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Hunted: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #5
Hunted: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #5
Hunted: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #5
Ebook238 pages3 hours

Hunted: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #5

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A galaxy-wide threat. A point to prove. And a love that'll never fade.

Haunted by a past that almost destroyed her, Cleo Newman won't let anything ruin her career. She leads the crew on the Apocalypse, who have the highest success rate of any conservation ship. But she has two problems: the stifling orders from High Command, and her tempting partner, Hunter, who she spent one blistering night with. But Cleo learned the hard way never to mix business and pleasure, so she can't have him.

Hunter never expected to find love with a human, but Cleo consumes him. He had a taste of her but then backed off when she asked to keep things professional. But he's done waiting. They're perfect for each other, and when her life is threatened, he doesn't hold back from protecting her and ensuring she knows what they both need.

When a mission goes off-plan and Cleo's future is in jeopardy, Hunter makes the ultimate sacrifice to ensure she keeps her dreams alive. Whatever it takes, he won't lose her.



This sci-fi action-romance novel has a crew of feisty, smart women, gorgeous Apexian alien warriors, action-packed battles, funny, quirky alien critters, and steamy scenes set in space.

Release dateJan 18, 2021
Hunted: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #5

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    Hunted - Arcadia Shield


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    Chapter 1

    The data suggests we’ve almost got them. Hunter D’ahar’s gaze flicked from the screen, showing Commissioner Viewick to the vast expanse of space in front of him. Only a few more hours until they were home, then he could hide from this tedium for half an hour, before it started again.

    We must ensure this mission is a success. Commissioner Viewick’s nostrils flared, and he leaned closer to the screen. We cannot underestimate the urgency of this situation.

    Hunter gritted his teeth. If he smart-mouthed this out of touch idiot, he’d be up on an insubordination charge. He knew why the former general was freaking out. He had the Apexians breathing down his neck and was terrified about pissing them off.

    Hunter glanced at Cleo Newman, who sat in the co-pilot seat next to him. As always, she was a picture of calm and professionalism as she dealt with High Command. And if he didn’t know her so well, he’d have missed the muscle twitching in her jaw that showed she was as frustrated as him at being told how to do their jobs.

    Cleo leaned forward in her seat. I assure you, we’re on top of this. Since we discovered the Siblet experimentations, they’ve been on the back foot. And we’ve shut down a dozen testing sites and removed all the animals in the last three weeks.

    And that includes finding two more white tails, Hunter said. We already have them located at a sanctuary.

    Yes, and that’s outstanding work. Commissioner Viewick licked his lips. We’re receiving pressure on all sides to end this swiftly. The Siblet can’t be allowed to continue.

    And they won’t. If there are any flaws you see in the plan we laid out at the meeting, let us know, Cleo said. Everyone seemed happy with the continued surveillance and retrieval work. It’s taking precedence over all other work.

    Hunter didn’t miss the undercurrent of anger in Cleo’s voice, or the way her chin lifted a fraction as she stared down the Commissioner. She hated putting their conservation work on pause. Cleo loved her work. But standing in her way of getting on with it was High Command and the Siblet plan to rear killer mutant animals and unleash them on unsuspecting planets. And then there was the poison problem.

    He focused on the ship’s controls for a few seconds, mainly so he didn’t have to stare at the portly commissioner as he kept flapping his lips. It had been torturous to spend an entire day stuck in meetings with High Command as they’d analyzed every point of their plans to stop the Siblet. The thought of going back and doing it all over again in a week chilled Hunter’s blood, and there wasn’t much that terrified him. He’d spent years facing off with the baddest scum this universe could throw at him, but these tedious meetings took torture to a whole other level.

    Commissioner Viewick sucked in a breath and leaned back in his large black seat. The plan is fine, but you must also keep up with your conservation work.

    Send us those new recruits you keep promising us, and we will, Hunter muttered under his breath.

    Cleo’s hand appeared on his knee and she squeezed hard. It was a warning to keep his mouth shut.

    Heat flared up his leg and his cock hardened at her brief touch, but a rumble of annoyance replaced the flare of pleasure. He should have numbed himself to feeling anything when he was around Cleo. But whatever he did, nothing worked.

    He’d tried to find a flaw in those perfect curves, or tell himself that humans were weak and couldn’t be relied on, but Cleo was always there when anyone needed her. She ran a damn fine ship and had the respect of all the crew.

    He’d even tried picturing her sick, but that had made his protective instincts ignite, and he’d wanted to take care of her.

    Hunter was the sick one, pining after someone he’d been forbidden from touching again.

    And as much as that pissed him off, he respected her, too. But Hunter felt much more than respect for the sexy, smart Cleo Newman. His desire for her was seared into his brain.

    The heat from her hand still lingered on his knee. Hunter adjusted his position and focused on checking the fuel logs to avoid chasing a fantasy of grabbing Cleo, ripping off her clothes, and convincing her she loved him. Because that was what he wanted.

    The one time they’d gotten naked together had been out of this galaxy amazing, but Hunter wasn’t looking for an easy lay. He wanted an eternity with one person, and like the dumbass he was, he’d picked the woman in this star system who refused to give him that.

    While Cleo continued to talk to Commissioner Viewick, Hunter allowed his gaze to run over her, just to add an extra twist to the torture he already felt. She kept her shiny dark hair short, and it suited her heart-shaped face. She had big dark eyes that flashed whenever she was passionate about something, and an infinite amount of patience when dealing with the crap that came with being in charge of an interstellar conservation project.

    I’ll send you a daily bulletin on our progress, as requested, Cleo said. You’ll be the first to hear if there are any changes. But we don’t expect problems.

    I look forward to the progress reports, Commissioner Viewick said.

    They said their goodbyes and signed off.

    Hunter grinned as Cleo let out a loud sigh and groaned. At least that’s over with. We’ve covered everything. And I mean, everything. I thought he was going to check on the color of my underwear, just to make sure it was regulation issue.

    Hunter snorted out a laugh. You have regulation panties?

    She shot him a smile. In your dreams.

    His cock twitched at the thought of seeing Cleo in her underwear. Or better yet, out of it, discarded on his bedroom floor. They’re scared. That’s why he keeps grilling us.

    I know. And I would be too if I had the Apexian leaders demanding results and insisting resources are handed over. You guys don’t always play nice. She arched a brow.

    You didn’t hire us to massage egos. And we’re vulnerable to this Siblet poison. We hate feeling vulnerable. The sooner every drop is destroyed, the better.

    I get that. Cleo raked a hand through her hair. I’m sure High Command will think of something we’ve forgotten. When we get back to the ship, we’ll run over things one more time.

    We’ve gone over it a dozen times, and High Command has pulled it apart and is confident in us. And the crew support this mission to bring down the Siblet. Everyone has your back.

    Her eyes flickered with a hint of uncertainty. Does the crew hate me for taking them away from what they care about?

    Hunter went to reach for her hand, but held back. She was his boss, and touching of any kind was off the table. Not for a second. They know how important this is. Sure, it’s distracting us from the conservation work, but we’re finding more animals when we raid Siblet sites and making sure they don’t experiment on them. And finding two more white tails was a big win.

    Cleo let out another sigh. I know I’m the boss, so I don’t expect them to like me all the time—

    Cleo! Don’t beat yourself up over this. The crew has no problem with you. They’ll do the work expected of them.

    She chewed on her bottom lip. We’ll do one more check of the plan. I don’t want anyone overstretched. And I need to go over the rotas for next week. Some of the conservation work can’t be put off any longer.

    No, you don’t. They’re already done.

    Cleo turned in her seat and stared at him. When did that happen?

    While we were taking a break. You went off with Commissioner Viewick to look at the new art installation, so I distracted myself with work. It was that or fall asleep.

    She hid her face in her hands. I have no clue about art. It was a huge bronze lump with bits sticking out of it. I said it was nice.

    Hunter chuckled. While you were being underwhelmed by the over-priced art, I was kicking my heels, so figured I’d make myself useful.

    You coordinated everyone’s mission in that short amount of time?

    Sure. It’s why you have me around. I’m a great organizer. I’m always hot for the paperwork. He flashed a smile and got a ping straight to his gut when she returned it with her own.

    I guess we have been doing this for a while now. Cleo was quiet for a few seconds. Don’t you want to do something else? Something more... challenging?

    And step away from this dream job? All the paperwork a guy could desire, meetings on tap, and admin coming out of my ears. And don’t get me started on the snacks they have at those meetings. An Apexian could get fat and happy overindulging on all those goodies.

    Exactly! It’s not what you trained for. Cleo plucked at the arm of her seat. And I know you miss being out in the field.

    Hunter lifted one shoulder. He missed it almost as much as he’d miss air if someone turned off the circulation flow on the ship. But Cleo served her time on-board the Apocalypse. She had to be there to oversee crew operations. And where she went, he went. He was her horny, frustrated, devoted shadow.

    If you ever need a break from what we do, I’d understand, she said. I mean, you don’t take any vacation days. Or you could put in for a sabbatical if you wanted more time off.

    There was no way she was getting rid of him that easily. You don’t take any time off. Why should I?

    That’s different. She waved a hand in the air.

    Hunter shook his head. You don’t want me around?

    I do! I just... well, I want the best for every crew member. That includes you.

    Same old Cleo, always putting everyone else’s needs before her own. It’s all good. I knew what I was taking on when you hired me. And there was the rub. Cleo was his boss, and when it came to business, she kept things professional. And that meant no getting naked and sweaty with her right-hand alien.

    But Hunter had gotten a taste of Cleo before they’d become colleagues, and that taste burned on his tongue and had him waking in the night, hard and yearning for her.

    Maybe one of the other guys could swap out and take a turn on the paperwork, Cleo said.

    That’ll never happen. Can you imagine Rexx dealing with the admin High Command send our way? He’d tell them to go screw themselves and throw the tablet at the wall.

    Cleo chuckled. I wasn’t thinking Rexx as a candidate. But we could work something out. When we get the new recruits, things will change.

    Which seems like it’s never going to happen. High Command is fine with us pulling double shifts, so long as it saves them money.

    It’s not that. They’ve been distracted by the Siblet. Anything that’s not a top priority to them, gets lost in the weeds. And it doesn’t help that the Apexians are monitoring their every move.

    We need to. Otherwise, a solution to the Siblet problem would still be at the committee meeting stage a year from now. High Command needs a boot up the butt to end this.

    I don’t disagree. And I’m working on a solution to get our new team, reminding them about staffing needs, and shoving increased productivity numbers under their nose. It’s wearing them down. Then we’ll all have more free time.

    And what do you plan to do with your free time? Cleo didn’t have down days. It was like she didn’t want a reason to chill.

    Oh, you know, work on my tan, get out the bikini I’ve been meaning to wear and flake out on a beach with a huge drink in my hand.

    His cock surged up as the image of Cleo almost naked stretched out on some warm, sandy beach filled his thoughts.

    Hunter had held back for so long from making another move on her that the slightest touch or suggestion aroused him. He was like a horny teen who’d yet to get laid.

    He’d pushed a few times when they’d gotten paired up on the Apocalypse, but Cleo made it clear work came first.

    She wasn’t ready for him, and Hunter wouldn’t push his desires on her. But the barrier he kept in place to stop from claiming her as his mate was failing. It was no longer enough to work alongside Cleo every day and believe that breathing in her sweet scent would sate his need. He wanted her in his life in every way.

    Hey, I’m getting a signal from the planet we’re passing. Cleo’s fingers moved across the screen as she enhanced a small red dot on the scanner.

    It could be a system blip, Hunter said. That planet’s no longer populated. It’s too unstable.

    Or it could be a signal from one of the fifty animals programed in the system. Is the ship’s tracking working?

    Hunter ran a quick system check. Everything is online.

    Cleo stared at the screen for another second, then shook her head. You’re right, it’s probably a malfunction. And we need to get back to the Apocalypse. There’s so much I need to do.

    Hunter glanced at the screen again, then at Cleo. Excitement shone in her eyes, but there was also a hint of resignation and defeat, as if she’d just had her favorite doll snatched away by the school bully.

    Without waiting for her permission, he altered the ship’s course, heading toward Avalrod, where the signal was coming from.

    What are you doing? Cleo grabbed the arm rests.

    The signal could be important. We need to check it out.

    I’ve got two missions coming back in the next three hours.

    And they know the protocol once they come back from a mission.

    I should still be there. I need to make sure everything went okay.

    Cleo, relax. I know the crew love it when you’re around to greet them. It makes them feel all warm and fuzzy that you give a damn and want to make sure everything worked out fine, but they can handle themselves. You’re making us all too soft. And Apexian warriors aren’t used to being checked up on all the time. You don’t need to mother hen them.

    I don’t... okay, maybe I do mother a bit. But they’re my crew. My responsibility.

    Hunter chuckled at the worried expression on her face. No one complains. Even Rexx looks for you when he comes back from a mission to get a pat on the head and a glass of milk.

    She scowled at him. I’m not that bad, am I?

    You’re perfect. Don’t change a thing you do. He studied the scanner as they drew closer to Avalrod. The signal was most likely nothing, but Cleo deserved a break, and what could be more fun than tracking an animal? This was a time out she desperately needed.

    Let’s continue back home. Cleo leaned toward the controls.

    There could be an animal down there that needs our help. It was a jerk move, tugging on her heartstrings, but Cleo could never help herself when she found a wounded animal. Her mothering behavior went into overdrive.

    Hunter’s mouth twisted to the side. Cleo would make an amazing mom. He’d be the luckiest Apexian in the entire star system if he was ever blessed with a child from this incredible woman. But to get her pregnant, he had to convince her he was the Apexian for her. And that seemed like an impossible dream. But it was one he clung to.

    Cleo tapped her fingers on the screen. I’ll send a message to the Apocalypse and let them know we’re making a detour. But we need to make this quick. We can’t waste time if this is a system malfunction.

    He shot her a salute. Got it, boss. And you never know, this could be fun.

    Cleo didn’t reply, although the smile on her face told him everything. She was excited to do something different.

    She never complained, but Hunter knew Cleo got cabin fever from being stuck on the Apocalypse. And the only time they got to leave was to go to these soul sucking meetings at the bequest of High Command and be talked at for hours.

    Just half an hour, Cleo said. No longer.

    Whatever you say. This was just what she needed, time to cut loose and do what she excelled in. Cleo deserved the best, and Hunter was determined to give it to her, even if she didn’t realize she wanted him to.


    Excitement rippled through Cleo as they approached the planet, and she saw the first hint of rock and water as they descended through the clouds. She’d missed the adrenaline buzz of getting her hands dirty and doing real work. Not that dealing with the demands of High Command wasn’t real. It was all too real.

    The signal is coming from the south-east quadrant. Cleo leaned forward in her seat.

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