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A Life Well-Lived, Wisdom Optional
A Life Well-Lived, Wisdom Optional
A Life Well-Lived, Wisdom Optional
Ebook108 pages1 hour

A Life Well-Lived, Wisdom Optional

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These short stories are my viewpoint of life and my ramblings. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them.
Release dateMay 22, 2024
A Life Well-Lived, Wisdom Optional

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    A Life Well-Lived, Wisdom Optional - Walter George Martin


    It was all arranged. They would go to the airport with the guns and explosives and mingle with the people until it was time to strike. Nobody would suspect a thing. Total chaos would be created. Everyone would look so stupid running in all directions not knowing what they are doing or where they were going. Not that he would see the reaction. He would be at home watching the television, safe from all harm, unlike the suicide bombers. They really were disposable people. They were only good for this. No future and not much of a past worth talking about. No hopers. Good for nothing else but to die for the cause.

    The only people who would miss and grieve for them are their parents and relatives, maybe some of their friends. The people who send them out do not care. Why should they? If they want to blow themselves up, that was their choice. Nothing to do with those who sent them out. They volunteered for the job, unlike those who sent them out. The people who send out the suicide bombers volunteer not to go. Smart move. They will grow old maybe, maybe not. You cannot say that about suicide bombers. No old age pension for them. They just will not get anything except a bit of ground to be laid in (it is called a grave). You will have one thing in common with the people you murder: they will be placed in a grave as well.

    There were seven in the hit squad, four shooters and three suicide bombers. There was also one person who would direct them. He would make sure they go to the point of most impact. The squad had radio contact with the director.

    The director spoke, To your right is a door where the police stay. One of you—Tony, shoot at the door then start to run away, shooting in small bursts. The rest of you, shoot the cops when they all come out, they will be looking at Tony, then shoot at the crowd. Bombers, when the crowds get close, detonate the bombs.

    It was 2:25 when Tony shot at the door where the police stay. At first, the police hit the floor, then they heard the shots and screaming from outside. Jumping up, they rushed to the door, guns drawn. They saw Tony shooting into the crowd. They started shooting at him. The whole lot of them were in a tight bunch. One short burst from the machine gun wiped them all out.

    People were running in total fear away from the gun fire, pushing people to one side to get as far away from the shooting as possible. The next moment there was a mighty explosion with nuts, bolts, nails flying everywhere creating pandemonium, then another and a third, spreading death. There was no let up for the gun men were shooting while running to the car ready to whisk them away from the chaos they had created. Reaching the car, they dived into the window. The car sped off. The gunmen were all safe for the next exploit. They did not meet with their leader until three days later. His house was in the country. They all came, all those under his command plus those who had authority over him. It was a big selection of most people in the brotherhood.

    The leader, after much celebrating, called for order.

    Gentlemen and ladies, I wish to say a few words, he said. First, our raid was most spectacular. Second, people will now know that we will strike hard and we will be ruthless towards the enemy. Third, my wife flew back home one day early with my children. Now I am childless and now I am a widower. Goodbye!

    He pushed the trigger in his hands, resulting in no house, no possessions, no people living in this house and no regrets for what he had done last of all.

    All the World is a Stage

    All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances and one person in their time plays many parts. Who is the audience? Why, God and the Angels on high, for they look down at us and wonder at our actions. They wonder what we are thinking and why we act so foolish, like silly little children who want their own way, instead of mature adults.

    There are others who the Angels look down at. They are mature people who try to do their best with the ability that they have. All of them are of the same species. They have taken different pathways, that's all.

    The world is one large canvas, each thing on it is part of the big picture. The thing is some parts are not where they should be. They have gone down a path not prepared for them. They took the wrong path. It is a path to distraction then on to destruction. This path to destruction has a path branching off it. Turn onto this path and it leads onto the path of life.

    It is not an easy path to walk on because it is an upward path. There is a man waiting for you on this path. He will lead you away from the path of destruction to the path of construction. You will be built up to what you can be if you follow this man.

    Like I said, it is not an easy path to walk on, but it leads to life.

    Weak people will not make it in their own strength, only the man on the path can get you there. Ask for him to help you, he will never let you down.

    Bad Luck. Good luck. That's Life

    A family of misfits have moved out of the house that they lived in because they have trashed it big time. So, they left at night-time but left no forwarding address.

    The people who owned the house were coming to check the house for they had not had any rent in the last three weeks and they let the people know they were not happy about it.

    When the owners arrived, they found the house trashed. Holes in the walls, cupboards smashed, windows broken, carpets that would have to be taken up and many

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