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Accidentally in Love with My Best Friend's Brother: One Night Stand Romantic Love Story, #1
Accidentally in Love with My Best Friend's Brother: One Night Stand Romantic Love Story, #1
Accidentally in Love with My Best Friend's Brother: One Night Stand Romantic Love Story, #1
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Accidentally in Love with My Best Friend's Brother: One Night Stand Romantic Love Story, #1

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"What about you? You know you can't just drink your troubles away."


"Hey, don't judge me! I've had a crappy week," I scowl back at him defensively.


Betrayed by a boyfriend and fired by the company.


Worry clouds in his eyes, but it's gone in a blink of an eye, replaced by a mask of indifference.


Suddenly, I fall out of the barstool, and strong arms swiftly wrap around my waist, stopping me from embarrassing myself further. "Woah, you okay?" his warm breath fans against the nape of my neck, sending tingles up my spine.


Or maybe that's just the alcohol.


He pulls me closer, his arms wrapping tightly around my upper body to keep me steady. I can feel the firmness of his abs pressing against my back, and I gasp.


"That's enough for you, ma'am. Do you have someone to take you home?" the bartender asks.


I would call Candy, but she's probably busy at work and I know after seeing me hammered like this, I would have to open up about my fucked up week and I'm still not looking forward to that.


So, my only hope is the sexy stranger.


I try to ask him to help me to my car, but my slurred words make it uncertain if he understood. He glares down at me, nostrils flaring, and firmly states, "No. I'm taking you home."




Kiara Black and Trey Thompson have a one night stand after meeting each other at a bar, attempting to find solace from their personal problems. Days later, Kiara attends a welcome home party for her best friend's brother that she's never met before. After finding out that she accidentally slept with Candice's brother, she makes it her mission to avoid Trey at all cost, but he's determined to make her fall in love with him.

Release dateJun 5, 2024
Accidentally in Love with My Best Friend's Brother: One Night Stand Romantic Love Story, #1

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    Accidentally in Love with My Best Friend's Brother - Destiny B

    Chapter 1


    Iarrive at my favorite coffee stop and find my best friend, Candace, already sitting at our table drinking a frappe. When she sees me, she waves me over with a huge grin on her face.

    Damn Candy, you couldn't wait for me? I scowl playfully at her.

    She scoffs. Girl, you know I had to get my caffeine. My boss is killing me with these extra hours.

    I hang my purse on the back of the chair and go to order. Thankfully, there isn't a long line like usual.

    Samantha, the barista, greets me with a smile. Hey Kiara, what can I get you today?

    The usual. A venti vanilla Latte. Two extra pumps of vanilla. Extra hot. Stirred. Add whip cream, please.

    Yes, don't judge me. I come here so often they know me by name. When you are a writer, coffee becomes your best friend.

    After my drink is up, I thank Samantha and sit down at our table. Candace is on her phone, and judging by the grin on her face, she's texting her girlfriend.

    How's Pat doing?

    Huh? She's still looking down, her fingers moving a mile a minute.

    How is Patricia doing? I ask a little louder this time.

    She finally slips her phone back into her purse. She's good, busy as hell as usual. I just can't wait to fly out next month to visit her.

    They started dating just before Patricia left for her internship. I can tell the distance is getting to Candy, but she would never admit it. She wants so badly for their relationship to work.

    Changing the subject to avoid upsetting her, I ask, so you said you had something to tell me?

    She looks confused, but then her green eyes widen with recognition. Oh yeah. So guess what! My brother is moving back here from Texas. Supposedly, he's finally found an executive position here.

    My family and I moved to Virginia my senior year of high school. I met Candace in English class on my first day, and we've been tighter than peanut butter and jelly ever since. Throughout our four years of friendship, I've never met her older brother. I've heard plenty about him, though.

    How he's a huge fuck-up. A selfish asshole. He graduated high school, and abandoned his family to chase after an impossible dream, forcing Candace to step up and finish raising their little brother. She even had to work a part time job in high school to pay the bills because their mom is an alcoholic and completely incapable of managing anything herself.

    There are always two sides to a story though, and he's never been given the chance to tell his.

    How are you feeling about it? I ask, savoring my perfectly-crafted latte.

    She grimaces. I just can't find it in my heart to forgive him. He knew that my mom has been drinking since Dad left when Jeremiah was a baby, and still he abandoned us too.

    Maybe give him a chance to explain, see things from his perspective-

    Ki, are you seriously taking his side right now? You don't even know him. He's a dog, a selfish asshole, and a-

    I know. I know. A fuck-up, I sigh deeply, I'm not taking his side. All I'm saying is just give him a chance to explain himself.

    She huffs. Fine. I'll give him five fucking minutes, that's all. She pauses to take a long sip of her frappe. Are you coming on Friday?

    To what?

    My mom wants to throw him a welcome home party at the house. There will be plenty of food, I know that's a requirement for you, she laughs.

    Uh yeah, I guess I'll be there. It's not like I have anything else to do.

    I was going to tell her about how I just broke up with my boyfriend after I found him cheating with my sister, but I don't want to hear the, I told you so.

    At least, not today.

    She's been telling me for the past year to dump him, but I didn't realize how much of a bum he really was until after the shit-colored glasses were forcefully removed from my eyes when I caught him fucking my sister in MY bed. In MY apartment.

    Chapter 2


    Iopen the door to my apartment to find Jordan's clothes scattered all over the living room carpet. Ugh, not again, I mutter, picking them up and carrying them to the hamper in the bedroom.

    And then all of a sudden, I hear something that stops me dead in my tracks. I can't move or speak as the sounds of pleasure echo through the hallway from my bedroom.

    Oh Jordan, give it to me harder! I hear a feminine voice shout.

    It sounds like my sister's voice, but it couldn't be. Lavender has done some fucked up shit in the past, but she wouldn't cross the line like this.

    Yes baby, you feel so good, my boyfriend grunts, I love you so much, Lav.

    Oh, fuck no!

    I barge through the door to find Lavender naked on all fours with Jordan pausing mid-stroke to stare at me in shock. He's behind her, his body dripping with perspiration. Oh shit, Kiara, I thought you were at work!

    I furrow my brows, continuing to stand in the doorway, as I process the disgusting scene in front of me. I toss Jordan the clothes in my hand as Lavender slips on the dress discarded on the floor.

    This can't be my sister, it just can't be. There has to be another female in this city with purple and black braids, who looks exactly like me, and has Daddy's slut tatted on her lower back.

    Jordan and I have been dating for two years. Two years of my fucking life flushed down the toilet. He took my virginity. I proudly introduced him to my family. I let him move in and live with me. Three months ago, he lost his job, but I gave him grace and let him stay here even though he hasn't been doing shit but play video games.

    Around the same time, my sister got out of jail for beating the shit out of some chick at the strip club she worked at. My parents refused to let her move back in with them and she had nowhere else to stay, so I stupidly let her stay with us while she got back on her feet.

    So no, this must be a nightmare. They wouldn't do this to me. I've been too nice, way too fucking nice to deserve this.

    How long has this been going on? I hiss through clenched teeth.

    Uh, I don't know, Jordan answers, nervously tugging on one of his dreadlocks.

    Two years. I snap my attention to Lavender. The little slut has a smirk on her face.

    Ever since we were kids, I was the nerd and she dropped out of school as soon as it was legal. My parents are decent people, but she just couldn't stop herself from getting in trouble. Whatever Lavender wants, Lavender gets. I just didn't think she would go this far and hurt me. I've always been there for her, always defended her even when she was in the wrong, and this is the thanks I get from my little sister?

    My blood boils in my veins as I glare at her. Why..why would you do this to me? My voice quivers, but I keep my head held high. Even though my heart is breaking, I won't let either of them see me cry.

    The smirk stays plastered on her face. Because I'm tired of living in your shadow. You are Mom and Dad's shining little star and they act like I'm their biggest disappointment. Well, look at me now, sis! I've been fucking your boyfriend behind your back for two years, and he loves it. Every time I'm out of jail, he runs to me. She wraps her arm around Jordan's waist. Tell her what you told me, baby. Tell her that you think she's boring and I make you feel so much better than she can.

    Her words are salt in my wounds, but I continue to hide the unbearable pain now searing through my body.

    My now ex-boyfriend refuses to meet my gaze. Kiara, I...I can explain, he murmurs.

    Explain what? I snap. Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't say what she said you did!

    I...I can't.

    I nod my head up and down, laughing hysterically. Okay then.

    Walking out of the room, I throw the door open to the hall closet and pull the black case from the shelf. I unlock it and pull out the Glock 19, popping in the preloaded magazine and switching off the safety.

    With my finger on the trigger, I return to the room to find them sitting on edge of the bed, my bed, casually holding each other.

    Jordan's eyes widen with panic as he looks down at the weapon in my hand. K-Kiara, what are you doing with that? he stammers. They both hold up their hands defensively. Kiara, we can talk about this, he continues in a pleading voice.

    Those brown eyes that I adore, well up until twenty minutes ago, are now filled with terror and regret.

    I hold the gun at my side. Nah, I'm boring, remember? You have a degree in fucking accounting, Jordan! Tell me what's so exciting about your life? I sneer. And you, I pause to glare at my whorish sister, you better go beg Mom and Dad for a place to stay because you'll no longer be residing here starting today."

    She has the audacity to roll her eyes. Kiara, stop being so dramatic. Put the gun down and we can talk about this like adults.

    Did she think she was acting like an adult when she was fucking my boyfriend for revenge?

    Baby, I love you. This was just a mistake. I don't even know how this started. I just...

    Just what, Jordan? Tripped into her vagina? I'm sure the neighbors can hear me shouting, but I don't give a fuck. I feel numb, but somehow, I can still feel the weighted gun in my hand. My finger itches to pull the trigger.

    I just want them gone.

    Out of my life forever.

    I'm done talking. I'm going to give you both until the count of five to get the fuck out of my apartment before I blow your brains all over the wall.

    The way I'm feeling right now, it's not just a threat. It's a promise.


    I cut him off. Five...four.

    They scramble towards the door, and I follow them with the gun pointed towards their backs.


    Let's go Lav, she needs some time to cool off, I hear Jordan tells her, but his voice sounds distant. Blood pumps loudly in my ears, my entire body burning with rage.

    Two! And leave the keys!

    They throw on their shoes, tossing their keys on the kitchen island before darting out the door. The door slams shut, leaving me utterly alone.

    I'm able to put the safety back on and place the gun in its case before the emotions erupt from me like a violent storm. I slump to the floor, my vision blurred from the never-ending stream of tears.

    End of flashback*

    That was three days ago, and I still haven't been able to sleep in my apartment. Instead, I've been sleeping in my car to avoid going home.

    For Jordan to cheat on me was one thing, but to defile my apartment, the place I felt safe and comfortable in, is unforgivable. Why couldn't he fuck her in a hotel room? Oh yeah, because they're both broke bums.

    I can't even look in my bedroom without seeing him and my sister together. It's fucking torture, and I can't wait for my lease to be up next month so I can move. I'm content sleeping in my car until then.

    After Candy and I say our goodbyes, I reluctantly pull into the parking garage of my apartment. Thinking about the incident again has fresh tears falling, and I use my new sanctuary that is my car to fall apart again.

    Chapter 3


    O rder up!

    The last entree of the night clanks on the stainless-steel countertop as I ring the little, silver

    bell for the final time.

    After the waitress brings the lobster ravioli out to the floor, the kitchen staff bursts into applause. Marco pops open a bottle of Prosecco and pours it in a flute, handing it to me. He then throws an arm over my shoulder, Cheers to our head chef for finally making it to the top!

    Pride swells in my chest as I look around at my fellow chefs. This place has become a second home, and I'm going to miss it when I leave tomorrow.

    I grin. Thanks guys, I really enjoyed working with you all of you.

    The staff drinks and hangs around for a bit to chat. I'm sitting at the bar when Marco comes to find me. Hey big shot, you all packed and ready to leave?

    I nod. Yep, ready to see my family after four years. Of course, I've always stayed in contact with my mom, I sigh, shaking my head, But my sister and I haven't been close since I left. I'm not sure what her problem is.

    After receiving my Culinary Arts and Operations certificate here in Austin, Texas, I begged Marco for a job. He saw my talent and eventually gave in. Soon, his head chef up and quit, and I eagerly seized the position. I've been working my ass off ever since, saving up to open my own restaurant in Virginia.

    Does your sister know you already have an apartment there? You didn't visit them at all when you were searching around for a spot for your restaurant?

    No, they don't even know about the restaurant, I told them I got an executive position, not that I own the restaurant. I'm planning for it to be a happy surprise. This is the beginning of our family's generation wealth. My face falls thinking about all we've gone through since Dad left. I promised not to come home until I accomplished my dream.

    He smiles, patting me on the back. I'm proud of you, Trey. You will be greatly missed.

    That means a lot to me. He has been a great mentor and an even better friend; possibly even the closest person I've had to a father.

    Thanks man.

    Once everyone starts leaving, I make my way to the walk-in freezer. I promised Marco I would do inventory. My last gift to him since he spent the last two months searching for my replacement.

    I suddenly hear the latch on the walk-in freezer and turn my head slightly to see Stephani standing in the doorway wearing her uniform; a red blouse and black pants. There is an unmistakable hunger in her gaze.

    She has been wanting me since she started waitressing here about a year ago, but she was off limits. I don't mix business with pleasure. Although, I can't pretend not to love when women show a persistent interest in me. I never chase, I just wait for them to come to me, to desire me so badly that they beg me to fuck them.

    And I will fuck them.

    Hey Steph, need something? I smirk to myself, continuing to count the yeast containers.

    You know what I need, she answers, her voice dripping with desire. I've been waiting patiently for too long.

    I turn to face her, cocking an eyebrow. And what is that?

    Thankfully, there are no cameras here. Despite the cold, flames of desire lick at my skin, and my hard dick presses painfully against my slacks.

    You said you wouldn't touch me while we worked together, but now we don't. She licks her lips, slowly zipping down my fly. I watch in anticipation as she kneels before me. Her eyes dilate as she sees my impressive size, but apparently up to the challenge, she pops the thick head into her mouth.

    That's it, take all of me. She moans softly, sinking more of me into her hot, little mouth. I tangle my fingers in her hair, relishing the dominance and control as I guide her head up and down my length.

    Relax and open your throat for me, I demand. She obeys without hesitation, relaxing her tongue so I can slide all the way to the back of her throat. That's it. Good girl.

    Tightening my grip on her scalp, I fuck her mouth with fast, hard thrusts. The sound of her gagging on my big cock turns me on even more.

    Snapping my hips hard two more times, I pull out, the wet pop muffled by the cold. I watch as she sputters, and saliva rolls down her chin.

    She may need a little guidance, but I appreciate the effort she's putting in to please me. Good girls like this deserve to be rewarded.

    Glancing at the clock above the door, I swiftly yank her onto her feet. Pull your pants down. The cleaning crew will be here in fifteen.

    She hurriedly yanks them down to her ankles along with a mint-green thong. My cock twitches as her perfect, brown ass jiggles in front of me.

    Fuck yes!

    I reach into my pocket, effortlessly slipping on a condom before I bend her over an empty shelf and slam into her sopping cunt. The chilly air surrounding us feels good on my hot, perspired skin as I fuck her with hard, fast strokes. She moans my name, throwing her ass back to meet me thrust for thrust.

    Harder, Trey! Harder!

    I grunt in response, propping my leg up on the shelf to reach deeper depths inside her. As I fuck her into oblivion, my breath grows harsher with each thrust.

    Oh, fuck yes! I close my eyes, reveling in the sound of my balls slapping against her ass as if it's a round of applause.

    I suppose I deserve it with the way I'm beating this pussy up.

    Her moans gradually turn into screams. I suddenly feel her legs begin to tremble, and I know she's seconds from shattering.

    Cum for me. Now, I demand.

    She instantly obeys, screaming her release.

    Typically, I find that women don't orgasm from penetration alone, but here she is creaming all over my dick, gripping it like a vise.

    Damn, this is a good fuck worth remembering.

    Grunting as I find my own release, I pull off the condom and cum all over her ass. Then, I stuff my softening cock back into my pants.

    She finishes readjusting her outfit just in time for the cleaning crew to come barging in. The smell of sex hangs heavily in the air, but the two men don't speak a word of it.

    Like the gentleman I am, I hold the door open, allowing her to pass through first. Once we reach her car in the parking lot, she turns to me. Thank you, that was amazing! she says with a satisfied smile.

    A cocky smirk pulls at my lips. No, thank you for sending me off with a bang.

    I didn't plan on fucking her tonight, but I'm glad I did. I had been aching to bury my cock in her for a while, and it was even better than I expected.

    She leans in for a kiss, but I swiftly dodge it, moving around her to open the left door. Have a good night, Stephani.

    Hearing the dismissive tone in my voice, disappointment flickers across her pretty features. She sighs, Have a good night, Trey.

    After making sure she leaves the parking lot safely, I stand in front of the restaurant I have been working at for four years, reminiscing about all the good times.

    As the Marco's sign on top of the building flickers off, it feels like it's symbolizing my journey here coming to an end. I've finally accomplished what I wanted and now it's time to head home and begin my next journey.

    Chapter 4


    M s. Black, we're going to have to let you go.

    I blink rapidly, trying to process what my boss, Mr. Davis, just said. I'm sorry...what?

    We must make budget cuts.

    Liar. There's not an ounce of empathy on his stupid, tanned face.

    So was I like the first on the list or- I can't help but raise my voice as I grow more upset.

    Ms. Black, it's been two years since you wrote a bestseller and no offense, but your romance novels are no longer drawing the attention of your audience.

    Why do people say no offense when what they're about to say is going to offend the fuck out of you?

    My face contorts with hurt and confusion. So, what you're saying books are...boring?

    He clears his throat, gazing out the window of his office. Look Kiara, your audience is looking for spice. The spicier, the better. Your latest manuscript has not one explicit scene in it, it might as well be YA, he continues, I'm sorry, but no one is willing to publish it."

    And I didn't think I could get more offended...

    If you can rewrite it with more spice, there’s a chance we may bring you back on board, but for now, we have to let you go, he says stoically.

    Universe, just fuck me, right? First, my boyfriend cheats on me with my sister. I have to sleep in my damn car for the next month. Now, I'm getting fired from my job.

    What a wonderful week I'm having (note the sarcasm).

    You know what, you don't have to fire me because I quit! I exclaim, abruptly standing from the chair and storming out of his office without another glance.

    I can feel the eyes of my former colleagues on me, but I keep my head down as I make my way to the elevator.

    I manage to hold it in until I reach my car. I swear, this is the most I've cried since my boyfriend in kindergarten proposed to another girl with a ring pop.

    I have maybe six months worth of living expenses covered. Six months to write a bestseller and find another agency to publish it.

    Or I will lose everything.

    Sooo, I'm going to need a drink. Like right fucking now!

    I pull up to the nearest bar using my GPS. It's practically empty inside except for the bartender and two other guys. Considering it is only noon, I'm surprised no one is here at all.

    I'm two drinks in when I hear the door swing open. Someone plops down beside me, but I ignore them. There's like ten different bar stools in here, why the hell do they have to sit beside me?

    With a voice smoother than molasses, he asks, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a bar like this?

    I recoil in disgust. The last thing I need is some guy hitting on me right now.

    Two more vodka tonics, please!

    Put it on my tab, and I'll have a bud, please. The bartender nods in the man's direction.

    Oh great, the asshole wants to play savior.

    I scowl as the drinks land on the counter in front of us.

    You know, I can pay for my own drinks, I assert, still avoiding eye contact.

    Never said you couldn't, but someone as gorgeous as you shouldn't have to.

    I learned early in life that guys don't do something nice unless they can get something out of it.

    I roll my eyes. Let me guess, what do you want in return? Sex?

    He chuckles deliciously. If you're up to it.

    What? I shriek, shooting the stranger a glare. My eyes widen as I'm completely captivated by the sight of the man in front of me.

    He's handsome. Like drop-dead sexy. He has a beautiful, mocha-toned complexion with chiseled features, and hazel eyes that steal your breath away. I can tell he's tall and muscles ripple underneath his black t-shirt, exuding power and confidence.

    Like what you see? he flashes a crooked grin, exposing his dimples. They are like deep craters of charm that only make him more irresistible.

    I immediately hate him. Nobody should look this damn yummy. Nobody!

    No! I snap, quickly turning away to hide my flushed cheeks.

    Who the hell does this guy think he is? I've never seen someone be so direct, so fucking sure of himself. It's absurd. It's infuriating. It's....wait, why can't I stop this heat from pooling between my legs?

    Why are you at a bar at noon on a Tuesday?

    I continue to avert my eyes from the sexy stranger. I could ask you the same thing.

    He hums. Let me guess...some little boy broke your heart and you're feeling bitter, and plan to push away every man that tries to come into your life after him?

    I toss back another glass. I bet if you caught your sibling sleeping with your significant other, you would be bitter too.

    He's silent for a long moment. I'm sorry, that really sucks.

    He sounds sincere, but it's too late. He's already hit a sore spot.

    I don't need your sympathy, I bite out.

    Damn, I actually might need to tone down the bitterness a bit. I'm starting to sound like a real bitch.

    Real men don't cheat.

    Well, I didn't see the signs until it was too late. I'm starting to believe there aren't any left, I mutter, downing the last cocktail.

    "Well look no

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