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The Book of Faerie Spells
The Book of Faerie Spells
The Book of Faerie Spells
Ebook268 pages1 hour

The Book of Faerie Spells

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About this ebook

Here is your invitation to enter the between world of the Faerie. Come and learn magick with the Fae Folk while deepening your personal bonds with earth, nature and spirit.
Endless possibilities will open as you create your own divine Faerie spells to enrich your life with happiness, balance and inspiration under their gracious and loving support.
It includes:
• 60 sacred Faerie spells
• spellcrafting and spellcrafting basics
• magickal gardening
• dedicated lessons on how to write your own spells
• a personal grimoire journal section
Release dateMay 6, 2019
The Book of Faerie Spells

Cheralyn Darcey

"Cheralyn Darcey is a botanical alchemist, organic gardener, independent natural history scholar, artist, educator and the author of several books and oracle decks of nature magick, folklore, witchcraft and ethnobotanical traditions. Inspired by her pagan family upbringing and her passion for nature and magick, her work focuses on the spiritual, cultural, therapeutic and physical connections between humans and plants. Her publications include three flower reading oracle decks which bring the Language of Flowers through the Doctrine of Signatures alive: ‘The Australian Wildflower Reading Cards’, ‘Flower Reading Cards’, ‘Flowers of the Night Oracle’. A flower affirmation deck for daily guidance: ‘Flower Petals’. Two Australian Wildflower mandala style colouring books: Florasphere Calm and ‘Florasphere Inspire’. Her book ‘Flowerpaedia, 1,000 flowers and their meanings’ presents a language translator for the Language of Flowers complete with correspondence lists to find flowers to match sentiments, ritual use and occasions. A popular presenter at Mind Body Spirit festivals, libraries, museums and events, Cheralyn weaves the ancient magick and folklore of our gardens and our passion for the wilds of nature into workshops and talks to inspire renewed care for our land while finding personal guidance, inspiration and support in plants. Her artwork has been featured in galleries and art prizes across Australia and the USA including The Australian Museum and Manly Art Gallery. Cheralyn was an Environmental Artist in Residence during the International Conference of Eco Ideas 2011 and has a long association with many Environmental organisations creating eco artworks, educational workshops and presentations as well as working as an administration volunteer."

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    Book preview

    The Book of Faerie Spells - Cheralyn Darcey

    For dearest and loveliest Ella Risebrow, a true Faerie.

    I am blessed with your generous inspiration and friendship.


    Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.

    Roald Dahl


    A Rockpool book

    PO Box 252

    Summer Hill

    NSW 2130


    ISBN 9781925682878

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia.

    First published in 2019

    Copyright Text © Cheralyn Darcey 2019

    Copyright Design © Rockpool Publishing 2019

    Cover design by Richard Crookes

    Internal design by Jessica Le, Rockpool Publishing

    Typesetting by Typeskill

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    The information presented in this book is intended for general inquiry, research and informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute or replacement for any trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All preparations and information about the usage of botanicals presented in this book are examples for educational purposes only. Always consult a registered herbalist before taking or using any preparations suggested in this book. No responsibility will be accepted for the application of the information in this book.


    Welcome, Blossom

    How to Use This Book

    SECTION ONE: What Is a Spell and How Does It Work?

    SECTION TWO: A Collection of Faerie Spells

    Faerie Garden and Nature Spells

    Faerie Love and Friendship Spells

    Faerie Healing and Protection Spells

    Faerie Home and Family Spells

    Faerie Beauty and Spa Spells

    Faerie Happiness and Wish Spells

    SECTION THREE: How to Create Your Own Faerie Spells

    Your Faerie Spell Journal

    Glossary of Magickal and Botanical Terms


    Image Credits

    Welcome, Blossom

    Iam delighted to share with you this treasury of spells that I have crafted with the energy and magick of the worlds of the Faerie. I have travelled the paths of particular Faeries and their stories from all over the world, across many cultures and throughout time to bring their wisdom to you. Among them are also spells I have woven for you that embody aspects of those Faeries known as Nymphs, Brownies, Elves and Pixies, and of Sidhe and Leprechauns.

    Although this book is mainly about Faeries of myth and legend, you will recognise others I have included from more modern literature. Their inclusion is important: I believe that those who describe the Faeries of their imagination and hearts in books, plays and music are moved by the energy that the Fae impart to this world.

    Before we start, you must promise me that you will take my advice and follow closely all I share with you about the Fae in this book of spells, for the Faerie folk do not like to be upset, meddled with or taken advantage of. Many, indeed, are not all that pleasant to humans as their lives and business have nothing to do with us so, out of respect and for your safety, I have not included them in this book.

    All Faeries are guardians of the natural world and have a special place in their hearts for flowers. In this book you will find a scattering of spells that focus on a flower and the Faerie of that flower. These are my special Faerie spells and I hope they help you discover for yourself the Faeries that I know are tending silently the blossoms in your own garden, as well as woodlands, fields and parks.

    Read well the section ‘Working with Faerie’ and please ensure that you follow the opening and closing of each spell carefully because even the most benevolent and helpful of the Faerie folk will not tolerate rudeness or excuse ignorance in those who wish to work magically with them.

    Please take the time to explore more about each of the Faeries I have shared with you. I have included some important resources that will help you understand their world and work more respectfully with them.

    Enjoy this book of Faerie spells! I wish that it brings you much happiness and wonderment and fills your heart with Faerie goodness.

    May Nature bless you always, but I hope that you too will be the blessing that Nature needs!

    Bunches of blessings,


    How to Use This Book

    It’s never an easy task to create a book of magick instruction to suit everyone. We are all on different paths, with different beliefs and varying levels of experience and I do not believe that these things should bar anyone from experiencing or practising Nature Magick. In order to be safe and work safely for others and your environment, you must first educate yourself in these ways of working. Make sure you read through all the sections of this introduction as they will give you this knowledge. It is simple but vital when creating and casting spells.

    Those more experienced in spellcrafting and casting, or who have dedicated and defined paths in their own beliefs, may be able to skim the following instruction pages and dive straight into the spells, experimenting and exploring new paths which may open up, enhance or complement their work. However I suggest that everyone read through the first section in order to familiarise themselves with the foundations on which I have presented this book of Nature Magick.

    Whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience, Section One will provide a good grounding in safe and best practice when creating and casting spells. This section also explains, in detail, what a spell is and how it works.

    I have shared sixty spells that I have written over my life. They focus on Faeries and their energies with an emphasis on plants and their flowers, and are arranged in smaller chapters by their use so that you can quickly find a spell that suits your needs. Make sure you observe the instructions I have given and any instructions you already use each time you are creating and casting spells.

    All steps to using each spell are clearly explained along with simple, everyday ingredients and tools to create them. I also share additional interesting and helpful tips with each spell to enrich your experience working with Nature, so you can get to know the Faeries a little better.

    At the end of this collection, I provide a special journal – a place to keep your own spells. In preparation for creating your own spells, I have included a simple guide to writing your own magick and then a collection of beautiful pages that you may use to keep your Faerie spells together with mine.

    What if you don’t have access to your own plants?

    As wonderful as it would be to access every plant on earth, no matter where you found yourself, the reality is that you cannot. I have given you alternate plants that you may be able to source and that hold similar energies, but I would also encourage you to dry your own plants when they are available and create or source essences, candles, incenses and other botanical treasures from trusted suppliers, so you always have a magickal apothecary to rely on.

    What if you don’t have access to a private outdoor space?

    Some of the spells in this book suggest that you cast them outdoors, however you may not have access to your own garden or have a private nature reserve nearby. It is understandable that you may not feel comfortable creating a magickal spell in public or be able to hold the focus required with an audience. In this case, I suggest you create an indoor sacred space. Plants, flowers, an open window and images of Nature can all help create an area that will help you connect with Nature for your spell casting.

    What if you don’t have plants at all?

    To further focus energy or to connect with plants when you do not have access to them, imagery in the form of artwork, photos, your sketches or oracle cards can be used. I feel it is very important to see the plant to connect with its unique energy.

    What Is a Spell and How Does It Work?

    Aspell is a combination of ingredients, tools, actions and focus, which come together energetically to create change. Timings (when you cast your spell) can also be observed to ensure added power.


    Timings can be moon or astrological phases, seasonal times and also correspondences that connect with days of the week or hours of the day or night.

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