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31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life
31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life
31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life
Ebook130 pages1 hour

31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life

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About this ebook

The words we speak have power for life. When you proclaim God's Word in faith, it is activated to bring about His purpose for your life.

Isaiah 55:11 declares that God's Word does not return empty but accomplishes everything it is sent to do. If God said it, He will make it good!
31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life contains thirty-one days of inspirational readings that will turn your attention to the heart of God and His wonderful intentions for your life. Each devotion is followed by ten powerful decrees for that day's theme—faith-filled words of biblical truth for you to be blessed with love, fruitfulness, friends, wisdom, hope, victory, family, glory, endurance, God's presence, gladness, and more. Each day includes an activation for you in response to each devotion and decree to seal God's Word in your heart and life. 

Experience multiplication of blessings for your life and watch transformation take place as you daily give Jesus your focus and decree His Word.
Release dateJun 1, 2016
31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life

Patricia King

PATRICIA KING has been a pioneering voice in Christian ministry for more than 30 years. She is an accomplished author, motivational speaker, media host, producer and businesswoman. She is the founder and leader of Patricia King Ministries and resides in Maricopa, Arizona.

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    31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Life - Patricia King



    "I have loved you with an everlasting love;

    Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness."

    JEREMIAH 31:3

    God truly loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love—He really does! First John 4:8 teaches that God is Love! Love is a Person and He created you in His image and likeness, filled with love. Everyone needs love because we were created for love and by Love.

    When mankind fell into sin, we became separated from God—separated from perfect Love. As a result, we experienced guilt, shame, fear, and condemnation, but this was never God’s intention or desire for us. We walked away from perfect Love.

    Through Christ we have been restored to God. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Even though we turned our hearts against Him, He never abandoned us. He never stopped loving us. Instead, He put a plan into place that would restore us to back to Him—to

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