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TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotionals for the Workplace
TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotionals for the Workplace
TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotionals for the Workplace
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TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotionals for the Workplace

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About this ebook

Transform your workplace for God's glory.

God has called women to demonstrate their faith at work, but it can be hard to experience God's presence in the middle of meetings, projects, and emails.

Best-selling author and expert on faith in the workplace, Os Hillman, shares how you can be a living testimony at work. With stories from Scripture and women through the ages, TGIF for Women will inspire you to

- apply biblical truths to your work life,
- make an impact despite adversity, and
- fulfill God's calling in your profession.Work out your faith and watch the eternal impact of your transformed life.
Release dateApr 4, 2023
TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotionals for the Workplace

Os Hillman

OS HILLMAN is founder and president of Marketplace Leaders and author of more than two-dozen books including Change Agent and TGIF Today God Is First daily devotional that is read in 104 countries. Os has spoken in more than 25 countries and is a leading voice in issues related to faith and work. 

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    TGIF for Women - Os Hillman

    I can think of no other time in my life when cultivating daily intimacy with the Lord mattered more than it does today. As the world around us undergoes unprecedented birth pangs—nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom—our souls long to abide in ever deepening union with the matchless, changeless, and unshakeable One. As you embark on the next 365-day journey in Today God Is First for Women, you will find your faith being strengthened, your hope being lifted, and your knowledge of God’s Word being sharpened by the day. As marketplace leaders, we get the privilege of revealing the light of the world in meetings and boardrooms, on calls and in emails every day. Keep your lamp burning bright by soaking in the timeless truths and wisdom you will discover as you read each new day. May your spirit be captivated and empowered continuously as you encounter his presence in new, refreshing, and glorious ways!

    —Anna Kramer, editor in chief, World Changer Magazine;

    founder and chief creative officer, Pneuma33 Creative

    Os Hillman has spent years listening closely to the heartbeat of the Father for his children and, specifically in this book, for his daughters. If you ever need a word of encouragement, inspiration from the lives of women who are walking this journey with you, or a fresh impartation of courage from those amazing daughters of the faith who have forged a path and gone ahead, you will most certainly find it here.

    Filled with words of wisdom, strength, and support to equip and encourage you along life’s way, this book will be a welcome companion each and every day.

    —Sharon Curtis-Gerlach, president and CEO, Divine Exchange Inc.

    I love the TGIF devotional. For me it is such a great companion in my quiet time as I journey through life. It is a signpost in some areas and a mile marker in other areas. It gives direction, it gives encouragement, and it gives strength. I just want to encourage you to enjoy TGIF every morning like I do.

    —Kathy Branzell, national director, National Day of Prayer

    This Today God Is First for Women devotional will help you praise when you are celebrating, will comfort you when you are struggling, will encourage you when you are doubting, and will be the balm of Gilead when you are hurting. Each day, Os points to the glory and goodness of God while God reveals himself to us in his Word. Whoever you are, there is rich treasure for you in this book of devotions for women.

    —Patti Plough, founder and CEO, Excel Legacy Group LLC;

    The ESOP Evangelist

    Scripture is filled with messages from our heavenly Father to guide our daily lives. God continues to use Os Hillman to help Christ followers, and now specifically Christian working women, apply the Bible to their work. Through stories and Scripture, Os helps us see all that God intends when we read the Word through the lens of our work. Thank you, Os, for speaking directly to women in bite-sized nuggets of truth for us to consume daily.

    —Martha Brangenberg, cohost, iWork4Him Podcast;

    cohost, sheWorks4Him Podcast

    I found the new devotional Today God Is First for Women to be thought-provoking as well as inspirational. Each morning I looked forward to the nugget I was going to receive for the day. Os is masterful in how he tells a story or educates with a historical fact; he makes a point practical to my life and my personal walk with God. Each day I took away a thought that caused me to ponder and reflect. Although each devotional is short, only about four minutes to read through, the impact it made was lasting. In one of my early readings, Os told a story about a little girl who was blind, yet she was able to see what those around her could not. I meditated on that for days, asking God to show me things that were not visible to the natural eye. Almost immediately, I was drawn to details of my day that I would have missed if my spiritual eyes had not been opened. I believe women who read this devotional will be blessed beyond measure and that their walk with the Father will be deepened.

    —Alicia Johnson, MS, pastor;

    licensed chemical dependency counselor (LCDC)

    A powerful daily resource to help readers stay rooted in the truth that it is Christ through whom we live, work, and have our very being. Os, thank you for your continued commitment to helping men and women live their faith and fulfill their God-given callings through their work.

    —Shae Bynes, founder, Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur;

    author, Grace over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t

    If you are a woman who wants daily encouragement to live fully authentic as your best self and empowered by God’s love, this devotional is for you. Os Hillman joins with the Lord’s heart in affirming and acknowledging the giftedness and the beloved nature of women at work in God’s beautiful world.

    —Beth Bennett, Atlanta-area director, Mission Increase

    As the author of Jesus, CEO; The Path; Jesus in Blue Jeans; and others, I have to tell you, Os, how much I am enjoying your book TGIF: Today God Is First. What a visionary writer you are! I’m sure that your advertising background helped you develop such clear and concise messaging. TGIF is my new favorite devotional book, and I felt compelled to write to you and say, Well done!

    —Laurie Beth Jones, founder, The Jones Group

    BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

    Savage, Minnesota, USA

    TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotions for the Workplace

    Copyright © 2023 Os Hillman

    9781424565238 (faux leather)

    9781424565245 (ebook)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB). Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, public domain. Scripture quotations marked RSV are taken from Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NRSVUE are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 by the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Scripture quotations marked NET are taken from the NET Bible®, copyright © 1996–2016 by Biblical Studies Press, LLC. Quoted by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked CEV are taken from the Contemporary English Version. Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked GW are taken from GOD’S WORD®, copyright © 1995 by God’s Word to the Nations. Used by permission of God’s Word Mission Society. Scripture quotations marked MEV are taken from the Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®. Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Scripture quotations marked CSB are taken from the Christian Standard Bible®. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.

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    January 1: Failing Forward

    January 2: One Tough Woman

    January 3: Your Positioning

    January 4: Ten Flights of Stairs

    January 5: The Purpose of the Desert

    January 6: Receiving Only from God

    January 7: Saved from Death’s Door

    January 8: God’s Economy

    January 9: The Women in Jesus’ Life

    January 10: Sarah Laughed

    January 11: Obedience

    January 12: Wrestling with God

    January 13: Sudden Ghosts in Life

    January 14: Move On

    January 15: Dealing with Barrenness

    January 16: The Value of Hard Places

    January 17: The Driving Counselor

    January 18: Kings and Priests

    January 19: The Purpose of Crucibles

    January 20: The Prayer Handkerchief

    January 21: The Skillful Worker

    January 22: My God, My Provider

    January 23: Standing in the Gap

    January 24: Mother Teresa

    January 25: Horizontal versus Vertical

    January 26: Her First Car

    January 27: Seeing the Works of God

    January 28: Microsoft Mary

    January 29: Tough as Nails

    January 30: A Call to Worship

    January 31: Sacrificing at What Cost


    February 1: Forgiving Ourselves

    February 2: A Talking Donkey

    February 3: I Can Hear!

    February 4: Empty Mangers

    February 5: Obedience with a Cost

    February 6: Understanding Your Gift

    February 7: Brainwashed

    February 8: The Black Hole

    February 9: Decision-Making

    February 10: Never Leave You

    February 11: Confronting Those in Error

    February 12: Becoming a Fool

    February 13: Going against Public Opinion

    February 14: The Lord Sings over You

    February 15: Called to Politics

    February 16: Time to Hear

    February 17: Fulfilling Your Purpose

    February 18: Deliverance from Abuse

    February 19: Finding the Will of God

    February 20: Understanding Your Role

    February 21: A Josephine Calling

    February 22: The Proper Foundation

    February 23: Spiritual Strongholds

    February 24: Seeing Greater Purpose in Adversity

    February 25: Placing Trust in Our Strength

    February 26: God’s Image in Ebony

    February 27: Unexplainable Power

    February 28: Saved from Such People


    March 1: Filled with the Holy Spirit

    March 2: Exceeding Expectations

    March 3: Appearing to the Little Child

    March 4: Our Counselor

    March 5: Loose Your Donkey

    March 6: Aging Well

    March 7: Taking Control

    March 8: Finding Jewels in the Desert

    March 9: Paneled Houses

    March 10: Spiritual Mentors

    March 11: Godly Rewards

    March 12: Fruitful Suffering

    March 13: Spiritual Warfare

    March 14: Knowing versus Doing

    March 15: Coming out of Babylon

    March 16: Developing Our Heart for God

    March 17: Tapping into Our Secret Weapon

    March 18: Comforting Others

    March 19: I Just Wanted a Puppy

    March 20: Knowledge + Action = Faith

    March 21: Striving versus Abiding

    March 22: Speak to Your Circumstance

    March 23: Called to Be a Josephine

    March 24: Changing Our Paradigm

    March 25: Your Calling’s Depth and Width

    March 26: Living for a Greater Cause

    March 27: Bitterness versus Grace

    March 28: A Job versus a Calling

    March 29: Seeing through God’s Eyes

    March 30: When God Restores What Locusts Eat

    March 31: Suffering for Another’s Salvation


    April 1: Understanding the Source of Anger

    April 2: Beware of Unusual Circumstances

    April 3: Deliverance from a False Identity

    April 4: The First Requirement of Ministry

    April 5: Understanding Our Own Calling

    April 6: Following Only the Father’s Commands

    April 7: Sitting at His Feet

    April 8: Death and Birth of a Vision

    April 9: A Refiner’s Fire

    April 10: Night Visions

    April 11: I Want It My Way

    April 12: Full-Time Christian Work

    April 13: The Anguish of Faith

    April 14: Toe in the Water

    April 15: David’s Source of Direction

    April 16: For Such a Time as This

    April 17: No Confidence in the Flesh

    April 18: Peace: A Weapon against Satan

    April 19: God’s Power in the Clothing Industry

    April 20: Making Adjustments

    April 21: Living a Life of Conviction

    April 22: Remedy for Depression

    April 23: Treasures in Darkness

    April 24: Resolving the Ownership Issue

    April 25: Lydia, a Workplace Minister

    April 26: Embracing the Lean Times

    April 27: An Eternal View of Circumstances

    April 28: Opening Our Spiritual Eyes

    April 29: Spiritual Contracts

    April 30: The Slinky


    May 1: The Dangers of Overcontrol

    May 2: The Reaper

    May 3: New Workplace Believers

    May 4: Going without Jesus

    May 5: Faith Experiences

    May 6: Using a Pen to Reform a Nation

    May 7: Twins

    May 8: Pursuing Your Passion

    May 9: Friendship in the Pit

    May 10: When Life Is Overwhelming

    May 11: The Strength of Brokenness

    May 12: Barbie

    May 13: Trusting in Chariots

    May 14: Planning for Success

    May 15: Seeing Hardships as Opportunities

    May 16: The Gospel of the Kingdom

    May 17: When Hope Is Deferred

    May 18: Knowledge That Is Productive

    May 19: Your Work

    May 20: Using Satan for God’s Purposes

    May 21: Fostering the Right Environment

    May 22: God at Work

    May 23: Spouses and Making Decisions

    May 24: A Life God Blesses

    May 25: The Graduate-Level Test: Self-Defense

    May 26: Higher Education

    May 27: Defining Moments

    May 28: Competition among Sisters

    May 29: Wanted: Dead or Alive

    May 30: The Spirit of Competition

    May 31: A Place of Strength


    June 1: Losing Your Life for His Purposes

    June 2: Perfect Timing

    June 3: Possessions of the Kingdom

    June 4: Unprofitable Anger

    June 5: Give Me Your Last Meal

    June 6: Mustard-Seed Faith in Business

    June 7: A Lack of Provision

    June 8: Hearing His Voice

    June 9: Understanding the Roadblock

    June 10: A Mother’s Powerful Prayer

    June 11: Healing before Ministry

    June 12: The Worship Service

    June 13: Sweating Outcomes

    June 14: Fears That Keep Us from God

    June 15: Forgive This Man?

    June 16: Unrighteous Acts

    June 17: When Service Exceeds Devotion

    June 18: Tests of the Heart

    June 19: Firstfruits

    June 20: Victoria’s Friends

    June 21: Avoiding Self-Based Faith

    June 22: Being Given over to Death

    June 23: Forgiveness Ensures Freedom

    June 24: Ability versus Availability

    June 25: Our Labor in the Lord

    June 26: Impossible Tasks

    June 27: When God Seems Far Away

    June 28: The Value of Words

    June 29: Changing Habits: The Ten-Dollar Challenge

    June 30: Choked by Wealth


    July 1: Using Jerry Springer to Preach

    July 2: The Flight of Geese

    July 3: Entitlements

    July 4: An Encounter with God

    July 5: A Fleeting Shadow

    July 6: Faith in Times of Despair

    July 7: The Plans of Tomorrow

    July 8: A Two-Way Relationship

    July 9: Overcoming Our Past

    July 10: Sowing in Tears

    July 11: Being a Person under Authority

    July 12: You Think That?

    July 13: Building a Solid Foundation

    July 14: Forgiving Those Who Judge You

    July 15: Becoming a Mighty Woman

    July 16: Becoming Aware of God

    July 17: God’s Preparation for Moving Out

    July 18: Getting a Haircut

    July 19: Perseverance for Success

    July 20: Working versus Striving

    July 21: The Goal of the Christian Life

    July 22: Hearing the Father Speak

    July 23: The Greatest Test

    July 24: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

    July 25: One of the Twelve

    July 26: God’s Motives

    July 27: The Cost of Broken Covenants

    July 28: Preparation for Greatness

    July 29: Those in Whom God Delights

    July 30: Performing Miracles with Your Staff

    July 31: A New Remnant of Priests


    August 1: Persecuted for Christ

    August 2: Tamar’s Payback

    August 3: Disobedience Rooted in Fear

    August 4: Your Testimony

    August 5: Learning from Failure

    August 6: May It Be

    August 7: Power of the Tongue

    August 8: Not by Sight

    August 9: God’s Authority

    August 10: When Planting Yields No Fruit

    August 11: Reasons for Adversity

    August 12: Humility in Relationships

    August 13: Perception Is Not Reality

    August 14: When God Speaks

    August 15: Receiving Your Inheritance

    August 16: Being Fully Persuaded

    August 17: Faithfulness in Our Calling

    August 18: For Better or Worse

    August 19: Deborah, God’s Judge

    August 20: Fear Keeps Us from Our Destiny

    August 21: Divine Appointments

    August 22: Living an Obedience-Based Life

    August 23: My God Shall Provide

    August 24: Remaining Vertical with God

    August 25: Labor Alone Will Not Satisfy

    August 26: Pleasing to the Lord

    August 27: Settling Disputes

    August 28: Seekers of God

    August 29: Proving the Word of God

    August 30: The Effect of One

    August 31: Your Epitaph


    September 1: Play to Your Strengths

    September 2: Beware of the Thief

    September 3: Born to Pray

    September 4: Death Works in You

    September 5: Our Work versus Our Value

    September 6: The Consequences of Faith

    September 7: The Post-it Note

    September 8: Becoming a Valued Draft Pick

    September 9: Walking in the Anointing

    September 10: Independence That Leads to Sin

    September 11: Being a Woman Firefighter Hero

    September 12: Living as if You Were Dead

    September 13: The Training Ground of God

    September 14: What We Will Become

    September 15: It’s Time for a Funeral

    September 16: Making the Lord Our Banner

    September 17: The New Employee

    September 18: A Faithful Woman

    September 19: Expectations

    September 20: Second Chances

    September 21: Finding Meaning in Our Labor

    September 22: Experiencing God in Your Business

    September 23: A Faithful Number Two

    September 24: Being an Overcomer

    September 25: Small Things

    September 26: When the Lord Tarries

    September 27: Living a Life of Faith

    September 28: Bad Alliances

    September 29: Waiting for the Lord

    September 30: Being a Vessel to Bless Others


    October 1: The Door of Full Surrender

    October 2: Angels in the Workplace

    October 3: Blessing God’s Chosen

    October 4: Secret Places

    October 5: May I Pray for You?

    October 6: Being a Shelter for Those in Need

    October 7: Sing to the Lord

    October 8: Embracing the Mess

    October 9: Special Callings

    October 10: I’ve Seen Your Tears

    October 11: Reflecting His Glory

    October 12: The Faithfulness of God

    October 13: Things I Cannot Understand

    October 14: Blameless

    October 15: A Woman of Good Understanding

    October 16: Waiting on God

    October 17: The Jezebel Spirit

    October 18: Rejected for Christ

    October 19: Mixing Faith with Commerce

    October 20: The Response of Faith

    October 21: Overcoming All Odds

    October 22: New Things

    October 23: The Real Thing

    October 24: Drawing Near to Darkness

    October 25: The Art of Waiting

    October 26: Work as a Calling?

    October 27: True Repentance in a Nation

    October 28: Grace

    October 29: Motivations to Call

    October 30: Going against the Flow

    October 31: Defining Moments


    November 1: True Repentance

    November 2: Faithfulness to Convict

    November 3: A Heavenly Strategic Planning Session

    November 4: Moving with the Cloud

    November 5: Miracles at Work

    November 6: Significance

    November 7: The Necessity of the Desert

    November 8: Lack of Knowledge

    November 9: The Place of Tears

    November 10: The Way of God

    November 11: The Butterfly Principle

    November 12: Unless the Lord Goes with Us

    November 13: Will You Enter?

    November 14: The Error of Positive Thinking

    November 15: Situational Ethics

    November 16: Speak to Your Mountain

    November 17: Be as Little Children

    November 18: A Fine-Tuned Instrument

    November 19: Confrontation with God

    November 20: Understanding What God Has Given

    November 21: A Faithful Woman

    November 22: Covenant Relationships

    November 23: An Audience of One

    November 24: When Plans Are Thwarted

    November 25: Tested for Abundance

    November 26: The God of the Valley

    November 27: The Benefits of Obedience

    November 28: The Root of Bitterness

    November 29: The Power of Unity

    November 30: Are You Salty?


    December 1: Great Is Your Faithfulness

    December 2: A Remnant That Prays

    December 3: The Isolation Chamber

    December 4: Moving in Presumption

    December 5: Saved by a Prostitute

    December 6: Led by the Spirit

    December 7: Discovering Root Causes

    December 8: Love the Lord Your God

    December 9: Good Things versus God Things

    December 10: Freedom and Boundaries

    December 11: Staying Connected

    December 12: Avoiding Detours

    December 13: Signs and Wonders Today

    December 14: Belief or Unbelief

    December 16: Angels at the Gate

    December 17: Living Forward, Understanding Backward

    December 18: Disappointments

    December 19: One Flock, One Shepherd

    December 20: I Give Myself Away

    December 21: Encounter at the Movie Theatre

    December 22: Paul’s Personal Mission Statement

    December 23: Recognizing Our Source

    December 24: Hearing God’s Voice

    December 25: No Rooms Available

    December 26: The Power of Serving Others

    December 27: The Finger of God

    December 28: Brigid’s Legacy

    December 29: Betrayals

    December 30: The Gospel of the Kingdom

    December 31: Effective Leadership


    About the Author

    Additional Resources from Os Hillman


    To Pamela and Charis, the two most important women in my life. Thank you for all you bring to my life.


    As a young Christian woman, I felt an undeniable tension between my career in the marketplace and the longing in my heart for full-time ministry. This was something I was unable to reconcile until I was introduced to Os Hillman’s work in 2006. As I read his TGIF: Today God Is First devotional, I was reignited in my faith and received great clarity in my calling. I had the privilege of meeting Os in person at a Change Agent Weekend he facilitated in North Myrtle Beach in 2014. I was inspired by the authenticity of his leadership and genuine encouragement to me and the other women who were present. He challenged us to step out of the traditional church box and into our God-given identity as Spirit-led women who were called to become kingdom leaders in the marketplace. Os and I eventually became collaborators in marketplace ministry as we found ways to serve together from our respective organizations.

    It was during these times that I have been able to watch Os herald the amazing accomplishments of his daughter and wife as their biggest cheerleader. I have witnessed these women overcome great adversity to now lead powerful ministries as God increases their influence and platforms for his glory.

    Since Os’s first TGIF devotional became a catalyst for my own calling, I am deeply honored to be one of the many contributors to his latest work TGIF for Women: 365 Daily Devotions for the Workplace. I pray you, too, will meditate on this life-changing devotional and discover clarity for your own calling in the marketplace. May you be affirmed in your God-given identity, and together we can link arms with our brothers and sisters around the world for such a time as this!

    For the kingdom,

    Nadya Dickson

    National and international director, The Master’s Program for Women


    I first met Os in 2015 at a movie preview for Captive, a movie about a female drug addict who was abducted in her apartment by a man who had killed two other people that night in downtown Atlanta. She read The Purpose Driven Life to her captor and believed this saved her life.

    When I met Os at the movie that night, I was introduced by my good friend Polly Harper, who had business dealings with Os years prior. She said, This is Pamela Winderweedle. She has a prison and reentry ministry, and since you know the producer here, Os, maybe you could assist Pamela with the contract she has on a movie deal for her life story.

    He responded, What in the world would merit a movie about your life?

    I said, It is very complicated and a very long story.

    He handed me his card, and I gave him mine as he stated, I am very interested in hearing more.

    I had no idea who Os Hillman was nor how our lives would forever be connected after that night.

    It just so happened that I worked at an engineering company two exits from where Os lived on Georgia State Route 400 in Cumming, Georgia. We had lunch almost every day, and during every meeting, Os handed me another one of his books or CD sets or magazines. The first was his TGIF: Today God is First devotional, which I loved and constantly commented to him about how he was reading my mail! I thought he was trying to impress me, and I told him quickly that I was moving from a thirty-acre property with a seven-bedroom house, three rentals, a large warehouse, three large kilns, and so much office equipment and ministry supplies. I had been there for a year but now had to move. I was trying to acquire property for my ministry and did not have time to read or listen to all his publications, but I promised I would at some point.

    Os traveled nationally and internationally all the time, and we read devotions and prayed together no matter what state or country he was in. One time while he was in Hawaii speaking at a conference, he mentioned his Change Agent Network, and I said, Oh, that sounds like a great program.

    He chuckled and said, "Have you even been to my website to see all that

    I do?"

    I said, No, I am sorry. I haven’t. You know that I have been really busy all these months, trying to get packed and moved and with work also. No, I am so sorry I haven’t. I promise I will do it when we get off this call though. I did, and I was so shocked! Who is this man I have been dating all these months? I thought. He was so humble and never really talked about all the things he had accomplished and done all over the world as a Christian leader. This really impressed me. I felt like I was so connected with him in so many ways. And we really were…for such a time as this. Within eight months, we were married. For such a time as this was our wedding theme.

    Os will often share with me a testimony from a reader of TGIF, which truly blesses me. God has used a major adversity that Os went through in the midnineties to turn his Valley of Achor (trouble as described in Hosea 2) into a door of hope for many.

    I am so grateful to God that I am married to Os. We have a wonderful life together, and God is using us in both of our ministries. I have a prison and reentry ministry called LifeChangers Legacy ( I, too, am a writer and developer of curriculum, including the I See ME Free Incentive Mentorship Program for those within the prisons desiring change. It is so beautiful how God brings his children together.

    I pray this new TGIF for Women will be a blessing to you as much as it is to me.

    May God richly bless you as you discover new insights about God and his dealings with his children—us.

    Pamela Hillman


    The story behind TGIF: Today God Is First began in 1994 after I went through a major crisis. I lost over $500,000 from a Bernie Madoff type of scam. My financial advisor called me one day and said the investments he was handling for me had been taken by a scammer who fled the country. I would not recover one penny. I was also experiencing a marriage crisis at the time that would lead to a divorce. My largest client in my ad agency refused to pay a $140,000 bill. Life went from one place to a whole other place in the space of three months. This would take me into a seven-year crisis.

    It was during this time I sought God for answers. I met a man in 1996 who told me I had a Joseph Calling on my life. He said it was a marketplace calling to be a spiritual and physical provider to others. But the key was I would have to press into Jesus with all my heart. He became my mentor that day. Everything he said has come true. I began writing TGIF as therapy for myself. I just happened to share some of the messages with friends. One friend owned a website. He asked if I would put the messages on his website. The rest is history. I began to get emails from people around the world. The common messages were, You read my mind today and You spoke right into my situation. Thank you! TGIF is now read in 105 countries, and hundreds of thousands of readers subscribed to receive its messages daily. I pray this devotional book will be a blessing and encouragement to you.

    God turned my Valley of Achor (trouble; see Hosea 2:15) into a door of hope for many through my crisis. He restored my finances after seven years (just like Joseph), I married Pamela many years later, and I have traveled to twenty-six countries and have written twenty-four books as a result of the process God took me through.

    He can do the same for you!

    Os Hillman


    Failing Forward

    Suddenly Jesus appeared among them and said, Peace to you!

    JOHN 20:19 TPT

    The first thing Jesus said to the disciples when he appeared before them after his resurrection was, Peace to you! He could have chastised them for their failure to be true to him. He could have expressed his disappointment in their lack of faithfulness. But he didn’t.

    Fear of failure can often keep you from success. However, failing forward brings us one step closer to success. God doesn’t test us to find out something he already knows; he tests us to let us know ourselves so we can grow into maturity. If you hope to succeed, learn everything you can from your failures. God sees failure as preparation for success. Some things we can only discover by our failures.

    Sara Blakely is the founder of Spanx, a women’s garment company with sales of more than $400 million annually. She said her father taught her the greatest lesson in life: Growing up, my dad used to encourage my brother and me to fail, and he would ask us at the dinner table what we had failed at that week. If we didn’t have something to tell him, he would actually be disappointed. I didn’t realize it at the time, but he was just redefining failure for me. Failure became about not trying, not the outcome…That was a real gift he had given me.¹


    Do you ever not pursue something for fear of failure?

    Ask God to give you the courage to pursue something you have in your heart and embrace the process, even if it means risk of failure.


    One Tough Woman

    She said, I will surely go with you; nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the LORD will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.


    Deborah was one of the few women judges in the land of Israel. She had just won a major battle against the enemies of Israel and a general named Sisera. His army had been soundly defeated by Israel. At first, when she tried to recruit

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