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JoyFull: 365 Daily Devotions for Women
JoyFull: 365 Daily Devotions for Women
JoyFull: 365 Daily Devotions for Women
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JoyFull: 365 Daily Devotions for Women

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About this ebook

Lead a life of joy.


Our culture encourages instant gratification, promoting must-have brands, conveniences, and luxuries, but dissatisfaction often results. True, lasting contentment cannot be found in worldly things. Jesus wants our hearts to overflow with joy, and he offers it freely.

              Join Lydia McLaughlin in JoyFull as she shares the power of God's Word, teaching you how to apply it and live joyfully—just as God intends. Each daily devotion includes:

- inspiring Scripture,
- a short reading on the day's theme,
- a thought-provoking question or challenge, and
- an uplifting prayer. 

Start each day with a fresh promise of hope and embrace the abundant, joy-filled life that God designed for you!

Release dateApr 4, 2023
JoyFull: 365 Daily Devotions for Women

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    JoyFull - Lydia McLaughlin

    BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

    Savage, Minnesota, USA

    JoyFull: 365 Daily Devotions for Women

    Copyright © 2023 Lydia McLaughlin

    9781424564736 (faux leather)

    9781424564743 (ebook)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB). Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, public domain. Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible. Copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLV are taken from the New Life Version. Copyright © 1969 and 2003. Used by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc., Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (CEV) are taken from the Contemporary English Version. Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by permission.

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    This devotional is dedicated to you, sweet sister. I am praying for you. As you seek God through his Word and spend time in it, I am confident that your mind will transform to his will for your life. God is so good and faithful.



    January 1: Alive and Active

    January 2: The Wilderness

    January 3: Plans

    January 4: Satisfy My Soul

    January 5: Powerful Spirit

    January 6: Strong Hearts

    January 7: Prayer

    January 8: Blessings

    January 9: Freedom

    January 10: Pride

    January 11: Worship

    January 12: Quality Time

    January 13: Prepared

    January 14: Obedience

    January 15: Dream and Imagine

    January 16: Passionate Faith

    January 17: Ambassadors of Heaven

    January 18: Hope of Glory

    January 19: Christ in Us

    January 20: Peace

    January 21: Just the Right Time

    January 22: Heavenly Perspective

    January 23: Godly Life

    January 24: Stand Firm

    January 25: Growing Pains

    January 26: Bloom Where You’re Planted

    January 27: Precious as Gold

    January 28: Suffering

    January 29: Wonderfully Made

    January 30: Life Reflects the Heart

    January 31: To the Full


    February 1: Beautiful Words

    February 2: New Creation

    February 3: Bless My Enemies

    February 4: Spiritual Battle

    February 5: Truth and Wisdom

    February 6: Gentleness

    February 7: Healthy Friendship

    February 8: Transformation

    February 9: Gratitude

    February 10: Love at All Times

    February 11: Rejoice

    February 12: True Beauty

    February 13: Kingdom Focused

    February 14: Tough Conversations

    February 15: Perfect Timing

    February 16: Spirit within Us

    February 17: Encouragement

    February 18: Talents and Passions

    February 19: Praise Him

    February 20: You Harvest What You Plant

    February 21: He Takes Care of Us

    February 22: A Servant’s Heart

    February 23: Life-Giving Promises

    February 24: The Power of Love

    February 25: Guilt versus Shame

    February 26: Bless Me, Lord

    February 27: Set Free

    February 28: What Lies Ahead

    February 29: The Devil’s Lie


    March 1: People of Passion

    March 2: Temple of God

    March 3: Glory of God

    March 4: Boundaries

    March 5: Seasons of Faith

    March 6: Bright Future

    March 7: Spiritual Fight

    March 8: Strong and Courageous

    March 9: Sweet Friends

    March 10: Desert Plans

    March 11: Unchanging God

    March 12: Humble Yourself

    March 13: Steadfast Love

    March 14: Dangerous Mindsets

    March 15: Joy of Salvation

    March 16: Never Abandoned

    March 17: Truly

    March 18: Called to Freedom

    March 19: Champion-Deliverer

    March 20: Power, Love, and Self-Control

    March 21: Done in Love

    March 22: Quieted by His Love

    March 23: No Fear

    March 24: Children

    March 25: Strength and Gentleness

    March 26: Prepare for Action

    March 27: The Truth

    March 28: Receive Power

    March 29: Love and Consideration

    March 30: Find Rest

    March 31: In All Situations


    April 1: Cast Your Anxiety

    April 2: The Lord Is Close

    April 3: Let It Go

    April 4: Love More, Judge Less

    April 5: Abba

    April 6: The Way

    April 7: He Understands

    April 8: Forgiveness

    April 9: Raised from the Dead

    April 10: Heavy Hearts

    April 11: Unforgiveness

    April 12: Watch in Hope

    April 13: Fruit of the Spirit

    April 14: Overflowing Hope

    April 15: A Pure Heart

    April 16: Patience

    April 17: Kindness

    April 18: Good and Faithful Servant

    April 19: God’s Handiwork

    April 20: Royal Priesthood

    April 21: Trustworthy

    April 22: God’s Kindness

    April 23: Faithfulness

    April 24: Delight in the Lord

    April 25: Crown of Righteousness

    April 26: Heavenly Realms

    April 27: Follow His Steps

    April 28: Lady in Waiting

    April 29: Boldness

    April 30: I AM


    May 1: All Things

    May 2: Of the World

    May 3: In Christ

    May 4: Omniscient

    May 5: Transferred

    May 6: Capable

    May 7: Saving Grace

    May 8: Discipline

    May 9: Surrender

    May 10: Omnipresent

    May 11: Fight for You

    May 12: Emotions

    May 13: Difference-Maker

    May 14: He Prepares Us

    May 15: Confidence

    May 16: Little Things

    May 17: Rejection

    May 18: Lydia

    May 19: Omnipotent

    May 20: Blameless

    May 21: Never Forsake Us

    May 22: Come Forth as Gold

    May 23: Occupied with the Word

    May 24: He Looks at the Heart

    May 25: Made Alive

    May 26: Overcome the World

    May 27: Intended for Good

    May 28: His Holy Name

    May 29: Completion

    May 30: Anxious about Nothing

    May 31: Intercede


    June 1: Our Helper

    June 2: Grace of God

    June 3: Straight Paths

    June 4: Yoked

    June 5: Righteous

    June 6: Faith

    June 7: Patiently Waiting

    June 8: He Strengthens Us

    June 9: Prayer

    June 10: Fear the Lord

    June 11: Move Mountains

    June 12: Unaware

    June 13: Love, Love, Love

    June 14: Faith from Hearing

    June 15: Contentment

    June 16: Break the Chains

    June 17: Only Son

    June 18: Taste and See

    June 19: Wherever You Go

    June 20: In Your Heart

    June 21: Pure in Heart

    June 22: God Is Greater

    June 23: Run with Endurance

    June 24: Builders

    June 25: Fan into Flame

    June 26: At God’s Command

    June 27: Shielded and Protected

    June 28: Lioness

    June 29: Every Single Moment

    June 30: Something New


    July 1: Hold Fast

    July 2: Demolish Strongholds

    July 3: Rest

    July 4: Trust

    July 5: The Lord’s Purpose

    July 6: Blessed Is She

    July 7: Everything New

    July 8: Shine Your Light

    July 9: Be Agreed

    July 10: Be Kind

    July 11: Walk with Integrity

    July 12: His Peace

    July 13: Guaranteed Blessing

    July 14: His Voice

    July 15: Live in Freedom

    July 16: Thirsty

    July 17: Escape Worry

    July 18: A Sword

    July 19: God Declares

    July 20: Words

    July 21: Facts

    July 22: Pray

    July 23: Allied with Jesus

    July 24: Heavenly Counselor

    July 25: Ransomed

    July 26: God Will Provide

    July 27: Choose Jesus

    July 28: Be Still

    July 29: No Excuses

    July 30: Potter and Clay

    July 31: You Will Not Stumble


    August 1: Chosen People

    August 2: On the Throne

    August 3: But God

    August 4: Nothing Too Hard

    August 5: Prayer Warriors

    August 6: Wisdom

    August 7: Justified and Glorified

    August 8: Judge Correctly

    August 9: Clutter

    August 10: Peace and Prayer

    August 11: Kingdom of God

    August 12: By Faith

    August 13: Yesterday, Today, and Forever

    August 14: He Will Do It

    August 15: Mysterious

    August 16: Dreams

    August 17: Fix Your Gaze

    August 18: Such a Time as This

    August 19: Higher Calling

    August 20: Spiritual Maturity

    August 21: Crossroads

    August 22: Tempted in Every Way

    August 23: Joy of His Presence

    August 24: Arise and Shine

    August 25: Worth

    August 26: Walk in Truth

    August 27: Talents versus Gifts

    August 28: Perfume

    August 29: Dark Times

    August 30: Light and Joy

    August 31: Think Strong, Be Strong


    September 1: One Bold Step

    September 2: Our Shepherd

    September 3: Obey

    September 4: Storms

    September 5: Slow to Anger

    September 6: Love One Another

    September 7: He Cares

    September 8: Things Above

    September 9: Inner Thoughts

    September 10: Die to Ourselves

    September 11: Exploits

    September 12: Raised and Seated

    September 13: Appearances

    September 14: Found

    September 15: Believe God

    September 16: Wait upon the Lord

    September 17: Small Beginnings

    September 18: Safety in the Lord

    September 19: Return with Joy

    September 20: Our Advocate

    September 21: Marked with a Seal

    September 22: Heavenly Citizenship

    September 23: Here and There

    September 24: Walls of Protection

    September 25: Mere Mortals

    September 26: Hall of Faith

    September 27: Bridegroom

    September 28: Bring Honor

    September 29: Written in Heaven

    September 30: Divine Encounters


    October 1: Whatever You Have

    October 2: God Waits for You

    October 3: The Lord Laughs

    October 4: Powerless Turned Powerful

    October 5: It Is Day

    October 6: Unshakable Hope

    October 7: Prisoner of the Lord

    October 8: Talking Donkey

    October 9: Spirit of Power

    October 10: Encourage

    October 11: Wisdom and Kindness

    October 12: Soft Answer

    October 13: Multiplied

    October 14: Refiner’s Fire

    October 15: Strength and Dignity

    October 16: Seek God

    October 17: Christ in Me

    October 18: Live Freely

    October 19: A Chosen Generation

    October 20: Altogether Beautiful

    October 21: Let Another

    October 22: Hovering

    October 23: Christ Is All

    October 24: Hope and Encouragement

    October 25: Close Watch

    October 26: Devote Yourself

    October 27: Scripture

    October 28: Take Up Your Cross

    October 29: The Lord’s Hand

    October 30: Grow Strong

    October 31: Ask and Believe


    November 1: Cleansed

    November 2: More Love

    November 3: Focus

    November 4: Unceasing

    November 5: Pray and Persist

    November 6: Our Inheritance

    November 7: See God

    November 8: Fresh Authority

    November 9: Promised Land

    November 10: Living as Jesus Did

    November 11: Angels

    November 12: Matters of the Heart

    November 13: After God’s Heart

    November 14: Everything in It

    November 15: Glory to Glory

    November 16: Favor of God

    November 17: Men and Women

    November 18: Tithe and Offering

    November 19: Enthroned

    November 20: What Is Good?

    November 21: Anointed

    November 22: Give Thanks

    November 23: The Lord’s Servant

    November 24: Fight the Good Fight

    November 25: One Thing

    November 26: Repentance

    November 27: Firstfruits

    November 28: Real People, Real Issues

    November 29: Our Hearts

    November 30: Life and Peace


    December 1: Living Sacrifice

    December 2: Testimony

    December 3: Messiah

    December 4: Shaped by God

    December 5: Sons of Thunder

    December 6: Fasting

    December 7: Fresh Manna

    December 8: Stay with God

    December 9: Pouring of His Spirit

    December 10: God’s Family

    December 11: Abundant Faith

    December 12: What We Do

    December 13: Seal of Ownership

    December 14: Halted Plans

    December 15: Eternal Life

    December 16: God’s Glory

    December 17: Children of God

    December 18: In Jesus

    December 19: Those Who Dream

    December 20: Be Watchful

    December 21: Honor

    December 22: A Cheerful Heart

    December 23: A Good Word

    December 24: Overjoyed

    December 25: With Us

    December 26: Helping Those in Need

    December 27: Salvation

    December 28: Unshakable Joy

    December 29: A Hard Worker

    December 30: Open Door

    December 31: Run Your Race


    About the Author


    God often speaks to us through the power of his Word, which is alive and active. It can pierce our souls and speak to our spirits.

    I’ve prayed for Jesus’ words to fill the pages of this devotional, and I pray that it leads you closer to him. I pray that it unleashes his power in your heart, ushering you into the throne room of Christ, where we stand in awe at our maker’s presence.

    I pray that this devotional inspires new habits in us, encouraging us every morning to reach for God’s Word first instead of our phones or cups of coffee. Lastly, I pray that our pursuit of his Spirit allows us to experience freedom as we witness his truths become realities. Amen.



    Alive and Active

    The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

    HEBREWS 4:12 NIV

    Since we are starting a new year together and reading God’s Word, I want to begin by acknowledging the power we have at our fingertips when we read the Bible. God’s Word is alive and active! Do you believe that?

    When we say that God’s Word is alive and active, it means that the Bible can speak to us in different ways depending on what we’re going through in life. If you are in a time of waiting, then the verses on patience will stick out to you. If you are in a season of uncertainty, God’s faithfulness will give you hope. We can be in God’s Word during any time of life because it always has fresh, new teachings to inspire us.


    How much time are you spending in God’s Word? Do you listen to God’s voice in your life?

    Jesus, I thank you for the power of your Word. I thank you for meeting me wherever I am and for always pursuing and loving me. Amen.


    The Wilderness

    Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

    ISAIAH 43:18–19 NIV

    God is doing a new thing in you. This is his promise. He declares that he will make streams come forth in the wastelands. He has made you with your gifts and talents for such a time as this, and he is making a way for you to use them.

    He has a plan for you, and he looks for followers who will be obedient and bold. Don’t give up. Be faithful and passionate. The hopes and dreams that you carry are inside of you for a reason. Pursue what you were made for, sweet sister!


    Look up today’s verses in other translations. Consider what the promises and declarations mean for your life.

    Lord, you are faithful. I trust you with my life. I place my hopes and dreams at your feet. Lead me according to your will and your way. Amen.



    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    JEREMIAH 29:11 NIV

    In less than a week, God created all that exists, and the Bible is full of prophecies that God fulfilled through Jesus thousands of years later. This is all to say that God knows what he is doing. He promises us in our verse today that he plans for us to prosper and enjoy a future full of hope. He is in control, and we can trust him.

    We have the freedom to make plans as well. The anointing on our lives happens when we align our plans with the Lord’s. We tend to confine our dreams to boxes of security and comfort. That is, we want God to move as long as the risks to us are minimal. But God’s plan falls outside of those neat, comfortable boxes. It’s time to step into God’s plan!


    Ask God to reveal the next step of his plan for you.

    Your will, your way, Lord. I desire your plan for my life over my own. Amen.


    Satisfy My Soul

    The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

    JOHN 10:10 NLT

    Jesus says that he has come to give us a rich and satisfying life. He obviously wasn’t saying that he came to fill our homes and garages with a bunch of material things or to busy our calendars with activities. He is saying that he came so that we can have a rich life—a life full of love, joy, and grace. Peace. Adventure.

    What satisfies your soul? Dream big and pursue your heart’s desires with faith, but also remember that a life like this often won’t receive the loudest applause. Jesus offers us a satisfying life, not an easy one.


    Create a list of things that satisfy your soul.

    Lord, thank you for creating me. Thank you for my passions and talents. I submit my life to you, Lord. Amen.


    Powerful Spirit

    The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.

    ROMANS 8:11 NLT

    Romans 8:11 is perhaps one of my favorite promises in the Bible. It promises the most amazing phenomenon: the Spirit of God lives in you. The same Spirit, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in us. Can I get an amen?

    If we live out of this truth each day, then our days will look a lot different. Our minds will be set free, and our joy will overflow. The ways that we go about our conversations and tasks will take on new meaning. We must tap into the Spirit inside of us. That is where we claim a life of freedom.


    Embrace the power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of you.

    Jesus, I praise and thank you for your Holy Spirit living within me. I pray that it will consume me, Lord. More of you and less of me. Amen.


    Strong Hearts

    The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.


    Today’s verse is powerful. Imagine God’s eyes searching the world, examining the hearts of his people. Paint it in your mind: God’s eyes running through the scenes of our lives. He wants his followers to represent him and to be the salt of the world. I desire for my heart to be fully committed to him so that he will pour out his strength on to me.

    We are all wonderfully made, and each of us is unique. Maybe you need some of God’s strength today. Perhaps you need purpose or direction. Whatever is going on in your life, God sees it. His eyes are on your heart, and he is ready to pour out his strength on to you.


    Our hearts need to be fully committed to Jesus. In what areas are you holding back from God?

    Lord, thank you for pouring out your strength onto my life. You are so good, and I long to serve and be used by you. It is a deep honor and my heart’s desire. Amen.



    The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?


    We do not have to be taught how to be bad because it is innately within each of us. It’s difficult for us to admit our shortcomings or even to recognize the ways that our hearts sometimes steer us in the wrong direction. During prayer time, however, we have a beautiful opportunity to examine ourselves and bring any and all of our shortcomings to the Lord. We can acknowledge our wrongdoings with him and move on.

    While you pray, perhaps God will bring to mind a conversation or a friendship that you had not yet realized you handled poorly. Prayer is the perfect time to bring all of your concerns to God.


    Examine your heart during your prayer time today and ask for forgiveness in any area that needs it.

    Lord, I thank you for loving me and always lighting my path. We pray you make me aware of the many ways that I can do better for your glory. Amen.



    Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. And God granted his request.


    Jabez asks God to bless him in our verse for the day. It’s good to ask God for our heart’s desires. We want God to bestow upon us the blessings that he designed for us. Jabez asked for God to enlarge his territory, keep him from harm, bless him, and free him from pain.

    What are your hopes and dreams? Have you submitted them to Jesus and laid them at God’s throne?


    Spend time with Jesus today. Make your heart’s desire known to him and ask him to bless you.

    Lord, thank you for my passions, talents, and gifts. You have already blessed me so much with this beautiful life. I pray you would bless me with the desires in my heart. If they are not your will, then I pray you would direct my path for the plan you have for my life. I submit

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