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Global Amplifers: Strategies to  Think and Act Bigger  in a Changing World
Global Amplifers: Strategies to  Think and Act Bigger  in a Changing World
Global Amplifers: Strategies to  Think and Act Bigger  in a Changing World
Ebook143 pages1 hour

Global Amplifers: Strategies to Think and Act Bigger in a Changing World

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"Global Amplifiers: Strategies to Think and Act Bigger in a Changing World" is an inspiring and practical guide that empowers readers to expand their horizons and seize new opportunities in today's rapidly changing global landscape. Written by Sophie Krantz, this book offers a series of transformative tools known as the "Global Amplifiers," whic

PublisherSophie Krantz
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Global Amplifers: Strategies to  Think and Act Bigger  in a Changing World

Sophie Krantz

Sophie Krantz is an influential author and global strategist, renowned for her advocacy of transformative leadership in the digital age. With a career that spans continents and industries, Sophie has devoted herself to empowering leaders and organisations to think bigger and act globally. Her book, "Global Amplifiers: Strategies to Think and Act Bigger in a Changing World," reflects her vision for leadership that leverages global connectivity to drive significant change.Born in Australia, Sophie's entry into the world of international business and strategy was fuelled by her academic background in economics and management. Her initial experiences in multinational corporations and international economic development in the United Nations exposed her to the potential for transformative leadership to foster more inclusive and expansive business practices, leading her to explore strategies that enable organisations to scale their impact on a global stage.Sophie's expertise in Exponential Organizations (ExOs) has made her a sought-after consultant and speaker, celebrated for her ability to lead teams through innovation sprints and strategic design programmes. Her efforts have helped businesses navigate the rapid changes in the global market and inspired them to pursue ambitious, world-altering goals.Sophie challenges conventional norms of leadership through her work, promoting a proactive embrace of digital tools and cross-cultural collaboration. She is a prominent figure at global strategy conferences and a mentor to emerging leaders aiming to make a substantial impact in their fields. Her insights on the role of technology and innovation in achieving sustainable and scalable success are frequently featured in international business forums.Residing in Melbourne, Sophie continues to engage with topics related to leadership, global strategy, and the future of work. She remains committed to her mission of inspiring leaders to explore beyond their boundaries and to use their influence to foster a more equitable and prosperous world.

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    Book preview

    Global Amplifers - Sophie Krantz


    I used to ask people, What's your dream job? This question often appealed to those aspiring to achieve more.

    Now, my question has evolved to, What do you want to be the best in the world at?

    The job question places individuals within the confines of an organisation, bound by its rules and limits on their potential. It embeds them into a system where autonomy is often compromised.

    The second question challenges us to see beyond the hurdles of corporate resistance, stakeholder pushback, and social judgement. It involves looking at what matters most to us and how we could leverage this drive to achieve next-level success. It's a difficult question, but it encourages us to think expansively. Being the best isn't about status or wielding power for personal gain but about driving necessary progress. By contemplating scenarios like ending conflicts, investing in sustainable technologies, or leading global dialogues, we start to see the impact of vast, benevolent influence.

    What if you could:

    End wars across continents?

    Accelerate the shift from fossil fuels?

    Facilitate crucial conversations among global leaders?

    Foresee and mitigate massive socio-economic and environmental crises?

    Drive initiatives that tackle global social inequalities within five years?

    These considerations push us to envision and strive for a better world, guiding us toward actions that have a meaningful impact.

    This book is written with the intent to expand your leadership through connectivity. It introduces 24 Global Amplifiers — practical tools designed to enhance your leadership capabilities beyond conventional limits. Accessible to anyone with an internet connection, curiosity, and a readiness to step out of their comfort zone, these strategies help you discover insights, gain understanding, and apply knowledge in impactful ways.

    Global Amplifiers is a guide for applying your ambitions where they can make a difference where it matters most to you.

    Why Global Amplifiers?

    I wrote this book because too many brilliant and high-performing individuals aren't reaching their full potential. Restrictive societal, cultural, and organisational norms often trap them in a game they can't win.

    Yet, the world needs these people to win. We need the brightest minds to tackle global challenges, revolutionise business practices, and lead organisations, institutions, cities and nations towards peace and prosperity.

    The world is rapidly changing. We now live in a highly interconnected digital era where geographical boundaries don't restrict our actions or cap our achievements.

    As a global strategist and an Exponential Organizations (ExOs) practitioner, I have worked with leadership teams worldwide. My experience has shown that small, focused actions can drive significant change and achieve ambitious goals. Whether through ten-week innovation sprints or strategy design programmes, I've seen teams transform their mindsets and capabilities, proving that even selective use of the 24 Global Amplifiers can open vast commercial and growth possibilities.

    This book draws on extensive global projects and my journey of personal and professional evolution. It's designed to transform your curiosity into action and help you build meaningful global connections.

    In today’s volatile corporate world, success might seem elusive. However, the interconnectedness of our digital world offers unprecedented opportunities. The 24 Global Amplifiers provide practical, impactful strategies that can revolutionise your approach and elevate your success.

    This book is more than about setting goals; it challenges you to broaden your ambitions, make decisive choices, and implement significant changes effectively. It encourages you to rethink your potential and embrace a wider perspective on what you can achieve.

    What’s an Interconnected World?

    An interconnected world in the digital age is a space where technology connects us to vast information and diverse cultures, economies, and communities worldwide. It makes geographical distances and time zones irrelevant to communication, collaboration, and commerce. In this environment, individuals and organisations use digital networks to enhance learning, create business opportunities, and build relationships across borders.

    This connectivity offers instant access to a global audience, enabling the swift and efficient exchange of ideas, goods, and services. It transforms societal norms, business practices, and personal interactions, driving innovation and creating opportunities for growth in all aspects of life.

    This book guides you in navigating this interconnected world. It shows how to use digital capabilities to achieve personal and professional goals in a setting where adaptability, cultural understanding, and technological proficiency are key.

    In the digital era, our decisions and strategies are influenced by global trends, technologies, talent, competitors, customers, communities, capital, and regulations. Success in leadership means going beyond simple market penetration; it requires envisioning and achieving an elevated position, deploying effective frameworks and models to reach ambitious goals.

    Who Is This Book For?

    This book is designed for current and aspiring leaders who aim to surpass conventional success. It is ideal for those who recognize that traditional approaches and mere conformity are insufficient in today's interconnected, innovative world.

    This practical guide supports those challenging the status quo and leading significant changes, whether they are startup founders disrupting markets, corporate executives driving innovation, or professionals building influential global networks. It provides the strategies and insights needed to broaden your influence and achieve your goals.

    The book is particularly valuable for leaders who appreciate the power of digital connectivity and are eager to explore innovative ways of thinking and acting for business success.

    This publication emphasises the need for an expansive vision and strategic use of digital technology, aligning with the World Economic Forum's insights in their report, ‘Putting Skills First: Opportunities for Building Efficient and Equitable Labour Markets’. The January 2024 report stresses a skills-first approach to addressing talent gaps and improving labour market efficiency, advocating for innovative hiring practices that prioritise skills over formal qualifications and urging companies to adapt to rapid technological and environmental changes.

    Aligned with the World Economic Forum's recommendations, this book acts as a practical toolkit for navigating the global economy. It emphasises innovative recruitment and talent development strategies that prioritise diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability, preparing leaders to meet the dynamic demands of the global market and drive progress toward a more inclusive and sustainable future.

    How To Use This Book

    Global Amplifiers is designed to transform your approach to global business success. It features 24 pivotal statements guiding your leadership journey, challenging you to rethink and redefine your potential.

    At its core, this book champions the transformative power of ambition and agency. It’s about shifting from simply aspiring to be better to fundamentally redefining excellence. Each chapter poses probing questions about your business and personal motivations, inspired by Steve Blank’s insight: There are no facts inside your building, so get outside. These questions encourage you to explore beyond your immediate environment and conventional thinking.

    The structure is thematic:

    'You' delves into personal ambition and success, urging you to define these on your terms and explore the support systems that bolster your goals.

    'Them' shifts the focus externally, challenging you to surpass existing achievements and understand the unique challenges your business addresses.

    'It' examines technology’s role in expanding your reach, emphasising the importance of digital tools in achieving local and global impact.

    'Together' looks at collective success and reevaluates partnerships and industry standards, aiming for breakthroughs that redefine markets.

    'Who' encourages building a community aligned with your vision, identifying key people and strategic connections that extend your influence.

    'When' emphasises timing, stressing

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