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THE NAKED TREE: Ramblings, Poetry and Snippets of Reality
THE NAKED TREE: Ramblings, Poetry and Snippets of Reality
THE NAKED TREE: Ramblings, Poetry and Snippets of Reality
Ebook91 pages56 minutes

THE NAKED TREE: Ramblings, Poetry and Snippets of Reality

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About this ebook

A positively delightful, yet insightful collection of short stories, poetry, and various ramblings. The author’s natural rhythm and flow of words invite the reader to read out loud. 

The Naked Tree sheds its leaves each fall to renew again each Spring, while its roots remain grounded with Mother Earth. Life is the Soul’s Journey of expansion, awareness and consciousness that never ends. It’s about tapping into infinite intelligence and allowing our innate inner truth to channel through us. This book is the creativity that is in each and every one of us. 

Written with humor, honesty and innate wisdom, the words in this book reminds us that the human drama, although tortuous at times, is just one big school of higher learning, that never ends.

Release dateJun 6, 2024
THE NAKED TREE: Ramblings, Poetry and Snippets of Reality


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    Book preview

    THE NAKED TREE - Laurie B. Ballard



    Ramblings, Poetry and Snippets of Reality

    Laurie B. Ballard

    ISBN 978-1-63784-485-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63784-486-1 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Laurie B. Ballard

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Hawes & Jenkins Publishing

    16427 N Scottsdale Road Suite 410

    Scottsdale, AZ 85254

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Naked Tree


    Love Evolution

    The Spotted Bear


    Bird's Eye View of God

    Front Row Seat

    Blind Ruckus Riley

    As Limber As A Cat

    Abstract Heart



    The Swallows

    The Sales Associate

    Sweet Lover Sounds

    Moving Day

    Rise Above

    Marge The Barge

    Stepping Stones

    The Red Chair

    Oral Report

    The Bridge

    Just Bread

    Ladder Rungs

    Talking Feet

    Black Cat

    3 Scenes

    Ode To Someone…

    Morning Mountain Haiku

    Curse-ed Lips

    Limericks On the Verge

    Pretending To Be Sad

    Cat Fight

    The Cage

    Church Without Walls



    In the Crevice

    About the Author

    For Floy Katherine Ballard… Much Love

    The Naked Tree

    In the taupe of the late afternoon

    The tree remembered who it was.

    Shaking leaves off spindly limbs,

    Unraveling ancient myths,

    This plethora of greens,

    A forest scene on canvas.

    Tumbling thru funnels of wind,

    Turning yellow, orange and red,

    This fallen sight of autumn.

    Standing still under silver moonlight

    The bare tree remembered who it was.

    The stark reality of connections,

    Of many dimensions intertwined,

    With nature in all directions.

    The possibilities in sight.

    A perfect naked tree,

    Conscious of it's

    Sacred journey

    To Oneness.

    Its roots

    Journey on,

    Unseen below,

    For their search

    Of minute sips of

    Precious water, every

    Drop offering a wish, a

    Quest to reconcile yesterday,

    And fortitude to emerge stronger

    Tomorrow, and the never ending now.

    The naked tree

    After shedding

    Its leaves

    Knows nothing

    Of shame

    Nor anxiety.

    Standing tall

    It delivers

    A gift of life

    For Gaia



    And all.


    Leaves mingle with dark and sun,

    Mocking the shadows upon the patio fencing.

    Shifting and turning inside and out,

    Scratching and delicately sketching

    Erratic designs into the darkened wood.

    Autumn was official.

    The wind signed it in,

    The sun checked it off,

    The sky filed it under


    Above the earth where cats and dogs

    Never prowl,

    Tiny birds were whirling from bushes,

    Spiraling high

    Without a care.

    Chirping, discussing, debating, singing.

    Might they know,

    The season was changing?

    Love Evolution

    The new earth is coming

    Sooner than you think

    Later than you can imagine.

    Don't walk in the shadows

    Come into the light

    One second is all it would take.

    It's just craziness and distractions

    The background noise you hear

    The noise is there to shake you up

    So drown out the noise and shut it out.

    Love is what's really going on

    It's all that's really in this song

    This love revolution we're creating.

    Not from without but from within

    Our hearts will start to beat again

    Leaving false beliefs and fears all behind.

    There's only one problem

    And only one solution

    The answer's the simplicity of Love.

    The revolution is here

    For our evolution

    Now's the time for everyone

    To. Be. The. Revolution.

    The Spotted Bear

    Hibernation ended.

    Silence sent the invitation.

    Unhurried strolls

    Across the roads,

    As nature had intended.

    Lupine crowd the valley floor.

    Poppies shout out loud in orange.

    The million feet that used to be,

    Are walking here no more.

    The waterfalls for no one,

    As boulders sit in boredom.

    Flowering weeds

    And wind blown seeds,

    Rejoice in ecstasy.

    Brown bears, the deer

    The lone coyote,

    Habitate the scene.

    No need to look both ways

    These days,

    Just to cross the street.

    Then came a roar, a rumble

    Followed by a screech.

    A bear they spotted


    Then climbing up a tree.

    The thing that roared

    Slammed the brakes,

    And rested in the shade.

    Eight feet poured out,

    Walked about,

    Then all began to shout.

    Look up there,

    Way up high,

    I think I see a bear.

    Where's my phone?

    I need to shoot

    A picture of that bear.

    Hence came a change from that day

    For Nature and the Park.

    The noxious fumes, the litter

    And hazing of the stars.

    The day the bear was spotted

    Walking in the park.


    No more tails of rats.

    We won't put up with that.

    Just cats, not rats,

    Cats sporting hats.

    No rat a tat tats,

    Or fat flying bats

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