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Captive Magic: Age of Chaos, #3
Captive Magic: Age of Chaos, #3
Captive Magic: Age of Chaos, #3
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Captive Magic: Age of Chaos, #3

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My name is Jade Bane, and my friends and I are in a race against time. We have three goals: warn King Relex about the clones, rescue Nina and Karen from the Rema Estate, and return to Earth in one piece. I'm the caster queen, ruler of a nearly extinct race, and I need to claim my birthright. When my twisted father captures Prince Zamire and we discover that his greed has led him to commit treason, he's working with the very person we've been trying to stop. While trapped at the royal estate, my friends stumble upon a devastating truth: the Hyndroyl crystals are being charged with magic stolen from Najorian captives.

Can my allies and I work together to foil my father's plans? Will Zamire and I be able to resist giving in to what we feel for each other? Will I finally meet the twin that my father is determined to keep from me?

The "First Generation" universe consists of a group of interconnected series that focus on the Champion Court. The reading order is as follows:

Series: Age of Chaos

1. Captive Treasure

2. Captive Prince

3. Captive Magic

4. Captive Fate

5. Captive Crown

Series: Age of Dwellers

1. Damaged Warrior

2. Damaged Soul

3. Damaged Relic

4. Damaged Destiny

PublisherDebbie Civil
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Captive Magic: Age of Chaos, #3

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    Book preview

    Captive Magic - Debbie Civil

    Chapter 1


    (Somewhere In Space)

    Ared beam split the wall beside the door in half. Karen’s eyes grew wide as a Janton woman entered the room, a blaster rod in her grip. Nina ran from Karen’s arms and raced to the nightstand. Karen ducked right before the woman fired her weapon. She dropped to the floor, the beam barely missing her left shoulder. The Janton soldier’s eyes were focused on Karen, who stood to her full height. Nina let out a war cry and charged the woman at super speed. She tossed the poisonous liquid in the crystal glass into the woman’s face, and the Janton woman’s pale skin began to smoke. She dropped the rod to grip her face. Nina quickly scooped up the discarded weapon and frantically depressed the button, turning the woman to ash.

    We need to get out of here, Karen, Nina said. Karen gestured at the bed.

    Do it, she screamed. Nina aimed the blaster at the dead body and shot the weapon. The corpse and the bed were Both obliterated. Karen grabbed Nina’s arm and they exited the room.

    I blinked furiously. A headache was assaulting my temples. I wanted to throw up. We failed. It was too late. And I was the one who was supposed to tell everyone.

    Jade? Sheena asked, but I didn’t answer her. I needed to get off my butt. The time for mourning the Loss of Jane and Tim was over.


    I hobbled out of the bedroom that was provided for me on Winston’s spaceship, the weight of the horrible news nearly causing me to collapse. We were too late. Emperor Tulda moved quicker than we had anticipated. I should have seen this coming. My guess was that the evil emperor wanted the element of surprise. He knew that we’d race to Neretha to warn the king of his impending attack. Zamire’s people were in danger, thanks to a megalomaniac who implanted parts of his brain into unwilling victims. I shuddered at the thought of being captured and having my mind attached to some bizarre hive mind.

    Jade, Sheena called, her footsteps thudding against the floor. I wanted everyone to hear the news at the same time. It was only fair.

    I had a vision, I shouted back to my friend.

    I know. What was it about?

    Sheena, it would be easier if I explained this once. I didn’t care that insisting on a group meeting would put me face-to-face with Prince Zamire, the man who decided that our relationship wasn’t worth the headache it would cause to make it work. He called what we were doing a game. All of our kisses meant so much more to me. I was positive that Zamire had experience in the bedroom. After all, he was on engagement number two. Maybe he had other more experienced women in his harem that could fulfill his needs. Those women were quiet, submissive, and allowed that man to get his way. That was it. Zamire hated my insistence that women deserved equal rights. Anger was starting to consume me at the thought of Zamire, so I forced myself not to dwell on our failed relationship. We had more pressing matters.

    Jade wants to have a meeting with everyone, Sheena shouted at the top of her lungs. I walked into the pristine kitchen and plopped down on one of the chairs, closest to the exit. Sheena sat beside me, occupying herself by drumming her fingertips on the tabletop. Amber was the next person to enter, followed by Winston, her soulmate, and an exhausted-looking Rose. The trio were dressed in black T-shirts and sweat pants. Judging by the fact that Amber’s pants dragged on the floor, they were a loan.

    What happened, Queen Jade? Amber asked.

    Please don’t call me that. The casters don’t even know I exist. Besides, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. Don’t I have to be crowned queen? I wanted to be crowned queen as much as I wanted to marry Gabar. Satisfaction filled me at the thought that Nina had the strength to kill that disgusting man. She would have been miserable with him.

    But that’s what you are, Amber argued. I refrained from explaining that my alleged royal status was a sore spot, since it meant that I could never be with Zamire. But the man that owned part of my heart entered, arm in arm with Princess Shala. I looked away, not able to stand watching those two getting chummy. It just hurt too badly. It didn’t help that he looked hot dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt that hugged his body.

    Cordell is taking a nap, not that his opinion really matters. He only reacts when someone gives him a suggestion, the princess said in accented English as Angelo and Deric came into the room. How had she learned English so quickly? Winston stood so that Rose could have his seat. There wasn’t enough room for everyone to sit. Mira entered last, a scowl on her face.

    Princess Shala, did you use my tablet without asking?

    I’m a princess. I don’t need to ask for permission to use a device so I can check on the welfare of the planet you forced me to abandon, she said.

    Yes, you do, Mira replied.

    Why does it matter? You let me use the tablet to update my translator. Now I can speak your dreaded language. I can’t believe I’m being forced to hide on a ship with the lot of you.

    Did you want us to leave you to die? Winston asked.

    Tulda wouldn’t have killed me. He was under a spell. I could have gotten through to him. I would have been able to eliminate him if I had to. It wasn’t going to be helpful if I reminded the princess of how useless she had been in battle. If it weren’t for us, she would have been injured or worse.

    We can deal with the tablet issue later. I had a vision, I said, wanting to change the subject.

    What did you see? Was it about Gwen? Rose’s only concern was saving her daughter, which was pissing my best friend off. Sheena scowled at Amber’s former stepmother, her mouth about to unleash an insult. But my warning expression halted her unnecessary tirade.

    No. I saw my sisters, Karen and Nina. They were in Nina’s cottage when the Janton army attacked. I proceeded to outline all of the events, even Gabar’s timely demise. When I was finished speaking, everyone looked at one another, urgency on their faces.

    We need to go to the Rema Estate to rescue them, Amber insisted.

    Warning my father about Prince Eleron should be our first priority. He’ll just assume that it’s an attack by the Janton. He won’t understand that Emperor Tulda isn’t himself anymore. Zamire’s voice called to me, and I was desperate to wrap myself around him. But I shoved that craving away, since he was taken.

    We must find a way to save Tully from Prince Eleron. I’m sure there are some scientists on Neretha that can help, Princess Shala cut in. I had the feeling that Emperor Tulda was gone for good. But I wasn’t going to voice that opinion, since it would only pour salt in Princess Shala’s wounds. Even if she was engaged to Zamire, she didn’t deserve to have her hopes dashed. Instead, I focused on the problem at hand.

    We need to split up. One group should go to the Rema Estate, while the other can find King Relex, I suggested.

    I’m on whichever team Mira, the traitor, isn’t on, Sheena said.

    I think I liked it better when you were calling me a soulmate-stealing hussy, Mira quipped. Sheena responded by flipping Mira off.

    Since Deric will be on your team, Mira will have to be on another team. It would be easier for communicating between teams to have a telepath on each one, Angelo interjected.

    Jade stays behind. Zamire’s words caused anger to ignite my blood. Who did this man think he was? My hands lit up with energy, which made Amber whistle.

    She’s going. Now that Jade’s made her choice, we need to figure out strategy. I loved Amber and how she always supported Sheena and me. When we made it back to Earth, I promised myself that I’d get to know her better.

    Zamire, Jade can’t stay. We need her firepower. And I need to speed up to get to Neretha in time. I’ll travel at warp speed in an hour, Winston said, before rushing to the cockpit, Deric following close behind him.

    I have to convince King Rayon to give us anti-blictar pills. I’ll meet you there, Mira said before teleporting away.

    Hopefully, King Rayon will agree to help us. If he doesn’t give us the anti-blictar pills, we’ll have to change our plans, Angelo pointed out. I got to my feet, desperate to be alone. My heart was aching, and I could do with a good cry. Being near Zamire was unbearable, especially with that witch’s hand on his muscular arm. I stormed into my room and squeaked when I discovered Zamire standing by my bed, his eyes filled with heat. I hesitantly closed the door and eyed him with suspicion.

    How did you get in here?

    I can teleport, Princess. You should remember the advantages people have over you. Zamire lessened the distance between us, his body only an inch apart from mine. His breath hit my cheek, making my stomach do flips. I couldn’t help but crave his fiery kisses.

    You should stay behind. I was trying to shake myself from the cloud of desire that enveloped my senses. But I couldn’t break free.

    Why? Jade, yell at him. Tell him that he has no right to boss you around. Tell him that the only person he needs to worry about is his future wife.

    If anything were to happen to you, Princess, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. His answer caught me by surprise. My pulse began to gallop wildly, hope slithered into my soul.

    You said we can’t be together, I softly said.

    Prince Zamire nodded. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want you to be safe, Jade. My heart dropped with his words, the pain dispelling any desire to kiss him.

    I can’t do this, Zamire. I’m going, and you need to accept that.

    Zamire had the nerve to look confused. What changed? One minute you desire me and the next, you’re in pain? What did I say? It took me half a second to remember that Zamire was an empath. Lucky me!

    It doesn’t matter, Zamire. We need to focus on the mission. I… He claimed my lips with so much passion that it lit up all my senses. I wrapped my arms around him, tilting my head, desperate to deepen the kiss. His tongue surged into my mouth, making me crave more with him. Our bodies were pressed together, the heat of his closeness lighting my skin on fire. The sensations were too powerful. Desire was starting to suffocate me. He broke the kiss and made eye contact with me. His eyes were filled with so much longing that I wanted to pull him into my arms again. But before I could, he teleported away, leaving me cold.

    I wanted to rage against Zamire, but it didn’t matter. We were stuck in a corner, neither of us able to abandon our responsibilities. In his case, I very much doubted that he should. It wasn’t like he could jilt the Princess of Janton. That could mean disaster for his planet. That meant that I’d have to find a way to let him go.

    Chapter 2


    Stuck In A Vision

    Ihovered over my body, hoping I could find a way to return to it. I had been drifting in visions of the past for who knew how long. Amy stood beside me, dabbing a cloth on my forehead. I was getting sick. My skin was coated in sweat, I had chapped lips, red hives covering my arms, and limp hair. It would be my luck to catch the chickenpox when I was most vulnerable. Amy’s eyes filled with tears when she looked down at me.

    All I had to do was kill you without Molly and Lia knowing it. And I couldn’t even do that right. I put three drops of poison in your soup, and it didn’t work. How in the hell is that possible? I have seen one drop kill someone in seconds. Dad won’t be happy with me. He’ll blame me for this. Amy let out a groan. Now I’ll have to do it the hard way. She got to her feet, knelt on the floor, and pulled a dagger from under my cot. She stood and glared down at the blade. Hopefully, when I blame it on Molly, Lia will believe me. Amy’s betrayal was surprising. In most of my visions, she was an ally who would lay down her life for her family. The word most lingered in my mind like a pesky fly that insisted on buzzing around someone’s head. That future had a 10 percent chance of taking place. But it was usually pushed by a catalyst of some sort. What happened? Did Lord Peirc discover Amy’s weakness?

    Lex ran into the room and knocked Amy off her feet. She crashed to the floor, her dagger falling feet away. Molly entered the room, her eyes wide with anger.

    Lex, what in the hell are you doing? You’ve been here for two seconds and you’re already trying to kill people, Molly complained.

    Run, Lex shouted as soon as Amy, who was dressed in one of Jade’s magical jumpsuits, shot to her feet. She charged Lex, who deflected most of her blows.

    Amy, what the hell? Molly shrieked.

    The traitor must die, Father’s orders, Amy said, which confused me. I was under the impression that Amy couldn’t stand Lord Peirc. Why in the hell would she take me out for him? Remember, Lena, she felt that way in most of your visions. There were a couple where she decided to take Lord Peirc’s side. Stop thinking that Amy feels the way you do.

    Amy, what are you talking about? Molly yelled. In a swift move, Amy hit Lex in the temple, sending him sprawling. It took her no time to pick up the dagger and dive for Molly, who wasn’t wearing a jumpsuit. She was in sweat pants and a T-shirt. She fell against the wall, trying to avoid the dagger. But my headstrong sister was no match for Amy, who plunged the dagger into Molly’s chest, then pulled it out. Molly dropped to the ground and Lex let out an enraged roar. He tackled Amy, causing her forehead to strike the tile floor. But Amy wasn’t down for long. She bucked, the strength of her movement sending Lex sprawling. She picked up the bloody knife and ran to the bed,

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