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How to face things: Mindsets that changed my life
How to face things: Mindsets that changed my life
How to face things: Mindsets that changed my life
Ebook95 pages45 minutes

How to face things: Mindsets that changed my life

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How do you make it all work? Can everything be as perfect as we imagine? Or have we created an unattainable illusion of what life should be?

Some very tumultuous events and several major changes in my life have made me reflect on what is happening. What happens every day. Why it happens. And how we act and react to what happens.

I want to share it with you in a format on your terms.
This book is about getting inspiration and ways of thinking that can help you in your everyday life. That can help you perhaps reach your goals and build good and sustainable relationships. Simply get more out of life.

I hope you will benefit from it,
Release dateJun 6, 2024
How to face things: Mindsets that changed my life

Magnus Strandberg

The author Magnus is an ordinary person in an ordinary Swedish medium-sized town. He started writing at the age of 10 but realised late in life that it was his calling. This is his first published book and more are on the way. His texts are depictions of contemporary life mixed with fictional stories and histories. My 78 Mindsets for a Better Life is a collection of different ways you can deal with things that happen in your life. Thoughts on how you can meet people in a slightly different way and see situations for what they actually are. Life happens. What matters is how we choose to first react and then act on what happens. Life has taught me that you always have a choice - 'how do you want to act? Who do you want to be? Get tips, inspiration on how to face events and people in a different, perhaps new, way.

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    How to face things - Magnus Strandberg


    You own your own thoughts, take control of them. If YOU don't, someone will seize that power over you. The only way for you to be you, to be free - is to be in control of your thoughts.

    Everything that happens to us during the day stays with us in our brain, in our minds. When you go to sleep for the night, your brain tries to disconnect and sort out all your impressions. This is why you sometimes lie awake at night and can't sleep.

    I took several yoga classes with Marie Thimour in Borås. She was then (still is?) Sweden's only certified yoga therapist, trained at India's oldest institute for education and research in yoga - Kaivayadharma. It gave me a lot of tools that I would never have found otherwise, and these tools then helped me to land in situations and see everything with different eyes.

    Look at things objectively.

    I plan a yoga session for myself every evening, about an hour before I go to sleep. In this way, I give myself the opportunity to let go of the day's experiences and land in a calm environment before I go to bed. For me, it is extremely effective, calming, relaxing, and stimulating.

    It taught me to manage my thoughts and sort them into 'lessons learned', 'discard' and 'process'. In this way, I create a picture of what has happened. To be able to handle it in a good way and later move on. It also gives me the insight I need to say no to people who stand in the way of me and my life, in a good

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