, his jaw set. I will be careful. But I won’t rest until your name is cleared.

    Draven clasped Jorin’s arm. Thank you, my friend. I will hold on to that hope.

    With his belongings packed, Draven made his way to the city gates. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets. As he reached the gates, he turned for one last look at the city he had sworn to protect. The towers and spires of Aldoria stood tall and proud, a stark contrast to the turmoil in his heart.

    The guards at the gate, recognizing him, hesitated. Sir Draven— one of them began.

    Not ‘sir’ anymore, Draven interrupted, his voice tinged with bitterness. Just Draven.

    The guard nodded and stepped aside. Safe travels, Draven. May you find justice.

    Draven nodded in acknowledgment and stepped through the gates. As he walked into the forest beyond, the weight of his exile settled heavily on his shoulders. He had lost everything—his title, his honor, his home. But as he moved deeper into the woods, he swore to himself that he would find a way to clear his name and reclaim his place in Aldoria.

    The forest was dense and dark, the trees towering above him like silent sentinels. The air was cool and filled with the scent of pine and earth. Draven's mind raced with thoughts of betrayal and injustice. His heart ached, but he pushed forward, determined to survive.

    Night fell quickly in the forest, and Draven found a small clearing to set up camp. As he sat by the fire, the reality of his situation began to sink in. He was alone, cast out from everything he had ever known. But he would not give up. Somewhere out there, the truth waited to be uncovered, and he would find it no matter the cost.

    The fire crackled softly, casting flickering shadows on the surrounding trees. Draven stared into the flames, his mind replaying the events of the day. The king’s cold eyes, Roderic’s smug smile, the whispers of the court—it all fueled a fire within him. He would not be broken. His journey had just begun, and he would see it through to the end.


    The forest was a labyrinth of ancient trees and tangled undergrowth, with narrow paths barely visible in the dim light. As Draven walked deeper into its heart, the sounds of the city faded into the distance, replaced by the rustle of leaves and the occasional call of a nightbird. His exile had begun, and he was determined to survive it.

    With each step, Draven’s mind drifted back to his years of training. He recalled the stern faces of his instructors, the grueling hours spent mastering the sword, and the lessons on strategy and honor. These memories were both a comfort and a painful reminder of what he had lost. He knew he had to stay sharp, for the forest held its own dangers.

    As he walked, Draven muttered to himself, I will not let them break me. I will find a way to clear my name.

    The path grew steeper, leading him to a small hill that overlooked a part of the forest. From this vantage point, he could see the flickering lights of Aldoria in the distance. The sight filled him with a mix of longing and resolve. He turned away, focusing on the journey ahead.

    Draven pushed through the thick underbrush, his movements careful and deliberate. He scanned the surroundings, alert for any signs of danger. His hand instinctively rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment’s notice. The forest seemed to close in around him, the towering trees casting long shadows that danced in the moonlight.

    A sudden noise made Draven stop in his tracks. The snap of a twig, followed by a rustling in the bushes. He held his breath, straining to hear more. The forest fell silent again, but he knew better than to relax. Drawing his sword, he stepped cautiously towards the source of the sound.

    Emerging from the darkness, a lone wolf appeared, its eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. Draven held his ground, his sword ready. The wolf growled, baring its teeth, but did not attack immediately. They stood there, locked in a tense standoff.

    Easy there, Draven murmured, trying to gauge the animal’s intentions. I’m not your enemy.

    The wolf seemed to understand, or perhaps it sensed the strength and determination in Draven’s stance. After a moment, it turned and disappeared back into the forest. Draven let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding and lowered his sword. The encounter had been a reminder that he was far from safe.

    Continuing his journey, Draven soon found a stream cutting through the forest. The water was clear and cool, a welcome respite after hours of walking. He knelt by the stream, splashing water on his face and drinking deeply. As he rested, his thoughts turned to the prophecy he had discovered in the ancient temple.

    The words were etched into his mind: A disgraced knight shall rise to thwart the return of the titans. It seemed impossible, yet it gave him a sense of purpose. If the prophecy were true, then he had a destiny to fulfill, one that went beyond clearing his name.

    Draven’s rest was brief. He knew he couldn’t afford to linger in one place for too long. As he rose to continue his journey, he noticed the first light of dawn breaking through the trees. The forest seemed less intimidating in the early morning light, but the sense of urgency remained.

    Pressing on, Draven’s path led him to a rocky outcrop overlooking a valley. From this vantage point, he could see a small village nestled among the trees. Smoke rose from chimneys, and the distant sound of voices carried on the wind. It was a sign of civilization, a place where he might find allies or information.

    Descending carefully, Draven approached the village. The sight of people going about their daily lives was both heartening and bittersweet. He remembered what it was like to live without fear or suspicion. As he entered the village, he drew curious glances, but no one challenged him. He made his way to the village square, where a group of villagers were gathered.

    Excuse me, Draven called out, catching the attention of an older man who seemed to be in charge. I’m a traveler seeking information. Have you heard any news of unrest or strange occurrences in the area?

    The man eyed Draven warily but nodded. There have been rumors, stranger. Whispers of dark creatures in the forest and ancient powers awakening. Some say it’s just old wives’ tales, but others... well, they believe there’s truth to it.

    Draven’s interest was piqued. What kind of creatures? And what powers?

    Wolves with eyes that glow in the dark, shadows that move on their own. As for the powers, some say it’s the titans stirring in their ancient slumber, the man replied, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

    The mention of titans sent a chill down Draven’s spine. The prophecy was beginning to make sense. He thanked the man and set off to gather more information from the villagers. Each conversation reinforced the sense that something was indeed stirring in the world, something that aligned with the prophecy he had found.

    Draven’s journey had just begun, and already he was uncovering threads of a much larger tapestry. The forest, the village, the whispers of dark powers—all were pieces of a puzzle he needed to solve. With a renewed sense of purpose, he vowed to follow the clues wherever they led, determined to fulfill the destiny laid out before him.


    Draven continued through the forest, his mind occupied with the village’s whispers of dark creatures and awakening powers. As the day progressed, the sun climbed higher, casting dappled light through the thick canopy above. The forest, though dense and foreboding, held a certain beauty that momentarily distracted him from his troubles. But his instincts kept him alert, sensing danger in the shadows.

    He paused to adjust his pack when he heard the faintest rustle behind him. Before he could react, a rough voice called out, Well, well, what do we have here?

    Draven spun around to see a group of five bandits emerging from the underbrush, weapons drawn and eyes glinting with malice. Their leader, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, stepped forward, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

    Looks like a lost knight, the leader sneered. Or should I say a disgraced one? You’ve got quite the bounty on your head, Draven.

    Draven’s eyes narrowed. I have no quarrel with you. Let me pass, and no one needs to get hurt.

    The leader laughed, a harsh, grating sound. Oh, you’re going to get hurt, knight. And we’re going to enjoy every moment of it.

    Draven drew his sword, his stance ready and confident. You don’t know what you’re getting into, he warned.

    The bandits hesitated, but the leader’s greed overrode caution. Get him! he shouted.

    The bandits lunged forward, but Draven’s training took over. He moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, his sword a blur of steel. The first bandit fell quickly, clutching a wound to his side. Draven pivoted, blocking a strike from another, then countered with a swift blow that sent his attacker sprawling.

    Is that all you’ve got? Draven taunted, his voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through him.

    The leader growled in frustration. You’ll pay for that! He charged at Draven, their swords clashing with a shower of sparks. The leader was strong, but Draven’s skill and experience gave him the upper hand. With a deft twist, he disarmed the leader and sent him crashing to the ground.

    Breathing heavily, Draven stood over the fallen bandit. Yield, he demanded.

    The leader glared up at him, defiance in his eyes. Never, he spat, trying to rise.

    Draven shook his head, the point of his sword steady. I don’t want to kill you. Leave now, and you can live.

    One of the remaining bandits, a younger man with fear in his eyes, stepped forward. We should listen to him, Carrick. He’s too strong.

    Carrick, the leader, snarled. Coward! We can take him if we work together.

    The young bandit hesitated, then dropped his weapon. I’m done, he said, backing away.

    Seeing their comrade’s retreat, the other bandits exchanged nervous glances. One by one, they lowered their weapons and fled into the forest. Carrick, left alone, cursed under his breath but knew he was beaten. With a final glare, he scrambled to his feet and disappeared into the trees.

    Draven sheathed his sword, his body tense from the fight. He knew the encounter had only been a glimpse of the dangers that lay ahead. He retrieved his pack and continued his journey, the memory of the bandit’s words echoing in his mind. A bounty on my head, he murmured to himself. Roderic’s reach is long.

    The path ahead was unclear, but Draven was determined to find answers. He walked for hours, the forest growing darker as evening approached. The sounds of the night creatures began to fill the air, but he pressed on, driven by a newfound resolve.

    As he rounded a bend, he stumbled upon a small clearing. In the center stood an ancient stone monument covered in moss and vines. Curious, Draven approached and saw that it was inscribed with symbols and runes. He traced them with his fingers, recognizing some of the markings from the prophecy book.

    This must be important, he thought aloud. But what does it mean?

    A voice interrupted his thoughts. It means you’re closer to the truth than you realize.

    Draven spun around to see a figure cloaked in shadows emerging from the forest. The stranger stepped into the light, revealing an elderly man with piercing blue eyes and a staff adorned with intricate carvings.

    Who are you? Draven demanded, his hand instinctively moving to his sword.

    The old man raised a hand in a gesture of peace. I am Tariq, guardian of these woods and keeper of ancient knowledge. I’ve been watching you, Draven Alaric. You seek the truth, and I can help you find it.

    Draven’s grip on his sword relaxed slightly. How do you know my name?

    Tariq smiled, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. There are few secrets in these woods that escape my notice. Come, let us talk. There is much you need to understand.

    Reluctantly, Draven nodded and followed Tariq to a nearby fire pit. The old man kindled a flame with a wave of his hand, the light casting eerie shadows on the surrounding trees. They sat by the fire, the crackling flames providing a semblance of comfort.

    What do you know about the prophecy? Draven asked, eager for answers.

    Tariq’s expression grew serious. More than you can imagine. The prophecy speaks of the return of the titans, ancient beings of immense power. They are awakening, and the world will need a champion to stand against them. That champion, Draven, is you.

    Draven’s heart raced. But how can I stop them? I’ve been exiled, stripped of my honor. How can I be the one to save the world?

    Tariq placed a reassuring hand on Draven’s shoulder. Your exile is but a part of your journey. Embrace it, for it will lead you to the strength and allies you need. The path will be fraught with danger, but you are not alone.

    Draven nodded, the weight of the old man’s words sinking in. He had a purpose, a destiny to fulfill. The road ahead was uncertain, but with Tariq’s guidance, he felt a glimmer of hope. Together, they would uncover the secrets of the prophecy and find a way to stop the titans.

    The fire burned brightly, a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness. Draven stared into the flames, his resolve hardening. His journey was just beginning, and he would face whatever came his way with courage and determination.


    The fire crackled softly as Draven and Tariq sat in the clearing, the ancient stone monument standing silent and imposing nearby. The night had grown cooler, and the forest was a symphony of nocturnal sounds. Draven felt a strange sense of calm in the presence of this wise, enigmatic old man. He knew there were many questions to be answered, but for now, he was content to listen.

    Tariq began to speak, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. These woods are old, Draven. Older than the kingdom of Aldoria, older than the memory of man. They hold secrets that few can comprehend and dangers that many have fallen prey to.

    Draven nodded, his eyes fixed on the flickering flames. I’ve seen some of those dangers already. But I sense there’s more. Something greater.

    Yes, Tariq replied, his eyes reflecting the firelight. The prophecy you discovered is not just a story. It is a warning and a guide. The titans, ancient beings of immense power, are stirring. Their return could mean the end of our world as we know it.

    Draven frowned, the weight of Tariq’s words sinking in. How can I stop them? I’m just one man, exiled and alone.

    Tariq’s gaze softened. You are not alone, Draven. You have allies yet to meet and strengths yet to discover. The first step is understanding the prophecy and the artifacts that can aid you.

    Draven leaned forward, eager for more. Artifacts? Like the Heart of the Mountain?

    Precisely, Tariq confirmed. The Heart of the Mountain is one such artifact, capable of controlling the elements and the titans themselves. But it is not the only one. There are others, hidden and protected by ancient guardians.

    As Tariq spoke, he reached into his robe and pulled out a small, weathered map. Unfolding it, he pointed to various locations marked with strange symbols. These are the places you must visit. Each holds a piece of the puzzle, a fragment of the power needed to stop the titans.

    Draven studied the map, his mind racing with possibilities. Where do we start?

    Tariq smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. We start right here, with the ancient temple. It is said to hold the first key to unlocking the Heart of the Mountain.

    Together, they approached the stone monument, which now seemed to hum with an ancient energy. Tariq traced the runes with his fingers, muttering incantations under his breath. Slowly, a hidden doorway revealed itself, opening into the depths of the earth.

    Stay close, Tariq advised. The temple has been undisturbed for centuries. We do not know what lies within.

    Draven nodded, gripping his sword tightly as they descended into the darkness. The air grew cooler, and the walls were lined with carvings depicting battles and triumphs of old. Their torches cast eerie shadows, making the ancient stories seem to come alive.

    As they ventured deeper, the tunnel opened into a vast chamber. In the center stood a pedestal, upon which rested a glowing crystal. The light it emitted was warm and inviting, yet Draven could sense the power it contained.

    This is the first key, Tariq explained, stepping forward. The Crystal of Insight. It will guide us to the other artifacts and help unlock the Heart of the Mountain.

    Draven reached out to touch the crystal, but Tariq stopped him. Careful. The crystal is protected by a guardian. We must prove our worth.

    No sooner had Tariq spoken than a shadowy figure materialized before them. It was a guardian, formed of mist and light, with eyes that seemed to pierce into their very souls.

    Who dares to disturb this sacred place? the guardian’s voice echoed, both ancient and powerful.

    Draven stepped forward, his voice steady. We seek the Crystal of Insight to prevent the return of the titans. We mean no harm.

    The guardian studied him for a long moment. Prove your worth, knight. Answer this riddle, and you may proceed.

    Draven nodded, ready to face the challenge. What is the riddle?

    The guardian’s voice rang out, filling the chamber. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

    Draven pondered the riddle, his mind racing. He glanced at Tariq, who nodded encouragingly. Suddenly, the answer clicked into place.

    An echo, Draven answered confidently.

    The guardian’s eyes glowed brighter for a moment, then it slowly bowed. You have answered correctly. The Crystal of Insight is yours. Use it wisely.

    The guardian dissipated, and the chamber grew still. Draven stepped forward, lifting the crystal from its pedestal. As he did, a warm energy flowed through him, filling him with a sense of clarity and purpose.

    Tariq placed a hand on Draven’s shoulder. This is just the beginning, Draven. There are more challenges ahead, but with each step, you grow stronger. We must continue our journey, for the fate of our world depends on it.

    Draven nodded, the crystal glowing softly in his hand. Together, they made their way back to the surface, the first key to their quest secured. The night was still and quiet as they emerged from the temple, but the air was filled with a new sense of possibility. Draven felt the weight of his exile lift slightly, replaced by the hope of redemption and the determination to fulfill his destiny.

    Chapter 2

    The Journey Begins

    Draven and Tariq sat by the flickering fire, the Crystal of Insight casting a soft glow over their camp. The night was cool and clear, the stars twinkling above like distant lanterns. The forest, once foreboding and dark, now felt like a place of possibilities. Draven turned the crystal in his hands, its light reflecting in his eyes. The weight of his exile seemed lighter, replaced by a growing sense of purpose.

    Tell me more about the prophecy, Tariq, Draven said, breaking the comfortable silence. What exactly does it say about me and the titans?

    Tariq leaned forward, his expression serious. The prophecy is ancient, passed down through generations. It speaks of a time when the titans, ancient beings of immense power, will awaken and threaten to bring destruction to our world. It foretells the rise of a disgraced knight who will unite the forces of light and darkness to stop them.

    Draven frowned, the enormity of his task sinking in. How can I, an exiled knight, possibly unite such forces? I have no power, no allies.

    Power comes in many forms, Draven, Tariq replied, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. And allies can be found in the most unexpected places. The Crystal of Insight is just the beginning. It will guide us to the other artifacts, and each one will bring us closer to fulfilling the prophecy.

    Draven nodded, trying to absorb the information. What are these other artifacts? And where do we find them?

    Tariq pulled out the weathered map again, spreading it out on the ground between them. There are three more artifacts we need to find: the Shield of Ages, the Staff of Wisdom, and the Sword of Destiny. Each one is hidden in a place of great power and guarded by ancient protectors.

    Draven traced the locations on the map with his finger. The Shield of Ages is here, in the enchanted forest. The Staff of Wisdom is in the desert ruins, and the Sword of Destiny... in the mountains of the north.

    Yes, Tariq confirmed. The journey will be long and perilous, but each artifact will give us the strength we need to face the titans. The Crystal of Insight will help us find our way and reveal the secrets we need to uncover.

    Draven took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his destiny settle on his shoulders. I’m ready, Tariq. I’ll do whatever it takes to stop the titans and reclaim my honor.

    Tariq smiled, a proud look in his eyes. I knew you had the heart of a true warrior, Draven. Together, we will succeed. But remember, this journey is not just about the artifacts. It’s about the people we meet and the alliances we forge along the way.

    As dawn approached, they packed their belongings and prepared to set out. Draven felt a renewed sense of purpose, the Crystal of Insight safely tucked away in his pack. The first light of day filtered through the trees, casting long shadows on the forest floor. The path ahead was uncertain, but Draven was determined to face whatever challenges lay in wait.

    Their journey through the forest was filled with quiet conversation and the sounds of nature. Tariq shared stories of his travels and the legends he had learned, each tale adding to Draven’s understanding of the world and his place in it.

    After hours of walking, they reached a clearing where the forest gave way to a rolling meadow. In the distance, Draven could see the dark line of trees marking the edge of the enchanted forest, where the Shield of Ages awaited them.

    We’re getting close, Tariq said, a note of excitement in his voice. The enchanted forest is a place of wonder and danger. We must stay alert.

    Draven nodded, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword. I’m ready. Let’s find that shield.

    As they crossed the meadow, the air grew cooler and the sky darkened with approaching clouds. The enchanted forest loomed ahead, its trees taller and more ancient than any Draven had seen before. The

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