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The Chakra-Mind Connection
The Chakra-Mind Connection
The Chakra-Mind Connection
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The Chakra-Mind Connection

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The Chakra - Mind Connection serves as an intricate roadmap, providing comprehensive insights into the process of opening and unlocking the seven chakras. Through acquiring the knowledge of linking our mind to our chakra system, we embark on a transformative journey toward accessing spiritual bliss. This profound connection offers a pathway to deeper self-awareness and alignment with our spiritual essence.

PublisherRyan C. Pocan
Release dateJun 6, 2024
The Chakra-Mind Connection

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    The Chakra-Mind Connection - Ryan C. Pocan

    The Chakra System

    Root Chakra = First Energy Center

    Location: Sexual Organs, Hips, Pelvis, Buttocks, and Lower Thighs.

    Aligned: Stability, Grounded, Security, Safety, Fearless

    Blocked: Fear, Ungrounded, Unsafe, Instability

    Sacral Chakra = Second Energy Center

    Location: Stomach, Lower Back, Intestines, and Naval.

    Aligned: Creativity, Passionate, Sexually Excited, Arousal, Joy, Calmness, Stillness

    Blocked: Anger, Rage, Guilt, Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Sadness

    Solar Plexus Chakra = Third Energy Center

    Location: Lower Rib Cage, Upper Back, Sternum, and Lower Lungs

    Aligned: Empowerment, Abundant, Deserving, Worthy, Commitment, Effort, Will Power

    Blocked: Disempowerment, Shame, Helpless, Giving up, Hopeless, Unworthy, Unseen

    Heart Chakra = Fourth Energy Center

    Location: Heart, Ribcage, and Lungs

    Aligned: Love, Romantic Love, Bliss, Peace, Oneness

    Blocked: Fear, Panic, Terror, Darkness

    Throat Chakra = Fifth Energy Center

    Location: Throat, Esophagus, Trachea, and Upper Lungs

    Aligned: Truthful, Direct, Honest

    Blocked: Deceptive, Shy, Boisterous, Unheard

    Third Eye Chakra = Sixth Energy Center

    Location: Center of Forehead, Eyes, and Pineal Gland

    Aligned: Intuitive, Wisdom, Creativity

    Blocked: Disorder, Overthinking, Mania, Obstinate

    Crown Chakra = Seventh Energy Center

    Location: Forehead, Temples, and Cranium

    Aligned: Non-Duality, Oneness, Bliss, Beyond Mind

    Blocked: Separation, Confusion, Suffering

    The Mind and The Chakra System

    All humans have a physical body and a nonphysical subtle energy body. The nonphysical subtle energy body is not seen with our physical eyes but can be sensed by our emotions, intuition, and awareness. Within this subtle energy body are certain points of gathered energy. A chakra is a central point of gathering energy located within the nonphysical subtle energy body. This energy gathers at seven main points within this nonphysical subtle energy body. Each of these seven points of gathered energy is a chakra.

    Nonphysical energy or kundalini life force energy moves from chakra to chakra along a nonphysical energetic pathway within this subtle energy body. This positive kundalini life force energy starts at the root chakra and then moves its way up into each ascending chakra all the way to the crown chakra. When this kundalini life force energy enters a certain chakra, it will generate different frequencies or vibrations, also commonly known as emotions. These will be experienced as positive or negative within each chakra depending on how the mind is interacting with the chakra.

    Every thought we have is sending a signal to our chakra system. Positive thoughts will open the chakras and negative thoughts will close them. When a chakra is aligned and open, we experience positive emotions and vibrations. This openness allows the positive kundalini life force energy to flow into the chakra. Conversely, when a chakra is closed, we feel negative emotions or vibrations because the kundalini life force energy is blocked from entering the chakra.

    By learning to interact with our mind and chakra system, we can begin directing our awareness towards opening our seven chakras. The more we open and align each chakra, the better we will feel. We can even observe our entire mind and its impact on our chakra system. This heightened awareness enables us to understand precisely how our mind influences our chakras.

    Also, it should be noted that the mind does not live in the physical brain. The mind is beyond the physical realm. The mind is made up of memories, thoughts, beliefs, fears, and desires. This can also be described as the ego or the separate I thought. The mind and brain work together to function within the physical body, but they are not the same. The mind or ego reincarnates from life to life carrying past karma into different bodies until one realizes they are not the mind. The mind is within consciousness and consciousness is who we are beyond the mind. When this is realized there is spiritual bliss. This realization can be achieved through a gradual process of understanding how the mind can align each chakra. Each chakra symbolizes a distinct layer of our mind or consciousness. The true self, bliss or inner peace lies within the heart chakra. When one goes beyond the mind to the self, the heart chakra will fully open revealing our true level of bliss or pure consciousness beyond thought or mind.

    The best way to start opening and aligning the chakras is to begin with the root chakra and then work your way up through the ascending chakras. To open a chakra, deeply hidden negative beliefs associated with each chakra must be changed or released. This will enable the chakra to align correctly, thus allowing positive kundalini life force energy to flow into it. The mind is directly linked to each chakra, and many people harbor deep-seated negative beliefs that keep their chakras closed. To fully open each chakra, one must introspect and explore why they hold beliefs about themselves that are untrue. Many times, these negative beliefs are formed early on in our childhood. These beliefs may not be readily apparent as many of these beliefs are hidden deep within our subconscious minds.

    Belief Systems

    A belief system is how our consciousness perceives the world we live in. Our beliefs are mostly formed during childhood. As consciousness, we come into this world with only the knowledge I Am or I Exist. From here all kinds of other beliefs are formed in addition to the original knowledge I Am. We start to form beliefs such as I am defined by my personality, I am identified with my body, I am a product of society, I am my intellectual mind, I am characterized by my opinions, or I am shaped by my beliefs. A person may also develop a negative belief such as I am not safe, I am guilty, or I am powerless. These negative beliefs will close a chakra that is in relation to the belief.

    If the belief is more in relation to not feeling safe this will then close the root chakra. If the belief is more in relation to self-hatred, guilt, or anger then this will close the sacral chakra. If the belief is related to feeling powerless, exhausted, and defeated then this will close the solar plexus chakra. These beliefs are typically stored within the subconscious mind during childhood and do not simply vanish as one reaches adulthood. A person in adulthood may still carry the belief that they are unsafe, guilty, or powerless which will keep their chakras closed throughout their entire life. They may develop more intellectual knowledge throughout their life which enables the individual to enhance their intelligence. However, the negative beliefs lurking within the subconscious mind, such as I am unsafe, I am guilty, or I am powerless, persist until they are changed or released.

    The Subconscious Mind

    We have many different layers of mind but within this physical reality we can say there are two main parts of our mind. We have our conscious thinking mind and our subconscious mind. Our conscious thinking mind continuously generates thoughts throughout our waking moments. This conscious mind is usually on repeat and sends thoughts of fears, desires, pleasures and so on throughout our day. These thoughts originate from our deeper subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is where deeply rooted belief systems are held. These beliefs are usually based on fear and are not normally noticed within our everyday life. When something negative happens to us, usually in childhood, we begin to store negative beliefs deep within our subconscious mind. These deep negative subconscious beliefs will keep our chakras closed. This is because our subconscious mind and chakra system are directly linked and communicate together. To open a specific chakra, the negative subconscious belief in relation to the chakra will need to be changed or released.

    The subconscious mind is also active during our dream state. This is where the subconscious mind begins spawning and creating realities based on the belief systems it has formed during its lifetime. If we can access the subconscious mind during the waking state, we can begin to change the negative belief systems, thereby opening and aligning a specific chakra associated with that belief system. Once the deeply rooted negative belief systems are changed within the subconscious mind, the conscious mind will no longer produce thoughts in relation to the negative beliefs. This is how we can start to permanently align and open our chakras, release negative beliefs, and start to live with true spiritual bliss and inner peace.

    Root Chakra

    The root chakra is a gathering point of nonphysical energy located at the base of the spine and radiates out to the hips, pelvis, and genitals. The root chakra will open and allow the positive kundalini life force energy to diffuse out from this chakra when a person’s mind is calm, relaxed, grounded, stable, and secure. When a person’s mind is in a state of fear, the root chakra will close then not allowing for the kundalini life force energy to travel outwards.

    How do I open my root chakra?

    There are many ways to open and align the root chakra, but most importantly you should become aware of the beliefs that are keeping the root chakra closed.

    How will I know what beliefs are keeping my root chakra closed?

    The best way to start to understand why your root chakra is closed is to notice when you become angry or afraid. When you are angry or afraid your root chakra is blocked or closed. If it is anger, then first become aware of why you are angry. Anger is always based on fear, but first it is important to focus on the anger. For example, if you have a spouse or partner that comments on your spending or is spending money on something that you do not agree with, first become aware of why that creates anger within you. It may be because you have a fear of losing money. This is a deeper fear of not feeling safe or grounded. Try to remember the feeling of fear that is associated with money. This may be rooted in childhood where there was constant fear and anger around money. Or sometimes even the feeling of unsafety from childhood can transfer over into fear of finances as an adult. This means there was a trauma that created a deeper fear of survival, possibly from some type of abuse that has left you feeling unsafe. This may have nothing to do with money or finances, but as you become an adult this deeper fear of feeling unsafe from that specific trauma will now be felt as a fear of financial loss. This is because in our society, finances and money represent security and safety. If you are constantly feeling unsafe in the world, this may then be represented in your life as being financially unstable or fearful of losing money.

    Whatever it is, try to remember the feeling of being unsafe as a child. You do not need to remember every event that created the feeling of unsafety but most importantly you should remember the emotion/vibration or frequency associated with not feeling safe. This is a vibration that can be experienced within the physical body. With enough subtle attention, these vibrations can be focused upon and found to originate from an area of the body which will correspond to a specific chakra. Fear will first be felt as an uncomfortable, tightening sensation around the hips, pelvis, and genitals. Once these vibrations are located, you can start to remember when they first arrived within your body. At what age did these uncomfortable vibrations arise in your root chakra? From here you can start to understand why it is that you feel unsafe. This same fearful vibration is living deep within you from when it was first created. This is because a belief was formed in your subconscious mind that you are unsafe. Whenever you are triggered into feeling unsafe, this original belief is activated, creating a blockage within the root chakra. The first step to opening a chakra is awareness. Awareness of the beliefs and thoughts that are created when you are triggered.

    This triggering of fear instantly shuts down the root chakra and sends a surge of negative emotions or vibrations up through the chakras above. This will then create negative thoughts in the mind that will create a constant cycle of negative thoughts and negative emotions all originating from the original fearful belief that you are unsafe. The belief of unsafety could be any number of beliefs that were originally created from a fearful event such as: I may be physically attacked; I may lose all of my money; I may get sick and die; I may not survive an encounter with this person unless I keep them calm and happy or I may be sexually abused if I let my guard down. These are the type of deep subconscious beliefs that are created from traumatic events. These deep-seated beliefs are not visible from the average unconscious person.

    You will need to investigate to understand why your root chakra is in a state of misalignment. An uncovering of this type of belief may look similar to: I remember being very young and feeling very afraid because of another person.; I remember being in physical pain and also being very afraid; I remember this was from a female presence; I remember that I made this person upset and then I was physically hurt which created a deep fear of physical pain. If the root belief is When I make another person upset, I will be physically hurt, this belief then will be stored deeply within the subconscious mind for the rest of your life unless it is changed or released. When in the presence of any other person you may unconsciously feel fear, which can close the root chakra and deeply suppress true thoughts and feelings to ensure the person’s satisfaction, thereby avoiding physical harm. This may sound irrational as you become an adult and begin speaking with another adult. Your conscious mind will obviously realize that this person is not going to physically harm you, but your inner child or subconscious mind is still holding onto the original belief, If I make another person upset, I will be physically hurt. You may continue to suppress all your truthful thoughts to this other person because that belief is still within your subconscious mind.

    Once the negative belief is understood then what comes next?

    Next it is important to understand how this negative frequency of fear feels in your body. Sitting in meditation and locating in your body where the feeling of fear is experienced. This will not only be felt in the root chakra but will also be felt all the way up to the heart chakra. You will need to sit in meditation especially when you are triggered to locate the frequencies in your body. The root chakra can be located in different places within the body for each person but will most likely be experienced at the base of the spine and flow into the hips, pelvis, and sexual organs. The root chakra can be felt as open when a person is in complete relaxation or is sexually aroused. Sexual arousal allows the sexual life force energy or kundalini to flow starting from the root chakra up through the ascending chakras. When a person is in a state of fear, the root chakra will close because this person feels unsafe. This feeling of unsafety can vary from person to person. Some may only feel unsafe when they are in a triggered situation such as financial fear, fear of survival or any other fear that creates a feeling of not being safe. Others may have a general overall feeling of unsafety from the time they wake up in the morning to the time they go to sleep. Even the dream state may be filled with fearful, negative situations. The root chakra in this person may always have a continuous blockage due to a strong belief that they are always unsafe. This could have been from a very traumatic childhood or even a few traumatic events in their life that were severe enough to create a strong negative belief that they may never be safe. They may have a continuous feeling that something dangerous is always lurking around the corner. This also can be from some type of event that occurred at any time in a person’s life that created the belief they are not safe.

    Death is a common fear that many people have. Fear of dying creates a strong blockage in the root chakra. Everything we’ve been taught within our society makes death seem like a horrible negative experience. Hollywood and the media depict graphic horror scenes, imprinting images of terror surrounding death within our minds. For centuries, humans have used death and torture to instill fear in others as a means of control. Hangings, medieval torture, warfare all create images of fear surrounding death. If we truly knew that death was nothing to be feared, we would live much more comfortably. If we knew death was only a transferring of our consciousness from the physical reality into the nonphysical reality, we would feel much more at ease.

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