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Taken: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #4
Taken: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #4
Taken: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #4
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Taken: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #4

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Love, loss, dangerous experiments, and a race against time.

Ash has killed hundreds and bears the scars of a family tragedy he can never heal from. Until he meets Georgia. The wounds repair and he feels again. But he has a problem. Georgia doesn't do relationships.

Georgia Tobino knows she's different. With a secretive military background and experience in animal poisons, she doesn't fit the mold of a crew member on the Apocalypse. And her trauma from being captured by a cruel alien race left scars. But her work is her life, and she has no time to talk to Ash about their relationship. They're work partners with benefits. Nothing more.

But he always makes her his priority and shows he cares. Georgia has never been anyone's number one, and it terrifies her worse than a four-headed poisonous viper with an attitude.

When they discover an illegal lab messing with the universe's rarest and most lethal animals, they work together to defeat a common enemy. But with the enemy always one step ahead, time is running out.

Will Ash find a way to get Georgia to trust him? And will she learn having an Apexian partner will shake her safe world apart and help her in ways she never imagined?



This sci-fi action-romance novel has a crew of feisty, smart women, gorgeous Apexian alien warriors, action-packed battles, funny, quirky alien critters, and steamy scenes in space.

Release dateDec 3, 2020
Taken: Apexian Warrior Sci-Fi Romance, #4

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    Taken - Arcadia Shield


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    Chapter 1

    I can do this on my own. Georgia Tobino kept her spine straight and her hands behind her back as she fixed her gaze over Cleo Newman’s head.

    Everyone knows you’re a bad ass. But that doesn’t mean you get to go on lone assignments. High Command doesn’t pay all this money to have ace protectors on the team, just so they can kick back with a beer while you do the hard work. Cleo rolled her shoulders, a determined glint in her eyes.

    You know I work better alone. They’d had this debate half a dozen times since she’d joined the Apocalypse as the resident expert in animal poisons.

    And I sleep better when you don’t go all Tomb Raider on me.

    Georgia smirked. Cleo was so old-school with her movie references. I prefer to think of myself as Jackie Chan.

    Cleo shook her head, but there was a smile on her face. As the leader of the crew of the Apocalypse, she was hot on keeping her team safe when facing dangerous animals that were strong, fast, and often deadly if you got on their wrong side.

    Yeah, you’re a superhero. But I like my superheroes back in one piece after each mission. You do that better when you have Ash looking out for you.

    Ash Cathar was the tallest, hottest, most deadly Apexian on the crew. And he was Georgia’s partner. They all had an Apexian assigned to them as part of their role as research and retrieval special operations.

    Georgia gritted her teeth. The weak little human experts weren’t capable of going on missions alone because of all the big, bad aliens wanting to abduct them.

    Don’t give me that look, Cleo said.

    What look?

    Like you’re sucking a lemon covered in salt. I know what you’re thinking, and you’re probably right. You can handle yourself. You’ve got the training.

    We’ve all got the training. None of us would be here if we didn’t ace weapons, self-defense, and survival skills. And no one can tune a ship like Eden.

    She is freakily good with anything that flies. Cleo rested a hip against the table in the briefing room they were in. Georgia, I know your military record. And I put in the request to get you on this team when you quit your unit.

    I didn’t quit. She lifted her chin.

    Cleo raised a hand. When you decided the military life was no longer for you. Whatever your motive, I couldn’t miss out on having someone with military intelligence training on the team. And what you don’t know about poisons isn’t worth knowing.

    The burning anger in Georgia’s gut subsided. Cleo didn’t blow smoke up people’s butts. If she thought you were good, she told you so.

    When Georgia got offered this job, she hadn’t hesitated long before accepting. Even the prospect of having an Apexian partner hadn’t fazed her. Then she’d met Ash.

    He was everything your momma told you to avoid. Battle-scarred, tattooed, and with abs of a Greek god. And he fought hard and dirty when needed.

    The first time Georgia saw him charge into a fight, she’d dreamed about him for weeks, remembering those solid arms swinging and the grunts as he’d raged to protect her and make sure their mission was successful.

    But she didn’t need protecting. Georgia Tobino protected herself. I still want a solo mission.

    No. We’re not negotiating this. You knew the arrangement when you signed up. Cleo’s jaw was set firm, and she planted her feet so she matched Georgia’s five-foot eight height.

    I can always leave. Take up freelance contracting. There’s plenty of work out there for someone with the right skills. She didn’t want to go. This ship, for all its quirks, the funky AI that ran the place, and the dangerous assignments, was her home. If she didn’t have this, she had nothing. There was no family waiting for her, no guy back on Earth, and barely anyone around who she kept in touch with from her old life.

    Cleo quirked an eyebrow. And give up this luxury space cruising lifestyle?

    Georgia cracked a smile. Give me this one mission. I’ll prove to you what I can do alone. If you split me from Ash, we can get more work done. And we both know Ash can handle anything on his own. You’ll get more animals secured and keep the bigwigs happy.

    Until you get killed.

    It won’t happen.

    Or captured.

    A tense silence seeped across the room. Georgia bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn’t talking about that. Her time held captive by the foul, gross smelling Siblet was no-one’s business. She’d dealt with that and moved on.

    Cleo sighed. I appreciate you’re a lone wolf. And I’m not keeping you partnered with Ash because I don’t think you can do these assignments on your own.

    Georgia lifted one shoulder. Nothing Cleo could say would convince her this was the better choice. Having a partner, no matter how rough and tough he was, wasn’t an option she wanted any longer.

    You could have worse partners. Did you know High Command is considering a partnership with the Carolane?

    Georgia shuddered. There was no way she wanted a hybrid alien fairy as a partner. Those things were vicious when crossed.

    Cleo chuckled. You see, I’ve got you an amazing deal. Unless there’s a problem with Ash you’re not telling me about. He’s not being difficult, is he?

    No! I mean, no more than any over-protective alien hulk can be.

    That’s why we partnered with the Apexians. Alien hulks keep us alive.

    He’s just so... How could she describe the way he got to her without making this awkward?

    Dominant? Hmmm, I wonder why that bugs you.

    You’re saying I’m too dominant?

    You’d fight me for the top spot if it meant you got to fix your own missions.

    Noooo! I’d have assassinated all of High Command by now if I ran things around here. I don’t know how you put up with their orders, reports, and general bull.

    Because, sometimes that bull makes sense. Sometimes, it gets us more money and even new crew members.

    Which is why you’re the real alpha around here. You need to be a good all-rounder.

    Cleo smirked. Compliments will get you zero gold stars. Our partnership with the Apexians keeps us alive.

    I can keep myself alive. Have you forgotten what it feels like to be out there?

    A wistful look crossed Cleo’s face. Of course not.

    I don’t see you going out on missions with Hunter like you used to. Are you getting used to being an armchair diplomat?

    Watch your tone, Cleo growled.

    Georgia wasn’t done yet. And what about Hunter? What’s his role here if not to watch your ass? Or is that what you like him to do?

    Steel flicked into Cleo’s gaze. We rarely go on missions because I’m always dealing with crew issues. Including this one you keep bringing to me, even though you know what I’ll tell you each time.

    Georgia winced. That may have been a below belt hit to goad her about her right-hand alien, but she was pissed. Everyone knew Cleo and Hunter once had a thing, and Cleo killed it when they were partnered up. She always kept things professional, even with a gorgeous alien like Hunter.

    Georgia hadn’t meant to lash out, but she struggled to get past Cleo’s insistence that she needed an Apexian partner. And why did that partner have to be the one alien who kept her awake at night? That was when she wasn’t sneaking into his room as she gave into her desire to get him naked and groaning while she rode him into oblivion. Sex always made things complicated. And it was a complication of her own making, which only made her madder.

    How about a trial run? Georgia said. I’ll do this next job on my own and see how it works out.

    What if it doesn’t work out and you die because no one was looking out for you?

    Then at least you can say you were right.

    Smart ass. Nope. Ash is your partner. You’re in this together. Cleo pressed the comm link on the desk in front of her. Ash, are you on your way? I’m about to start the mission brief.

    The door behind Georgia slid open. She didn’t turn; she knew it was him. Ash’s presence always filled the room. He was her stealthy, dominant alien partner whether she liked it or not.

    Good. Let’s get started, Cleo said.

    Ash stood beside Georgia. I stopped by your quarters. You weren’t there.

    That’s because I was here. She kept her gaze forward. She wouldn’t take a peek at those muscles.

    Did you start without me?

    Something like that.

    He nudged her. You can’t get away from me that easily.

    And she knew it. Georgia gave in to her desire and glanced up at Ash. He was brick wall solid and had close-cropped dark hair. His piercing eyes glimmered purple as they locked onto her.

    She swallowed and looked away, ignoring the slight tremble in her limbs. There had to be a way out of this partnership before she did something dumb. But she was damned if she knew what that way was.


    There was something magnetic about Georgia Tobino that stirred a heat through Ash he’d never felt with another woman. It was part frustration and part longing. The human female was stubborn, bull-headed, and sometimes rude, but those qualities kept her alive and made her the strongest warrior in the human contingent of this crew.

    Ash hadn’t worked with any humans until he’d joined the Apocalypse. He’d heard rumors about them, few good, so he was shocked by how determined they were for an alien with no natural defenses or special survival adaptations.

    It had taken him about five minutes of being with Georgia before he realized he was in trouble. And it was trouble he was so tangled in that he didn’t know how to escape, or even if he wanted to, even though a headstrong, complicated female didn’t fit into his future.

    He tugged his gaze from Georgia and focused on the boss. What’s the job?

    Cleo brought up an image of a barren landscape, dotted with stunted trees. It’s a recon mission on Sysal.

    Recon! I can definitely do that on my own, Georgia said.

    Ash turned to her. Why say that?

    She still didn’t look at him. I can do recon in my sleep. It’s what I’m trained for.

    Sure, but why go alone?

    Georgia. The warning note in Cleo’s voice made it clear to Ash he’d missed something important.

    He kept focused on Georgia. What’s going on? You’re thinking of ditching me?

    No one is being ditched. Georgia had suggestions about maximizing team efficiency, Cleo said. I said no. We work in pairs. It’s safest that way, especially when going to a place like Sysal.

    Agreed. It’s a rocky hellhole. Ash kept his gaze on Georgia. She rarely gave anything away. That came from her training, too. Five years in military intelligence left its mark. But he knew her tells, and her mouth was pressed together like she wanted to argue with Cleo.

    Sysal has a breathable atmosphere, but the bog networks make travel slow and dangerous, Cleo said. You need to watch out when you’re on the move.

    And don’t forget the poisonous plants and biting insects. Ash continued to watch Georgia. She wanted him off this mission?

    Those too. It’s not a place to go it alone, no matter what training you’ve had, Cleo said.

    I agree again, Ash said. We go as a team, or we don’t go at all.

    Georgia glared at him, and anger sparked in her large dark eyes. He’d looked into that sharply pretty face so many times, trying to find a chink in her armor. She wore layers of the stuff. Maybe she didn’t have a softer side to discover. Even when they screwed, and it was always just sex for her, she kept herself locked down tight and in control.

    His gaze traveled over her uniform, and the all-too-familiar figure with her compact curves and muscles that lay beneath the fabric. Georgia wasn’t soft and sweet; she was dangerous. He loved that in his women. Not that she was his, but a guy could dream.

    If you won’t work with Ash, I can always assign you lab tasks. We’ve had an intake of fifty animals that need processing, Cleo said.

    Damn it! Fine, we’ll take the mission, Georgia said. But it’s a waste of resources.

    I never waste resources, Cleo said. I protect assets. And you two are expensive assets.

    Ash hid a smile as Georgia grumbled under her breath. That was why Cleo was in charge. She bent to a degree, but when someone challenged her, she stood her ground. No one pulled any shit on Cleo and got away with it.

    I’m not down for lab work, Ash said. And our last two missions were hectic, so a little recon will be good for us.

    You sound like you want to slow down, Georgia said. Is this job too tough for you?

    I’m not slowing down. I just want to make sure you can keep up with me. He flexed a bicep and chuckled.

    You’ll pay for that, she muttered.

    With pleasure. How about a sparring session after this?

    Cleo tapped the table with her finger. Before you beat each other into unconsciousness, let’s focus on this mission. The information I’ve sent has caused concerns with High Command.

    That got Ash’s attention. He may like to tease Georgia, but this work was important. What’s the concerns?

    Cleo brought up the image of an animal he’d never seen before. These have been recorded on several planets.

    What the hell is that? Georgia leaned closer. It looks like a mash up of several animals.

    That’s about right, Cleo said. High Command believe illegal experiments have been creating hybrids of several species of deadly animal.

    To be used as... Ash gestured at the screen. This thing was the stuff of nightmares, with too long fangs, spines on its back, and huge claws.

    Most likely, weapons. They’ve picked nature’s bad asses and made something stronger, faster, and deadlier.

    I see wild cat in there, Georgia said.

    The fangs and claws are from carnivorous big cats. The scales and spines from who the hell knows, and the poison—

    This thing packs poison, too? Georgia whistled out a breath.

    It’s a triple threat. They’re also huge. Twice the size of a lion, Cleo said. One got into an urban site and killed twenty people.

    Was it captured? Ash said.

    Cleo shook her head. It escaped. It’s still out there. Along with the rest of them and probably more we haven’t yet discovered.

    You want us to go get it? Georgia was already looking at the door.

    No, not this creature. There’s a ground crew tracking it from another ship. They’re focused on retrieving a specimen so we can figure out where it came from and its purpose.

    Ash studied Georgia from the corner of his eye. She was always willing to throw herself into danger. He loved working with such a capable partner, but sometimes, she put herself in high-risk situations without caring if she lived or died.

    He cared. And there was no way he was losing her.

    I’m more interested in finding out who is making these animals and what their purpose is, Cleo said. High Command has sent through intel on a possible lab on Sysal. I need you to check it out.

    Sure. We’ll get right on it, Georgia said. Send through the information and we can head out.

    Before we do, Ash said, why are we looking into this? I get these things are a danger, but it’s not a rare animal. It doesn’t fit under our remit. The Apocalypse was all about the protection of endangered species. Too many creatures lost their lives because of alien expansion, and it was his job, along with the rest of the crew, to make sure as many of them as possible got to survive.

    Does it matter? Irritation laced through Georgia’s words. It’s a mission. We haven’t been out for a week, and I’m getting cabin fever.

    Three days, he said. We got back from ten days in the field only three days ago. You need a break. You’ll burn out if you push too hard.

    Georgia scowled at him. I don’t burn out. And don’t make me your excuse if you need to take a vacation.

    Settle down, Cleo said. Ash’s point is valid. This is off-focus from our usual work, but High Command has seen communications about a particularly rare animal being used in these experiments.

    Ash narrowed his eyes. That changes things. What is it?

    A species of wolf.

    Georgia grimaced. They want a white tail, don’t they?

    Cleo nodded, her expression stark. The only predator with the ability to kill their prey by touching them.

    You mean, they have huge fangs, or they’re expert hunters? Ash said.

    No, if they bite you, you die, Cleo said. And I mean just a nip. It doesn’t even need to be a bad bite, their venom is so toxic.

    And the white tail wolf is rarer than a hen’s teeth Georgia said. We can’t let them experiment on such an incredible creature. If they do, and it’s a success, they’ll have a lethal weapon.

    That’s where you come in. I want you in the field, monitoring the last known sighting of unusual animal movements. Someone is transporting creatures into labs for testing and experimentation. Your mission is to find out who, if they have any white tails, and what they’ve been doing.

    And stop them, Georgia said.

    Not yet. Recon only at this stage, Cleo said. We have to know who we’re dealing with, the scale of operation, and if they have partners. They’re already letting loose some of these animals, so we need to know why.

    Because they’re sick bastards, Georgia said.

    Maybe that’s it. But they could have a bigger pay master. If that’s true, I want to know who’s pulling the strings.

    Ash wanted to reassure Georgia they’d stop this. Her breath had quickened, and her hands were clenched, so he knew she was stressed. But if he offered her kindness, she’d snap at him. That was how she rolled, and he’d quickly learned, if he wanted to hack her off, he should highlight when she was fighting to keep her emotions under control. Sometimes, Georgia just needed to be pissed at the world. He got that. He had times when all he wanted to do was yell and beat on something. This world could mess you up.

    You’ll get your chance at revenge once we have all the information we need, Cleo said. I want you on this mission because of your knowledge of poisons. They’re targeting animals with venom, including the white tails.

    No problem. I’m in. But if any of these jerks get in my way—

    "You’ll capture them and bring them in for questioning. We can’t

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