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De Angelis Deviants: De Angelis Deviants
De Angelis Deviants: De Angelis Deviants
De Angelis Deviants: De Angelis Deviants
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De Angelis Deviants: De Angelis Deviants

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Family Ties (Previously Published as Saints and Sinners) by Emma Mountford


My body healed. The cuts scabbed over and the bruises faded.


To anyone who looked at me, I was just my normal cheery self.


I was Keeley.


The sweet one, the innocent one. But I wasn't any of those things anymore. I was broken, and inside I was screaming. Sweet and innocent? Those were words that might have described me once, but they didn't anymore.


My name might still be Keeley. I might have the same blonde hair and darling smile that people always thought about when my name was mentioned. But I wasn't the same woman. I wasn't even sure I was a woman anymore. I didn't feel like one.


And that's why I had to leave.


I knew that thousands, if not millions, of other women had gone through what I had. Hell, even some of the member's old ladies of my cousin's motorcycle club had been through something similar, but they had been ok with being saved. They had their men to lean on.


I had no one. And I sure as hell didn't want to be saved. Sure, the club would want to look after me, just like they always had, but that hadn't exactly worked out well for me in the past.


So, leaving was my only option.


And maybe when I was gone from the town that held so many horrific memories for me, I could start to heal. I might even start to work out who the hell I was again.


My pen scraped against the piece of paper. The lines of the words were jerky, the ink splashed with my tears. Monster would never forgive me for saying goodbye like this. But he had his own family now - a wife, and a baby on the way. He didn't need a grown cousin dragging him backwards.


Monster, I am sorry…


Meet the De Angelis Deviants with our series Headliner featuring Family Ties by Emma Mountford.
De Angelis Deviants is a multi-author series of mafia romance stories where the love interests aren't heroes fit for fairytales and dark secrets have deadly consequences. Are you ready to discover the truth behind these deviants dark secrets?

Release dateJun 5, 2024
De Angelis Deviants: De Angelis Deviants

Rhetoric Askew, LLC

Mandy is a USA Today bestselling author of sweet and sassy romance. Her stories are guaranteed to make you laugh, smile, and ugly happy cry. She is also Supermom to three home-schooled kids--powered by coffee and Dr. Pepper. Mandy was born and raised in Oklahoma and loves to include local events and places in her contemporary romances. Mandy says, "Oklahoma has such a rich history that it's a place where anything can happen. It's a perfect location to showcase how two people can overcome anything that might stand in their way to happiness."

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    De Angelis Deviants - Rhetoric Askew, LLC

    De Angelis Mafia

    An Amaryllis Media Featured Story

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    Copyright © 2024 Amaryllis Media, LLC.

    Authors retain individual copyright of their individual stories. All stories included in this publication have been included with the respective authors’ permission and documented transfer of necessary rights for the duration of the publishing agreement’s term.

    Cover Design and Layout by No Sweat Graphics & Formatting

    This book is a work of fiction. References to historical events, real people, or actual locations are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Published by Amaryllis Media, LLC.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chapter Thirty-Two



    About the Author of Family Ties

    Family Ties

    (Previously Published as Saints and Sinners)

    The Family

    Book 1

    Emma Mountford


    MY BODY HEALED. THE cuts scabbed over and the bruises faded. To anyone who looked at me, I was just my normal cheery self.

    I was Keeley. The sweet one, the innocent one. But I wasn’t any of those things anymore. I was broken, and inside I was screaming. Sweet and innocent? Those were words that might have described me once, but they didn’t anymore.

    Not since my cousin’s friend, a man Monster and I had both trusted with our lives, had forced himself into my body and left me hollowed out. There was nothing but darkness inside of me now. And day by day it was eating me up.

    My name might still be Keeley. I might have the same blonde hair and darling smile that people always thought about when my name was mentioned. But I wasn’t the same woman. I wasn’t even sure I was a woman anymore. I didn’t feel like one.

    And that’s why I had to leave.

    I knew that thousands, if not millions, of other women had gone through what I had. Hell, even some of the member’s old ladies of my cousin’s motorcycle club had been through something similar, but they had been ok with being saved. They had their men to lean on.

    I had no one. And I sure as hell didn’t want to be saved. Sure, the club would want to look after me, just like they always had, but that hadn’t exactly worked out well for me in the past.

    So, leaving was my only option.

    And maybe when I was gone from the town that held so many horrific memories for me, I could start to heal. I might even start to work out who the hell I was again.

    My pen scraped against the piece of paper. The lines of the words were jerky, the ink splashed with my tears. Monster would never forgive me for saying goodbye like this. But he had his own family now - a wife, and a baby on the way. He didn’t need a grown cousin dragging him backwards.

    Monster, I am sorry...

    Yeah, they wouldn’t agree with me leaving like a thief in the night. But I needed to go for my own sanity.

    The Keeley I used to be was gone, and I needed to find out who I was now.

    Because sweet and innocent didn’t cover it anymore.

    Chapter One


    A CLUB IN THE HARSH light of day was a strange entity. Sterile and heartless. It was only when the lights dimmed and the music started that it came alive. It was more than just the people who filled it. Clubs were creatures that only came alive when the sun went down, when the music started pumping and the lights flashed. And it was no different there.

    The Penthouse was one of my newer acquisitions. And it lived up to its name even in the harsh light of day. The Family was expanding, and this upscale gentlemen’s club was just one of many we had bought around the world over the last few years.

    Of course, normally, I wouldn’t be sent over to keep an eye on things. We had managers for that. But something was going on in London, and it made The Family nervous. So there I was and there I would stay. At least until the thief was caught and punished. If they were lucky, we would hand them over to the authorities. The Family was a law-abiding consortium after all, but I doubted it. Things would be better handled in house. Quickly and quietly like they always were. It would be better for the guilty party to hand themselves into the police. Much, much better.

    Leaning back on the plush leather chair in my office, I rubbed at my temples. A headache had started, beating against my skull with unrelenting pressure. And the music pounding below wasn’t helping. We were closed, there should be no music. Everything should be silent which was why I was there. It was easier to concentrate when the club was empty. The cleaning crew wouldn’t bother me. The bar staff who called in early didn’t even look at me unless I needed a drink. And yet the music and lights were on. And it was making my work impossible.

    Grumbling, I pushed myself to my feet. I hated this city. The old building mixed in with the shiny new skyscrapers, the smog, and the goddamn weather that could only be described as grey. My life was in the United States. It was where my home was and the sooner I was out of this God-forsaken country and back in my own penthouse the better. But I couldn’t do that until I found the thief and brought them to justice, and I sure as hell couldn’t do that with all the noise coming from downstairs.

    Twitching back the drapes that had been closed over the window looking down at the main floor, my eyes swept across the scene playing out below me. There was a woman on the pole. Her movements were jerky and unsure, and for a second, I found myself watching her with interest.

    She was auditioning. And her nerves were getting the better of her. Pretty as she was, she simply wouldn’t do. There was a cheapness to her make up, and if she was as nervous as that in front of just my manager and other dancers, then she would not be able to handle the club itself on a busy night. The Penthouse might be an upscale establishment, but the men who frequented us expected a certain level of charisma and that woman didn’t have it.

    Leaning against the glass, I took in the six other women sitting in a small huddle, waiting for their time to audition. Not a bad turn out really. One or two of them definitely had potential. One woman in particular caught my eye and I knew instantly why. It was her curly blonde hair. I had a type, and even though I could only see her back, I knew she was just it. The hair, the curves. She was just the kind of woman I went after. It didn’t even matter that I couldn’t see her face. Whether she ended up getting a job here or not didn’t really matter. She was, without doubt, the most interesting thing I had seen since my plane had touched down in the UK.

    Pulling my phone from my pocket, I typed out a quick message to the house mother, asking for her to get the blonde onto the pole. I knew she would do what I wanted. She always did. It was one of the reasons she had been given the management of the girls. The Family trusted her.

    Leaning my arm against the glass, I watched as the blonde stood. She didn’t wobble on her heels. There was no nervousness in her walk or in the confident way her hand curled around the pole.

    Interesting indeed. Her curves were mouth-watering, and she could dance as well. Every movement was meant to draw the eye and it did just that. Her hips rocked backwards, thrusting her ass out, and the tiny booty shorts did nothing to hide what she was trying to show. I was mesmerized. Just like that, she had me, and I knew I had to employ her. If for no other reason than I wanted her in my bed. After that I didn’t care what she did.

    One night.


    She flicked her hair back, her body straightening, and for a second, I forgot how to breathe. Because I knew her face. Her hair was a little shorter now, but those eyes, that smile...I would recognize her anywhere even after five years.

    Five years since she had disappeared from beneath all our noses, and I still carried the note she had scrawled to her cousin in my wallet. Monster hadn’t wanted me to have it, but I had insisted. He had made me promise not to search for her, and I had reluctantly agreed because he was right when he said she was too good for men like us.

    The last place I ever expected to find her was a place like that - in a club I owned, swinging her body around a pole with the kind of practiced ease that told me she had been doing it for a while. It made me feel sick. Because the girl I knew five years ago was the sweetest, most pure soul I had ever seen. It was one of the reasons I had been instantly attracted to her, and ultimately the reason I vowed to never touch her.

    Someone had touched her though. Five years ago, someone had used her body against her will. That man was dead now. I made sure of it. It was surprisingly easy for someone to have an accident in prison. And I didn’t regret that. The only regret was that I wasn’t the one to do it.

    I had punished the man who had hurt her. I had let her go to find herself as the letter said, and I had dreamt of the day when I would see her again, even when I knew the odds of that happening were zero. But seeing her down below with her body almost completely on show, I knew one thing.

    Keeley would not find herself in my club.

    Chapter Two


    IT WAS EASY TO SWITCH off and just let my body move. And I was good at it, I knew I was, but every time I danced it was like someone else took over my body. I locked Keeley away in my mind where she could be safe. Because even after five years, I still hadn’t gotten over what had happened to me. And I had come to uneasy terms with that.

    The only thing that I had learnt in five years was that sex sells. And I had a body that screamed sex. I wasn’t petite or willowy, my body was soft, womanly, and men loved it.

    The attack on me had taught me one thing: if I let them, men would use my body and discard me like yesterday’s trash. So, I taught myself to use it against them, and I had become damn good at it as well. Dancing gave me power. They could look all they wanted provided the money kept coming. But they couldn’t touch. Ever.

    I used them.

    They didn’t use me.

    I would never be used by a man ever again in my life.

    Flicking my hair back, I plastered my face with my widest smile as I straightened, my hand still gripping the pole. It was slippery with oil and sweat. If it had been cleaned properly before my audition, then I could have done better. As it was, I felt my performance was mediocre at best. All I could do was hope I made the cut. I needed this job. The tips alone would pay my share of the rent. Where I was now, was shit. Too many gawkers who weren’t willing to put their hands in their pockets.

    Turning towards the woman who was in charge, I waited for her to say something. She wasn’t even looking at me. Her back was turned, and she had a phone pressed to her ear.

    Great, I rolled my eyes. If she hadn’t been watching, then I was as good as gone. And that sucked because I was ten times better than the girl who had been dancing before me. Finally, the woman lifted her head and I knew instantly that it was going to be bad news. She just had that look about her.

    Keeley, is it?

    Yes, ma’am. Sometimes my Americanisms came out, even after years of living in London.

    Unfortunately, Mr Marino doesn’t think you are right for us here. You just don’t have the right look for The Penthouse. Even though I think you are an amazing dancer, he’s the boss. She gave a self-conscious shrug.

    My anger rose, causing bile to burn my throat.

    So, the big boss had decided I wasn’t good enough for his club even though I was without a doubt the best dancer they had seen so far. There could only be one reason that I could think of. My size. The all-powerful Mr Marino thought I was too big to appeal to his customers.

    Mr Marino was an ass.

    Screw Mr Marino, I blurted out, despite intending to sound more demure. Sometimes my temper got the better of me and I vomited words without thinking.

    I know that you are probably disappointed, but please don’t take it as a bad thing. Just because you aren’t right for us doesn’t mean you won’t be right for another club. It’s nothing personal.

    I waved her words away. Was that what she thought this was? Personal? I didn’t take rejection personally. But I had needed the money the job promised. London was an expensive city to live in, and I liked it

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