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Bitsy's Safe Haven: Loving Bitsy Series, #4
Bitsy's Safe Haven: Loving Bitsy Series, #4
Bitsy's Safe Haven: Loving Bitsy Series, #4
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Bitsy's Safe Haven: Loving Bitsy Series, #4

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Bitsy's tumultuous marriage took a turn when Simon entered her life. Both grappling with personal struggles, they found solace in each other's arms. Together, they faced life's obstacles, supporting each other unwaveringly. Follow their dramatic journey as they navigate familial disputes. While Simon's mother, Edna, transforms into a mental health advocate after addressing her lifelong battle with clinical depression, Jack ventures into politics after retiring, and Annie stirs things up in town — brace yourself for a series of exciting surprises that will leave you captivated!

PublisherKathy Broggy
Release dateJun 6, 2024
Bitsy's Safe Haven: Loving Bitsy Series, #4

Virginia Dare

After spending most of my life in Queens, New York, where I locate most of my stories, I  retired from a career in Healthcare and moved to a small house in upstate New York.  I live with a multitude of pets including but not limited to a couple of cats, three dogs and a goat.  When I'm not busy writing, I enjoy reading, crocheting, gardening, cooking and baking.  The Loving Bitsy series addresses many of the issues I dealt with as a healthcare professional.

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    Bitsy's Safe Haven - Virginia Dare


    Bitsy sat on the porch swing, watching the sunrise over the mountains and listening to the birds singing to each other.  It was the first of May and she was lost in the memories of the past four years.  Lexie’s third birthday was quickly approaching and she hadn’t done anything about her celebration.  She sipped on her coffee and smiled.  So much had happened in such a short time.  She and Simon found each other while they had both been dealing with abusive spouses.  Bitsy shuddered as she remembered her life with her ex-husband Paul.  Paul was controlling, demeaning, and worst of all physically abusive.  She’d suffered broken bones, cuts, bruises, and the loss of her first pregnancy.

    Simon had lived upstairs on the sixth floor in the same building and they met in the elevator.  Bitsy was instantly smitten and had fantasies about the man she called elevator guy.  For Simon, it was love at first sight but he was married to Tiffany the shrew and he knew he could never pursue Bitsy.  But fate intervened despite their good intentions and they found their way out of the hellish existences and into a beautiful life together.

    Bitsy sipped her coffee as the front door opened and Simon stepped out, his hair rumpled, eyes barely open.  Bitsy, are you okay? his voice was husky, and as moved to sit next to her, Bitsy felt her pulse quicken.  Even after four years she still felt the heat when he came near her.  She wanted him.  Actually, that was how she ended up out here so early.  She woke up wanting him but she didn’t want to wake him so early on a Saturday.  He loved sleeping in.  Why are you out here?

    She smiled.  I couldn’t sleep.  I didn’t want to wake you.  I have a lot to think about.

    What’s going on?  Can I help? he cleared his throat.  Hang on a minute, I’ll get a cup of coffee and we’ll talk.  He got up.

    Simon, go back to bed. It’s nothing serious, I just couldn’t sleep. She grinned at him The truth is I woke up feeling frisky.  I wanted to jump you, but this is your day to sleep in and it was only five o’clock.

    Oh baby, wake me up!  Always wake me up!  He grabbed her hand, Let’s go scratch your itch!

    Laughing Bitsy followed him back into the house and up the stairs to their room, where he quickly removed first her clothes and then his.  They made love for the next hour and fell asleep in each other’s arms.  At seven-thirty, Bitsy woke again to the sounds of her children banging on the bedroom door.  She slipped out of bed and opened the door a little.  Go play in Lexie’s room.  I’ll be right there.

    Lexie took her brother by the hand and led him into her room.  Come on Jakie.

    Bitsy jumped into the shower and took one of those two-minute Mommy showers, pulling on yoga pants and a sweatshirt without drying off.  She took the kids downstairs and fed them, making another pot of coffee for herself.  After their morning tryst, she didn’t expect to see Simon until ten o’clock when he’d be leaving for the synagogue.

    He’d been going every Saturday for the last two years.  He had thought he would only go for a short time as he searched for answers after witnessing a young mother shot to death by her abusive husband.  But instead, he began to learn more and more about his Jewish roots and he found comfort in his newfound religion.  Scott, the eldest of the woman’s children asked to go with him and so every Saturday the two of them went to breakfast and then to shul.  Scott had his Bar mitzvah after being adopted along with his siblings by then Mayor Vickie Wilson. 

    Bitsy smiled to herself as she went into the laundry room to get clothes for the kids.  The sun was out now and it was going to be a beautiful day.  She and the kids would take the dogs outside. There were five at the moment, Milo their now geriatric dog, and four foster dogs staying with them while their owners were in a domestic survivor shelter.  There was a lot of work to do and the children could play while she fed the horses, goats, chickens, and dogs.

    Mommy, can I go wake Nee Nee? Lexie always wanted to be the one to wake Annie.

    Not yet honey, let’s let her sleep a while.  Can you help me feed the goats?

    Lexie wrinkled her nose.  I don’t like goats.  Can I feed the chicks?

    That’s perfect.  Jacob, come with me to feed the goats.

    Charlie joined them in the stable as they worked with the horses before leading them to the pasture. 

    Bitsy had grown to love Charlie as if she were a younger sister.  Charlie had been raised in foster care, gotten college scholarships, and spent the first months of her college career homeless.  She applied for a job with the Levines that included a place to live but she was family now.  Annie gave her a car and taught her to drive.  Charlie was included in all family gatherings and was loved by the entire crew, including Simon’s mother and stepfather. 

    When they finished the chores, Charlie came back into the house with Bitsy and the kids to find Annie and Simon sitting at the table sipping on coffee.  Simon got up, I have to go, do you need anything from the store?

    Bitsy shook her head and stood on tiptoes to kiss her husband.  Um, actually if you don’t mind picking up something for dessert that would be great.

    Got it Babe, see you later. He kissed her and headed for the door.

    Bitsy watched as Simon walked away, God but he was incredible.  She felt herself getting excited all over again. He turned back and grinned at her as if he knew what she was thinking.

    Mommy, can I go to Nee Nee’s now? Lexie loved nothing more than spending time with Annie in her apartment off the kitchen.  Annie winked at Lexie and got up from the table.

    Come on, my little love.  Let’s go watch Peppa Pig.  

    She took Lexie’s hand and they left.  Jacob watched them go, feeling a little left out but Charlie scooped him up and asked. 

    Well, Little guy, do you want to come home with me for a while?

    Yes. He said emphatically.

    Okay with you, Bitsy? She asked, already knowing the answer.

    Thanks, Charlie.  I have some things to do to get ready for the cookout.

    Do you need help?  I can stay...

    No thanks, I think Little Guy needs some time with his favorite Aunt. I’ll call if I need you.

    Bitsy set a pot of water on the stove and gathered the ingredients for the Greek Pasta Salad.  The Potato salad was already in the refrigerator. This afternoon the house would be full of family and friends, just the way Simon and Bitsy liked it.

    At noon, she fed the kids lunch and then put them down for a nap.  Charlie helped her set everything up in the yard.  Simon arrived with two luscious cakes and immediately set to work at the grill, his favorite job.  Bitsy got the kids up and dressed, then sent them downstairs to Charlie while she got herself ready.

    Vickie, Scott, Becca, Michael, and Aunt Della were the first to arrive.  But within minutes the other guests began arriving.  People were milling around the kitchen and the yard, music was playing and kids were running everywhere.  Jack and Edna were the last to arrive and Lexie was in her Grandfather’s arms within seconds.  Jack and Annie were Lexie’s favorite people but Jacob adored his Grandma. He was the image of Simon as a child and he was the apple of her eye. She had missed so much with Simon, she refused to miss anything with her grandchildren.

    At four o’clock the party was winding down when Mayor Donald Jones arrived.  He was miffed that the Levines were having such a big party and didn’t invite him so he decided to just drop by.

    Hello, townsfolk!  So, this is where everyone is!  I heard there’s some mighty good food to be had here today.  How about it Bitsy, Simon?  It’s so good to see you all.

    Simon rushed to Bitsy’s side and grabbed hold of her hand.  He knew she had a snarky comment ready to go and he was determined not to alienate the mayor any more than they already had.  He knew that there was nobody at this party who voted for the mayor and that nobody wanted to spend any time with him but they would have to be cordial.

    Simon reached out to shake the mayor’s hand, Hello Mr. Mayor.  What can I get you?  A burger or a hot dog?

    Donald Jones smiled his usual fake smile and loudly responded I’d like one of them All American hot dogs! He laughed as if he’d made a great joke.

    Simon pulled a hot dog off the grill, put it in a bun, and stuck it on a paper plate.

    There are condiments and salads over on the table.  Help yourself. Simon nodded toward the food table, still worried that Bitsy was going to say something.

    Bitsy and the Mayor had several run-ins since he took office. He kept trying to force his way onto the Board for the New Horizons Foundation and Bitsy was just as determined to keep him out of it.

    The first to leave after the mayor’s arrival were Mitch and Ada.  Mitch had run against Donald and ended up the victim of a nasty smear campaign.  He dropped out weeks before the election and put his farm up for sale. It had just sold, and this was the last social event the couple would attend before moving to Tennessee.

    Mitch hugged Simon then Bitsy, Well I guess this is it, huh? Mitch said sadly. 

    No, I’m coming out to help you pack up the truck.  Our whole family is coming to help, Mitch.  We’re all going to miss you guys.

    Ada sniffled.  I grew up here, I hate that we have to leave but it just got so ugly.  We need to put it behind us.

    Bitsy hugged her friend. Well, I’ve never been to Tennessee so maybe we’ll have to plan a vacation down there!

    Oh yes, Ada exclaimed. Please come anytime!

    Mitch shook his head.  Gotta go, he’s headed this way.

    Donald Jones couldn’t pass up the opportunity to needle his former opponent, but Mitch and Ada hurried out of the yard to their car, calling their kids on the way.

    Soon everyone was leaving and the party was effectively over.  Donald Jones announced that he’d be on his way too.  So much to do when you’re the mayor.  Isn’t that right Vickie?

    Vickie frowned but kept quiet.  However, the thought crossed her mind that yes there’s a lot to do and you don’t do any of it. 

    After everyone else was gone, Bitsy, Simon, Edna, Jack, and Vickie sat in the yard, looking at the mess.  Bitsy sighed, Well I guess we need to clean up. But she didn’t move. 

    Vickie shook her head. We need to find someone to run against that jerk next time, someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to him and who won’t care about the mud-slinging.  I think that should be you, Simon.

    Simon laughed.  No way.  I’m not interested in politics.  But you’re right, we need to start thinking about that now.  I don’t think I could stomach four more years of that asshole.  He realized what he said and looked around to be sure none of the kids were within earshot.  Luckily they were all playing on the new swing set.  All except Scott who laughed as he headed into the house to watch TV.


    THE FOLLOWING WEEK, Simon glanced out of his office window to see his wife crossing the parking lot. He smiled, glad to see her coming to disrupt this awful day. He’d had a difficult meeting with a client and was now into his third hour of prepping for court the following week.

    Is he busy? Bitsy asked as she headed to his office. Before the woman could answer, Simon pulled his door open.

    Nope, he’s just hanging around, looking out his window, watching a beautiful girl coming toward his door. Simon chuckled as Bitsy blew past him into the office.

    As soon as the door closed, she was in his arms. Your Mom and Jack took the kids to the city today. They’re going to the Museum of Natural History and Central Park. So, as I now have some free time, I thought maybe you’d like to take me to lunch.

    Simon pulled on his jacket and held out his arm. I would like nothing better than to take you to lunch...okay that’s not true, I can think of something I’d like better, but lunch will do.

    Bitsy laughed as she took his arm. Later baby, we’ll do that later.

    Arriving at the R&M cafe, they found a booth and settled in.  Ruby brought them menus and chatted briefly before moving onto the next table. Dr. Adams, the veterinarian stopped at their table on his way out.

    Simon, Bitsy, I just wanted to tell you how disappointed I was that Charlie turned down my offer of an internship this summer.

    Simon looked at Bitsy then back at Harry, She turned it down? We didn’t even know you’d offered it; this is the first we’ve heard.

    Bitsy frowned Did she give a reason? I know she loves helping out at the clinic.

    She said she was committed to her job with you and couldn’t let you down.

    Simon smiled. Harry, is that still an option for Charlie? We’ll talk to her. We certainly don’t expect her to pass on this for us.

    Nodding, Harry chuckled I thought as much. She’s quite a girl, isn’t she?

    "Yes, she’s amazing. We’ll have her call you tomorrow, Harry. Thank you for letting us

    know. Bitsy smiled and while I have you here..."

    Oh God, here she goes. Harry groaned.

    It’s nothing big, Harry. I just need to make sure you’re coming to the Board Meeting on Thursday; I need your vote on the upgrades at Milo’s Minions. I want to build an extension on the barn to provide on-site clinic space for you.

    You bet I’ll be there. That will make my life easier, let me tell you. Well, I better go, I have a room full of patients waiting for me. I’ll be looking forward to Charlie’s call.

    After Harry was out the door, Simon shook his head Can you believe she turned him down? This was what she always wanted.

    She didn’t want to let us down, Simon. I’m so proud of her! 

    Edna and Jack stopped by the house at four to pick up some clothes for the kids who were begging to sleep over at Grandma and Poppy’s house. With the kids out for the evening, Bitsy called Simon who picked up a pizza and a bottle of wine. Charlie was going to be working at the vet clinic until 9 and Annie was out with friends, so it was just the two of them.

    I can’t remember having this much time alone in a long time. God bless Mom and Jack. Simon exclaimed when he came home. They had their dinner in front of the TV watching a movie. At 9:30 Charlie came by to let them know she was home, Annie arrived at the same time.

    Charlie, we saw Harry today. He told us you turned down the internship. Why didn’t you take it? Simon asked gently.

    I already have a job, Simon. I need to be here to help with the kids I can’t take on a full-time commitment like that,

    Bitsy cut in Yes, you can. Remember that contract? We said school comes first; this is part of your education. A very important part. We want you to do it. Scott can come to help, he already asked me if we could give him a job this summer, so you see, it all works out.


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