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Battle Of Monte Castello, Brazil In The Second World War
Battle Of Monte Castello, Brazil In The Second World War
Battle Of Monte Castello, Brazil In The Second World War
Ebook196 pages1 hour

Battle Of Monte Castello, Brazil In The Second World War

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World War II was a global military conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world s nations — including all major powers — organized into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most comprehensive war in history, with more than 100 million troops mobilized. The Battle of Monte Castello marked the presence of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) in the conflict. It lasted three months, from November 24, 1944 to February 21, 1945, and is part of the 2nd phase of the Operation to Break the Gothic Line (in the sector of responsibility of the IV Corps of the V US Army), in the Italian Campaign. In the battle simulation, in addition to correcting the flaws mentioned in my study, I will present adaptations in the organization of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, one of the main ones being that it had been structured as an Army Corps, with two of the three infantry divisions foreseen in the initial agreement for Brazil s entry into the war.
Release dateMay 24, 2024
Battle Of Monte Castello, Brazil In The Second World War

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    Battle Of Monte Castello, Brazil In The Second World War - André Geraque Kiffer

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello, Brazil  in  World  War  II A  historical  simulation

    André  Geraque  Kiffer

    [  2  ]

    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello,  Brazil  in  World  War  II.  A historical  simulation.  André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author’s  Edition,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  2024. Bibliography:  142  p.  74  img.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  Science  of  War.  4.  War Games.  I.  Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-65-01-03690-8

    HISTORICAL  FACT...................................................  5

    5 HISTORICAL  ANALYSIS.........................................  2

    2  9 9

    HISTORICAL  SIMULATION....................................  5

    5  1 1

    REFERENCES.......................................................  1

    1  4

    4  0 0

    [  3  ]

    As  a  Military  Historian  I  rely  on  a  summary  of  the historical  fact,  I  analyze  and  highlight  the  decisive  factors, before  simulating  alternative  what  if…  hypotheses through  a  war  game.  In  simulation,  all  possibilities  for  the purpose  of  the  study  are  completed,  when  the  past  of history  is  analyzed  based  on  the  theory  of  the  present  and projected  for  similar  situations  in  the  future.  Since  2010,  I have  been  publishing  a  series  of  simulations  covering more  than  3,500  years  of  history,  from  the  wars  of  the Egyptian  Empire  in  1560  BC  to  contemporary  wars.  As  a result  of  my  study  of  Military  History,  since  1979,  I consolidated  my  Principles  of  War,  my  Operational Systems  and  my  Fundamentals  for  Leadership,  which  I consider  to  include  all  the  strategic  and  tactical  knowledge and  resources,  human  and  material,  necessary  to  planning and  execution  of  any  military  operations  on  land,  sea,  air and  stellar  space. Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  Science  of  War.  War


    Battle  of  Monte  Castello.  A  historical  simulation  by  André  Geraque  Kiffer


    The  Second  World  War

    Between  September  1,  1939  and  September  2,  1945,  it was  a  global  conflict  between  two  main  alliances:  the Allies  and  the  Axis  powers.  The  vast  majority  of  countries, including  all  major  powers,  fought  within  these  military alliances.  Many  participating  countries  invested  all available  economic,  industrial  and  scientific  capabilities  in this  total  war,  blurring  the  distinction  between  civilian  and military  resources. Aircraft  played  an  important  role,  allowing  the  strategic bombing  of  population  centers  and  the  use  of  the  only two  nuclear  weapons  ever  used  in  war  to  date.  It  was  by far  the  deadliest  conflict  in  history,  resulting  in  up  to  85 million  deaths. The  causes  of  the  war  are  debated;  Contributing  factors included  the  rise  of  fascism  in  Europe,  the  Spanish  Civil War,  the  Second  China  Japan  War,  Soviet  Japanese  border conflicts,  and  tensions  after  the  First  World  War. World  War  II  is  generally  considered  to  have  begun  on September  1,  1939,  when  Nazi  Germany,  under  the command  of  Adolf  Hitler,  invaded  Poland.  The  United Kingdom  and  France  declared  war  on  Germany  on September  3.  Under  the  Molotov  Ribbentrop  Pact  of

    [  5  ]

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello.  A  historical  simulation  by  André  Geraque  Kiffer

    August  1939,  Germany  and  the  Soviet  Union  divided Poland  and  delimited  their  spheres  of  influence  in Finland,  Estonia,  Latvia,  Lithuania  and  Romania.

    Img  1:  The  European  Theater  of  War.

    From  late  1939  to  early  1941,  in  a  series  of  military campaigns  and  diplomatic  treaties,  Germany  conquered  or controlled  much  of  continental  Europe  in  a  military  alliance called  the  Axis  with  Italy,  Japan,  and  other  countries. After  the  start  of  campaigns  in  North  and  East  Africa  and the  fall  of  France  in  mid-1940,  warfare  continued  mainly between  the  European  Axis  powers  and  the  British

    [  6  ]

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello.  A  historical  simulation  by  André  Geraque  Kiffer

    Empire,  with  the  war  in  the  Balkans,  the  Air  Battle  of Britain,  the  Air  Blitz  over  the  United  Kingdom  and  the Battle  of  the  Atlantic. In  June  1941,  Germany  led  the  European  Axis  powers  in an  invasion  of  the  Soviet  Union,  opening  the  Eastern Front,  the  largest  theater  of  land  war  in  history. Japan  intended  to  dominate  East  Asia  and  the  Asia-Pacific, and  by  1937  it  was  at  war  with  the  Republic  of  China.  In December  1941,  Japan  attacked  North  American  and British  territories  with  almost  simultaneous  offensives against  Southeast  Asia  and  the  Central  Pacific,  including an  attack  on  Pearl  Harbor  that  resulted  in  the  declaration of  war  by  the  United  States  (US)  and  the  United  Kingdom against  Japan.  The  European  Axis  powers  declared  war  on the  USA  in  solidarity.  Japan  soon  conquered  much  of  the western  Pacific,  but  its  advances  were  halted  in  1942  after losing  the  critical  Battle  of  Midway. Major  setbacks  in  1943  –  including  German  defeats  on  the Eastern  Front,  the  Allied  invasions  of  Sicily  and  the  Italian mainland,  and  the  Allied  offensives  in  the  Pacific  –  cost the  Axis  powers  their  initiative  and  forced  them  into  a strategic  withdrawal  on  all  fronts. In  1944,  the  Western  Allies  invaded  German-occupied France,  while  the  Soviet  Union  recovered  its  territorial losses  and  pushed  Germany  and  its  allies  back. During  1944–1945,  Japan  suffered  setbacks  in  mainland

    [  7  ]

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello.  A  historical  simulation  by  André  Geraque  Kiffer

    Asia,  while  the  Allies  crippled  the  Japanese  Navy  and captured  major  islands  in  the  western  Pacific.

    Img  2:  The  Asian  and  Pacific  Theater  of  War.

    The  war  in  Europe  ended  with  the  liberation  of  the territories  occupied  by  the  Germans;  the  invasion  of Germany  by  the  Western  Allies  and  the  Soviet  Union, culminating  in  the  fall  of  Berlin  at  the  hands  of  Soviet troops;  Hitler's  suicide;  and  the  German  unconditional surrender  on  May  8,  1945. Following  Japan's  refusal  to  surrender  under  the  terms  of the  Potsdam  Declaration,  the  US  dropped  the  first  atomic bombs  on  Hiroshima  on  August  6  and  Nagasaki  on  August

    [  8  ]

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello.  A  historical  simulation  by  André  Geraque  Kiffer

    9.  Faced  with  the  imminent  invasion  of  the  Japanese archipelago,  the  possibility  of  more  atomic  bombings  and the  declared  entry  of  the  Soviet  Union  into  the  war,  on  the eve  of  invading  Manchuria,  Japan  announced  on  August 10  its  intention  to  surrender,  signing  a  document  to September  2,  1945. World  War  II  changed  the  political  alignment  and  social structure  of  the  world  and  laid  the  foundations  of international  order  for  the  rest  of  the  20th  century  and into  the  21st  century.  The  United  Nations  was  created  to promote  international  cooperation  and  prevent  conflict, with  the  victorious  great  powers  –  China,  France,  the Soviet  Union,  the  United  Kingdom  and  the  USA  – becoming  permanent  members  of  its  Security  Council. The  Soviet  Union  and  the  United  States  emerged  as  rival superpowers,  setting  the  stage  for  the  Cold  War.  Following European  devastation,  the  influence  of  its  great  powers declined,  triggering  the  decolonization  of  Africa  and  Asia. Most  countries  whose  industries  were  damaged  have moved  toward  economic  recovery  and  expansion. The  War  in  the  Mediterranean The  vast  size  of  this  theater  of  operations  saw interconnected  naval,  land  and  air  campaigns  fought  for control  of  the  Mediterranean,  North  Africa,  the  Horn  of Africa  (Ethiopia  and  other  countries),  the  Middle  East  and Southern  Europe.  The  actions  lasted  from  June  10,  1940, when  Italy  entered  the  war  on  the  side  of  Germany,  until

    [  9  ]

    Battle  of  Monte  Castello.  A  historical  simulation  by  André

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