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Life of The Damned:: Seven Nations, #1
Life of The Damned:: Seven Nations, #1
Life of The Damned:: Seven Nations, #1
Ebook317 pages2 hours

Life of The Damned:: Seven Nations, #1

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Two cheetahs, Hai and Kayiyb venture outside of thier preserve in Tanzania and begin thier adventure to "The Sahara" or Egypt. They must learn to be honest with one another and survive in a new human infested world. They will face many perils and meet new people. Or will they die? It is just the life of those who are damned.

Includes a bonus story and artwork.

PublisherCheetah Night
Release dateJun 4, 2024
Life of The Damned:: Seven Nations, #1

Cheetah Night

I am a teenager who loves fiction literature with animals. I also love many different genres of art and music, cultural or not. I am also planning on being an indie game developer and indie animator. I am an African American as well.

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    Life of The Damned: - Cheetah Night


    While this is simply my second published manuscript, this book is mildly less tame in comparison to Utahraptors: Book 1: Outclaws. Many themes can be seen as very violent and gruesome. There is also a lot of assault and implied inappropriate themes. If you are deeply disturbed by this as I was when writing this novel you can either leave or suffer the same torture I did trying to make very new element to my stories. I still would make this an older teen through adult audience as always intended and for teens who feel they can handle such intense themes. The themes are listed as rather mature and even though I have not gone in depth to spoil too much of the story, I still felt it important to make sure the main points were hit for those who would prefer a warning before labeling me as a person who enjoyed such themes and other disgusting things warranted just to create drama and backlash, especially with how many people are able to look on things and the quick spread of information of the modern time. If you are, however, unaffected by these things then please enjoy this novel as the first in its series. Just like the Utahraptors series I would attempt to create an indie series with it. Without further ado, I shall not stop you from reading a story and not a boring disclaimer.


    In the far future, mankind began to push away the ideals of The Great Master, His Begotten Son, and the Basic Instructions Before Life Ends. They have driven their lives in devotion to science, and have tampered with the fabric of nature. Man sought to do the unspeakable; they wanted to burn the lines between man and animal. A project known as the Nekoji, took place in Tokyo. Man created the first humanoid animal, but then, in the Americas. Another project similar to this, but on a grand scale was taking place. This was Uhio. This project was doing well, until polluted chemicals nearly destroyed the planet and all its life. Many people died, it was a mass extinction that man brought to itself. Years later, the survivors, whom the majority came from Old World continents. The survivors joined The Remnant , the last remaining family of The Great Master’s chosen people. The World was reshaped and many things were rediscovered. Animals were also survivors of the destruction, and many extinct fauna were found as well. There was a problem however, man’s tampering caused the animals to have a new shape. There were two forms: The humanoid form, made from the pollutants of the Uhio affecting the surviving fauna, and the natural form, the forms they retained since the dawn of time. The Great Master instructed the now confused and lost creatures of creation to create laws and civilizations but never show their new forms to the humans. It would make man believe they were gods of their own, this would not help man to survive in this new realm. The Great Master announced these as the final days of Earth and that Man no longer had dominion over the beast and they would be at war.

    In Afrika, still the cheetah adapts and survives in its harsh world. This story follows two cheetahs, allies in the circle of life and the struggle to survive. So it is time to experience the life of the damned.

    Cheetahs/ Characters(Named and Vital):

    Cheetahs (All cheetahs have dark skin, tawny fur (Hair, ears, and tail) with spots, and amber eyes, unless mentioned otherwise/ They also all wear track-like shoes and gloves):

    Hai Furaha: A female King Cheetah, she usually wears a short, sleeveless crop top that stops at her chest. She also wears a sleeveless shirt underneath, along with this, she wears very short latex shorts, socks that stop at her knees and gloves that reach only the forearm. All of her clothes have king cheetah markings on them.

    Kayiyb Hamida: A male Saharan X Iranian Cheetah, He wears a shirt with baggy sleeves that stop at his wrists, which have long Egyptian styled bracelets that have black and gold colors, similar to his Egyptian neck collar. He has bandages across his stomach where his shirt seems to stop. He also wears short gloves and haram pants with heel guards that resemble his bracelets. All of these have darker brown spots. He has lighter skin and golden eyes. He has short straight hair as well. He has golden eyes.

    Duma Doa: A male African Cheetah,  He has an eyepatch over his missing right eye. He wears an african koko shirt with a crop top over it and pants.  His clothes have cheetah markings. He also has a pompadour

    Chui Bwana: A male African cheetah with glasses. He is seen raising a female leopard teen. He wears a robe-like garment similar to a mud cloak robe

    Kashe Kisa:  A male cheetah who is mates with Kulipiza. He wears a shawl with a human toddler skull mounted on the front and a cloth on his shoulders that crosses his back and one in the front. There are also more skulls on his shoulders and he has a necklace with skulls. He wears shorts and a loincloth with a cheetah mask around the top of the loincloth with warthog tusks by them. He also has straps on both his calves and forearms.

    Kulipiza Kisasi: A female cheetah who is closer to the human lodges. She has 3 cubs. She wears female assassin garments and a cheetah shaped mask. She wears human masks on her shoulders.

    Cubs: (They all still drink milk and have blue eyes, so they are unable to receive any garments other than a Daupanzee and a bodysuit)

    Watu Kisa: Male cub.

    Binadamu Kisasi: Female cub.

    Mauaji Kisasasi: Female cub with Melanism.

    Mcheshi Kutambaa:  A male african cheetah who wears a loincloth with pants, a large, rounded shawl over his chest and shoulders and bracelets on his wrists.

    Maot Paeh:  A dying male suffering from a gunshot wound. He wears a bamboo chest plate and an african tunic.

    Umfuni  Baqamekele:  A male cheetah with odd spots, more like rosettes. He wears a leopard’s head on his right shoulder, and a blooded human mask on the left. He has bloodstains on his cheek. He also wears a slim cape that drapes to his thighs. He has very slim haram pants that are put into his boots.

    Eniyan Nje:  A male cheetah found closer to human lodging. He has dog skulls on both sides of his face, and a large one on his head with 2 quills behind it. All the skulls have a bloody paw print on them. He wears white paint on his chest and has straps across his torso. He also has a cloth that covers his shoulders  and backside and wears a shendyt with dog tails at his sides and pants. He wears bandages on all of his limbs. He is accompanied by a tri-colored Basenji dog he calls "Bila Huruma''. The dog is a female with a poncho-like shawl that covers her upper half, and a dashiki skirt that drapes over her legs. She wears a blindfold over her left eye due to it having a large scar.

    Mtoto Safi: A teenage male who wears goggles on his head, a scarf around his neck and a sheep fleece duapenzee with it wrapped around his back to reveal his kurta.

    Damu Mwanariadha: A male African Cheetah who has ties to Shetani. He wears a collar with a cheetah’s skull. He has a jackal skull  with the fur and ears around the skull; on his head. There is a crow’s skull on it, and behind that is a black crown with bird skulls. His cheeks are cupped with raven skulls. He has black sleeves and he has fuzzy arm bands on both of them. He wears human skulls on his wrists. On his egyptian-like collar is a lion skull and on his shoulders are cheetah skulls; they all have fur and ears.  Also on the edge of the collar are bird skulls. He wears a short-red fleece that has lion fur underneath. On the fleece are bird skulls. He wears baggy, haram shorts that stop at his knees, and jackal skulls are located. He wears a tunic that has a diamond-like end shape. This flap reaches his knees. On the 3-points of the ends of the flap are cat skulls. He wears shoes with human skulls on top and a band on his calves. He also wears a veil over his right eye that has small bird skulls at the end. His eyes are blood red. He also wears a black shirt with ribs cupping his abdominal sides.

    Jabari Mpiganaji: The eldest of the 3 Wauaji Coalition. He has cuts on his ears. He wears a  light brown- loin-cloth that resembles his fur color. He wears a ripped t-shirt. He also wears an arm band and a few necklaces and a furred-collar. He has bandages on his calves. He has a shawl and ripped jeans.

    Shujaa Mpiganaji: The middle child of the 3 Wauaji Coalition. He has a scar on his chest. He wears a koko,  a scarf and fingerless gloves. He has bandages on his arms.

    Askari Mpiganaji: The youngest of the 3 Wauaji. He has a scar on his right eye. He wears a mask, a sleeved garment that only covers his upper chest, and a shendyt that covers his lower half but stops at his thighs. He has bandages across his torso.

    Mkimbiaji Duma: A teenage female with heterochromia. Her left eye is green rather than amber. She wears a female track uniform with a bodysuit underneath.

    Jaer Jagter: A traveling male cheetah from the North. He wears a Moroccan kaftan that is shorter in the front. He has an embroidered belt-like tunic over it as well. and a scarf.

    Shetani Mshenzi: A female cheetah who has reddish-orange colored eyes. Her fur is darker and has blackish  pigments. She wears a hyena skull, with the ears and fur on the skull. She also wears a fluffy  garment that drapes over her chest, it has a gazelle skull with the horns at the sides and rib bones decorating it. She wore a short, ripped sarong with a gazelle head at the area where her skin was most visible and black capris underneath; She has 2 hyena tails on her hips.

    Malkia Mzee:  She is seen as the highest respected female of the area. She is very pretty, and has mothered many cubs. She has a regal african dashiki with a makeshift waist strap cloth and a beaded african headpiece with jewels. She has a regal crown-like karammiski hat in which the rest of her hair can be seen at the top.

    Alfa Kiongozi: Malkia's mate, a very tall male with a muscular build for his species. He wears a cape-like garment that drapes over his right arm and some metallic feather layers on his chest. He wears a dashiki shirt and matching pants. He wears a small lion emblem on his forehead hair that has extended quills that form a lion’s mane and a lion’s jaw bones cup his cheeks. He also hat warthog tusks above the lion jawbones.

    Cheetah Cultural Facts

    Cheetahs have a very rich culture that dates back far before the Great Gone. Here are a few customs and traditions that they keep:


    Acinonychinese: The language of all members of the Acinonychinae lineage. This includes Cheetahs, Onzas, Pumas, Jaguarundis, Sivapanthera, and American Cheetahs. Dinaelurus is also known to understand this language.

    Brother/ Sister: Due to many cheetahs, in modern times  practically being identical twins, they also refer to each other as Brother and Sister. This dates to the Great Gone when there was only 7 cheetahs left

    Paws: This is just another word for hands.

    Profanity: Even cheetahs have thiers. These words include:








    And any variations of this.

    Mafdet: A word for justice in the cheetahs world

    Tears: Any over ecstatic emotion

    Jouster: An animal with horns who lost in a battle.

    Breaths/ Blinks: Seconds

    Chases: Minutes

    Prowls: Hours

    Abode: A more complex den or dwelling space. It is similar to an apartment or house and in some cases as human-like tech, but it is hidden in plain sight, like large rocks, large trees, mountains, coral, etc.

    Spots: If any cheetah tells a lie, they point it out, as it is as obvious as his spots.

    Runner: This is a term used for any cheetah seen as a coward

    Demon: A term used for nocturnal cheetahs. This is also a term used for any cheetahs who will act odd for cheetahs, by means of overly non-cheetah

    Feeder: a cheetah who preys on humans

    Mane: Lead male cheetah, also used for hyenas and lions

    Prince: Leader of a coalition (male)

    Princess: Leader of a coalition of siblings (female)

    False Lion: A Cheetah who devotes his actions to more lion-like behavior, like heightened aggression, pride mentality, and/or hunting oversized quarry

    Fool: Any cheetah who fights for no reason

    Cousin: Cheetahs who's blood relations are farther apart, more preferred by mates (Cheetahs in the story have only a little wider genetic diversity than modern cheetahs)

    Kin: Cheetahs with direct relations like true siblings or mother and son ( Still a term used).

    Warrior: Any males that

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