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Numerology for Your Family
Numerology for Your Family
Numerology for Your Family
Ebook219 pages2 hours

Numerology for Your Family

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Numerology for Your Family shows you how to use Numerology to understand your children, with specific tools to help give your child the right name. Whether you re new to Numerology or ready to take the next step and begin applying it to your own family, it is a simple and informative self-help book that will show parents how to use the energies and vibrations of numbers to better understand their children. At 17, RoseMaree Templeton began her lifelong journey with numerology and Pythagorean theory, studying under her grandmother, Hettie Templeton, Australia s foremost numerologist during the 1940s and 1950s. Hettie Templeton worked for years among children and adults. In 1940 she wrote Numbers and their Influence, which she updated in 1956 with A Philosophy of Numbers. She realised her methods were unorthodox, but wrote and taught in the certainty that her knowledge could help parents to better understand their children.
Release dateSep 7, 2010
Numerology for Your Family

RoseMaree Templeton

RoseMaree Templeton is a lecturer on Numerology.

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    Numerology for Your Family - RoseMaree Templeton



    In the 1940s and 1950s Hettie Templeton worked in Sydney as a counsellor for problem children. She developed very successful counselling methods by using her deep understanding of numerology and by including parents along with their children in her counselling sessions. Templeton became widely known and was invited to present her own radio talkback program, first with 2GB and later with 2UE. Dealing with several cases each week, she gave advice to parents (usually the mother) who sought help with their children. Parents gave the birthdays of their children and Templeton used her knowledge of numerology and psychology to make her responses.

    A large part of Hettie Templeton’s prodigious ability to see through people—to understand their strengths and weaknesses—came from her own family life. As a mother of eight she was aware that all children have different characters and develop at different rates. Her interest in child development led her to numerology and the more she delved the more she realised that it had the power to bring to light an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in a way that mere observation could not. Experience confirmed her belief and she found truth in the words, which are probably attributable to Pythagoras, that ‘Number is great, perfect and omnipotent, the guide of human affairs’.


    ‘It is when we come face to face with the problems of life, that we realise there is something far greater than academic learning. Even admitting all that man has derived from his new discoveries and inventions, it must be conceded that he has received very little of personal gain. At the present time, man needs enlightenment far more than ever before. Little by little, the truth is forced upon us that we are sadly in need of some immediate guide to help us live our lives more intelligently, more happily, more peacefully.’


    The system of numerology is based on the understanding that numbers are vibrations, and that each number has its own particular vibratory rate. In the 6th century BC, Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras discovered that numbers could be used to help explain the workings of life and the universe. The style of numerology used in this book has been developed by Hettie Templeton and others from aspects of his work.

    By studying the numerology of each child’s birth date and name, parents will be better equipped to understand the inner natures of their children and some of the reasons for the differences between them. The laws of numerology help us to understand the general tendencies or characteristics of each individual, and the implications of the major life events they experience. The Biblical advice from Proverbs 22:6 that we can ‘Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he shall not depart from it’ does not always work in practice, because no child is the same as another and the upbringing of each is best considered separately.

    The chapters of this book are organised in a clear and practical order, beginning with numerological insights that can help with naming of your baby. Chapter 2 moves into more detailed practical explanations of how to draw up and read your child’s birth chart and any arrows it may contain; calculate the ruling, day and destiny numbers for your little one; and put all the information together to paint the big picture of your child’s key characteristics, attributes and potential challenges in life. In Chapter 3, you can explore in greater detail how various numerological and astrological influences might affect you, your child and the household dynamics.

    Making numerology an integral aspect of family life can help significantly in deepening your insights about the personality and behaviour of your child. We hope that this increased awareness has the potential to avert possible dramas and help promote happiness and harmony in your home.

    Chapter 1


    ‘I have often admired the mystical way of Pythagoras and the secret magic of the numbers’.


    A favourite preoccupation of parents-to-be is the discussion of possible names for the baby. Some parents already know, during the pregnancy, whether the little one will be a boy or a girl, while for others there remains that added element of wondering right up until the moment of birth. Either way, there are usually lists of possible names jotted down, discussed, discarded, re-included and debated.

    Choosing a name for your precious baby is so important that many parents feel they need to have the decision settled well before the birth. For anyone who understands numerology, though, there are good reasons to wait until after the baby’s exact date of birth is known before finally deciding on a name or names.

    The numbers of the day, month and year on which a baby is born can be placed on a numerological birth chart that clearly shows which number vibrations are well represented and which are missing for the child. The chart below left shows the position of each number. So a baby born 16/9/2010 will have a birth chart like the one below right.

    Each letter of the alphabet also resonates to a particular number vibration (see table in section Calculating the numbers of a name), so the ideal aim is to choose a first name that harmonises with and helps to balance the baby’s birth chart.

    The number combinations on a person’s chart influence the energies under which that person operates throughout their life. So it is important to have the first name (the one the child will be called every day) compatible with the baby’s birth date energies. Life is likely to run more smoothly for those who are surrounded and supported by positive energy vibrations.

    Remember, too, that sound is a vibration and that the child needs to feel happy when it hears and speaks its own name. Every time a person’s name is used it sets up vibrations which are either positive or negative.

    Sound of any kind has a tremendous impact on the human nervous system and every time a name is used it sets up wavelengths or vibrations that either soothe or irritate. A name has an effect on the whole psyche, impacting inwardly when the child hears their name and outwardly when the child says their own name—a double whammy, whether it is positive or negative.


    The following table shows the number associated with each letter of our alphabet.

    A few simple guidelines can help demystify the process of working out combined birth and name charts, making it easier for parents to settle on a name.

    In general, avoid names whose letters resonate to multiple occurrences of the same letter. One occurrence of any number is acceptable. Two of the same number can be acceptable. Three 1s are also acceptable; but three or more occurrences of any other number in a name chart gives the name a difficult, sometimes adverse, energy vibration. So, an ideal name should have:

    • No more than three 1s (A, J, S)

    • No more than two 2s (B, K, T) (all children born after 1999 will have at least one 2 in their birth chart, so adding too many in the name can cause difficulties)

    • No more than two 3s (C, L, U)

    • No more than two 4s (D, M, V) (if possible, use only one 4)

    • No more than two 5s (E, N, W)

    • No more than two 6s (F, O, X)

    • No more than one 7 (G, P, Y) (if possible, do without a 7 on the name chart if there is already a 7 on the birth chart)

    • No more than two 8s (H, Q, Z)

    • No more than two 9s (I, R)


    The aim of this exercise is to draw up the baby’s numerological birth chart, assess its vibrational strengths and weaknesses, and balance it by choosing a complementary name.

    When the birth chart is strong (with at least one number in almost every square) it is best to balance it with letters that do not add too many multiples of a particular number. On the other hand, when the birth chart has few numbers in it, it can be strengthened with letters that fill any empty spaces. (It is not absolutely necessary to fill all the squares on the combined birth+name chart.)

    On a large sheet of paper (at least A4 size), write your baby’s date of birth, for example, 2/7/2010. Beneath this, draw an empty chart, then write your baby’s birthday numbers in this chart.

    Study the chart and make a note of any missing numbers (in this case 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9), using letters that resonate with those numbers to choose possible names for your baby. Draw some more empty charts on the page with the birth chart and try out different names that give different numbers. Then choose a name you like that best balances and complements the birth chart—harmony is the key.

    In the early part of the 21st century several numbers will be missing from the birth chart because there are zeros in the birth date. In the case of a baby born on 22/2/2002, for example, there are only 2s in the birth chart, leaving eight empty squares and six empty arrows (see chapter 2). For this baby, almost all the letters of the alphabet are available for use in the name. It would be wise, however, to avoid B, K and T altogether as they resonate with 2.

    Here are some examples showing positive and less positive naming options, and how they combine with various birth charts.


    A baby born on 4/6/2009 has a birth chart that looks like this:

    In this birth chart, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 are missing. Let’s look at name charts for two girl’s names that fill all or some of these empty squares.

    The combined chart for Chloe has only two blank squares, and no numbers repeated too many times. It is balanced, harmonious and strong.

    Aleda’s combined chart is equally strong but offers the arrow of the planner as well as the two 1s of clear communication and self expression.

    Either name would serve this baby well.

    Now let’s look at name charts for two boy’s names. Once again, the numbers to look for are 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8.

    What a beautifully balanced chart!

    Another great name for a boy born on 4/6/2009.


    A baby born on 8/9/2009 will have a birth chart that looks like this:

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