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Cyberpunk:Dawn: Cyberpunk Series, #1
Cyberpunk:Dawn: Cyberpunk Series, #1
Cyberpunk:Dawn: Cyberpunk Series, #1
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Cyberpunk:Dawn: Cyberpunk Series, #1

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There is a color in your blood, it is such a reckless golden color. You are such a dangerous person that I can't leave you.

PublisherMagnus Kruse
Release dateJun 5, 2024
Cyberpunk:Dawn: Cyberpunk Series, #1

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    Book preview

    Cyberpunk:Dawn - Magnus Kruse

    Chapter 1 Beneath the Surface

    AFTER MEASURING ALL the shooting parameters, the altitude is set at exactly 300! The anti-aircraft artillery squad leader raised the red flag.

    Rain-inducing bullets! A rapid round of fire!

    The red flag fell, the muzzle fired, and the silver iodide particles in it exploded under the dome, interacting with the long-accumulated rain clouds to form ice nuclei that turned into billions of water droplets.

    Suddenly, heavy rain raged in this city with an altitude of -813 meters.

    Countless raindrops were evaporated by the factory chimneys, which also served as load-bearing pillars of the city, before they hit the ground. More than a dozen giant factories with flashing outline lights looked like fire dragons lurking in the earth's core.

    The huge rain curtain was violently evaporated by the heat emanating from the chimneys, fog surged and clouds rose, and outside the windows of the tall buildings, an underground rainbow was within reach.

    There was heavy rain above the clouds and great light below the clouds. The giant holographic projection lights throughout the city were brightly lit simultaneously. The towering figures of workers rose from the ground, holding hammers in their hands and carrying sacks on their shoulders.

    At its feet, the buildings are only the size of building block models, and countless people in overalls look up and stare at the sky, their incarnations.

    The acidic dome rain could not corrode the workers' shadows, but instead added some brilliance to them. The workers, surrounded by the crowd, looked heroic!

    It stood proudly in the rain, with a resolute face, raised its hand to cover its brows and looked into the distance, its blazing eyes penetrated the rock wall and mountain, reaching the surface under the sun, raised its hammer and shouted

    Keep a tight grip on production! Revitalize the motherland!

    The worker stepped on Longshan No. 1 Steel Plant with his left foot and on Mel Chemical Machinery Plant with his right foot. These two giant enterprises that supported a small portion of the industrial production capacity of Longshan Underground City turned into an anvil in the projection. The worker leaned over with his eyes glaring, and smashed it down with a hammer!

    Workers produce more with sweat, and soldiers produce less with blood!

    There was a loud bang, like thunder, and six other figures of different sizes suddenly appeared in the sky above the city. They were soldiers, teachers, farmers, workers, salesmen, and middle-aged firefighters. Each of them held a rifle, paper, pen, axe and other tools. They stood shoulder to shoulder with the workers, leaning closely against each other and cheering in unison.

    The seven projections represent the seven districts of Yongsan, and together they represent this great country that has survived for a century in the post-nuclear world.

    Amid cheers, the rain-inducing bombs that had burned out their ammunition hit the rock wall of the dome, fell down with a bang, passed through the armpits of the seven people's projections, and brushed past the fast-moving aerial express track.

    After the brilliant projection light of the express rail fades away, it becomes a constant morning star embedded in the air underground.

    The rain-inducing bomb drew an arc without light, and below was a densely packed building that was congested and stuffy. The shell went down along a series of clotheslines and spider web wires, and finally landed into the Red Gang in Mel District with a boom, creating a huge mud puddle.

    Who the hell is throwing objects from a high place?

    A brothel owner who was soliciting customers was innocently splashed with mud. He jumped up and down and cursed.

    The accompanying old man swung up his right arm, which had been converted into a broom prosthesis, and fished out the broken shell from the bottom of the pit. He then cursed the damn Meteorological Bureau for never making appointments for firing. His prosthetic eye rolled around and fixed his eyes on a woman holding a blue umbrella who had just turned into the alley.

    This old man could smell a hint of ink from the umbrella's owner without even using his eyes.

    This is a noble smell. He might be a pure-blooded rich man. Maybe he got too wild on the surface and couldn't stand the ubiquitous rules in the underground, so he wanted to join the red gang to have some meat.

    Hey, Mr. Jun, come and taste tea. We just got a batch of Maojian tea from the Guanri area. If you think the taste is too bland, I guarantee you will be satisfied with our surface black tea.

    The elegant fragrance of the distinguished guest floated in the red gang. Various prosthetic eyes scanned and discovered that this was actually a pure-blooded person. Everyone was like hyenas smelling blood, rushing over to introduce their new tea.

    Once you enter the store, can't you just knead it as you like?

    If you don't squeeze out a lot of ration coupons, you've lived in vain.

    But obviously, the owner of the umbrella did not intend to let these modified humans further deteriorate the air around her. She raised her hand, revealing the badge pinned under her windbreaker.

    The badge was plain, but it had a strange beast engraved on it, with four legs like a tiger, a lizard head with fish scales, and ferocious horns and fangs.

    Facing the sky.

    If the myth is true, all the deformed beasts on the earth today must call it their ancestor.

    From the Security Bureau!

    The police are here to crack down on prostitution!

    Accompanied by shrill screams, the blazing fire that could not be extinguished even by the heavy rain from the dome was soon extinguished due to lack of oxygen.

    Even though Chaotianhu is a dead creature, just a glare from it is enough to scare away the shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

    The woman put away her umbrella and stopped in front of a dilapidated brown-yellow tube-shaped building at the end of the street. She raised her head slightly and looked at a window with a burglar-proof window. There were colorful stage lights spinning inside, and the music coming out was melancholy.

    There’s al through your blood,Such a hasty shade of blonde.

    (There is a hue in your blood, a frivolous gold)

    You’re that awful sort of dangero,Kd that keeps hangg on.

    (You are such an awesome and dangerous person that I can't leave you)

    The rooftop awning could not bear the accumulated water, and it smashed the neon billboard below. Before the billboard died, a ball of sparks exploded, burning the feathers of the banned rock music that flew out of the window, and fell to the side of the cigarette butt that was extinguished by the high leather boots.

    In the dim tube-shaped building, piles of small advertisements were posted on the ground, all of which described miracle drugs that could regenerate severed limbs and real-life pipe dreams. The corridor was piled with debris, with almost no place to step. There were small bicycles, broken beer bottles, cheap prosthetic limbs with blood stains in cardboard boxes, and black plastic bags punctured by chicken skeletons.

    As the woman climbed the stairs, the curses of passersby chasing the drunk drifted in through the hollow windows of the corridor, as if they were shouting, Give me the things! Give me the things!

    The woman's long boots soaked the concrete floor, the umbrella hung down, water droplets dripped, and there were knocks on the door knock knock.

    The small lattice on the door opened with a clatter, and the artificial eye of the person behind the door flashed red.

    Who are you?

    When the artificial eye scanned the teardrop mole beside the woman's phoenix eye, the man behind the door's dilated pupils suddenly shrank, and he immediately cried out


    The rain wet the woman's black eyeliner, the collar of her windbreaker stood up high, and the soap silk armor type four exoskeleton underneath was surging with blue light, and the overload mode was suddenly turned on!

    The voice of the person behind the door just reached the bedroom, and the fist wrapped with steel wire punched through the sandwich steel plate of the security door and grabbed Charlotte's neck. How could the hard lever lock of the door withstand the impact of the exoskeleton?

    The moment the entire door was torn off, countless spring screws burst out!

    The exoskeleton burst out a pulse interference beam of a specific band, and the dream machine in the living room, which was converted from a VCD player, exploded with wisps of green smoke. The men and women who fell into the state of bliss and madness created by the dream machine had their cerebral cortex immediately pierced by the chaotic electric current, and their consciousness exploded into a paste.

    Charlotte flew backwards, and the door nail spring exploded, collapsing the plywood bedroom door.

    Amidst the flying wood chips, a man holding a pump-action shotgun rushed out roaring, and as the barrel guard slid, the bright red 18.4mm lead bullet clicked into the chamber.

    Muzzle flames flashed, and the men and women in the dream twitched all over in the gunpowder mist. In the steel-blue vision when the exoskeleton was overloaded, dozens of bullets with tremendous kinetic energy shattered the blood beads flying from the noses of men and women into blood mist.

    The sound-permeable cloth of the old-fashioned speakers vibrates the rock and roll female voice, which is smoky, gentle, low, and full of vicissitudes and bitterness.

    Chapter 2 You and I Are Dead

    WENT TO SLEEP HUNGOVER, woke up drunk,

    (I still feel hungover before going to bed, and still black out when I wake up)

    Baby shake that aspir snow globe."

    (Baby, come shake this painkiller bottle like a snowball)

    The blue umbrella danced and opened, the bulletproof fiber cloth taking away the force of the projectiles, and they splashed like raindrops, and sparks splashed in the cramped space.

    The exoskeleton's turbine core beeps loudly, and Kofod takes two steps forward. The umbrella shaft pops out and instantly reorganizes into a katana, which he holds in one hand and then slashes diagonally!

    The shotgun broke into two pieces, and milky white bionic blood gushed out from the broken part of the prosthetic hand of the gunman. However, the prosthetic hand had no sense of pain, and did not hinder the gunman's left hand, which had been deformed into a claw, from stabbing.

    Bang! The gunshot sounded crisp.

    This transplanted limb, taken from the flesh of the alien beast Shark Lizard, is still insignificant in front of the steel-core bullet.

    The tip of the knife flicked out a drop of blood, and the overloaded consciousness retracted like a tide. Rock music was repeating, and the record player in the bedroom was playing jazz, the saxophone was deep and melodious, and the bitter smell of cigarettes was lingering.

    Two years ago when we retired from the Jager Battalion, I advised you not to get prosthetic limbs. Now, you only have your head left, Frieda.

    Kofod looked down at her former comrade from the Jager Battalion whose arms were broken. There was a hint of sadness in her cold, smoke-filled voice. However, she did not lower her pistol even a fraction.

    Because she knew very well that this comrade who had vowed to hunt down the mother of the deformed beast and the leader of the radiated man was now covered with killing weapons derived from the bodies of alien beasts.

    Frieda showed her sharp teeth and said coldly, Kofod, do you think everyone can stand on the dry shore like you? If you didn't have a good relative, you would still be selling your body in the Red Gang. Now you are wearing the skin of the Security Bureau to show off to me?

    Are you worthy of the brothers who died in the battle?

    Kofod sneered when he heard that. He suddenly raised his left hand and the wire-controlled sword connected to the exoskeleton in his hand flew out and directly pierced Frieda's shoulder, which showed signs of abnormal movement. Frieda was pulled in front of Kofod by the sword. With a flash of cold light, half of the flesh on Frieda's shoulder was gouged out, leaving only white bones.

    Kofod did not vent his anger, but instead dug out a delicate translucent sealed bag from under Frieda's shoulder.

    There was a small ball of sticky scarlet jelly-like substance in the sealed bag. Even though it was tightly sealed, it still inevitably contaminated the body tissues in the hiding place. The flesh and blood of Frieda that was cut off by the sword fell to the ground and actually emitted a particularly sweet and fragrant mist.

    This mist would make living people confused and infatuated, not to mention the men and women in the living room who had been forcibly pulled out of their fantasy and turned into paralyzed invalids, and their painful expressions would relax when they smelled it.

    Substance AMN-C227, commonly known as 'Cinnabar', comes from the digestive tract secretions of the K-level alien beast 'Thousand Maw Beast'. Any form of contact will cause permanent anterograde amnesia and completely inhibit the generation of new memories. As a controlled hazardous chemical, it is not allowed to be possessed by any organization or individual without relevant qualifications.

    Kofod was wearing a half-mask respirator, and the original activated carbon absorber had been strengthened into a special military gas filter canister. This meant that the penetration of Cinnabar was extremely strong.

    After 'Cinnabar' is atomized, the half-effective concentration reaches 0.0015 mg/minute per cubic meter, which will cause severe dizziness and hallucinations, equivalent to taking a large dose of psychedelic drugs. If it is directly injected intravenously, there is a high probability of insanity and death, but there is a very small probability of physical deformation, so that the human immune system will not reject the alien organ, thereby achieving safe transplantation of high-level alien limbs into the human body.

    Kofod carefully placed the sealed bag of Vermillion into the exoskeleton turbine cooling pack and continued

    Two months ago, the bureau received news that the surface had mastered the methods of mass production and safe use of 'Cinnabar', and had even smuggled it underground to cultivate limb mutants...

    But I didn't expect it to be you! Kofod shouted.

    Frieda lowered her eyes, avoiding Kofod's gaze.

    Frieda! You are an agent from the Fifth Division of the Longshan General Security Bureau! You are an undercover agent in the bureau, and you are not a member of the Jing Gang!

    Look up! Kofod shouted.

    The sword was swung heavily, and the sound of breaking the wind was sharp.

    Over the years, I have protected you twice! I don't care about smuggling food to the surface, and I suppress vendettas and territorial grabs.

    But since you've been working as a dog for the Rasmussen Jiang Group, transporting 'cinnabar' underground to benefit the surface and cause division! Then you know that one day, I will come to take your life!

    The surface is dominated by the Rasmussen Jiang Group, which is constantly infiltrating the underground. The old man still thinks that he is still living in the 2070s, when the surface is closely connected with the earth. There is pre-war industry underground and abundant resources on the surface. Several major groups are united in one mind, working together to clear the surface beasts and rebuild the surface ruins, believing that one day, humans will return to the surface under the sun and return to the glorious era of mankind.

    It is now 2083! The alien beast war has been won. Ordinary people may not be able to see the tension above and below the ground, but Kofod is in the Security Bureau, so how could he not know the wolfish ambitions of the Rasmussen Jiang Group?

    This is a harbinger of civil war!

    Kofod's index finger was on the trigger.

    Tell me who your superior is and where you are at the transfer station of Vermillion! I can still ensure that your brother lives like a human being.

    Speak back! Kofod shouted.

    Outside the window, there were mottled lights and shadows, and the sound waves were overwhelming. A new round of dome projections was shining again, and police sirens were blaring alternately at the entrance of the alley. The rock music had a clear beat, and every time the drums hit, the electronic music would rise, fall, rise, fall, and rise again.

    When Darkness appears, I’ll present you with a teporary fix.

    (Darkness falls at this time, I will give you a temporary antidote)

    My apple, this bottoless pit, It’s’ as deep as it uld get.

    (My accomplice, this is a bottomless pit, it can be as deep as it wants)

    Frieda coughed up blood and phlegm. He stared at Kofod and tried to stand up against the wall.

    Walking through purgatory, but with our hearts still attached to the motherland, this was the hunter oath we swore together back then. We fought and died on the surface, knowing that this was suffering in advance for our descendants, so that they wouldn't have to be underground rats anymore...

    The stage lights spun slowly, blocking out the light in Frieda's eyes. His breathing became increasingly difficult, and his lungs made a hoarse, hoarse sound as if they were bellows.

    Aren't you also a dog of the Security Bureau? You are just doing things for the higher-ups to destroy their descendants.

    Frieda moved her feet, black blood dripping from her shoulder, and said hoarsely As for the 'Cinnabar'... Ha, I won't take a penny from Rasmussen Jiang! I did it voluntarily!

    Frieda pointed at Kofod's gun and roared, Only in this way will the masters be afraid! When a million disabled workers grow new limbs and are promoted to great humans one level at a time, it will be time for the pure-blood masters to work as dead laborers in the flesh factories!

    Frieda bit her tongue suddenly, spurting out a mouthful of black blood. Her facial features were distorted to the extreme, and she laughed crazily Even the rats on the surface of the earth can bask in the sun!

    Would you like to be a mouse?

    I won't do it!

    In an instant, several beams of strong light shot out from the adjacent tube-shaped building. Kofod subconsciously threw himself to the ground and the rain of bullets instantly covered the small living room.

    Kofod crawled to the corner, and she almost dragged the exposed Frieda in. Her eyes suddenly fixed, and Frieda's body suddenly swelled up like air.

    Does this mean that the artificial body and the beast body will explode together?

    He stared at Kofod, his eyes full of black, like a demon, his chewed tongue hanging from his mouth, and he squeezed out the last words from his throat When will the day come, I and you...

    All dead!

    Chapter 3 Thin Cat

    FRIEDA'S BLACK AND red blood column broke through his body that was compressed to the thickness of a cicada's wing. The energy contained underneath exploded violently, comparable to the speed of the shock wave of black gunpowder, and in an instant it exceeded 500 meters per second.

    It took less than three seconds from the skin swelling to the body exploding.

    The distance between Kofod and Frieda is zero.

    There was no chance that she would be spared.

    Overload activated. Kofod heard this emotionless prompt tone.

    The overload electrode of the soap silk armor exoskeleton was placed close to the mastoid behind the ear. After the discharge, the ultra-low frequency carrier wave also attacked Kofod's frontal lobe at a speed close to the speed of light before the retinal photosensitive system released bioelectricity to the bipolar cells. The flow of time she intuitively felt slowed down extremely, and the ratio of the real time in the outside world to the time perceived by the brain dropped sharply to nine to one!

    This is her, bullet time!

    Kofod's consciousness was immersed in an extreme cold light, and the speed of her thinking was almost synchronized with the generation of visual electrical signals.

    She clearly saw the ripples under Frieda's skin wriggling like earthworms and expanding rapidly, and the vibration trail in the air when the bullet broke through the window glass. This speed far exceeded the speed at which Kofod's own limbs responded to the nerve signals in his brain.

    For her, it was nearly twenty seconds.

    She even had time to think about the gunmen's motives.

    It’s all for the purified Cinnabar hidden in Frieda’s body!

    In a flash, Mille made a series of moves.

    The left finger pushed open the umbrella cloth release button, and the bulletproof umbrella cloth, which had been separated from the umbrella shaft, was automatically rolled up to the base of the Kofod trousers using a wire guide and turned into a tool bag.

    After being released again, the extremely resilient ribs bounced open in mid-air. Kofod corrected the umbrella pole into a straight pole while locking the connection port. With the shortest stroke, he inserted, locked, and opened the umbrella!

    Kofod aimed the 92 pistol in his right hand at the attacker at the window of the opposite tube building. This aiming process lasted for more than ten seconds!



    Bend your legs!

    Stare from behind!


    In a violent bloody flash, the place where Kofod was originally located turned into ashes, and the rain of bullets suddenly stopped...



    The umbrella blocked Frieda's self-explosion. Can the death penalty be avoided? The living crime cannot be forgiven!

    Kofod was slammed straight into the bedroom, and the huge kinetic recoil almost caused her internal organs to shift out of place even though she had an exoskeleton to relieve the force.

    Kofod ducked into the blind spot and pressed the built-in earphones, calling out urgently, Requesting support! Support!

    The sound of a propeller breaking through the air came from the headset, and Kofod immediately hung up the communication. She knew very well that no matter how fast the support came, she would have to rely on herself to get through this life-threatening time!

    The bullets outside penetrated the wall panels, stirring up countless sawdust and lime, suppressing Kofod so that he could not move at all.

    Kofod didn't even need to scan the attackers any more to know they must be from Rasmussen Jiang's group.

    Apart from the Surface Operations Bureau, who would be bold enough to open fire on the agents of the Underground Security Bureau? !

    Kofod's bulletproof umbrella was blown to pieces. As a military exoskeleton, the soap silk armor was not equipped with ceramic plates, but only a basic amplification frame. In other words, she had no effective means to resist 7.62mm rifle bullets!

    Even if she activated overdrive and broke through the wall behind the bedroom to escape, it was like a butterfly that could avoid raindrops but couldn't fly through a waterfall without getting its wings wet!

    A bullet!

    One is enough!

    She knew very well that she was a mortal being, not a cyborg made of steel, nor a strange beast with steel skin and bones!

    But sitting back and waiting for death is not her style!

    Kofod threw a heat-inducing smoke bomb, and the white phosphorus-magnesium mixture inside was stimulated into a thick fog that obscured the vision of the naked eye. The virtual cathode oscillator power converter, matched with the pulse power source, repeatedly triggered high-energy microwave frequencies that were enough to shield the artificial eye from scanning.

    The electromagnetic pulse successfully interfered with the gunman, and he was temporarily unable to lock onto Kofod through the artificial eye's infrared aiming and thermal lock.

    The moment the density of the bullet rain decreased, Kofod knew that if she didn't leave now, she would be finished. She didn't want to fight with a group of lunatics like Frieda who were ready to explode at any time!

    As a military exoskeleton, the soap silk armor has a very high resistance to electromagnetic interference. In one breath of Kofod, the power of the exoskeleton suddenly climbed to the extreme mode, and the overload output exceeded the ten kilowatt-hour mark!

    Kofod harnessed this force that exceeded the combined power of the three military police officers. He moved his ankles slightly and shot out like a cannonball, slamming his shoulders against the bedroom wall.

    A human-shaped hole was directly smashed into the outer wall. The reinforced concrete could not stop Kofod at all. The steel bars broke apart, which was equivalent to a twelve-horsepower crane raising its hammer to smash the wall!

    But which floor is this?

    Sixth floor, twenty-one meters.

    Kofod tried hard to turn her body in mid-air. The duration of the exoskeleton's maximum power was shorter than the overload of consciousness. She had to resist the feeling of weakness caused by the power decay while maintaining balance like a tabby cat.

    Kofod is 1.73 meters tall and weighs 120 kilograms. With the exoskeleton and all the equipment, his weight is nearly 140 kilograms. If he penetrated the wall like a cannonball, he will fall down like a cannonball.

    But Kofod's physical skills were particularly amazing. With just a few moves, she completed a posture flip in the air, and the umbrella-bone small sword connected to the exoskeleton was pulled out. The blade sank into the wall of the tube building and quickly slowed down the speed of falling. However, the densely packed billboards, clotheslines and private wires between the tube buildings greatly restricted Mille. Soon, a neon sign in the blind spot of her vision caused her to suffer a great loss.

    The high-voltage wire that was cut by the sword was emitting sparks and the moment it hooked Kofod's elbow, it immediately shocked Kofod to the point of losing her voice. Sparks and lightning flew all the way, causing her to fall face down into the puddle.

    The loud noise startled a skinny black cat in the dark, which ran into the sewer and disappeared without a trace.

    The plastic syringe and oil can floating on the puddle flew out with a splash, the ripples gradually disappeared, and then a hand grabbed the wall of the pit. Kofod was electrocuted and her body was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. Fortunately, the exoskeleton made a grounding neutral wire at the last moment, so she was lucky enough to come back with her life.


    Kofod gasped and tried to stand up. She didn't care about the sound of the aircraft above her head and staggered under the eaves. She endured the pain and gave herself a painkiller injection. During this time, the gunman above her head continued to fire at the street.

    Fuck! Kofod's gritted teeth curse was softened by the painkillers, and for a moment it was so weak that it sounded like a skinny cat's cry.

    In the more than one year since she joined the Security Bureau, even the most arrogant gangsters would humble themselves when they saw the Chaotianhou badge, and even the most rampant police would offer her a cigarette. How could she have ever suffered such a big loss?

    Even if we relax our understanding of her five-year career as a hunter, she has never felt so frustrated fighting against the king of the alien beast subspecies in the ruins and street fighting like a meat grinder.

    She has never suffered any loss since she was a child!

    Now that support has arrived, let’s not hold grudges overnight!

    Are you from the Operations Bureau? I'm from the Security Bureau, and I'm your natural nemesis!

    The furious Kofod tore open the tattered windbreaker, and at the same time tore open the soft bulletproof vest full of bullets inside the windbreaker, revealing the titanium alloy exoskeleton frame strips.

    The frame bars are integrated with extremely long ultra-fine cables, which can transform a variety of electrical signals targeting the human body and objects, enabling the mechanical ascension of humans to superhumans!

    Such a set of soap silk armor with only the basic modules mounted on it was enough to arm a traditional nine-man infantry squad. It was a top-notch item that only a very small number of elite units were entitled to.

    Are you okay, Xiaoyue? A greeting of support came through the headset.

    Kofod raised his head, searching for his teammates in the air. Under the dome, an actress in military uniform was dancing on tiptoe, doing her signature move of raising her right foot over her shoulder with her arms spread out. Her loud, clear female voice echoed in the dungeon like waves.

    Kofod found the traces of the aircraft being torn apart in the projection. She stretched her arms, and the short-sleeved shirt with the panda head logo trembled heavily.

    Kofod pulled the trigger of the pistol with her little finger, the magazine was full of bullets, and she said in a stern voice

    I'm fine!

    The one who's in trouble is someone else!

    Chapter 4 Bayonet Tip

    FURIOUS, KOFOD RETURNED to the tube building, but this time she didn't have the patience to climb the stairs.

    With a roar of the engine turbine, the Soap Silk Armor military exoskeleton switched to self-climbing mode. Extra electric current was attached to the palm of Kofod's exoskeleton, stimulating a strong magnetic effect, allowing Kofod to climb quickly with the help of the ubiquitous metal products between the tube buildings.

    The gunman above had obviously recovered from the electromagnetic pulse blast. Although the prosthetic eye he was carrying was crude, it still had the most basic tracking infrared light, which was enough to penetrate the thick smoke produced by the burning of caseless bullets and lock onto a moving human body.


    Kofod cursed as she was pinned down on the third-floor balcony by the fierce rain of bullets. The proliferation of prosthetic technology forced the improvement of firearms, and now the mainstream was caseless bullets with extremely fast firing rates, which were sufficient to inflict heavy damage.

    Even if traditional gunpowder bullets are not retired, their caliber must be increased. After all, prosthetics made of alloys are not afraid of recoil!

    The steel core armor-less bullets blasted the concrete balcony in all directions. Kofod stomped hard with his leg, exerting his maximum force to crush the crumbling tile wall. As he slid into the house, his consciousness was overloaded in an instant.

    The overload time was extremely short, only three seconds passed in Kofod's consciousness.

    Explosive bomb! Kofod shouted!

    The Type 92 pistol in her hand, which had been modified to such an extent that the original designer would never have dared to dream of, responded. The explosive bomb was drawn into the special chamber for special ammunition. The exoskeleton target indication system and the overload system were doubly matched. Kofod saw the position of the gunman with his eyes. That was enough!

    Without even looking at the explosion behind him, Kofod slid across the living room, hitting the leather sofa covered with floral cloth until cotton wool flew everywhere and enamel porcelain vases exploded into pieces. This family was definitely in bad luck, but Kofod, who had already kicked the door and rushed into the corridor, would not show any mercy.

    Damn, this is a red gang, who could live here?

    This is for bitches!

    Kofod ran as fast as she could. The narrow corridor did not provide any space for turning. Every time she turned a corner, she would bump into the wall and make a dent, then she would run straight to the rooftop.

    The iron gate was blown away, and the cold rain from the dome hit people in the face. The projection of a female soldier in military uniform in the air was performing a assassination dance, and a water-repeating rifle was dancing with the power of wind and thunder.

    As far as Kofod could see, there were rows of six-story tube buildings. The closer he got to the East City Boundary Bridge, the fewer neon lights there were.

    Without time to appreciate, Kofod jumped onto the rooftop opposite and fired an electromagnetic pulse bomb!

    No matter whether there is a bird or not, it’s never a bad idea to hit the first shot!

    Military exoskeletons are not afraid of electromagnetic pulses!

    A howl of pain was heard immediately. Not all prostheses are willing to be coated with zinc-titanium. The neuralgia in the prosthesis caused an operations bureau gunman who was left behind in the corridor to drop his gun in pain.

    This distance does not require any assistance. Kofod held a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. The electric bullet pierced the man's throat, and then Kofod stomped on his hands and feet and broke their joints. Since he failed to pry open Frieda's mouth, he had to make up for it!

    The sound of airflow from the aircraft passing by was particularly high-pitched, and the sound of gunfire was replaced by the sound of the military Type 74 gun, which Kofod was so familiar with that he frowned.

    After all, I can’t hide it from the police from Mel District!

    She was not sure which part of the Mel District security system was coming. She was not afraid of stealing the credit, but she was afraid of being held back!

    This Cinnabar smuggling case is a major case that cannot be concealed. The police stations in various districts dare not keep an eye on the smuggling trains with approval documents, but instead keep an eye on the Security Bureau. Anyway, everyone knows that the Security Bureau is very powerful, and if you follow them closely, you will always be able to get something for free!

    Knowing that the enemy would fight desperately, Kofod just couldn't wait for reinforcements to arrive! He just couldn't fight at the most advantageous mid-range and long-range!

    In a close range gunfight, the bullets on both sides can see!

    Hold my mother!

    Kofod had already heard the gunman downstairs cursing in dialect. She made a decision in an instant, threw out the last electromagnetic bomb, and rushed in with a roar!

    The electromagnetic blue light flashed, and the high-intensity electromagnetic radiation at close range interfered with the exoskeleton. Kofod ignored the overload warning and slapped his hand back, exceeding the authority. The Ace was operating in violation of the rules!

    The third consciousness overload!

    Is there something wrong with the synaptic current? Force overload!

    In the cold blue light, a 7.62mm standard rifle bullet was fired from the muzzle of the Type 92. The charge was about 3 grams and the kinetic energy was about 2700 joules. At this time, at an almost zero-distance environment, it was easy to penetrate a one-centimeter thick homogeneous steel plate, let alone a soft bulletproof vest.

    Kofod was afraid that the 9mm bullet would not have enough stopping power, so he even used rifle bullets.

    That's not enough.

    The bullet hit the gunman's exceptionally broad chest directly.

    Under the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet, the gunman's subcutaneous armor on his chest tightened instantly, and the non-Newtonian fluid in it sheared and thickened drastically, instantly unloading the bullet's kinetic energy from the point to the entire surface. The diluted kinetic energy only made the gunman's body shake.

    Kofod thought it was bad.

    As a hunter, she could tell by the smell that this was the liquid inside the shell of the alien beast shovel louse on the surface. With this armor having the properties of Newtonian fluid, ordinary light weapons could not do anything to the shovel louse and it was difficult to kill it without a flamethrower.

    The IDF has experimented with making bulletproof vests out of this liquid, but the end result was that the liquid was inactive outside the body and was just a pool of acid water. It only took effect when it received nutrients inside the body.

    The Wehrmacht would not allow its soldiers to have such implants, but the Surface Operations Directorate could.

    This means that the gunman in front of Kofod has both mechanical prosthesis and flesh and blood!

    It takes a few tenths of a second to pull the trigger, and it takes the same amount of time to lift the wrist. Kofod redirected the muzzle of his gun toward the gunman's head, and the gunman turned back and aimed at Kofod.

    The time is the same.

    Everything has a price. Consciousness overload is achieved by precise electric shock to the cerebral cortex. If you miss it by a hair’s breadth, it will be a huge mistake!

    Moreover, the exoskeleton operation manual clearly stipulates that no matter what level of consciousness overload, the interval between use should be longer than seven minutes. Continuous high-intensity overload may cause spasms, epilepsy and madness, or even fall into a potentially infinite overload time, and the consciousness will sink forever!

    The failed modulated carrier wave turned into a synaptic current, and the passage of time in Kofod's consciousness suddenly stopped. In this ultra-slow flow rate that the consciousness overload technology dared not implement, a wild wave of thoughts with incomparable pain flooded Kofod's mind. Even if Kofod used a short overload of one second, it was still several minutes in consciousness time.

    The gunman howled, his blue-black tongue spurting out corrosive saliva, the result of erosion by the stag beetle transplant. The fluid surging in the subcutaneous armor began to loosen, and the bullet fired by Kofod fell.

    And the other gun is about to fire another irresistible bullet.

    Outside the window, the projection of the female soldier in the air launched a counterattack, and the tip of the holographic bayonet emitted a line of reflection and aimed at the tiny Kofod below her.

    White light suddenly fell!

    The muzzle headlight immediately illuminated Kofod and the gunners, and then there was the unique boom sound of the Type 92 high-explosive bomb.

    The noise was enough to crack my eardrums. If there is a nail that cannot be broken by a hammer, then just get a bigger hammer.

    Even if the extremely viscous fluid was sheared into steel plates, it would not be able to withstand the high-explosive bomb. The gunman was immediately turned into a ball of pink blood mist, leaving only the shovel tick fluid overflowing.

    The pulsating blue light of the flying skateboard flashed, and the recoil airflow isolated the rain curtain, and a Security Bureau agent with the same badge as Mille walked on it.

    Chaotianhuo has hair like a lion, neck like a snake, belly like a clam, front claws like an eagle, and hind claws like a tiger.

    This is Kofod's support!

    People from the same group!

    The speed at which emotions are generated in the conscious world remains unchanged, and the pleasure of surviving the disaster instantly fills Kofod's mind.

    The next second, this support from the same group looked at Kofod with eyes that did not contain any intention of helping him, but were full of murderous intent.

    The joy of surviving the disaster suddenly turned into the fear of entering the wolf's den again.

    Yes, at this moment, Kofod was really scared.

    The man who had been chatting and laughing with Kofod an hour ago lowered his gun, bent down to pick up a rifle scattered on the ground, and walked slowly towards her step by step.

    Chapter 5 So that

    WITH EMOTIONS SURGING in his mind and nerves paralyzed in his body, Kofod collapsed to the ground, unable to move a single finger.

    This man must be here to take her life, otherwise why would he pick up someone else's gun?

    So that he can clean himself up?

    Kofod stared into his eyes. This man named Kelsgaard had a pair of particularly charming peach blossom eyes. Not to mention the long scar that ran diagonally across his left face behind his eye canthus, he was indeed a very elegant scholar. But in this day and age, where are the real scholars? Most fair-skinned scholars are just prey. Only soldiers can become generals or ministers!

    There was no one else in this place covered in blood. In the last moment of consciousness overload, Kofod's consciousness was like a dream, with countless thoughts flashing through her mind. She was sure that if Kelsgaard killed her at this time, there would be no suspicion of killing her.

    But why? Because of her? Because of the cinnabar in her exoskeleton? Or because of the entire Security Bureau?


    Kofod's vision was blurred, and the overload error completely deprived her of her ability to move. No matter how strong a person is, they cannot resist the blow that directly affects their brain. This is not a blow to the flesh,

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