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Common Sense To Save Democracy
Common Sense To Save Democracy
Common Sense To Save Democracy
Ebook55 pages21 minutes

Common Sense To Save Democracy

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A Blueprint to Save Democracy: Renewing Paine's Vision for Success.

In the monumental year marking the 250th birthday of the United States, 

Release dateJun 25, 2024
Common Sense To Save Democracy

Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer has been a litigation attorney since 1979. A certified mediator, Kramer's commitment to public service includes his tenure as an Assistant Attorney General and Deputy Chief of Consumer Protection Division for the Massachusetts Attorney General's office from 1980-87. His passion for democracy in writing the book, in Common Sense To Save Democracy, was inspired by his father's WWII POW experience A Suffolk University Law School graduate, Kramer's career has included leadership roles in many civic organizations. Beyond law, he is an avid writer, sports enthusiast, and community servant, embodying a holistic approach to life.

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    Common Sense To Save Democracy - Steve Kramer


    This book is dedicated to my late parents, especially my father, whose military service and sacrifice as a B-17 navigator and prisoner of war in World War II was followed by a distinguished career as a small-town lawyer and Judge.

    It is also dedicated to the memories of Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman, whose patriotic service in Congress preserved democracy. They served as role models for their colleagues and successors.


    A government of our own is our natural right, and…it is infinitely wiser and safer to form a constitution…in a cool and deliberate manner, while we have it in our power.

    —Thomas Paine, Common Sense

    In 1776, the colonists were still somewhat reluctant to make the sacrifices necessary to secure independence from British rule. At that time, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense to encourage their efforts. Ultimately, they succeeded.

    Since then, despite multiple domestic and international crises, democracy has managed to survive.

    Today, however, more than at anytime since the Civil War, serious question exists whether the majority of the population and elected officials remain willing to make the required sacrifices and commitment to save democracy.

    In Common Sense, Paine provided the colonists with a rationale to pursue independence from England. Now, 248 years later, no such British dominance constitutes a threat to our democracy. Rather, the challenge now comes from within and without a renewed collective effort to preserve it, democracy may not survive. It is currently jeopardized by a pervasive adversarial and selfish mindset exhibited by a large segment of the population and elected officials who subordinate the common good to their own self-interest.

    This short series of essays modeled after Paine’s Common Sense, identifies several policy issues in need of common sense solutions. Success in resolving these problems will require

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