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Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide: Navigating the Periodic table
Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide: Navigating the Periodic table
Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide: Navigating the Periodic table
Ebook372 pages1 hour

Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide: Navigating the Periodic table

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About this ebook

amale Dixon presents a captivating journey through the world of periodic elements, making the study of chemistry accessible and engaging for readers of all ages. "Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide: Navigating the Periodic Table" is a tribute to the wonders of the periodic table, aiming to spark curiosity and deepen understanding of how these elem

PublisherJamale Dixon
Release dateJun 5, 2024
Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide: Navigating the Periodic table

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    Earth's Periodic Elemental Guide - Jamale Dixon

    Earth’s Periodic Elemental Guide

    Navigating the Periodic table

    Jamale Dixon

    Copyright © 2024

    All Rights Reserved


    Dedicated to my family, I extend this book as a tribute. May you gain knowledge and understanding of the constituents, properties, and functions of Earth's elements.


    First and foremost, I express gratitude to GOD for guiding me on this journey. Secondly, heartfelt thanks extend to my wife and children for their unwavering support in pursuit of my goals and dreams. I also hold appreciation for the friends and family who have lent their ears and encouragement, showcasing the great power of a strong support system. My end goal is to inform everyone about the elements of the earth and raise awareness of the frequent discoveries of new elements and how they are used. A special acknowledgment to my mentor, Ryan, whose influence has left an indelible mark on my book. Being part of this historic creation, shaping an intellectual form of art, fills me with genuine gratitude and inspiration for all.

    About the Author

    Born on a scorching summer day in Chicago, Illinois, Jamale Dixon developed a passion for reading and crafting poems. Scientific literature, with its emphasis on experimentation, holds a special place in his heart. Jamale believes in the fundamental role of reading and is dedicated to a lifelong journey of acquiring and comprehending new knowledge.


    This book is a homage to all the people so they may know about the periodic elements and learn from their properties. It is quite fascinating to know about these elements and how they behave chemically. Once we know this, it becomes quite easy to develop an interest in science and understand how the elements enhance our lives in different ways. 

    To fulfill these purposes, I have divided each element into four main parts and ensured that it fits in a single page. First is an introduction of the element, in relation to the periodic table, along with a brief history, followed by the physical and chemical properties. At the end of the page, I have briefly explained the industrial and functional uses of these elements — including any interesting facts that may make the learning experience memorable.

    Given how I have structured this book, it will allow not only young children to understand how the elements play a vital role in our lives, but also allow them to engage in discussions with adults about the elements. Adults on the other hand will be able to develop a mature understanding that shall help when explaining to children. May your learning experience be memorable and enjoyable! Here’s to Science!




    About the Author


    Hydrogen (H) – The Cosmic Elemental Pioneer

    Helium (He) –The Noble Aeronaut

    Lithium (Li) – The Gentle Powerhouse

    Beryllium (Be) – The Lightweight Tough Guy

    Boron (B) – The Versatile Element with Star Power

    Carbon (C) – The Chemical Architect

    Nitrogen (N) – The Noble Nourisher

    Oxygen (O) – The Essence of Life

    Fluorine (F) – The Electronegative Dynamo

    Neon (Ne) – The Noble Luminous Element

    Sodium (Na) – The Salty One

    Magnesium (Mg) – The Silver Starlight

    Aluminum (Al) – The Shiny Featherweight

    Silicon (Si) – The Tough Semiconductor

    Phosphorus (Pb) – The Vital Element

    Sulfur (S) – The Smelly Alchemist

    Chlorine (C) – The Cleansing Catalyst

    Argon (S) – The Silent Guardian

    Potassium (K) – The Alkali Powerhouse

    Calcium (Ca) – The Bone Builder

    Scandium (Sc) – The Light Binder

    Titanium (Ti) –Light and Strong

    Vanadium (V) – Resillient Alloy Glint

    Chromium (Cr) – The Gleaming Protector

    Manganese (Mn) – The Strengthening Agent

    Iron (Fe) – The Mighty Metallurgist

    Cobalt (Co) – The Blue Warrior

    Nickel (Ni) – The Tough Alloy

    Copper (Cu) – The Ancient Conductor

    Zinc (Zn) – The Corossion Defender

    Gallium (Ga) – The Unconventional Metal

    Germanium (Ge) – The Semiconductor Pioneer

    Arsenic (As) – The Toxic Paradox

    Selenium (Se) – The Versatile Essential

    Bromine (Br) – The Volatile Halogen

    Krypton (Kr) – The Inert Soldier

    Rubidium (Rb) – The Unstable Liberal

    Strontium (Sr) – Spontaneous Soul

    Yttrium (Y) – The Rare Breed

    Zirconium (Zr) – The Ductile Force

    Niobium (Nb) – The Celestial Alloy

    Molybdenum (Mo) – The Lunar Lustrum

    echnetium (Tc) – The BioGlow Catalyst

    Ruthenium (Ru) – The Sturdy Shield

    Rhodium (Rh) – The Precious Gem

    Palladium (Pd) – The Catalytic Element

    Silver (Ag) – The Shiny Conductor

    Cadmium (Cd) – The Corrosion-Resistant Metal

    Indium (In) – The Malleable Metal

    Tin (Sn) – The Malleable Alloy Component

    Antimony (Sb) – The Vulnerable Alloy

    Tellurium (Te) – The Brittle Semiconductor

    Iodine (I) – The Dark Violet Element

    Xenon (Xe) – The Inert Noble Gas

    Cesium (Cs ) – The Alkaline Innovator

    Barium (Ba)- The Radiant Alloy

    Lanthanum (La)- The Hidden Jewel

    Cerium (Ce)- The Vital Alloy

    Praseodymium (Pr)-The Green Flame

    Neodymium (Nd)- The Magnetic Pioneer

    Promethium (Pm)- The Radiant Engima

    Samarium (Sm)- Magnetic Rarity

    Europium (Eu)- Glowing Mystery

    Gadolinium (Gd) – Magnetic Marvel

    Terbium (Tb)- The Superconductor

    Dysprosium (Dy)- The Magnetic Fortitude

    Holmium (Ho)- Lustrous Radiance

    Erbium (Er)- The Silver Scalpel

    Thulium (Tm)- The Bright Metal

    Ytterbium (Yb)- The Reflective Softie

    Lutetium (Lu) – The Stable Ace

    Hafnium (Hf) – The Resourceful Guardian

    Tantalum (Ta) – The Versatile Refractory

    Tungsten (W) – The Dense Stone

    Rhenium (Re) – The Mighty Catalyst

    Osmium (Os) – The Brittle Emitter

    Iridium (Ir) – Iridescent Trailblazer

    Platinum (Pt) – The Timeless Alchemy

    Gold (Au) – Classic Allure

    Mercury (Hg) – The Liquid Dynamo

    Thallium (TI) – The Toxic Twig

    Lead (Pb) – The Ancient Poison

    Bismuth (Bi) – The White Mass

    Polonium (Po) – The Nuclear Hazard

    Astatine (At) – The Unstable Myth

    Radon (Rn) – The Invisible Enmnation

    Francium (Fr) – The Alkaline Reactor

    Radium (Ra) – The Radioactive Fascination

    Actinium (Ac) – The Radioactive Beam

    Thorium (Th) – The Nuclear Superhero

    Protactinium (Pa) – The Parent

    Uranium (U)- The Powerful Weapon

    Neptunium (Np) – The Radioactive Innovator

    Plutonium (Pu) – The Man-Made Phenomenon

    Americium (Am) – The Artifical Element

    Curium (Cm) – The Unnatural Invention

    Berkelium (Bk) – The Nuclear Weapon

    Californium (Cf) – The Element Discoverer

    Einsteinium (Es) – The Radiogenic Element

    Fermium (Fm) – The Transuranic Metal

    Mendelevium (Md) – Periodic Pioneer

    Nobelium (No) – The Nobel Tribute

    Lawrencium (Lr) —Particle Accelerator

    Rutherfordium (Rf) – The Nuclear Front-runner

    Dubnium (Db) – The Lab Creation

    Seaborgium (Sg) – The Superheavy Element

    Bohrium (Bh) – Cosmic Catalyst

    Hassium (Hs) – Atomic Explorer

    Meitnerium (Mt) – Quantum Voyager

    Darmstadtium (Ds) – Synthetic Innovator

    Roentgenium (Rg) – X-ray Trailblazer

    Copernicium (Cn) – Celestial Navigator

    Nihonium (Nh) – Japanese Pioneer

    Flerovium (Fl) – Synthetic Maestro

    Moscovium (Mc) – Galactic Conductor

    Livermorium (Lv) – The Fleeting Element

    Tennessine (Ts) – Southern Radiance

    Oganesson (Og) – Ephemeral Nobility

    Hydrogen (H) – The Cosmic Elemental Pioneer

    Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. As the primary constituent of stars, hydrogen is the ultimate cosmic fuel. Its atomic number is one since it only consists of one proton and one electron.

    Chemical Properties:

    It is highly flammable and can ignite in the presence of oxygen, producing water vapor as a byproduct.

    Hydrogen is the only element that can exist in three isotopic forms, with the most common being protium, followed by deuterium and tritium.

    Physical Properties:

    Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas.

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