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TPT The Book of Philippians: 12-Lesson Study Guide
TPT The Book of Philippians: 12-Lesson Study Guide
TPT The Book of Philippians: 12-Lesson Study Guide
Ebook144 pages1 hour

TPT The Book of Philippians: 12-Lesson Study Guide

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About this ebook

The book of Philippians flows with joy, inspires gratitude, and imparts central doctrines of faith. Written by the apostle Paul while held captive in a prison cell, his letter to the Philippians celebrates victory, unity, and harmony, teaching us how to live together in the body of Christ.

This 12-lesson study guide on the book of Philippians provides a unique and welcoming opportunity to immerse yourself in God's precious Word as expressed in The Passion Translation®. Begin your journey with a thorough introduction that details the authorship of Philippians, date of composition, first recipients, setting, purpose, central message, and key themes. Each lesson then walks you through a portion from the book and includes features such as notable verses, historical and cultural background information, definitions of words and language, cross references to other books of the Bible, maps, and character portraits of figures from the Bible and church history.

Enrich your biblical understanding of the book of Philippians, experience God's love for you, and share his heart with others.

Release dateJan 4, 2022
TPT The Book of Philippians: 12-Lesson Study Guide

Brian Simmons

DR. BRIAN SIMMONS is a passionate lover of God. After a dramatic conversion to Christ, Brian knew that God was calling him to go to the unreached people of the world and present the gospel of God’s grace to all who would listen. With his wife, Candice, and their three children, he spent eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama as a church planter, translator, and consultant. Having been trained in linguistics and Bible translation principles, Brian assisted in the Paya-Kuna New Testament translation project. After his ministry overseas, Brian was instrumental in planting a thriving church in New England (U.S.) and currently travels full time as a speaker and Bible teacher. He is the lead translator of The Passion Translation®.

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    Book preview

    TPT The Book of Philippians - Brian Simmons

    LESSON 1

    The Apostle Paul, Philippians, and Choosing Joy

    Welcome to the letter to the Philippians, an epistle that flows with joy, inspires gratitude, and shares many truths about Jesus. Writing while imprisoned, Paul expresses joy and gladness nineteen times in this short book. He sees his circumstances as nothing compared to the wonder of knowing Jesus.

    Philippians provides examples of Christians to imitate, delights in opportunities that even imprisonment afforded for sharing the gospel, and expresses the apostle Paul’s gratitude for the support of his friends in Philippi. His perspective is not of a victim but of a thankful missionary who uses every opportunity to advance faith in Jesus and show appreciation to people who have supported him.

    Ever mindful of the need for others to have faith in Jesus Christ, Paul shares a creed, also known as the kenosis passage or Christ Hymn (Philippians 2:9–11). It lays out basic facts about Christ from his preexistent glory to his sacrifice on the cross as our exalted Lord.

    Paul encourages his dear friends in Philippi to live in harmony as the community of Christ. He urges these faithful followers to focus on living their faith and understanding that their true citizenship lies in heaven. This means choosing a positive attitude and finding contentment in all circumstances. Paul wants believers to look forward to the glory of God in eternity and to trust that God will strengthen them and satisfy their needs on earth. Paul also wants to inspire them to share their

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