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Ketogenic Recipes: Plant-based Plan To Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, And Calm Inflammation
Ketogenic Recipes: Plant-based Plan To Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, And Calm Inflammation
Ketogenic Recipes: Plant-based Plan To Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, And Calm Inflammation
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Ketogenic Recipes: Plant-based Plan To Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, And Calm Inflammation

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introduction adjective 1.The amalgamation of delicious healthy fats and vegetable meals to optimize your metabolism, brain, hormones and overall health. 2.Switching your metabolism from burning sugar to burning fat—that is, freedom from food cravings. This is the manifesto for a new breed of health seekers and eaters. The pages you are reading are for anyone who wants to ditch dieting for good and actually get healthy. This book is the new manual to cut through food confusion and find out what to eat and what not to eat to lose weight, crush cravings, calm inflammation, and achieve optimal energy levels. We are over trying another unsustainable fad diet only to gain it all back (and then some). Let’s get healthy to lose weight, instead of trying to lose weight to get healthy. Sustainable weight loss should be a natural by-product of regained, radiant health. These days we have an overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips. The double-edged sword of Dr. Google is that he can both educate us about our health and yet suffocate us with conflicting information on what the heck we should eat, an endless vortex of conflicting information. Dr. Google is one fickle, confused guy. So what is the best way to your optimal health? Should you focus on high-meat diets like the paleo or Atkins ways of eating, or will they clog your arteries and make you fat? Maybe becoming a vegan or vegetarian is the answer, consuming only plant food. But will that deprive your body of nutrients like B vitamins and iron, and don’t those diets focus heavily on soy and grains, and isn’t that unhealthy? Ketogenic will show you the clear path of exactly how to use food as medicine and optimize every system in your body. Your brain, hormones, and metabolism will thrive in the Ketogenic state. You may be thinking that’s a bold statement, but as a leading functional medicine practitioner, rated as one of the top in the country, I have seen thousands of patients from around the world. I have seen what works and what doesn’t when it comes to the foods we eat. And I’ve distilled my years of clinical experience, using the power of delicious food medicine, in the pages of this book. You may have heard of the ketogenic diet. This low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, high-fat way of eating has taken the wellness world by storm. The ketogenic diet promises to shift your metabolism into a fat-burning powerhouse, allowing you to lose stubborn weight that you may have been holding on to for years. The ketogenic diet promises not only weight loss but also a way to improve your brain function and decrease chronic inflammation, the root factor to just about every chronic health problem we face today.
Release dateMay 31, 2024
Ketogenic Recipes: Plant-based Plan To Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, And Calm Inflammation

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    Book preview

    Ketogenic Recipes - Jideon Francisco Marques

    Ketogenic Recipes: Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your

    Energy, and Calm Inflammation

    Ketogenic Recipes

    Plant-Based Plan to Burn Fat, Boost Your Energy, and Calm Inflammation

    BY: Jideon Marques

    Copyright © 2024 by Jideon Marques. All Rights Reserved.

    License and Copyright

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or

    mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short

    excerpts in a published review.

    This document is aimed to provide accurate and reliable information in the light of the selected topic and all covered issues. This book is sold with the idea that the publisher is not required to render an officially permitted, accounting, or otherwise, qualified services. If advice is required in any way, professional or legal, seasoned experts of the profession should be consulted.

    Every information given herein is claimed to be consistent and truthful, in case of any liability, with regard to inattention or otherwise, by any use or abuse of processes, policies, or directions contained within is solely the responsibility of the recipient reader. Under no conditions will any blame or legal responsibility be held against the publisher for any damages, monetary loss or reparation, due to the information herein.

    The information herein is provided entirely for informational purposes, and it is universal. The information is provided without any type of guarantee assurance or a contract.

    The trademarks that are used within the document are without any consent, and the publication of the trademark is without the backing of the trademark owner or any support. All brands and trademarks used within this book are to clarify the text only, and they are owned by their owners, not affiliated with this publication. Respective authors of the publication own all copyrights not held by the publisher.


    praise for Ketogenic


    The Ketogenic Manifest

    1the ketogenic diet

    (For Better and Worse)

    2plant-based diets

    (For Better and Worse)

    3the new keto

    Plant-Based Ketogenic Alchemy

    4Ketogenic foods

    What to Eat and What to Avoid

    5practical Ketogenic

    Eating Out, Food Swaps, and Snack Ideas

    6first steps

    How to Get Started on Your Ketogenic Journey

    7Ketogenic toolbox

    Intermittent Fasting and Other Tips and Tricks

    8Ketogenic manifested

    The Recipes and Meal Plans



    1. The amalgamation of delicious healthy fats and vegetable meals to optimize your metabolism, brain, hormones and overall health.

    2. Switching your metabolism from burning sugar to burning fat—that is,

    freedom from food cravings.

    This is the manifesto for a new breed of health seekers and eaters. The pages you are reading are for anyone who wants to ditch dieting for good and actually get healthy.

    This book is the new manual to cut through food confusion and find out what to eat and what not to eat to lose weight, crush cravings, calm inflammation, and achieve optimal energy levels.

    We are over trying another unsustainable fad diet only to gain it all back (and then some). Let’s get healthy to lose weight, instead of trying to lose weight to get healthy.

    Sustainable weight loss should be a natural by-product of regained, radiant health.

    These days we have an overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips. The double-edged sword of Dr. Google is that he can both educate us about our health and yet suffocate us with conflicting information on what the heck we should eat, an endless vortex of conflicting information. Dr. Google is one fickle, confused guy.

    So what is the best way to your optimal health? Should you focus on high-meat diets like the paleo or Atkins ways of eating, or will they clog your arteries and make you fat? Maybe becoming a vegan or vegetarian is the answer, consuming only plant food.

    But will that deprive your body of nutrients like B vitamins and iron, and don’t those diets focus heavily on soy and grains, and isn’t that unhealthy?

    Ketogenic will show you the clear path of exactly how to use food as medicine and optimize every system in your body. Your brain, hormones, and metabolism will thrive in the Ketogenic state.

    You may be thinking that’s a bold statement, but as a leading functional medicine practitioner, rated as one of the top in the country, I have seen thousands of patients from around the world. I have seen what works and what doesn’t when it comes to the foods we eat. And I’ve distilled my years of clinical experience, using the power of delicious food medicine, in the pages of this book.

    You may have heard of the ketogenic diet. This low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, high-fat way of eating has taken the wellness world by storm. The ketogenic diet promises to shift your metabolism into a fat-burning powerhouse, allowing you to lose stubborn weight that you may have been holding on to for years. The ketogenic diet promises not only weight loss but also a way to improve your brain function and decrease chronic inflammation, the root factor to just about every chronic health problem we face today.

    The problem is that the average ketogenic dieter is eating pounds of processed meats, bacon, beef, cheese, and dairy from factory-farmed animals. These foods are loaded with antibiotics and hormones, but many keto dieters believe it’s fine because it’s

    low-carb, high-fat. The conventional ketogenic diet also allows you to have sugar-free, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and diet drinks all in the name of being low carb. These sweeteners are linked to triggering a whole array of health problems, but as long as it’s low-carb, it’s OK on the average ketogenic diet. As long as it fits the right macronutrient ratio, your average keto dieter will eat it. Because of this hyperfocus on macronutrients over food quality, many people on the ketogenic diet begin to fear and avoid vegetables because of their carbohydrate content. This is a major issue I have with the standard ketogenic approach.

    Then there are the vegan and vegetarian diets. Typically, these are the antithesis of the ketogenic diet: low-fat and high-carb. Advocates of this way of eating tell us that avoiding animal products like meat and dairy not only will reverse and prevent disease and protect our heart health but is also good for the planet. Opting for plants instead of meat is said to reduce our carbon footprint and protect against climate change. Contrary to the ketogenic diet, vegans and vegetarians often encourage us to eat a low-fat, moderate-plant-protein, high-carbohydrate diet—the polar opposite of a ketogenic approach to eating.

    The problem I find in vegan and vegetarian patients is that most of them are actually carbatarians, living on bread, pasta, beans, and vegan sweets, all in the name of living green. If they aren’t bread heads, they are depending too heavily on soy for their protein, which is typically genetically modified and always high in estrogens. I see many vegans and vegetarians with wrecked digestion and their overall health

    declining, clinging to their zealous belief that this is the way people should eat and live.

    It’s time to dump diet dogma and food fads for good. What really works—and what really doesn’t—for your health?

    Ketogenic marries the best of low-carb diets and a plant-based way of eating, while avoiding the common pitfalls that I have seen countless well-intentioned people make with both these diets. The Ketogenic way of eating brings together healthy plant-based fats, clean protein, and the rich, vibrant colors of nutrient-dense vegetables.

    the age of inflammation

    A storm is brewing in our society: the storm of inflammation. At least fifty million Americans have an autoimmune condition, millions more are somewhere on the

    autoimmune-inflammation spectrum, someone has a heart attack every thirty-four seconds, and a shocking one in two men and one in three women will get cancer.

    Sadly, these numbers have only been increasing. Just because something is common doesn’t make it normal. This level of disease is ubiquitous, but it is certainly not normal. All of these conditions have one thing in common: inflammation.

    When your immune system is balanced, its inflammatory response will save your life.

    Injuries and infections are healed with the power of balanced, calm inflammation levels. Conversely, when your immune system is unbalanced, it is a perpetual fire, affecting every cell of your body.

    Imbalance breeds destruction. Just as the earth’s climate is changing, an unbalanced immune system is turning against itself in the form of chronic disease and

    autoimmunity, in which the body’s defense system goes into overdrive, attacking healthy systems unnecessarily.

    In addition, nearly 20 percent of adults have a diagnosable mental disorder.1

    Depression, which is now believed to be an inflammatory condition, is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Anxiety disorders affect more than forty million Americans, and Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, one report found that since 1979, deaths due to brain disease have increased by 66 percent in men and a whopping 92 percent in women.2 Autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have skyrocketed over a short period of time. In 1970, an estimated 1 in 10,000 children were found to be autistic; in 1995 it was 1 in 500, and in 2001 it became 1 in 250. Today, at least 1 in 68 children are diagnosed as autistic. An estimated 1 in 5 American children ages 3 to 17 (about fifteen million kids) have a diagnosable mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder. Research has shown that serious depression is worsening among teens, especially girls, and the suicide rate among girls reached a forty-year high recently, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).3

    The United States spends more on health care than the next ten top-spending

    countries combined.4 And even though we spend trillions of dollars, we rank among the last of all industrialized nations when it comes to living long, healthy lives.

    According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), out of thirteen industrialized nations the United States is one of the worst when it comes to years of life lost for adults and infant mortality rates.5 Another report, this one from the United Health Foundation, showed similar findings. The report compared the U.S. life expectancy with that of thirty-five other countries. Despite spending more on health care per capita, the United States ranked twenty-seventh against comparable nations.6

    A shocking 81 percent of Americans take at least one medication a day. Prescription drugs are now said to kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined.7 According to JAMA,8 more than one hundred thousand people die each year from the proper use of prescription drugs: not from overdosing or taking the wrong drug but from the side effects of the right drug.9

    The multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry is only expected to continually grow.

    In functional medicine, we’re not anti-medication. We recognize that many people are alive because of medications, and advancements in modern medicine have brought us lifesaving procedures, especially in emergency care. We just ask the question: What is our most effective option that causes the least amount of side effects? For some, a medication may fit this logical criterion. But in many cases, pharmaceuticals do not, yet that is often the only option presented.

    your dna is not your destiny

    Research has shown that over 90 percent of our longevity is determined by the choices we make—not our genetics. Sure, people can have a genetic predisposition for certain diseases (most of us do), but that particular gene may not be expressed if it’s not triggered by these epigenetic, lifestyle factors.

    Research like the Okinawa study has shown that there is no reason why most of us can’t live for about one hundred disease-free, healthy years. It’s the interaction between our genes and our environment that determines our health. The foods we eat or don’t eat, our stress levels, sleep, activity, and exposure to toxins are constantly and dynamically instructing our genetic expression. This is a revolutionary message of health empowerment and responsibility.

    the best medicine is at the end of our forks

    With the Hippocratic advice to let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food, how far have we strayed that the words of the founder of modern medicine can actually be threatening to conventional medicine?

    Today medical schools in the United States offer, on average, only about nineteen hours of nutrition education over four years of medical school.10 Only 29 percent of U.S. medical schools offer med students the recommended twenty-five hours of

    nutrition education.11 A study in the International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health assessed the basic nutrition and health knowledge of medical school graduates entering a pediatric residency program and found that, on average, they answered only 52 percent of the eighteen questions correctly.12 In short, most mainstream doctors would fail nutrition. So if you were wondering why someone in functional medicine, outside conventional medicine, is writing a book on how to use food for optimal health, this is why.

    Expecting health guidance from mainstream medicine is akin to getting gardening advice from a mechanic. You can’t expect someone who wasn’t properly trained in a field to give sound advice. Brilliant physicians in the mainstream model of care are trained to diagnose a disease and match it with a corresponding pharmaceutical drug.

    This medicinal matching game works sometimes, but often it leaves the patient with nothing but a growing prescription list and growing health problems.

    With the strong influence that the pharmaceutical industry has on government and conventional medical policy, it’s no secret that using foods to heal the body is not a priority of mainstream medicine. You only need to eat hospital food once to know this truth. Even more, under current laws it is illegal to say that foods can heal. That’s right. The words treat, cure, and prevent are in effect owned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the pharmaceutical industry and can be used in the health care setting only when talking about medications. This is the Orwellian world we live in today; health problems are on the rise even though we spend more on health care than ever, and getting healthy is considered radical and often labeled as quackery.

    But with the ubiquity of chronic inflammation, it’s important to know where your inflammation levels are and what’s fueling them.

    The most common source of the chronic inflammation we see today is the foods we eat, namely sugar, and foods that turn into sugar, namely processed, refined


    The definition of doing the same thing repeatedly is insanity. I’m not calling you insane! As a culture, we should look around at the unintended consequences of our collective decisions. We need to do something different to see different results.

    sugar vs. fat: what are you fueling your body with?

    The standard Western diet today is centered on many forms of the very same thing: sugar.

    From the refined carbohydrates of junk foods to breads, pastas, fruit, and juices, sugar makes up most of what we’re eating. But is it the best form of energy for your brain, metabolism, and body?

    Most people struggling with health problems like fatigue, hormone imbalances, immune dysfunctions, and brain and metabolic issues are in sugar-burning mode: going from one sugary or grain-based meal to the next, becoming hangry ( hungry and angry’s grumpy spawn) if they don’t get their fix. Even healthy, clean eaters can be stuck on this blood sugar roller coaster.

    On the other hand, a healthy ketogenic diet—where fat, not sugar, is your primary source of energy—has been shown to do some remarkable things for our brain health.

    And healthy fats are a slow, sustainable form of energy, unlike the sugary roller coaster many find themselves on. After all, biology knows best: as babies, we were all born relying on fat in the form of breast milk for brain development and energy.

    Bottom line: making our brain and body work properly requires a lot of energy. And from a biological and evolutionary perspective, the most sustainable form of energy for optimal brain health is good fats.

    A ketogenic state is the true natural state for the human body. In the pages that follow, you will learn how to reprogram your metabolism. Like a factory reset, you can shift from sugar-burning back to fat-burning, the way your body was designed to operate.

    Fat, in terms of energy to your body, is like a log on a fire, slow-burning and long-lasting. The typical pick-me-up foods of grains and sugar are like kindling, a quick burst of intense flame that dies out, leaving behind nothing but smoke. This means that becoming fat- or keto-adapted not only gives you sustainable energy throughout the day for your brain and metabolism but also crushes food cravings. Insatiable, intense food cravings are one of the top reasons most diets fail. This is not an issue for the Ketogenic.

    So instead of focusing on foods that offer only a quick burst of energy but leave you crashing later, let’s focus on how to nourish your body with good food medicine. You can start regaining energy today just by following the Ketogenic plan. In addition to the healthy fats you need for fuel, I have also included the world’s best foods to fight fatigue and rev up your metabolism. This, my friend, is your energy rehab plan.

    When it comes to dieting, willpower and calorie counting fail us most of the time. You need to dump dieting and get healthy. You need to ditch dieting and shift your metabolism to a fat-burning state. Tap into your body’s full metabolic potential. By becoming a keto-adapted powerhouse, you will transcend insatiable cravings and the misery that comes with fad dieting in a sugar-burning state. As a Ketogenic, you will be eating filling foods, and you will be satisfied. This makes Ketogenic the anti-diet: a sustainable and realistic lifestyle.

    Ketogenic includes the brain-boosting, fat-burning, hormone-healing, energizing benefits of a ketogenic diet without falling prey to inflammatory conventional meat that can be hard to digest and dairy that many people don’t tolerate.

    The Ketogenic way of living also reaps the many benefits of a plant-based diet without depending on carbs for short-lived energy. Let’s get off the blood sugar roller coaster and start feeling fantastic. The plant-based nature of Ketogenic calms inflammation levels, aids in cleansing detoxification pathways, and feeds a healthy gut

    microbiome—all imperative for your optimal wellness.

    We’ll review the latest, cutting-edge research-based reasons why this is the most effective way to eat for living a long, healthy life. I will also share with you my favorite Ketogenic recipes that are both simple and delicious. You will know exactly what to eat to become a plant-based, ketogenic fat-burning machine so that you can feel and look your best.

    the best of both worlds

    Because Ketogenic is the best of both the ketogenic and plant-based worlds, it is meant for anyone and everyone. By eating the Ketogenic way you will get to

    experience satisfying and delicious ketogenic meals that are:

    Plant-based (most recipes are vegan or vegetarian)

    Paleo/primal-friendly (Ketogenic is naturally legume, dairy, gluten, and grain free and all real foods)

    Autoimmune-friendly (autoimmune protocol, AIP) (many recipes are free of nuts, nightshades, and eggs; all are free of grains and dairy)

    This unique, fresh way of eating and living is meant for anyone who wants to lose weight, overcome cravings, regain energy, or decrease inflammation levels. If you’ve been confused and frustrated about what the heck to eat, look no further.

    food peace

    Maybe I’m a sucker for optimism, but in the world that we are living in today, can’t we come together over what we have in common, yet accept and even celebrate our

    differences? Let’s start in the kitchen and at the dinner table.

    Ketogenic unifies all that is great with being plant-based and ketogenic. This is both sustainable and healing to you and the world we live in.

    For me, Ketogenic goes much deeper than food—it’s about freedom. Freedom from food that doesn’t serve you or make you feel good. Freedom from insatiable cravings.

    Freedom from brain fog and fatigue. Freedom from unsustainable yo-yo dieting and rules. Freedom from

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