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After The Rain: Beyond The Vail Series, #2
After The Rain: Beyond The Vail Series, #2
After The Rain: Beyond The Vail Series, #2
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After The Rain: Beyond The Vail Series, #2

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"After The Rain" unfolds in a world cloaked in shadows, where Trey, a young boy burdened with a secret that threatens his very existence, navigates a precarious path. In a society where deception is survival, Trey assumes a false identity, masquerading as someone he is not, while grappling with the guilt of betraying his true self.

Amidst this turmoil, Trey finds an unexpected ally in Tk, a rebellious spirit whose stories of resistance ignite a flicker of hope within Trey's heart. Together, they peel back the layers of a facade that masks the harsh realities of their world—a world where power corrupts, and the innocent pay the price.

Their journey is fraught with danger and discovery, marked by encounters with Peso, a steadfast protector whose motives remain shrouded, and Richie, a steadfast companion whose unwavering loyalty binds them together through trials and tribulations.

As Trey and his newfound comrades uncover the truth buried beneath lies and deceit, they embark on a quest for justice that takes them beyond the confines of their once-familiar world. Along the way, they confront adversaries and obstacles, forging alliances with those who share their vision of a brighter future.

Through courage and sacrifice, Trey learns the true meaning of resilience and redemption, discovering that the power to change lies within each of us. "After The Rain" is a testament to the indomitable human spirit, a tale of perseverance and hope in the face of adversity.

As Trey's journey unfolds, readers are immersed in a narrative that speaks to the universal quest for freedom and the enduring bonds of friendship that sustain us through the darkest of times. In "After The Rain," hope emerges as a guiding light, illuminating a path forward where echoes of courage and compassion resonate long after the storm has passed.

Release dateJun 5, 2024
After The Rain: Beyond The Vail Series, #2

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    Book preview

    After The Rain - Kendravius Lewis

    Chapter 1: The Hidden Truth

    The Jackson mansion stood tall and grand in the heart of the Elite neighborhood. It was a symbol of their wealth and status, but for Cindy Jackson and Michael, it was also a fortress meant to protect their family. Years ago, Cindy and Michael had fought bravely against the oppressive laws that banned third children. They had won their freedom and the right to have three children, living happily until a new president came into power. Now, under strict new laws, third children were once again illegal. This meant their youngest son, Trey, now sixteen, had to live a life of secrecy, posing as an only child.

    Each morning, Cindy woke with a knot of worry in her stomach. As she made her way to the kitchen, she passed by Trey’s room, pausing to listen at the door. The silence inside was a constant reminder of the danger they were all in. She sighed deeply and continued downstairs to prepare breakfast.

    Michael was already seated at the kitchen table, his brow furrowed as he read the latest news on his tablet. The headlines were grim, filled with reports of the government’s relentless hunt for hidden children. He looked up as Cindy entered, his eyes reflecting his own fears. Morning, he greeted her, his voice heavy with concern.

    Morning, Cindy replied, forcing a smile. She began to prepare breakfast, her hands trembling slightly. Do you think Trey is holding up okay? she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

    Michael reached out to take her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He’s strong, just like his parents, he said, though he wasn’t entirely sure if he was trying to reassure her or himself.

    Upstairs, Trey stared out his window, watching the world pass by. He saw other teenagers walking to school, laughing and chatting without a care. A pang of envy shot through him. He longed for that freedom, to be able to walk outside without fear. But he knew that was impossible. The government patrol cars were a frequent sight in their neighborhood, and he couldn’t risk being seen.

    Turning away from the window, Trey glanced around his room. It was filled with books and gadgets, the trappings of a normal teenage life, but it felt more like a prison. He thought about his parents and all they had sacrificed to keep him safe. They had fought so hard for their freedom, only to see it snatched away by the new president’s cruel laws.

    A soft knock on the door broke his thoughts. It was Mrs. Turner, their longtime housekeeper and one of the few people who knew Trey’s secret. She entered with a tray of breakfast, her warm smile a small comfort. Good morning, Trey, she said softly. I brought you some pancakes.

    Thanks, Mrs. Turner, Trey replied, taking the tray from her. He appreciated her kindness, though the constant reminders to stay hidden were a heavy burden.

    Remember to stay out of sight today, she warned gently. The government patrols have been increased in the area.

    I will, Trey promised, though the walls of his room felt like they were closing in more every day.

    Downstairs, Cindy and Michael sat in the living room, discussing the latest news. The government had announced a new crackdown on hidden children, and their fear was palpable. Cindy’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at Michael. What if they find out about Trey? she whispered, her voice trembling.

    Michael pulled her into a tight embrace. They won’t, he said firmly, though the worry in his eyes betrayed his true feelings. We’ve been careful. Trey knows what to do.

    Suddenly, the sound of a vehicle approaching the house made them both freeze. The low rumble of a government patrol car sent a wave of panic through the house. Cindy and Michael exchanged a glance, their hearts pounding. Trey had to stay hidden. Mrs. Turner quickly moved to Trey’s room, closing the door softly behind her.

    Trey, hearing the commotion, felt his stomach twist with fear. He knew the drill. He slipped into a hidden compartment in his closet, a small, dark space designed to keep him safe. He crouched there, his breath coming in shallow gasps, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

    Downstairs, Cindy and Michael answered the door, forcing smiles onto their faces as they greeted the patrol officers. Good morning, officers, Michael said, his voice steady. How can we help you today?

    We’re conducting a routine check, one of the officers replied, his eyes scanning the house suspiciously. There have been reports of hidden children in the area.

    Cindy’s heart raced, but she managed to maintain her composure. Of course, she said, stepping aside to let them in. Please, feel free to look around.

    The officers moved through the house, checking each room methodically. As they approached Trey’s room, Cindy and Michael exchanged a tense glance. They prayed that Trey was well-hidden and that the officers wouldn’t find anything suspicious.

    In the closet, Trey held his breath, straining to hear the muffled voices outside. The footsteps grew louder, and he pressed himself further into the darkness, willing himself to become invisible.

    After what felt like an eternity, the officers left Trey’s room, having found nothing. They continued their search through the rest of the house, but eventually, they left empty-handed. Everything seems to be in order, the lead officer said, his tone grudgingly respectful. We’ll be on our way.

    As the patrol car drove away, Cindy and Michael released a collective sigh of relief. They embraced each other, the fear slowly ebbing away. Mrs. Turner emerged from Trey’s room, giving them a reassuring nod. He’s safe, she said softly.

    Trey, emerging from his hiding spot, felt a mixture of relief and frustration. He hated living in fear, but he knew it was necessary. He joined his family downstairs, the tension in the house slowly dissipating.

    Cindy pulled Trey into

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