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Cherished: 365 Devotions that Celebrate God's Love for You
Cherished: 365 Devotions that Celebrate God's Love for You
Cherished: 365 Devotions that Celebrate God's Love for You
Ebook1,088 pages4 hours

Cherished: 365 Devotions that Celebrate God's Love for You

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About this ebook

We can never receive too many reminders that we are loved! These 365 daily readings will help you take your eyes off the day's demands and focus on the God who loves you more than you can imagine.


Begin each day empowered, knowing you are cherished by your Father in heaven. God will show you how active and personal he is in your life. As God brings his courage to you, you will discover the joy of recognizing and responding to daily opportunities to encourage others.


Listen to God's voice. Hear his love for you.

Release dateJun 1, 2017
Cherished: 365 Devotions that Celebrate God's Love for You

Kim Crabill

KIM CRABILL is the founder and president of Roses and Rainbows Ministries, Inc., and Community COFFEEs (Conversations of Friends of Faith to Encourage and Equip). Her message and passion come from her personal experience of longing to be used by God yet feeling unusable because of past abuse leading to anorexia, diet pill addiction, and depression. Her mother’s death-bed challenge set Kim on a new path. Kim has traveled nationally for more than twenty years, speaking at retreats, conferences, and to Bible study groups, and has been interviewed on national TV and radio. Kim draws upon personal experiences, biblical principles, and her training in counseling to inspire and challenge women to dare to be all God created them to be. When not following her ministry passion, Kim follows her first passion of being a wife and mom. Kim and her husband, Lee, have been married thirty years and have two adult sons (and two shih tzus). For more information about Kim, Roses and Rainbows Ministries, Inc., the nationwide Community COFFEE gatherings, and Kim’s books and speaking engagements, visit  

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    Cherished - Kim Crabill

    BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

    Racine, Wisconsin, USA


    Copyright © 2017 Kim Crabill

    ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5488-1 (hardcover)

    ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5489-8 (e-book)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Some material in this book is adapted from Burdens to Blessings, Burdens to Blessings: Young Adult Edition, Infinitely More, A Cup of Hope, A Cup of Christmas, and A Cup of Freedom.

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked MSG are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scriptures marked CEV are taken from the CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION (CEV): Scripture taken from the CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION copyright© 1995 by the American Bible Society. Used by permission. Scripture marked PHILLIPS is taken from the New Testament in Modern English by J.B Phillips copyright © 1960, 1972 J. B. Phillips. Administered by The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England. Used by permission. Scripture marked RSV is taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (TPT) are taken from The Passion Translation® of the Holy Bible. Copyright © 2014, 2015 by BroadStreet Publishing. All rights reserved.

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    For all those who need a daily reminder

    of what my grandfather told me:

    "As much as I love you, there’s One who

    loves you so much more, and He is

    with you wherever you go."




    January 1: Calm Inside and Out

    January 2: Sharp Words

    January 3: The Perfect Plan

    January 4: More Ahead

    January 5: Making Preparations

    January 6: By Name

    January 7: Messes Welcome

    January 8: Blurred Vision

    January 9: Sing Along

    January 10: Young on the Inside

    January 11: Listen to Yourself

    January 12: What to Pray for Yourself

    January 13: Why Am I Here?

    January 14: Within Reach

    January 15: It’s in the Bag

    January 16: Running Ragged

    January 17: Not Your Job

    January 18: Cut out the Cut-Ins

    January 19: A Story to Tell

    January 20: The Matterhorn’s Message

    January 21: Helpless Isn’t Hopeless

    January 22: Swap and Shop

    January 23: Condemnation-Free Zone

    January 24: The Lady in Gray

    January 25: The Best Seat in the House

    January 26: Spelling Lesson

    January 27: Light in the Darkness

    January 28: Today Only

    January 29: Free to Ask

    January 30: Redefining Slow

    January 31: All Cleaned Up


    February 1: Get Soaked

    February 2: Like Father, Like Child

    February 3: Sticky Jesus

    February 4: True Beauty

    February 5: The Eyes Have It

    February 6: Fight for the Future

    February 7: Critic’s Corner

    February 8: Our God Speaks

    February 9: Seeing Eyes

    February 10: Can I Get a Witness?

    February 11: What Good Is It?

    February 12: Just Talk

    February 13: Things Kids Pray

    February 14: Lavish Love

    February 15: New Math

    February 16: What Does God Want?

    February 17: It Came to Pass

    February 18: Letting Grudges Go

    February 19: Wrong Question

    February 20: That Inner Glow

    February 21: Slaves to Statistics

    February 22: Not Just a Needle

    February 23: Belly Praise

    February 24: OK Is OK

    February 25: Triple Promise

    February 26: Longing to Belong

    February 27: Impossible!

    February 28: In Reverse

    February 29: To Be Continued


    March 1: Focusing Forward

    March 2: Second Childhood

    March 3: Sleep Aid

    March 4: Give It a Toss

    March 5: Dance Like a Squirrel

    March 6: Conversing with God

    March 7: Hand in Hand

    March 8: What Language Is That?

    March 9: Perfect Timing

    March 10: The Designer’s Touch

    March 11: What Will They Think?

    March 12: Power for Patience

    March 13: Oh Mercy!

    March 14: Never Abandoned

    March 15: Stay Wet!

    March 16: Fruit Bearing

    March 17: Don’t Push Me

    March 18: Temporary Status

    March 19: Trust and Obey

    March 20: Good Choice

    March 21: Bankable Truths

    March 22: Wounded Healers

    March 23: Historically Correct

    March 24: To Die For

    March 25: Cross Purposes

    March 26: Hunger Pains

    March 27: An Audience of One

    March 28: Pass the Wisdom, Please

    March 29: Heart Hurt

    March 30: Spring Cleaning


    April 1: Dressed for God’s Best

    April 2: What’s on Your Belt?

    April 3: Shameless

    April 4: Killer Shoes

    April 5: Soak Your Shield

    April 6: Sixty Thousand Thoughts

    April 7: Keep Swinging

    April 8: An Amazing Story

    April 9: From Misery to Ministry

    April 10: The Three Cs

    April 11: Send Me!

    April 12: Butterfly Friends

    April 13: Who Knows?

    April 14: Value Added

    April 15: Twists and Turns

    April 16: Be a Reaper

    April 17: What a Coincidence!

    April 18: The Worry Hour

    April 19: Better Than Whistling

    April 20: What God Will Never Say

    April 21: None Like You

    April 22: God Can Work with That

    April 23: It’s My Right!

    April 24: Brain Blips

    April 25: Theology Made Simple

    April 26: Say Yes!

    April 27: Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush?

    April 28: Pearls

    April 29: Have an Abundant Day

    April 30: Do Be Do Be Do


    May 1: The Power of Determination

    May 2: Simple Joys

    May 3: Giving Notice

    May 4: No Matter What

    May 5: Be Nice to My Friend

    May 6: Glorious Giggles

    May 7: The Time Is Right

    May 8: A Pinch of Variety

    May 9: Pushing Buttons

    May 10: Help Is on the Way

    May 11: Soul Cleansing

    May 12: Name That Toxin

    May 13: Life Is Good

    May 14: Feeling Special

    May 15: Sustaining Words

    May 16: Here and Now

    May 17: Slaves to Yes

    May 18: The Importance of First Steps

    May 19: When the Earth Moves

    May 20: None Too Small

    May 21: The Power to Care

    May 22: More than Money Can Buy

    May 23: Alone

    May 24: Wisdom Personified

    May 25: The Right Fit

    May 26: Waiting Rooms

    May 27: The Laughing Woman

    May 28: Why Be a Wallflower?

    May 29: Your Power Plan

    May 30: In the Depths

    May 31: Need a Miracle?


    June 1: The Real Lion

    June 2: What’s Your Story?

    June 3: Slowpokes

    June 4: Say No to Negativity

    June 5: Check In and Check Up

    June 6: Be Available

    June 7: What If …

    June 8: Green Means Go, Part 1

    June 9: Green Means Go, Part 2

    June 10: Two Boats and a Helicopter

    June 11: Hearing Aids

    June 12: What Do You Believe?

    June 13: How’s Your Signal?

    June 14: Tree Talk

    June 15: Two Truths

    June 16: Multiple Choice

    June 17: HALT

    June 18: Never in Vain

    June 19: A Fresh Perspective

    June 20: Without Words

    June 21: Crazy Little Interruptions

    June 22: If I Were You

    June 23: Do I Dare Hope?

    June 24: Roar Back

    June 25: Expert Advice

    June 26: Sweet Sleep

    June 27: Disqualified?

    June 28: When the Battles Keep Coming

    June 29: Anxiety-Free

    June 30: Who Gets the First Word?


    July 1: Doing the Right Thing

    July 2: To the Giver’s Glory

    July 3: Relationally Speaking

    July 4: Freedom to Choose

    July 5: Seven Simple Words

    July 6: Of Two Minds

    July 7: Country Music and God’s Will

    July 8: Enjoy the Walk

    July 9: Out of the Cocoon

    July 10: I’m the Best!

    July 11: Hope Givers

    July 12: Called to Encourage

    July 13: Slow to Speak

    July 14: The Pleasure of Your Company

    July 15: No Quitting

    July 16: I’m No Bad Girl!

    July 17: One Mind, One Voice

    July 18: 100 Percent Wax-Free

    July 19: Beauty from Ashes

    July 20: God, Where Are You?

    July 21: Already Queens

    July 22: Dream a Little Dream

    July 23: Drinking Sand

    July 24: Fear Says …

    July 25: Running in the Right Direction

    July 26: True Life

    July 27: The Gift of a Friend

    July 28: Pride Buster

    July 29: Well Preserved

    July 30: More Than a Glance

    July 31: Morning Hope


    August 1: The Hidden Arrow

    August 2: One Call Home

    August 3: Trust Me

    August 4: The Sound of Silence

    August 5: Willing Instruments

    August 6: View Changer

    August 7: Smell Like a Rose

    August 8: Walking Lessons

    August 9: Don’t Fear the Desert

    August 10: Think Small

    August 11: Our Prayer Helper

    August 12: Rubber Band Reminders

    August 13: Purpose from the Pain

    August 14: Trash Talk

    August 15: Words of Wonder

    August 16: Is Anyone There?

    August 17: When the Going Gets Tough

    August 18: With Friends

    August 19: God Came Back

    August 20: Hearts and Hands

    August 21: A Promising Outcome

    August 22: Wisdom from Above

    August 23: Confident Joy

    August 24: Unwelcome Visitors

    August 25: Looking Up

    August 26: Taking Stock

    August 27: Pray This for Me

    August 28: Freedom from Want

    August 29: Smile at the Camera

    August 30: An Invitation to Decline

    August 31: Thumbs Up for Time-Outs


    September 1: Bully-Proofing

    September 2: Dealing with Dirt

    September 3: Heavenly Interruptions

    September 4: Wearing Blinders

    September 5: Pick Me, Pick Me!

    September 6: Stable in the Storm

    September 7: Fight and Feed

    September 8: Mission Possible

    September 9: Picture This

    September 10: Puzzling Plans

    September 11: Am I the Only One?

    September 12: Regret and Revelation

    September 13: Perfect Math

    September 14: Only Christ

    September 15: Memories of Encouragement

    September 16: Free Failing

    September 17: How to Talk to Yourself

    September 18: Sink or Swim

    September 19: Approach with Confidence

    September 20: First Focus

    September 21: Never Forsaken

    September 22: You Are Here

    September 23: The Size of Spectacular

    September 24: A World of Wonders

    September 25: Wherever, Whenever, Whomever

    September 26: Poor Me

    September 27: Facing Fear

    September 28: Wisdom from a GPS

    September 29: Superwoman Syndrome

    September 30: Transformed Junk


    October 1: Freed from Busyness

    October 2: A Parent You Can Trust

    October 3: Living beyond Your Means

    October 4: Say What?

    October 5: Small Matters

    October 6: In Whose Steps?

    October 7: Let It Shine

    October 8: Declaration of Hope

    October 9: Dew Drops

    October 10: Misery Requires Company

    October 11: Who Do You Think You Are?

    October 12: Giants in the Land

    October 13: Truth to Live By

    October 14: What’s Your Move?

    October 15: Attention, Please!

    October 16: Blessed Assurance

    October 17: No Flapping Required

    October 18: Dream Bigger

    October 19: Is Your God Able?

    October 20: Safe and Secure

    October 21: The Lens of Faith

    October 22: A Taste of Freedom

    October 23: Dirt Busters

    October 24: Invisible Lights

    October 25: When Weak Is Strong

    October 26: Controlled Chaos

    October 27: Three Reasons It’s a Good Day

    October 28: The Truth of the Matter

    October 29: Sprinkle Your World

    October 30: Courage in the Storm

    October 31: Doing the Integrity Walk


    November 1: Popularity or Progress?

    November 2: Need a Jumpstart?

    November 3: Qualified by God

    November 4: The Power of Humility

    November 5: Hold That Growl!

    November 6: Open Invitation

    November 7: Wardrobe Woes

    November 8: Performance Anxiety

    November 9: Where’s the Wisdom

    November 10: Spread the Hope

    November 11: The Book of Treasures

    November 12: Take Heart!

    November 13: On the Lookout

    November 14: A Worthy Truth

    November 15: Lost: One Mind

    November 16: Against All Hope

    November 17: What I Love about Conversations

    November 18: Hurry Up and Stop

    November 19: The Past Is Past

    November 20: What a Masterpiece!

    November 21: That’s What Friends Are For

    November 22: A Thanksgiving Tradition

    November 23: Stuck in the Right Place

    November 24: The Power of Thankfulness

    November 25: Living Wisdom

    November 26: What Next, God?

    November 27: Still Higher

    November 28: Expect the Unexpected

    November 29: The Gift of Attention

    November 30: Broken Prizes


    December 1: Anticipating Christmas

    December 2: Purposed Heart

    December 3: A Child’s Faith

    December 4: Baggage Check

    December 5: Who Do You Say I Am?

    December 6: Peer Pressured

    December 7: Dot to Dot

    December 8: Please Pass the Comfort

    December 9: Christmas Contentment

    December 10: Great Expectations

    December 11: Take the Burn out of Burnout

    December 12: The Only Opinion That Matters

    December 13: Monkey Business

    December 14: Standing Trial

    December 15: Capture and Replace

    December 16: Whose Priority?

    December 17: Sticky Friends

    December 18: Putting on Approval

    December 19: Do You Hear What I Hear?

    December 20: Unbelievable

    December 21: A Christmas Legacy

    December 22: Even If …

    December 23: Tattered but Treasured

    December 24: You’re an Original

    December 25: Do You See the Light?

    December 26: Remember Rest?

    December 27: A Time to Rebuild

    December 28: Gratitude Noted

    December 29: A Year of No Regrets

    December 30: Growing Wings

    December 31: Memory Keeping

    About the Author


    The best part of my day is in the early morning when it’s just God and me, talking and listening to each other. And often, the next best part of my day (apart from enjoying my husband and sons) is when I get to share with another woman (or two … or two hundred) about what I discovered from God that morning.

    That love of connecting with like-hearted women led to these devotionals. Many of them started out as simple e-mails I would shoot out each morning to a few friends. The few multiplied, and now I hope we can multiply the connections even further with this bound compilation.

    I want these daily readings to help you take your eyes off the day’s demands for a few minutes and focus on the God who loves you more than you can imagine. I want them to open your eyes to how active and personal God is in your life. And I want them to show you the joy of recognizing and responding to daily opportunities to encourage others as God grants you the courage.

    You will find an action prompt at the end of each devotional, but most of the time I do not suggest what to write. In another place (a diary, notebook, or electronic file) you may want to journal a prayer of response, an idea you want to pursue further, or the name of a friend you want to call. There’s no limit to what you and God might come up with!


    Kim Crabill



    Calm Inside and Out

    I keep my eyes always on the LORD.

    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

    —PSALM 16:8

    Are you anticipating the new year with excitement? Calm? Worry? Dread?

    As I ponder this question, I’m reminded of a particular baseball game. My youngest son, Austin, was five or six and playing first base when the opposing team’s batter hit a pop-up. The ball looked as if it was going to the moon before beginning its descent. With two outs, Austin needed to make the catch to secure the win and the championship. He stood calmly, glove poised, and made the catch!

    After the game, I applauded him for his cool confidence in a difficult situation. Wow, Austin, I began, what a great job you did! I would have been scared, but you were so calm out there. Looking up at me, his eyes revealed the struggle he had overcome. I may have been calm on the outside, Mommy, but I was shaking on the inside!

    Does life sometimes make you shake on the inside? Just as Austin kept his eyes on that fly ball, you can face the new year with determination by keeping your eyes on God’s great promises and unchanging love.


    Sharp Words

    The word of God is alive and powerful.

    It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting

    between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow.

    It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

    —HEBREWS 4:12 NLT

    Have you ever wondered why people act as outrageously as they do? One reason is the absence of God’s Word in their lives.

    The Bible is not a dead old book. It is active! When we read it and do what it says, God’s Word transforms us from the inside out. It tempers us, calms us, and aligns our will to God’s. It introduces us to Jesus Christ who saves us from our selves and transforms us into the people God created us to be. So when we see people behaving in a way that shocks and offends us, let’s pray someone will lead them to the Word. Because if not for the Word, then we might be acting the same way.

    If you haven’t already done so, find a Bible, an app, or a written plan that allows you to read through God’s Word this coming year.


    The Perfect Plan

    For we are God’s handiwork,

    created in Christ Jesus, to do good works,

    which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    —EPHESIANS 2:10

    My foundation was shattered at age four as I was snatched from the only home I had ever known. I wasn’t who I thought I was. I wasn’t where I thought I belonged. I began to lose myself in a tumult of unanswered questions. Looking back, I realize the moment you lose who you are, you start to become the person everyone else perceives you should be. The moment you lose what you thought you were supposed to do you begin to do what everyone else expects that you should do.

    No one told me, God has a plan for your life, or, God knows you through and through and thinks you’re a masterpiece. But praise God, in His perfect timing I learned the truth of both of those powerful statements. And there I found the me I had lost.

    Are you hyperfocused on becoming who others expect you to be? Have you lost your sense of purpose because you’ve let others load their purposes on you? It’s never too late to find yourself again. Begin each day by asking God, What is your plan for me today? In that plan, you will find the woman God created you to be.


    More Ahead

    "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are

    your ways my ways. … As the heavens are higher than

    the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my

    thoughts than your thoughts."

    —ISAIAH 55:8–9

    God has gone to great lengths to make Himself known to us. His creation speaks to us about who He is. (For starters, He has a sense of humor: consider the platypus.) His Son lived among us on this earth to show us what God is like. Prophets and preachers and former fishermen wrote the words that God’s Spirit gave them, and those words—the Bible—speak in great detail to God’s nature and purposes.

    And yet, we have barely scratched the surface. Every new day holds the possibility of a new insight into our heavenly Father. This is the delightful tension we live with as God’s children: that He reveals Himself to us, and yet He is too big and mysterious and awesome for us to ever fully grasp.

    Today, thank God for something you’ve already discovered about Him. And thank Him, too, that there’s still much to learn.


    Making Preparations

    Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.

    —1 SAMUEL 3:9

    If spending time with the Lord daily is a new practice for you, these ideas may help.

    Prepare your schedule. Commit to a quiet period each day to read and reflect. It can be five minutes or fifty minutes. You need to schedule this time because you will never find the time.

    Prepare your space. Commit to a specific space—anywhere quiet and private. Keep your Bible, a pen, and a personal journal (if you use one) in that space.

    Prepare your curiosity. Asking questions can help you personalize the Scriptures and learn more deeply. What does this passage say? What issues does this passage address? What does this passage teach me about God? What does this passage teach me about me? What does God want me to learn, change, or do because of the truth in this passage?

    Prepare your will. Commit to do whatever you sense God is asking you to do.

    Prepare your heart. Some people read a favorite psalm, some pray, some may read a devotional. Listening to a praise song or hymn can also help you move into a worshipful mode.

    How do you quiet your racing mind for Bible study? How do you stick with it even when it seems as if God is silent?


    By Name

    He calls his own sheep by name.

    —JOHN 10:3

    What is your mailman’s name? What’s the name of the young man who delivered your firewood? What is the name of the saleswoman who helped you find that elusive birthday gift for your teenage son?

    There’s something very personal and powerful in hearing someone call you by your name. Jesus calls you by name. The moment you met Him, He wrote your name in His book of life. And He thinks of you every moment in a deeply personal way, by name.

    We are never more like Jesus than when we are valuing people as highly as He does. Today surprise some folks by using their name. Notice how they respond. What does it do to their countenance? Something miraculous happens when we notice people the way Jesus does.

    Dear Lord, you are my Shepherd and I am your sheep. Thank you for calling me my name. When I stray, you gently nudge me back onto the right path. Teach me to follow you and walk in your ways, today and always.

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