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Mystery in Milkville: A Hucow Transformation Novella
Mystery in Milkville: A Hucow Transformation Novella
Mystery in Milkville: A Hucow Transformation Novella
Ebook74 pages42 minutes

Mystery in Milkville: A Hucow Transformation Novella

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About this ebook

Lucy has read about strange stories taking place in Milkville. There are rumors of alien abduction and crop circles. And even though Lucy is a college student on summer vacation, she has always been drawn to weird occurrences and conspiracy theories.

However, when Lucy arrives in Milkville, her world is thrown upside down as she finds herself in the middle of something far greater than she had ever imagined. And before she knows it, she is already on a path to joining the alien herd of hucows.

Will Lucy manage to expose the alien conspiracy in Milkville? Can she save herself from the fate of every other woman in town? Or will she walk willingly into her future as a dumb hucow? Find out in Mystery of Milkville.

This novella is a hucow transformation story. It is the third book in the Alien Herd Series.

Release dateMay 27, 2024
Mystery in Milkville: A Hucow Transformation Novella

Sadie Thatcher

Sadie Thatcher grew up in a small conservative town (think Footloose). Spending all that time in a sexually repressed place has led Sadie to need to explore her sexuality through prose. Sadie has been a long time writer, but has now become confident enough to share the explorations of her deepest and darkest sexual fantasies. Enjoy.

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    Book preview

    Mystery in Milkville - Sadie Thatcher

    Mystery in Milkville






    Copyright © 2024 by Sadie Thatcher

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    All characters are 18 years of age or older.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    About the Author

    Also by Sadie Thatcher


    Lucy had been reading stories about Milkville for months now, fascinated by what she read. The story started simple enough. None of them were the same, but they all had certain features in common. Brainwashing. Alien abduction. Crop circles from landing alien spaceships. Milkville had it all.

    Lucy had always been a fan of the bizarre and unusual. It's what drove her to immerse herself in conspiracy theories, even at the detriment of her college grades. She could have been a straight-A student. Instead, she was barely getting by with the bare minimum.

    But she was on vacation now. Summer was here and that meant Lucy had the freedom to personally investigate the Milkville phenomenon. Driving across the country had been an adventure so far, although scary given the state of her trusty pickup truck. It was probably on its last legs, barely able to start. But the ear of her truck failing on her paled in comparison to the excitement she felt about getting to experience the mystery of Milkville.

    Come on, baby, Lucy said to her truck, rubbing her hand on the dashboard affectionately. Just a few more miles.

    Already Lucy could see a change in the landscape as she neared the conspiracy hallowed ground that was Milkville. The wheat and corn fields had given way to a plant she could not identify. And on the horizon there were large metal barns with spotlights pointing up into the sky. There was no reason to point the lights skyward unless they were signaling something or someone. Or so Lucy believed.

    Finally, the farm land gave way to the outskirts of the small town of Milkville. There were several blocks of houses before Lucy finally reached the center of town. But just as she hit the main street, Lucy's truck started to sputter and slow down.

    Noooo, Lucy cried as she managed to steer the truck to the curb. It was not a perfect parking job, but it would have to be good enough. Lucy put the truck in park and turned the key, the engine already dead, and then dropped her head against the steering wheel.


    There was nothing she could do about her situation right now. Her truck was not going anywhere soon. That much was obvious. The only positive aspect of her situation was that she had made it to her destination.

    Welcome to Milkville, Lucy muttered to herself as she popped open the door and climbed out. She took a deep breath, relishing the freedom of being able to stretch her legs. She was young and fit, but long hours behind the wheel were hard. And after several days on the road, she was grateful to finally be there.

    However, Lucy's eyes did go wide as she looked around and took in the sight of the town. Everything was clean and tidy, much like small towns with money flowing in often were. But there was something off about this place. She had no idea if any of the conspiracy theories she had read about Milkville were true. She wanted to believe them all. It was just that it all seemed so far-fetched.

    The street was quiet. It was midday, which either meant everyone was either indoors working, or out in the fields or wherever the local people worked. It was a farming community, after all. Music spilled out of one of the businesses on the main street. The sign above the door read Milkville Tavern. That seemed like as good as any place to begin.

    As Lucy stepped across the street and walked toward the tavern, a man stumbled out the door. He looked drunk, but it was not even

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