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The Roles of Jesus and Thomas the Twin in the Five Primary Astro Calendars: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance, #2
The Roles of Jesus and Thomas the Twin in the Five Primary Astro Calendars: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance, #2
The Roles of Jesus and Thomas the Twin in the Five Primary Astro Calendars: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance, #2
Ebook158 pages2 hours

The Roles of Jesus and Thomas the Twin in the Five Primary Astro Calendars: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance, #2

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In my book titled "The True Story of the Holy Family", I reveal my discovery of the very human origins of Jesus, conceived in a Roman occupied Britain, and to have been born a foreigner...and a non a Celtic Galilee. From recorded lore secretly retained by Irish monks and more, I came to know a Jesus and a Thomas the Twin, very much more then what is related in the New Testaments.
The True Jesus and Thomas the Twin were Druid trained, and more! By their not having a 'known father', and by the special ness to Druid Celts of their mother Deidre ('Mary'), they were chosen to be taught ancient Astro based 'Calendars', the Calendars of the 'Gods'. And, for both to have sacred Roles, in maintaining those Calendars.
For instance, Christ did Not die on the cross in 31 A.D. as the church would have you believe to misdirect you, but during the Eclipse which he would have him self predicted, in year 43 A.D.. In doing so, of dieing during an eclipse of the Sun, per Pagan (Druid) beliefs, he 'escaped death' as we know it. I tell you this to introduce to you the real history and the Astro Knowledge and Beliefs in this book, in contrast to the alternate narrative.
Integral to these Calendars, and to the secret Politics and Religious Importance of Jesus, to the elites of the Roman Empire, was the Promised Lands Calendar. The Conjunction of the Planets which occurred when Jesus was born, (2 B.C) was the 7th one of 179.67 years. It completed the 7th Covenant span of 1257 years. (1257 is 400 Xs Pi and 7 Xs 179.6 years.) That is to say, that the Covenant of the Jews as the 'Chosen People' and as the 'Rightful Occupiers' of the Promised Lands, was then by that Time and Event, no longer valid...
Indeed, the 8th Covenant span, of the 'August Ones' of the Romans, ended in the year 1257,...with the death of King Louis the Holy of France, leader of the Latin League, of the Roman Catholic Church. He 'drowned' landing on the shore of the NileRiver, Egypt. That event in 1257, just after the 7th Conjunction of the Planets after the birth of Christ, ended the last official Crusade for the Holy Lands, which previously had been known as, the 'Promised Lands'.

Release dateJun 5, 2024
The Roles of Jesus and Thomas the Twin in the Five Primary Astro Calendars: The True Christ Revealed and His Space Age Relevance, #2

Dennis J. Foley

Life time history researcher and self publisher...I have always been interested in finding history patterns and cycles by using history as data. From finding cycles in the economy and stock market, to the connections of man made patterns to revealing the planned timed 'Formations' in history, to finally what I term, long term 'Calendars'; originated and maintained in history, which are astronomy based, The book predictig 'if and when' a World War 111 will occur, as with all of my books, it is based on history as data.

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    Book preview

    The Roles of Jesus and Thomas the Twin in the Five Primary Astro Calendars - Dennis J. Foley

    Chapter One

    The True Jesus and Thomas the Twin.


    had personally become so unbelieving of the conventional story of Jesus, and the blatant demand, to 'accept Jesus as God'. He never claimed as such, only that he was the 'Son of Man', perhaps as many as 67 times! The whole narrative, of the divine birth and more, speaking only for myself, it caused me to wrongly 'turn off' from Jesus,, from His Good Message. I don't know if others share these feeling or reactions, but I felt I had to find the True Jesus, for myself. In doing so, I have regained not only a renewed respect and acceptance of the Good Message, of a Forgiving God which He professed, but that there was much more to the true Jesus...and, to the true Thomas the Twin.

    In my book titled The True Story of the Holy Family, I reveal my discovery of the very human origins of Jesus, conceived in a Roman occupied Britain, and to have been born a foreigner and a non Jew, in Celtic Galilee. In this search, first in recorded lore kept secretly by Irish monks, I came to know a Jesus who was, as I said, very much more then what is known of from the Testaments. I learned of a Jesus and Thomas, who due to the special circumstances of their mother's birth, and then of the very human circumstances of their conceptions, were chosen as a Pair, to receive special Druid training, and more. They both were trained and given pivotal roles in several ancient Calendars, maintained for thousands of years, and right into out times.

    These Calendars were and are all timed by a cycle in the planets, where they align or conjoin every 179.6 years. Every three such alignments in 539 years, as in the year 536 A.D., the sun experiences a mini nova electro magnetic event, which effects earth and all of the planets in the solar system. Certain multiples of this cycle of the 539 years, has caused and will continue to cause, catastrophic failures of the solar electro magnetic field. This causes terrestrial chaos and dislocations resulting in large Shiftings of the Poles. This Calendar knowledge is of an ancient source, and is what the True Christ...and Thomas....were really about.

    The True Jesus story was 'over written' by a contrived narrative, based on both glimpses of mostly the last two years of his life, and of a Jewish 'Messiah', who despite multiple candidates and attempts, was purposefully never allowed to happen! In deed, to know the Promised Lands Calendar and Christ's role in it, you will then completely understand the 'why' this was made to be so. In one sense , we can say that, 'things' have never changed'. That said, Christ delivered a Message for all the world who would listen; of Peace through being Forgiving and Accepting...of others and of our selves. The old Covenant One, of war and vengeance, with his cuts and baby sacrifices, and a non acceptance of differing beliefs and practices, was supposed to have been replaced in the New Covenant!

    The 'Promised Lands' Calendar 'Covenant'? It is a span of 1257 years, which is 400 Xs Pi of 3.14 years. It is also 7 Xs the Planetary Conjunction Cycles of 179.76 years. Jesus was born during the 7th such Conjunction, or the End Year of what was the 7th Covenant span of 1257 years, from 8800 B.C. This Calendar was a real reasons for the Crusades, which were officially ended in what year?1257.

    It should be known the Source of these Calendars, some of which we use today, such as the 365.23 annual year, that they are from certain 'Superior Beings'. They are now known today as the Annunaki. Even the time span of 179.73 years. That cycle span is also the basis of the Imperial Mile and Foot Measurement system, The straight line distances between the Mega Stone Mounds of Baal Bek and of Jerusalem, and the Gaza Great Pyramids et al, they are all in multiples of 179.6 miles, of 5,280 feet, of 12 inches. This and more is taken up in my book titled,

    The 'Orion Man's' Star Earth Map, of the Promised Lands. Circa 11,000 B.C.,

    Below is a depiction of Jesus 'predicting' the destruction of Jerusalem and the Great Temple. For this prediction alone, having come true, it should have gained him recognition as 'the Prophet'. But, Jesus would have let Mohammed have that distinction, as Jesus wasn't a 'prophet' here, 'revealing a vision' he had. Instead, he was as a 'knower'. The destruction happened in 70 A.D., a generation of 26 or so years after his death in 43 A.D. on the cross, during the eclipse Jesus could have and would have calculated. Jerusalem and the Great Temple were sacked by the Romans, the 1,000 years after the year 930 B.C.. It was a year timed by a Millennium Calendar kept by Roman elites, who considered themselves heirs to the ancient history and Calendars of the Danoi, including the Danovous 'David'.

    The Destruction of the Great Temple...

    Chapter Two

    The Open Gate Way Times, of Great

    Expectations and Concerns.


    n an era when Astro religions, based both on science and ancient beliefs and traditions, were at a peak in the Greco Roman world, an array of astronomy events by and before the birth of Christ, excited the minds and expectations of whole populations of peoples. Events which sparked this heightened Astro religions era, were the belief in an Open Gate Way period which was marked by astronomical events, the story of the 'death and resurrection' three days later, of the Astro priest Mithridites, and the actions of the priest king Antiochus 1st of Como Magea. He built a pyramid with a religious construction which included a star aligned depiction of the Leo the Lion constellation.

    This king of the wealthy kingdom of Como Magea, a home land of the Magi, marked a once in 13,000 years alignment of the Lion Star constellation. This occurred beginning in 70 B.C..That event and others related to it, were thought to Open a Gate or a Door, in the Heavens, for 'the Gods' to return. In this time they could 'join' with the then new gods of man, then the Greco Roman ones. Also, it was thought that it was possible for a most Initiated One, to be accepted by the Gods in a new expanded pantheon. As shall be seen, there was a series of Astro events which marked 'phases' in this on going Open Gate Way period of time, to as late as 70 A.D..They will be gone into in this book as also the 13,000 year span.

    Besides the Open Gate Way beliefs, the Bull animal as the Agent of the Sun God, had again become sacred. It had been in ancient Minoan Crete and pre dynastic Egypt, worshipped as God or as the agent of the Sun God on earth. I mention this belief in the Sun God, because part of the belief system associated with it was that the Sun God was the original 'all seeing eye' of man and his life and death on Earth. If one some how died during an Eclipse of the Sun, when 'it could not 'See' your passing, you escaped your death, at least spiritually. Or, you would 'return'!

    The prediction of Eclipses was an advanced but well mastered skill of Druids, Astro priests, and court astronomers, in parts of the advanced ancient world.

    So, the Bull or Toro was intrinsic to the Solar Eclipse astronomy and a complex belief system, not just that its thundering hoofs resembled the thunder before a rain storm. Indeed, it seemed the bull's thunder and lightening accompanied volcanic eruptions, and was the earth shakes of earth quakes. Our week day of Thursday is based both on 'Thor's thundering and sparking iron hammer' and the Toro or Taurus the Bull lore. The Bull was a Sacred and Scary animal, both in our world and in the belief world. The 'Bull Twain' of ancient Irish lore, was of a major war among the tribes of Ireland, began over the ownership of a white bull.

    Jesus and Thomas were both trained by teachers from as far afield as Britain and Egypt, to Magea and India. They were both totally aware of these beliefs, and in the case of Jesus, he was most likely able to predict eclipses. And that is the real pre Christian world which the Chosen Pair were brought up in, and living in.

    So now imagine if you can, what it was like to the people at the crucifixion of Christ. Hanging on a Roman X cross, set against a tree, as He spoke His very last words, the Sun unexpectantly began to go dark, (to be eclipsed). And, as it happened that time, the temperature dropped sharply and a great wind blew up. Then there were lightening strikes as the ground shook with an earth quake.

    The body of Jesus is quickly speared by a Centurion to assure he's 'dispatched'. His body is hurriedly removed and taken to a tomb purchased for him, by his wealthy uncle. He is named Joseph of Ul Mathea. and he was a tin merchant in Roman Britain. Screams arise from the Temple as the large curtain before the Holy of Holies of the Great Temple, rents in half from the earth shakes. How would we have reacted if we were there, and what would we have told others?

    A renewed Bull Cult of Mithra, like the Open Gate Way beliefs, had come from the kingdom of Como Magea, in today's Iran. Decades before Jesus was born, a lore was known and accepted through out the Roman military and perhaps also by the Druids of the Celts, of an Astro priest named Mithra. He was said to have been born on December 25th, and to have died (perhaps during an eclipse?), and to have physically returned from the dead after Three Days! Thus, he achieved ultimate mastery and knowledge as a Priest, as he had defeated death itself.

    In the cult of Mithra there were (12) painful bodily inflictions to be suffered by a Mithra Priest initiate, one for each of the (12) months in the Sun based 365.23 day annual year. In one level, a bull's throat was cut so that his blood would gush out and down upon an initiate, situated below in a pit. As the animal thrashed about in his death throes, bellowing loudly he would gore at the initiate

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