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Invisible Enemy: ow to see the invisible enemy, stop feeding it, and protect humanity. An explanation of the “Fifth Generation War” and the “5D Chess Game” affecting us all.
Invisible Enemy: ow to see the invisible enemy, stop feeding it, and protect humanity. An explanation of the “Fifth Generation War” and the “5D Chess Game” affecting us all.
Invisible Enemy: ow to see the invisible enemy, stop feeding it, and protect humanity. An explanation of the “Fifth Generation War” and the “5D Chess Game” affecting us all.
Ebook226 pages2 hours

Invisible Enemy: ow to see the invisible enemy, stop feeding it, and protect humanity. An explanation of the “Fifth Generation War” and the “5D Chess Game” affecting us all.

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About this ebook

Public debate is full of hot topics. Some people feel strongly regarding some of it: world economics, world peace, right and wrong, good and evil, and life and death.

People do not want to talk about the invisible enemy. The control of the world's finances and currencies, food and farmland, energy, and waterways is a control of "We the People." People wake up every day, hustling to make a living, fighting wars and illnesses, burying loved ones, and debating with others in attempts to find the source of the problem. Thus they may find solutions and maybe resolve disagreements.
Release dateMay 21, 2024
Invisible Enemy: ow to see the invisible enemy, stop feeding it, and protect humanity. An explanation of the “Fifth Generation War” and the “5D Chess Game” affecting us all.

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    Invisible Enemy - Joseph Aslan

    Invisible Enemy

    How to see the invisible enemy, stop feeding it,
    and protect humanity.
    An explanation of the Fifth Generation War
    and the 5D Chess Game affecting us all.

    Joseph Aslan

    Invisible Enemy

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2024 Joseph Aslan

    All rights reserved.

    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organizations, institutions, or individuals associated with the author. The author’s perspectives, thoughts, and beliefs are presented for informational and entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to form their own opinions and interpretations based on their own experiences, research, and critical thinking. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN: 978-1-304-34252-2



    Warming up


    A letter to Satan

    Thanksgiving Dinner

    The Players

    The Players

    The Kazazian’s Mafia

    The Deep State

    The Players’ Tool

    The Game of Words

    The Three Cities State

    The Cabal Structures

    The Illusion Matrix


    Climate change

    The War Against God


    Step One

    Investigating Evil

    Divine Support

    Board meeting 2009

    The Players’ Working Methods

    Oops, Sorry, But


    Human Trafficking

    The Financial Systems

    An Example of the Players’ Three-Way System:

    Stock-Market Example



    Culture, Tradition and Nationalism


    5D Chess - Hope

    Who are the Patriots?

    Donald J. Trump

    Donald J. Trump and Sun Tzu–the Art of War

    What is Devolution?

    Some History and Some Opinion

    2000 years

    King Husain of Jordan

    National Honor

    USA, Israel, and the World

    Half a Story



    This story reflects the impact of information to which I was exposed. I am sharing my opinion, conclusions, and perceptions of global events. The view in this story does not necessarily reflect factual truth.

    I touch on many issues at the center of common debates. All these issues are pieces in one large puzzle, and to argue each one separately would be a mistake.

    In this writing, I refer to God as known to believers OR as a state-of-mind OR as a set of moral codes, but not necessarily in a religious way.

    I will refer to the Arabs in Gaza and in the West Bank as Palestinians, even though I am discussing the definition of Palestinian, and the West Bank is Judea and Samaria.

    I call them Palestinians, even though they do not recognize my country and my people. I think the Palestinian people do not have official opinions, but although most of them have adopted the Hamas and Fatah Charter. I believe that the Hamas, Fatah, and the Jihad El Islami do not represent the true interest of the Palestinian people or Islam.

    At the same time, other countries, nations, and governments, are controlled by someone else. Including the USA and Israel. This someone is an enemy of humanity.

    My story is aimed towards every person in the world, but it is coming from the angle of the USA and Israel as these two countries are in the center of the world’s conflict.

    I differentiate between country and administration, and therefore, I do not refer to them as one.

    This story touches issues that involves high emotions as well as life and death. I do not mean to offend any member of humanity.

    In this story I will use HE instead of He / She as it is easier NO offense is intended.

    For the sake of brevity, I will use the following acronyms:

    IRS – Internal Revenue Services

    CIA – Central Intelligence Agency

    FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation

    FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency

    HSS – Homeland Security Services

    CDC – Centers of Diseases Control

    NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    WHO – World Health Organization

    IMF – International Monetary Fund

    WEF – World Economic Form

    MSM – Mainstream Media



    Warming up


    As we go on in life, we come across issues that we are supposed to have an opinion on. Sometimes we reach an opinion after careful review and deep familiarity with the subject matter, and sometimes we read or listen to the headlines and let our gut provide us with an opinion.

    A person may invest time studying an issue without paying attention to the fact that he gets the same information from the same source.

    People tend to get themselves into camps and adopt the camp’s position. Sometimes they will support the camp’s position by protesting on its behalf and arguing the camp’s position. They can be very loyal to the camp and invest all their free time in supporting it. Sometimes, because they are so busy, they do not have the time to study the other side or to ask themselves what the camp’s end game is and who is pushing and financing it.

    People absorb information from various places, and in times of debate, they do not always remember where they got their information from and thus cannot bring it up to support their argument. They may get upset with the opponent and feel much better socializing with other people who have the same opinion or belong to the same camp.

    Important and emotional issues may even bring hate between people. People can consider their opinion to be a declaration, and they are not interested in facts or other opinions. Usually, this type of person will end up disagreeing and name calling.

    Fair and good people may also not accept facts, evidence, proof, and supporting material because they have already set their life on a certain path. They joined camps, they made statements, and they even insulted or hurt someone. It is hard for them to change course. It involves apologies or losing friends and family. They may even lose their livelihood if they happened to belong to a vindictive camp that may feel betrayed if the person starts to express non-camp ideas.

    The problem is that people make decisions based on their opinions. These decisions may be important and may involve life and death. Especially when it is a group or camp opinion and decision.

    Sometimes, when a person or a group makes the wrong decision, for example, they decide that the other group is the enemy and decide to attack. Then the other group must go to war with them as an act of self-defense.

    I want to touch on topics I looked into and that influenced my opinion. I specifically chose the words looked into and not investigated or researched as these words have deeper meaning.

    I am too old to follow one person blindly, just because I agree with or even admire the way they manage something. I will follow them in the specific issue only.

    My brother-in-law once brought up in a conversation a person who is known to be a world economist. I was young and arrogant, and I dismissed this person immediately. My brother-in-law had a little smile and did not continue the conversation.

    I understood the situation but not fully enough to clear it up. I assume my brother-in-law compared my resumé to this world economic figure and decided the conversation was worthless.

    The reason I brushed this person off was because he mixed his knowledge with an agenda that had nothing to do with his expertise.

    We must be careful if we wish to protect our children and grandchildren. The fact that this person is an expert in one field does not mean I should trust him in another field or trust him at all.

    Information I read or heard led me to believe that we have one enemy. Most people know this enemy and talk about it but still do not see it. It is INVISIBLE. This enemy presents an immediate and existential danger to all.

    I see the enemy, and once you see it you cannot unsee it. Even though I see it, I find myself sometimes losing it.

    I am aware of the possibility that I may be wrong. But I urge you to check this out, thus you will see the enemy too OR prove me wrong and help me sleep at night.

    I am open-minded to be wrong, but if you do not have proof, then consider looking into this story.

    I tell the story in chapters, each a subject for deep investigation. I am not going to get deep on any of it. I will only talk lightly about the topic and the reader can go deeper or zoom in if he chooses to. I did dive myself. I am trying to give the reader a look at what I see from a forty thousand feet overview.

    A letter to Satan

    Dear Satan,

    My name is Joseph, even though I consider you my enemy and the enemy of everyone I love, I must give you credit where credit is due.

    I am now watching one of the greatest projects you have executed this year in 2023. You brought so many of us to a state of anger that all we want is to kill the first target you put in front of us.

    My people in Israel are fighting the war in Gaza, and when the war is over, you prepared more war for them. I want my people to win because they are my people. But I know that we are fighting the wrong enemy, or at least not enemy #1. We should fight and eliminate you from the face of the earth.

    We are all living inside the bubble or the Matrix you created, and we must fight each other to survive in it. I see around me Israelis and Palestinians with so much pain and anger, wishing to kill. You brought them to this point. I envy them because they feel only one side of the pain. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I feel double the pain, as I do not get to use the drug of attacking the target you put in front of me.

    In any case, I believe that to win against you, it is just a matter of getting all God’s people to see what I see even though it hurts more. But I will tell them that the hope of kicking your ass is a better healer. It is better than just killing the first target you provide. It will also be the last war. No more funerals for you!

    Therefore, I would like to warn you that I am going to write a story so everyone will know who you are, and they will all come help me kick your ass. If you think I am no match for you, then

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