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Hope Speaks: God's Voice in the Still of the Morning
Hope Speaks: God's Voice in the Still of the Morning
Hope Speaks: God's Voice in the Still of the Morning
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Hope Speaks: God's Voice in the Still of the Morning

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About this ebook

Open your heart to hear God's voice.

God's mercy is new each morning and gives us a fresh opportunity to find rest and stillness in his presence. Hope Speaks, a 365-day devotional, will stir your hunger to hear God's voice and experience a deeper, more intimate relationship with him. Written from the perspective of God, each day includes

- an encouraging devotion,
- a related Scripture, and
- a heartening prayer.Meditate on God's love as he rescues, redeems, and restores your heart, breathing hope into each day. 
Release dateAug 1, 2023
Hope Speaks: God's Voice in the Still of the Morning

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    Hope Speaks - Traci Fiaretti


    God’s new mercy each morning gives us a fresh opportunity to usher in rest and stillness in his presence. The grace of Jesus offers a clean slate to listen for his still, small voice to receive encouragement and affirmation.

    I have heard his voice, like many rushing waters, during times of stillness in adoration before his throne. I want you to hear him too. Use the words on these pages as a springboard to open the way for more and more of him. Let him melt your heart.



    Give Me a Drink

    This morning, before you let the world in, before you let it touch you with all its pushes and pulls, before you pick up your list, before anything or anyone else gets your attention, will you come to the well? Will you drink of my life-giving waters? When you are satisfied in me, will you, in turn, give me a drink? Will you refresh me? Not from the well in the backyard or the drinking fountain in the hallway, but will you give me a drink from the rivers of living water flowing from within you?

    Give me a drink from the well that is springing up to eternal life. Let my well spring up in your soul and then do something unusual with it. Bring the overflow back to refresh me, and I will multiply your gift back to you again and again. Take that overflow and use it to refresh others because whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do it for me.

    Jesus replied, If you only knew who I am and the gift that God wants to give you, you’d ask me for a drink, and I would give you living water.

    JOHN 4:10

    Lord Jesus, thank you for your intimacy toward me. Today, I will look into your eyes and see you in everyone around me.


    Tell Me Everything

    You don’t have to hide your feelings from me. I am strong enough to receive your frustration and honesty. I don’t receive these painful emotions from you begrudgingly. I love you. It’s refreshing to hear the truth as your heart opens to me. I love to hear the unfiltered concerns of your heart. It is then that I swoop in to rescue, redeem, and restore.

    Yes, I already know every inch of your heart. It’s up to you to break the silence and invite in the light. I’m not looking for your polished best. I want the real you. I love the real you. Come to me with honesty. Come to me with your worries and frustrations. Appropriate my Word. That’s when I rise up to comfort your fears and change what’s causing them. I am your loving Father, your Shepherd, and I won’t fail you. My answer may not always look like you think it should, but trust my hand. It will be beautiful.

    He stooped down to lift me out of danger from the desolate pit I was in, out of the muddy mess I had fallen into. Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me while I walk along his ascending path.

    PSALM 40:2

    Father God, I will whisper my heart’s cries into your compassionate ear as we walk together today.


    More Than a Peek

    I will guide you. As you look for me, you will find me. Yes, rise earlier each morning. Yes, spend even more moments before the dawn in the secret place. Yes, discipline yourself. Make the most of your time, for the days are evil. These beautiful, learned qualities will renew your schedule and your mind. These learned disciplines will bring you near to my heart every single day. But it’s your heart and not your disciplines that most enamored me.

    Let’s stay here together in the quiet, in the stillness just before dawn. Lean in close. Let me whisper my secrets into your ear and straight to your heart. Feel my breath on your ear, sweet child. Yesterday’s work is complete, and today’s has not yet begun. Look at me. Gaze right into my eyes. You are mine in intimacy. Will you come into the quiet with me? Many will come. Few will truly look, and few will truly see me. Will you come?

    Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.

    PSALM 23:4

    Poppa, I will open my spirit to allow you to change me from the inside out.


    Red-Wrapped Thread

    Hold tight to my promises. My blood speaks a better word. My blood is woven into every fiber of your life—your words, your voice, your sound. You need only to invite me in. It creates perfect harmony. It’s mingled with royalty and purity. It cost me everything to give, yet no gift is too extravagant for you, my love.

    Trust me to speak what you need to know. Let me shield you from what you can’t receive right now. Will you still yourself to listen? I am with you always; to the ends of the earth I am with you. My Word is a weapon. It is a lamp to your feet and a light for your path.

    By the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! Even though you were once distant from him, living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions, he reconnected you back to himself. He released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body as the sin-payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in his presence. And now there is nothing between you and Father God, for he sees you as holy, flawless, and restored.

    COLOSSIANS 1:20–22

    Jesus, thank you for your costly sacrifice on my behalf.

    I do not take your love for me lightly.


    You Have My Permission

    Move into the day with my permission, my child. Remember that my authority and purpose are on you. Remember that it’s a big deal. This is the confidence that you have in Christ. Ask, seek, knock! I am every answer you will ever need. You are my child. My authority is with you, giving you a passport. I have given you my yes and amen and my blessing. My approval is with you because I am with you. I will never leave you.

    You hear my voice so much more than you even realize, child. Stop and breathe. Realize that, in fact, you even recognize the still, small promptings of my voice. The harmonies and melodies of my song reach your heart because you’ve asked, and I’ve said yes. Come even closer to experience the reality of my many voices. My multicolored, multitone words, like many rushing waters. Receive them deeply, and they will establish my love so deeply in your heart that nothing in this universe will shake love’s foundation.

    I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east.

    His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory.

    EZEKIEL 43:2 NIV

    Abba, today I will listen for your loving direction. I will not stand paralyzed by fear. I will move in you.


    In the Stillness

    Be still and know that I am God. Sit with me for hours, not just for minutes. Sit with me for days, not just hours. Set your heart apart to hear my voice in ribbons, not in pieces, not in scraps, but in volumes. Keep your eyes on me; set your heart on things above, not on earthly things. You know me so well that you can recognize a counterfeit.

    Think of how far you’ve come. Think of where I found you. Think of the journey so far—remember. Take the time today to remember your walk and my love. Remember that you have been bought with a price. Remember that no one can snatch you from the palm of my hand. I am with you always; even to the ends of the earth I am with you. I am smiling over you. You are my great reward. Let me repeat myself, for I think you can never hear it enough. You are my great reward. Will you come and sit awhile with me?

    God is forever faithful and can be trusted to do this in you, for he has invited you to co-share the life of his Son, Jesus, the Anointed One, our King!


    God of heaven and earth, I choose to worship you today.

    I will meditate on your love. I will savor the passion of your gift. I will come. I will rest here with you.


    Take My Victory

    Precious one, do not imagine me bruised and broken. I am completely healed, every wound, every nail-pierced place, every mark, and scar. I am alive. I am risen. I have ascended, and I am glorified. I have conquered death! I am seated in heavenly places, and you are seated here with me. As I am completely healed, my healing is available to you.

    You are entangled with me, and I am with you. I hold the keys. I have the power and the authority over your destiny. I am the Way. The pathway is within me. When you allow me to live within you, you also have my access key. Like the woven cords at the edge of a prayer shawl, power will go out to you and through you. Don’t lose sight of my smile because, as you go out from this place, everyone you touch will be changed by my victory. It starts right here, in the secret place, between you and me. Come and receive.

    Jesus replied, Yes, but I felt power surge through me. Someone touched me to be healed, and they received their healing.

    LUKE 8:46

    Jesus, you are with me. I will honor your presence today. I will focus on your love, and I will see your smile with the eyes of my heart.


    Every Question Answered

    Precious one, I know that you have many questions. Some questions you have been brave enough to ask, and some you have not. I know all the questions you hold inside, and I am filled with love to talk straight to those places in you where fear still has a foothold. I will show you the answers to the things that make you question. I will show you truth regarding the thoughts that trouble you. I will give you the answers. I will show you the hidden treasure.

    Will you open your eyes to see? Will you open your ears to hear me? Will you open the door when I knock? Will you open your heart to understand? I am entwined with you, and I have gained access for you. Because I hold the keys, you also hold the keys. Here with me in the secret place of your heart where we meet is the perfect place for your understanding to be opened. Soon there will be a complete paradigm shift as you realize with your whole heart, mind, and strength that I am the answer. I am your safe place. I am love.

    I will place upon his shoulders the key to the treasures of David’s palace. He will open doors that no one can shut, and he will shut doors that no one can open.

    ISAIAH 22:22

    Abba, I can’t help but worship you today for your alwaysness. Would you come and invade my humanity?


    Eyes on Me, Child

    Do you really believe that I am pleased with you? Do you really believe that I am smiling over you, not just watching over you from a distance? Do you see me holding you in the palm of my hand? Do you see me protecting you? Do you see me routing angels to your deliverance? Do you see me knowing you? I understand your anguish. I know your concern. Do you see the depths of my love? Do you see me?

    I see you, precious one. I am overwhelmed with the beauty of your yes, the beauty of your heart’s intention. I will show you that this is my way. Walk in it. You won’t miss it. I am setting everything up for your victory. I am not far away. My voice is not far off. My voice is right here, day by day, step by step. My light will shine on your path, and you will take another step with me, through me, and never without me. You will never walk alone.

    Even though the Lord may allow you to go through a season of hardship and difficulty, he himself will be there with you. He will not hide himself from you, for your eyes will constantly see him as your Teacher.

    ISAIAH 30:20

    Thank you, Jesus, for always walking with me. Thank you for your victory.

    JANUARY 10

    Who I Am

    Remember who I am. I am good. I am God. You are mine, and I am yours. Remember I will never leave you. Wait with me in this place for just a moment longer. I am slowing your clock and resetting all your alarms. I am putting a stop to the deadlines set in stone and giving you the space your spirit needs to unite with me in this quiet time you’ve dedicated to me. I am smiling. I am love. I am yours. You are mine.

    I am not cryptic. See yourself rising above because you’re standing on the palm of my hand. I am lifting you even higher with each passing day. I am filling you more with each passing hour. I am holding you closer and closer because you are allowing me access to the places you have in past times. You are my love story. You are my love song. You are my love.

    You stand in victory above the rest, stately and secure as you share with me your vineyard of love. Now I decree, I will ascend my palm tree. I will take hold of you with my power, possessing every part of my fruitful bride. Your love I will drink as wine, and your words will be mine.

    SONG OF SONGS 7:7–8

    Abba God, today, I will remember.

    JANUARY 11

    At Home in Your Heart

    I have created you in my image. I say over you, You are very good. My Spirit is at home in your heart. My presence is transforming you every day. Thank you for loving my Word. Thank you for admiring people who feast on my Word and are filled up with my Spirit. Let them stir you to jealousy.

    You are right here with me. I am right here with you, in this moment, in this place. You are simultaneously seated in heavenly places while walking your earthly path. Selah. My eyes of love are on you, and you are beautiful. My eyes of fire are on you, and you are holy.

    Walking among the lampstands, I saw someone like a son of man, wearing a full-length robe with a golden sash over his chest. His head and his hair were white like wool—white as glistening snow. And his eyes were like flames of fire! His feet were gleaming like bright metal, as though they were glowing in a fire, and his voice was like the roar of many rushing waters.

    REVELATION 1:13–15

    Poppa God, I will choose to see you today. And to see myself there with you.

    JANUARY 12

    The Secret Place

    Meet me here each day in this secret place that we’ve created together in relationship. This time and atmosphere are all that matter. It’s quiet, and we are together. We are alone. No one is watching, and there are no reputations to keep in this place. You can even become undignified with me. I am your audience of One, and you are my audience of one. Come in and close the door. This time is worth the sacrifice of all the other loves. I’m so near you can feel my breath just before the sun comes up and the light shines in. Just before the angels appear. It’s just you and me in the pre-dawn twilight. It’s just you and me in the quiet.

    When I open that door, resurrection light will flood in, and you will walk out restored. My new mercies are yours. Each person in your life will recognize my life on you, and one by one, they will come. Let’s stay awhile. Let’s not rush these important moments together.

    Mary Magdalene left to inform the disciples of her encounter with Jesus. I have seen the Lord! she told them. And she gave them his message.

    JOHN 20:18

    Jesus, you are my everything, and you are my reason. Today,

    I will stand in the joy that comes from seeing the Lord!

    JANUARY 13

    Get Excited

    This is the day! Praise me for I have done great things! I am your great reward, and you are my great reward. You are the joy set before me. You are my joy, and I adore you. Your smile makes my heart burst. I’m overwhelmed by your hunger and thirst for righteousness. I am dancing over you. I am exalting over you with gladness.

    Thank you for seeking me. You’ve sought my heart in every way you know how, and I am so pleased that you have. I love you so. And don’t forget the great cloud of witnesses that cheers you on. They move you forward with their loud encouragement. Listen closely for their cheers and receive my strength. You will not fall. I am your rear guard. You will not be shaken. I am with you. I carry rest, peace, and solution. All of the answers you seek are found within me.

    The Lord himself is the one who has done this, and it’s so amazing, so marvelous to see!

    This is the very day of the Lord that brings gladness and joy, filling our hearts with glee. O God, please come and save us again; bring us your breakthrough-victory!

    PSALM 118:23–25

    Poppa God, I will walk out my door today with great excitement in your gift of salvation.

    JANUARY 14

    I Share Your Pain

    Your tears have fallen like rain, and I have seen every one of them. Feel my nail-scarred hands now as I hold your face still. Feel my hands touch the tears on your cheeks. I am here. I am never going to leave you alone. Some tears you’ve cried in joy and others in anguish. Regardless of their source, whether pain or jubilation, your tears are housed within an alabaster jar in heaven. I don’t speak words for the sake of hearing my own voice. My Word is truth. Your tears are beautiful perfume remembered in heaven every time the gospel story is told.

    In my time, all things will be made beautiful. In my time, I will work all the good, bad, and unsettling together for my glory. I will work all the things that you thought I didn’t see together for your good and my glory. Look to me. When you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Watch my smile break open wide.

    Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you. Yes, trust in the Lord Yahweh forever and ever! For Yahweh, the Lord God, is your Rock of Ages!

    ISAIAH 26:3–4

    Thank you, Holy Spirit, for whispering your truth until I hear you completely. Whisper to me again today.

    JANUARY 15

    Dream My Dreams

    I am your Good Father. It is my pleasure to bring your dreams into reality. Year after year the Evil One has tried to bury your heart’s desire deeper and deeper under pain and shame. Your enemy did not foresee that you would run to me for refuge or that our relationship would grow beautiful and intimate in the wake of his assaults or that the sweet anticipation of uncovering the desires of your heart has only grown stronger as the battle rages on.

    You are beginning to see and recognize the true desires of your heart as you see yourself reflected in me. You see it most when you love well and fiercely protect those who are too weak to protect themselves. Reach out to touch the one who needs my love. Watch what was buried, reach up through the soil to new life. Do you see my smile? Do you feel my pleasure over you? It’s a beautiful dance that no one can disturb. It’s my plan for your life.

    Let me make this clear: A single grain of wheat will never be more than a single grain of wheat unless it drops into the ground and dies. Because then it sprouts and produces a great harvest of wheat—all because one grain died.

    JOHN 12:24

    Poppa God, thank you for believing in me.

    JANUARY 16

    Heaven Defends You

    My precious child, today you can rest assured in my promise. You have been given all of heaven as your defense because the battle against you is fierce. Angels have fought as you have overcome. Many bullets and much warfare try to deter you, and still, you come to me. Still, you move forward. Still, you advance in battle. Rain, mud, and bullets fly past you in the Spirit realm as you tenaciously move forward, inch by inch. You even crawl to me if you must.

    Although you don’t realize it, you are enthroned in my glory and covered in safety. You are seated in heavenly places with me. You are my fiercest agent of war, and I pour out the amazement of heaven for you to see, feel, and taste.

    When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse.

    PSALM 91:1–3

    Abba God, thank you for hiding me. Today I will rest.

    JANUARY 17

    Beautifully Open

    Precious one, if you’ll be honest, open, and real about who you are and where you’ve struggled, if you’ll be transparent about your greatest areas of brokenness, then shame will fall from your shoulders and from those watching you.

    The enemy has tried to kill, steal, and destroy your identity. But you have become strong in my love. You’ve seen yourself through my eyes, and now you will teach others this Spirit skill. You’ll teach them how to cross over and walk into my truth. Their crossroad, just like your crossroad, has the ability to change the world around them. I sense your questions. Keep moving forward, and I will open every door you need.

    I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow! I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice for the sheep.

    JOHN 10:9–11

    Abba, give me the strength and humility to be transparent today.

    JANUARY 18

    Love Paves the Way

    Precious one, trust your spirit understanding. You have invested time and tears here in the secret place of the Most High with me. You have heard the sounds of angels even when you didn’t know what that sound was. You have listened intently and tuned your ear to my sound. You have heard my voice in the still of the morning. I desire unity and not uniformity. Walk in the way, the path, that I’ve called you to walk, knowing that each of my children is intimately and individually called.

    Don’t reason out with others what you’ve already heard clearly from me. Stay the course I’ve laid out for you and give others the freedom to do the same. I speak so deeply and personally to each of my little ones. I speak this way to you just like I spoke to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The same way I spoke through fire and smoke, through gentle breeze and rain, I speak to you today.

    Remember, it is the same Holy Spirit who distributes, activates, and operates these different gifts as he chooses for each believer.

    1 CORINTHIANS 12:11

    Holy Spirit, today I will listen to you only.

    JANUARY 19

    I Am Here

    Precious one, there is no need to look to the left or the right. Don’t get caught up in looking ahead or behind. But look only to me, and I will reveal what you need to know. I am guiding you with my eye.

    I’m teaching you grace. Not just an outward display but an inward position. Peace, calm, grace. Don’t look anxiously around you, struggling to see and be all things to all people. Trust me; this is the only way to be in the right place at the right time with the right attitude. Be confident in what I’m telling you. I am God. Be confident in my love for you. I am your great reward.

    Lord, you are my secret hiding place, protecting me from these troubles, surrounding me with songs of gladness! Your joyous shouts of rescue release my breakthrough…I hear the Lord saying, "I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So

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