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Day Trading
Day Trading
Day Trading
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Day Trading

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About this ebook

I want to help you improve your trading sessions with my experience, with the help of simple but strategic concepts you will reduce the risk in your investments considerably, my goal with this book is to transform you into a better trader without dying in the attempt, with updated information you will learn how to implement new technologies in the industry, making bots operate for you in a responsible manner.

We will see how to manage your capital correctly, investing a strategic amount for each operation you carry out, you will soon make better decisions based on the relevant information that I will teach you to collect, know the different inputs that you can take to enter with a winning investment in the market, I will give you efficient strategies as well as you will learn how to maintain your trading plan so that you stay updated.

In a millimetric way we will work on your psychology, correcting big mistakes that you are making, we will open the most experienced trading minds to understand what makes them successful, I will tell you the challenges that any trader faces and how to overcome them with specific actions, in this workshop of finances we will create your trading plan so that you can take it into action.

My number one priority with this book is to make you a better trader, contributing to your personal growth. If you have questions about Day Trading, I will soon help you find the correct answers. With all the love in the world, I invite you to grow in your career as a trader. trader, with a book that was made with a lot of effort thinking about you.

I don't want to waste your time with a long and boring book, instead I wrote a work where I explain everything in a direct and simple way, you don't need complex strategies to be profitable, only profitable strategies that you master regardless of their complexity, I didn't want to adding unnecessary information that will be of no use to you, there are many topics that you will learn in a simple way.

Make yourself a coffee because we are about to start with the first key to success! I'll wait for you on the first page.
Release dateMay 10, 2024
Day Trading

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    Book preview

    Day Trading - Thomas Cantone

    Legal and legal data

    Book ISBN:  978-1-304-36448-7

    Copyright holder: © Sebastian Mendoza Gomez

    All rights reserved

    Author:  Thomas Cantone

    Copyright: © Sebastian Mendoza Gomez


    Before starting I want to give you some special recommendations so that you can get the most out of this book, if you are here it is because you want to learn and I am willing to give my best to help you achieve your goals, what you are about to see is a work done with love and a lot of effort to be delivered to you, thank you for placing your trust in me, I hope I can meet your expectations and be able to teach you something new.

    Take your time to read each chapter, do not rush and concentrate, look for a quiet space where you feel comfortable to consume the information, if something is not clear to you you can always re-read it to delve deeper into the topic, something that is very important in This process is that you do not go to the next chapter if you still do not perfectly understand the information from the previous chapter. Each chapter is designed so that you take a step forward. Remember that there are no shortcuts and even if it takes more time, the important thing is to conclude it correctly. successfully this little course.

    In this book I did not want to beat around the bush, I took the most important part of my experience and expressed it in these pages, I did not write filler information, I want to be direct with you so that you know what the key points are in day trading, so you can learn them as well. With all the clarity of the case, you will constantly receive a lot of important information that could make you feel overwhelmed, but remember if you don't understand something, stop and read again, it doesn't matter how fast you go, the important thing is that you learn well what I teach you, everything is done so that you learn what matters to be successful.

    At the end of each chapter I summarize what I teach you, always remember to read this part as I extract what I consider most important for your training process, I present multiple simple and practical examples from real life to illustrate my point, and thus show you how we can apply the information in everyday life.

    It is highly recommended that you consume one chapter per day or per week, and during the rest of the day or the rest of the week you practice and put into practice what you have learned, the time is defined by you according to your availability and your progress, the important thing is that you Give yourself some time between one chapter and the next, choose to look for more information on the topic, the more information you know about something, the better decisions you will make.

    I want you to know that on this path you are not alone, I will accompany you to obtain profits in trading as long as you apply, practice and review the information in all the chapters, remember that each chapter is made to take you forward, so do not skip none because that will only delay your learning, commit to yourself to change your lifestyle, now yes, I'll wait for you on the first page to start changing your reality!


    You have just come to the right place, this book is made so that today you learn something new, because it is time to start in the world of day trading and attract profits into your life, I want you to pay close attention to the following information because it will help you. be of great use, commit to yourself to change the way you invest. Today is the first day of the best version of yourself!

    From now on you begin a learning journey where you will learn everything you need to know about the fascinating world of day trading, where investors become true financial jugglers, balancing on the tightrope of the markets in real time. Day trading, in simple terms, is about buying and selling assets such as stocks or cryptocurrencies in a single day, taking advantage of rapid market fluctuations.

    Imagine that you are in some kind of financial casino, but instead of cards, you are playing with stocks. The essence of day trading lies in capturing those small, momentary victories, like winning a hand in poker. Here, day traders become hunters of fleeting opportunities, always attentive to market movements that can occur in a matter of minutes.

    It's like surfing the waves of the financial market: you enter a position, make your move and exit, all in the same day. This strategy requires speed and mental agility, since decisions are made in real time, based on technical analysis, charts and, sometimes, pure intuition. It's a frenetic dance where every decision counts, and the adrenaline flows as you try to predict and take advantage of price movements in the blink of an eye.

    Day trading is not for the faint of heart. It's similar to a strategic game of chess, but instead of moving pieces, you're moving your money in hopes of winning in a game that lasts only a few hours. Like a financial roller coaster, you'll experience intense emotions, from the euphoria of a victory to the stress of a possible loss. In short, day trading is an exciting adventure for those willing to immerse themselves in the dizzying world of financial markets. Are you ready to test your skills and become the captain of your own financial ship?

    My only purpose with this book is to help you take your trading to the next level, I want you to obtain real profits while minimizing risks, I am going to train you so that you can have a better lifestyle, focus on the lessons and don't miss anything, because remember , in practice is the secret of talent, we are going to work hard so that you can be one of the best students.

    Let's go back in time to find out how day trading became the craze it is today! Imagine the 1990s, when financial markets became more accessible thanks to technology. This is where our day trading story begins.

    In those days, people used to make their financial moves over the phone, without the advanced tools we have today. But with the advent of the Internet, things changed. Investors began to have direct access to the markets, and boom, day trading was born. It was like the door to a financial casino opened where anyone could join in and participate in the action.

    Day traders became the rockstars of the market, navigating the stock waves with speed and cunning. Computer screens became their battlefield, and the mouse click became their secret weapon. The key was capturing the small price swings that occurred in a matter of minutes. It was a kind of digital treasure hunt, where every graph was a map and every trend a clue.

    Over time, day trading has transformed. It has survived financial crises, technology bubbles and changes in regulations. As technology advanced, day traders adopted new tools, from algorithms to more intuitive platforms. The history of day trading is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, but always exciting.

    Today, day trading is not just for Wall Street professionals; Anyone with an Internet connection and a desire to immerse themselves in the financial world can join the party. It's an exciting chapter in financial history that continues to evolve, and who knows what twists and turns it will bring in the future.

    Imagine financial markets as a gigantic chess game, where the pieces are actions and strategies are woven with threads of financial decisions. That's where day trading comes in, that intrepid player who dares to move his pieces in real time, challenging the conventional rules of the board.

    The importance of day trading lies in its ability to add a dose of adrenaline to the financial world. It's like the hot pepper that adds flavor to pizza: it transforms the investing experience from something more traditional to an exciting search for quick opportunities. Day traders are not simple spectators; They are major players who, with one click, can change the course of your investments in a matter of minutes.

    In a market where information moves at the speed of light, day trading becomes the master of time. Its ability to take advantage of daily fluctuations allows investors to capture profits in the blink

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