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Overcoming Manipulation
Overcoming Manipulation
Overcoming Manipulation
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Overcoming Manipulation

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The book clearly addresses all forms of manipulation that the planetary government system, historically in the hands of a small elite, practices to maintain power. From ancient times with wars of domination, enslavement, or conquest of lands, peoples, and cultures for the enrichment of small monarchical families who sanctified themselves with false airs of divinity at the expense of the blood of nations, to the era of technological and digital conquests in the space frontier, all means of communication serve the same purpose: the manipulation of the workforce; the shaping of political-ideological opinions through lies and the concealment of truths unacceptable to the electorate of any nation, all to direct the voting masses towards results that benefit the elite of real power.
Release dateMar 27, 2024
Overcoming Manipulation

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    Overcoming Manipulation - Helius Arrais

    O V E R C O MI N G












    Helius Arrais



    Author: Helius Arrais 2024



    "Hidden are the keys to the kingdom: They neither entered nor allowed those who wanted to enter to pass.

    But you, be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

    Book from the 3rd century


    Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)

    (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Bras il) Arrais, Helius

    Overcoming manipulation / Helius Arrais.

    (Brazilian Chamber of Books, SP, Brazil)

    Goiânia, Go : Ed. Autr, 2024.

    ISBN 978-65-00-98157- 5

    Systematic catalog indexes:

    1. Fiction: Brazilian Literature B869.3

    1. Ficção brasileira I Título.

    24-199693 CDD- B869.3

    Índices para catálogo sistemático :

    1. Ficção: Literatura brasileira B869.3

    Aline Graziele Benitez – Bibliotecária – CRB- 1/3129



    To the courageous readers of this book, Who seek to unravel the hidden keys of the kingdom,

    May the wisdom of serpents and the innocence of doves guide you,

    On your journey of discovery and understanding.

    May this text be a light on the path of knowledge,

    Inspiration and reflection for all who dare to enter.

    With gratitude and respect,

    Helius Arrais



    The book clearly addresses all forms of

    manipulation that the planetary

    government system, historically in the hands of a small elite, practices to maintain power.

    From ancient times with wars of domination, enslavement, or land conquests, peoples, and cultures for the enrichment of small monarchic families who beatified themselves with false airs of divinity at the cost of nations' blood, to the era of technological and digital conquests on the space frontier, all means of communication serve the same purpose: manipulation of the

    workforce; shaping of political -

    ideological opinions through lies or the


    concealment of unacceptable truths to the electorate of any nation, all to steer the electoral masses towards a result that benefits the elite of real power, as exemplified by the 'Brexit' of the United Kingdom; mass distraction methods with subliminal messages in cinemas, TV, internet, and print media; the trivialization of moral values and the consequent distortion of ethics and the emergence of fluid values that have now resulted in an incredible inability to lead a peaceful life in the face of so much selfishness and pride that mimic the same steps and decisions taken in the years leading up to the first and second world wars.

    Steps taken by European and American leaders in the West and others in the East, all in chorus, including countries that have historically adopted a policy of impartiality and non-involvement in


    European catharsis, thus leading their societies towards the abyss of human destruction, in the 21st century: Matthew 15:14 'Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them! They are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. '

    The text goes on to mention all the major lies and manipulations told on a planetary scale in the last 80 decades, including unknown facts to the public, as they are the frustration of plans put into practice by the owners of real power and to the detriment of humanity, then moving on to address a series of profound themes about the Self, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, connection with the divine, and the search for true identity beyond the illusions of materialism.


    It highlights the need for spiritual

    awakening, warning about the

    challenges faced by humanity, and the urgency to change course to avoid negative consequences.

    The language is poetic and reflective, aiming to inspire inner transformatio n and a broader understanding of existence.



    1. A Note That Falls................................1 2

    2. Buying batteries for an old

    recorder....................................................1 4

    3. The first big lie....................................2 1

    4. The Hand in Nazi Germany............3 5

    5. The farce of world governments…..4 3

    6. The Apollo mission closely followed

    by..............................................................8 0

    7. Attacks by HAARPs – Climate and

    geological chaos................................... ..89

    8. The current Fifth Generation War

    (WWIII is already underway)............11 0

    9. Israel despairs...................................13 4


    10. The New Earth................................14 6

    11. The control that keeps humanity

    asleep......................................................15 5

    12. We are the Matrix...........................17 8

    13. Look at yourselves in this

    mirror.....................................................22 3

    14. Conclusion.......................................2 54


    1. A Note That Falls

    It was a Wednesday in November 2021, around two o'clock in the afternoon. I had just walked up Avenue of the Americas in New York, and I stopped at a food cart to grab my lunch sandwich before heading back to the newspaper office. There, on my desk, I found a note with beautiful old - fashioned handwriting. The person didn't identify themselves but asked for an interview with me for a podcast. They didn't mention the topic, and since there was no identification, I simply set the note aside to continue with my work.


    I worked the rest of the day and went home in the evening. The next day, upon arriving at the office, a note suddenly fell into my arms as I sat down at my desk. I looked around, trying to identify the person who had dropped the note, but I couldn't see anyone. There it was again, the same exquisite handwriting making the same request. They wanted to do a podcast, and they already mentioned that their name didn't matter. If I agreed, I was simply to buy batteries for the old portable recorders I kept with care from that analog era of a reporter and his handheld recorder.

    I was quite curious about that exotic handwriting and the magical or inexplicable event. And the curiosity...


    2. Buying Batteries for an Old Recorder

    Of course, curiosity didn't kill this reporter, and anyway, I needed to buy new batteries for the TV remote control. When I arrived at my apartment, I wanted to see what the situation was with that old war recorder.

    So, I inserted the new batteries and a sealed tape that I had kept from that time. Without hesitation, I put it into the recorder and checked if it still worked, as disuse can cause certain harm to electronic equipment.

    What's most curious is that while I was handling my old recorder, the TV was on, and there were sounds of the famous New York ambulances on the


    street below, but the recording didn't pick up those sounds.

    To my surprise, a beautiful and calm male voice appeared, first asking me to stay calm and not to be frightened. He identified himself, simply saying that he was the same person who had requested the interview twice, and I shouldn't worry about not being able to see or hear him. The interview would only be through the recorded tape.

    It was all very new to me, and, w ithout a doubt, I was startled and felt my heart beating a little faster than usual, something not felt by a New Yorker for a long time, besides the classic doubt that self-sabotages us when we wonder if we're going crazy, as the recorder has his voice, and I hadn't heard anything besides the television and the traffic noise.


    Well, I thought, I will start to have a relationship with my recorder!

    That's when I insisted: What is your name? Why can't I hear or see you? This is definitely scary!

    What is the subject you want to address in a podcast? Why did you choose me among so many journalists?

    Of course, first I needed to have a glass of water to calm down!

    Then, the voice appeared again after a few minutes with the recorder's Rec activated after I rewound the tape and pressed Play, nothing more 80s and 90s. His voice, conveying deep calm and peace, came in response to my questions, stating that his name, identity, or appearance didn't matter because that would divert from the purpose of his contact. Stating his name


    wouldn't mean anything to our society, besides, he wasn't seeking stardom or fame.

    So, he declared himself a person from outside our solar system and appearing wouldn't benefit his mission, it could actually hinder it because humans care more about form (take note of this word) than content, and thus, they would fail to assimilate the message, the transmission of which was assigned to him. As for me, he stated: it's not about being a journalist or any other profession, but about the emotional control you have in your aura (your energy field) that we can visualize without the need for any device, in addition to your open- mindedness.

    Indeed, outer space has always been my favorite topic in movie theaters, renting


    movies, and on the shelves of bookstores and libraries.

    Such an achievement is essential for him to be able to have contact with a person and transmit his content? You will see that it is infinitely deeper, and such reasoning could be considered childish, but he provided the answer clearly, kindly, and simply.

    So, the focus of the subject, according to what he

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