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About this ebook

COACH MICHAEL BART MATHEWS uses his poetry and storytelling superpower to inspire, motivate, and empower you to get off the porch and run with the big dogs in life. Each poem is followed by action steps. Each action step is followed by the story behind the poem. Michael's poetry speaks to your central nervous system, causing you to feel each poe

Release dateJun 4, 2024


ROBBIE S. MATHEWS - PRESIDENT, THE MATHEWS ENTREPRENEUR GROUP, INC• Published Author - International Speaker• Financial Transformation Stragiest• Co-Executive Producer of The Living W.E.A.L.T.H.Y. With Robbie Show on JD3TV


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    Coach Michael Bart Mathews is a phenomenal writer across different genres. First, he wrote Financially Speaking: The Best Improvement Starts With Self Improvement. Next, he was the Manuscript Development Coach and contributing author for Time To Get Serious: Finding Your Moment of Clarity and Harness The Power of Purpose. Then came his Best Seller, Daddy Daughter Dynamic. Michael is adding Fifty-Two Shades of Inspiration" to the growing list. He is working on my book ‘Living W.E.A.L.T.H.Y. With Robbie.’ Michael has worked with over 155 writers from 10 countries, with 55 becoming published authors and 15 achieving Best Seller Rankings. We are just getting started.

    Robbie S. Mathews – President, The Mathews Entrepreneur Group, Inc

    International Speaker/Published Author

    Financial Transformation Strategist

    Co-Executive Producer/Host of The Living W.E.A.L.T.H.Y. With Robbie Show on JD3TV


    From my personal, business, and professional Addiction Recovery Coaching point of view, Coach Michael’s poems intuitively develop self-awareness by you, the reader, self-expressing who you are, what you need, and where you want to go using your internal guidance system for clarity and direction. Self-actualization from reading each story and poem will provide you with food for thought after each reading. This book is a must-read for personal and business transformational growth and success.

    This book is also for Addiction Recovery addicts, friends, and family members to help strengthen your positive mental attitude along your journey associated with addiction of self or someone else. This book is no substitute for the AA 12-Step Program or having a qualified coach, counselor, or therapist.

    YES, you can BE, DO, AND HAVE!

    Madam DL Blanding

    Best Selling Author

    Creator/Inventor of Soothing Salve

    Professional Addiction Recovery/Abuse Coach


    I particularly love the poem about the subconscious mind. It made me focus on the fact that the subconscious mind has more control over our thoughts and behaviors than we realize. In fact, the subconscious mind is where we live because it stores our beliefs and values. Michael’s poem (The Subconscious Mind) will guide us to focus on our daily affirmations. Thank you, Coach Mike, for reminding me that it is up to me to control my subconscious mind.

    Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman

    Relationship Coach

    Producer/Host, Relationship Matters TV

    Producer/Host, The Mother/Daughter Relationship Show






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    I want to thank all the thought leaders (past & present) who played, and some are still playing a significant role in my/our personal development, self-help, and business journey. Your leadership is priceless, your wisdom is overflowing, and your willingness to help and serve others by opening a seat at the table of HIGHER-LEVEL opportunities is uncanny, beyond ordinary, and far surpassing the extraordinary.

    Sir Dr. James JD Dentley and Lady Dr. Kara Scott Dentley, for opening the revolving door of opportunity and walking the walk with those who want to achieve more than just talking the talk. Dr. Dentley has brought top thought leaders into our lives, like Sir Don and Lady Melinda Boyer, Sectary of State Sir Jessie White, Sir John Schin, Sir Alex Stern, and Lady Shatira Wilks. Along with Dr. Milton Howard Jr., Jeff Hoffman, Les Brown, Forbes Riley, Brian Tracy, Sharon Lechter, and Ray Prez. Moving on to the Executive Club/Chicago experience allowed us to learn from Melinda Gates, Melody Hobson, Charles Schwab, Elaine Wynn, and Steve Forbes. The meet-and-greet experience at the Rolls Royce dealership in Chicago was astounding. I cannot leave out Ryan Long (RIP)/City Summit & City Gala, where we met Brandon Steiner, Wesley Snipes, and Demi Moore.

    Mirela Sula – Also brought thought leaders into our lives, like Veronica Tan (Mama Choo), Kim Kiyosaki, The Rich Girls, Dr. Ervin Laslo, and Elana Cardone in London.

    I want to thank_______________for opening up the door for Michael and Robbie to interview The Godfather – Al Pacino and for opening up the door for us to become International Speakers and interview Nelson Mandela’s grandson/Ndaba Mandela, as well as speaking on the same stage and rubbing elbows with Randi Zuckerburg and a host of others in the beautiful country of South Africa. To introduce us to other celebrities like Curtis ‘50Cent’ Jackson, Mel Gibson, John Travolta, Calvin Klien, and Bethenny Frankel. However, being authentic, I acknowledge the high-level opportunity that came with our association.

    Understanding the importance of having a positive mental attitude will, over time, open your mental parachute for achievement and success as you jump out of the airplane of negativity, and build your parachute with a strong positive mental attitude, surround yourself with people who are more successful than you, and put into practice the success factors that you learn along your journey. Success is whatever you want—no need to judge yourself with others.

    I could not name everyone who has been instrumental in our lives, and I apologize if your name is not listed. You are just as important, and your contribution to our personal growth, development, self-help, and self-actualization empowerment does not take a back seat to those listed above.

    Listing the thought leaders mentioned above is not a name-drop acknowledgment! This is a declaration of how you can expand your heart, mind, body, spirit, soul, and THINKING by developing a positive mental attitude and having positive-minded, win-win relationship capital with others. All it takes is one golden nugget, diamond, or gem that has been the missing link to catapult your success. The seat at the table of opportunity starts within your mind and thoughts! No Garbage In – No Garbage Out!

    Lastly, my wife, Robbie S. Mathews. Her left brain matches my right brain’s creativity. Love you! To my family and friends, and the good, bad, right, or wrong lessons I have learned from overtime.


    In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a transformative journey to unlock the immense power of our minds. By understanding the depths of our aspirations, connecting with our intuition, and cultivating a resilient spirit, we learn to harness the driving force that propels us toward success. As we delve into the art of tuning in, tapping into our innate wisdom, and turning on our internal guiding system, we uncover the blueprint for manifesting our mission, vision, goals, and dreams into reality. Through practical exercises, insightful anecdotes, and timeless wisdom, this guide will equip you with the tools to navigate the winding path of dream fulfillment. So, dare to dream and embark on this illuminating expedition to unlock your true potential. Your journey to success begins now.

    Throughout this inspiring self-actualization, personal development, and self-help instructional book of poetry, you will read fifty-two mind-altering INSPIRATIONAL poems by Michael Bart Mathews. Each week, you will read a different poem that is to empower, motivate, and inspire your personal belief, renew your strength in the fight for achievement, and secure your hope and faith within yourself that you can and will achieve ‘that special something’ that you desire most in life. More importantly, you will begin to understand and embrace that you already are and have always been amazing!

    While you read each poem, the invisible connection between you and your (mirror image) other self will develop, as if you are sitting side by side with your (mirror image) other self, having personal dialogue. Your other self represents your ideas (from thoughts) you will notate in your journal. Now extend your right arm out, introduce yourself to your (mirror image) other self with a friendly, firm handshake, and add a warm smile. Your other self is the thoughts that you think. Yes, within your thoughts, you can think your way to success and happiness, or you can think your way to failure and disappointment. Either way, we become what we think about.

    Think about and picture your other self as your thoughts and your mirror image from self-reflection always staring back at you. As you continue reading, you will become thoroughly acquainted with your other self! It’s similar to sitting in the observes chair and doing what’s right verses sitting in the other chair and wasting time. Once you master knowing who your other self is, you will be well on your way toward achievement.

    Note your thoughts in your journal during and after reading each poem or shade of inspiration. Your journal will formulate your thoughts and observations that come to mind on any number of creative ideas that suddenly appear in your conscious mind.

    Your journal allows you time to revisit your thoughts. Your journal will also help you problem-solve several areas of your thinking, feelings, and actions. You will experience the power of autosuggestion by using self-dialogue, from yourself to yourself. It also will aid your personal growth and development while serving as another memory source (your other self) using your own written words that come from your thoughts. Becoming self-aware using self-actualization of where you are in life today is an excellent starting point for finding your moment of clarity as you discover your power within.

    Lastly, your journal will help you measure your present and future achievements based on your S.M.A.R.T Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. Your S.M.A.R.T Goals will also become your written set of accountability partners. Your journal will serve as your written roadmap for transformation, and your GPS thought map within the superhighways of your mind.

    Each thought-provoking, self-help, and personal development poem (shade of inspiration) will help transform how you think, feel, and, most importantly, how you act toward achievement and success. After reading each poem (shade) of the week, stop until you discover your moment of mental clarity based on your interpretation. Every week, a new poem will be introduced to help you eliminate those self-imposed, self-sabotaging, emotional baggage blockers that weigh you down and are holding you back from positive change, achievement, and success.

    Each poem (shade of inspiration) of the week will assist you in creating a more vibrant, prosperous, positive mental attitude. At the same time, you find your moment of clarity and Shade of Inspiration. You will quickly begin to see new results from your positive cognitive perspective stemming from each poem (shade). Your internal guiding system will illuminate your newfound journey filled with belief. Each poem or shade is designed to awaken your soul, empower your thoughts, and brighten your awareness within your conscious mind while you are awake and your subconscious mind while you sleep. At the end of each poem (shade), you will find a bonus accountability set of thought-provoking statements to contemplate and questions to answer.

    The secrets to success can be discovered while you give yourself a checkup from the neck up. Your Fifty-Two Shades of Inspiration and your moments of clarity await you!

    You are Powered by Your Thoughts. Your future life will be the creation that is powered by your current ideas.

    -Michael Bart Mathews

    My sincere mission with this inspirational book of poetry is to assist you with discovering, from your thoughts, your mental power within that can transform your life. Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to take a moment of self-reflection and soul-search your mind. The answers you seek can be discovered within the thoughts of your mind!


    You must be willing to jump out of the airplane and allow your newfound Shades of Inspiration to become your life-saving parachute. If you want to change some things in your life, you must know your WHY and what you want to change to obtain the desired results you seek. Shakespeare said, To Be or Not to Be. Michael Bart Mathews, You Are Powered Thoughts.

    Store this book’s most important Shades of Inspiration on your internal hard drive deep within your thoughts. Our brain is the logical and rational or illogical and irrational sending and receiving station of thoughts. Begin to use your brain like a computer modem that transmits data. The brain is our human modem that sends and receives thoughts that seemly appear sometimes out of nowhere. We can transmit our intangible thoughts and turn them into tangible, physical results using the power of our minds. Like a computer, our mind can reboot, rewind, replay, change flash drives, store, send and retrieve data and information. Our brain is the primary sending and receiving unit of our desires, thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Our hearts are the sending and receiving units of our feelings. When our brains and hearts work together, they are a formidable team designed for achievement and success or failure and destruction. Remember, we become who and what we think!

    Our heart is the emotional sending and receiving station of our feelings. We must learn how to direct our thoughts in the direction of what it is that we want to be, do, and have. We must also begin to direct our hearts into feeling passionate about being persistent about achievement. This book of poetry is your roadmap for using self-actualization to change the person staring back at you when you look in the mirror of transformation.

    Feelings and actions come from training your mind to think precisely the thoughts that will power you toward growth, transformation, achievement, and success. Success or obtaining ‘that special something’ your heart desires should and can be yours! You Are Powered by Your Thoughts! You must, without any shadow of a doubt, master how you think, feel, act, and, most importantly, visualize who and what it is that you want to become beyond who you are today. Learn to be grateful for all your current accomplishments. And stay humble as you climb the ladder one step at a time and acquire more opportunities for achievement.

    SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS DEFINITION OF POWERED BY YOUR THOUGHTS: - Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful powers you possess. This power consists of your thoughts. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for things that happens in your life. Your predominant thoughts influence your behavior and control your actions and reactions.

    No matter what country you live in, the level of your education, your economic situation, what side of the tracks you were born on, what neighborhood you live in, or the color of your skin, we all have in common the ability to follow the path of least resistance or go where there is no path and make a new one!

    Before reading on, look in the mirror of self-reflection and

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