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Farnley Ridge
Farnley Ridge
Farnley Ridge
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Farnley Ridge

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A group of college girls decided to go to the traverling church that had arrived in Winnfield Louisiana, A fun evening they thought, Saturday evening was more of a spiritual evening, not a religious evening like on Sunday. They did not know that one of them would be chosen by the medium, to receive a message from the other side. But this would change one of the girl's life, forevermore. 

PublisherJOHN parish
Release dateJun 5, 2024
Farnley Ridge

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    Farnley Ridge - JOHN parish


    I took to the road to self-publishing, in a way that it would help me to achieve my goal, of getting one or two books published. I looked at several ways of doing this, but the cost involved was above, what I thought was acceptable to my pocket. Also looking on the internet, everyone believed you should not pay, anybody to get into print, full stop. In fact, I contacted, Draft2Digital. After looking at a lot of sites advertised. This move to join them, proved to be a life saver for me, as I am not computer literature.  They were very helpful in getting a book uploaded for print. I lost count of the emails I sent to clarify I was doing it correctly. So much so, I have decided to put my next book through their process.

    All rights reserved on this book. The story of this book is not based on anyone person or persons. All names are from my imagination, in the event of similar names is purely coincidental. Some place names used are, again coincidental, for the purpose of geographical purposes for the storyline.


    Copyright (c) June 3rd, 2024.


    To all my family for being very patience, in allowing me to keep writing. Especially my wife Eve, giving me the space and time to be more creative.


    There was a fallen angel who had a broken wing

    can you fix it she asked the blackbird

    But he would only sing

    so, when you hear the blackbird singing way on high

    he’s calling all his friends, to help the angel fly


    The simple idea of having a college girls night out at the traveling Church that comes to Winnfield, Louisiana, once or twice a year.

    The girls were on high on excitement for the night ahead. But the evening would prove to be a catalyst that would shake one of the girls life for evermore. Evolving police from Winnfield to Oklahoma to untangle the mystery that has gone unsolved for many years. Hearing of lies and corruption, kidnapping, child abuse. Then ultimately murder. The journey would go back, from the present day in the nineteen sixties to the nineteen fifties, then to the start of this family mystery, in the nineteen forties. A very slow process of getting all the facts in place.

    Would she ever get back to her idealistic childhood of happiness.


    I started life up here in the Scottish Highlands UK. In a small eastern coastal town of Nairn. But shortly after the second world war had finished, my mother headed for London, where her husband was stationed during the war. That was the start of me growing up in the hurly burly times, that London was famous for.

    Life was good, my father had a well-paid job, so we never lacked for anything.

    Leaving school at the tender age of fifteen in nineteen fifty-nine. My future was mapped out for me. My father insisted that I got a trade behind me. I was employed in the same company that he worked for. In those days, to have a trade behind you was a good thing for the future. But my heart laid elsewhere.

    It fell on deaf ears, that I wanted to go to art school. So, life began, with all that the swinging sixties could offer. Enjoying this newfound freedom that our parents never had. Everything was so different now. Music had gone from big bands, and ballads to Rock and roll, it was the new in thing. Fashion was another great thing of change. But as life moved on. I met a beautiful young lady who would become my wife. We would go on to have two loverly sons. So, our life carried on, as all families do. But I still carried my passion for art, so over the years I became a, fair, sort of water colourist, then went on to do oils, then pastels. Then the other thing I toyed with over the years was writing. So, whilst talking with a friend of mine, who was a newspaper journalist in London. She encouraged me to write. Just go for it, she told me, you seem to have a good passion for writing. So, some four years ago 1decided to get on with it, get pen to paper, as such. Being retired now, the boys flown the nest, I spend my time writing.


    Ruby Cole, sitting on her front porch, reflecting on her move to Winnfield Louisiana. A small, homely town, that she grew to love, over the fourteen years with her daughter Nancy. A far cry from her troubled life back in Oklahoma. It now seemed a different world altogether, from growing up in the Keating family.

    "Hi Ma, nice to see you relaxing in the sun.

    "How you are doing girl, college over already.

    " Yes Ma, we have a long weekend, go back on Tuesday.

    "Ready for your dinner then.

    "Sure thing, I’ll just get changed whilst you dish up.

    Ruby dished up the meal as Nancy came back to the table.

    "So young lady, have you got plans this weekend.

    "Yes, me and the girls are going up to the show that’s pitched up at the top of the town, on Harrisons field.

    "That’s the traveling church, have you gone all religious on me,’ you kept that a secret.

    "No Ma, that’s on the Sunday, we are going to the Saturday show, they have a spiritual day, with healers for the sick. Then someone gives out messages for love, one’s that have passed over. Caroline was telling me, her Auntie, went to one some time ago. She had a healing on her shoulder, then a lady gave out messages to folk.

    "So, who is going with you then, I suppose, the Phoenix girl put you all up to this.

    "Well in a way, Caroline and phoenix thought, it would be a night out. Jennie is also coming along.

    "I remember when I was your age, maybe a bit older. I went to a spiritual show in New Orleans. I found it enlightening understanding those folks, also their mission in life. There was also healers at the one I went to. One of the healers seemed very popular with the people, if I remember correctly,

    he was called Jack. They were queuing up for him. So, I guessed he must have been good.

    "The girls will be coming round for me about six, o’clock.

    Nancy was dressed and ready when the girls arrived.

    "Let’s get going phoenix shouted.

    "Mind you all behave girls.

    "Yes, we will Mr’s Cole. As they set off in eager anticipation up to Harrisons field.

    It was a huge tent that that would draw in the crowd’s for the two-day event. They could see a queue already going in. mostly older folk, but they could see other students.

    It’s a good turnout, Jennie remarked, even one of our teachers are going in.

    Phoenix pointed out there was a row of seats near the front.

    "Do we have to sit so close to the stage.

    "That’s why they are empty, Nancy remarked.

    "Yes, we can we sit together. Phoenix insisted.

    There was a buzz of low chatter amongst the waiting crowd, as soft music played in the background. Then a tall gentleman came through the stage curtains, wearing a tall hat with strange symbols.

    "Good evening, folks, welcome to our spiritual evening. The program will start shortly with Mr’s Williamina MacCulloch passing on messages to loved one’s here, from loved ones that have passed over, and wish to make contact. Then there is an intermission for refreshments at the back end of the tent. Then Mr’s McCulloch will return, to give out more loving

    wishes. When that has finished, there will be Healers on hand at the rear of the tent, for those wishing to have a healing. there is no cost involved, but if you wish, there is a donation box at hand. So, sit back and enjoy your time with us this evening. The hatted man then retreated behind the curtains once more. The music got slightly louder then parted as a women came through to the front of the stage. A woman of slight build, with her gey hair tied in a bun at the back, she has a soft warmness in her face.

    "Good evening everyone welcome to our spiritual evening. If I come to

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