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The Pulse of the Abyss
The Pulse of the Abyss
The Pulse of the Abyss
Ebook57 pages41 minutes

The Pulse of the Abyss

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The Pulse of the Abyss


In the underwater city of Lumina, seventeen-year-old Anya hides a dangerous secret: her touch disrupts technology. Deemed a threat by the totalitarian Conduit, she's confined to a lab, until a daring rebel group, the Abyssal Echo, offers her a chance at freedom.


Among them, she finds an unlikely ally in Kael, a young inventor with a mysterious past and a connection to Anya's power. As she learns to control her abilities, she uncovers a startling truth about Lumina's origins and the Conduit's sinister motives.


With time running out, Anya must choose between the safety of isolation and the perilous fight for Lumina's freedom. Can she harness her power and become the spark that ignites a rebellion?


Dive into a thrilling young adult dystopian fantasy that explores self-discovery, rebellion, and the power of connection in a fight against a terrifying enemy.

PublisherJasper Wolfe
Release dateJun 6, 2024
The Pulse of the Abyss

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    Book preview

    The Pulse of the Abyss - Jasper Wolfe

    Chapter One: The Girl in the Tank

    The world is a symphony of blue, punctuated by the rhythmic thrum of machinery and the distant hum of Lumina's lifeblood, coursing through the veins of our underwater city. I watch as schools of silver fish weave through the towering coral structures outside my window, their bodies flashing like mirrors in the filtered sunlight that penetrates the dome.

    I'm surrounded by water, a tangible barrier that both protects and imprisons. Inside my sterile enclosure, the bioluminescent algae coating the lab walls provide the only warmth, their soft glow pulsating in a mesmerizing dance. Their rhythm seems to mirror my own restless heartbeat, a constant reminder of the power I possess—the power that makes me both a marvel and a menace.

    Subject A-37, a disembodied voice announces through the intercom, its tone as sterile as the lab itself. Commence daily cognitive assessment.

    I suppress a sigh, the sound swallowed by the liquid embrace that surrounds me. I've undergone countless assessments, my mind probed and prodded like a lab rat in a maze. But I comply, because defiance only leads to... complications.

    A series of lights ignite, casting intricate geometric patterns onto the glass walls. Numbers and symbols appear, twisting and turning in a dizzying display. I raise a hand, my fingers tracing the shapes as if deciphering an ancient language. The equations are child's play, a mere distraction from the suffocating monotony of my existence.

    But the Conduit, the iron-fisted regime that governs Lumina, sees value in my intellect. They believe my anomaly, the disruptive energy that surges through my veins, can be weaponized. They see me as a tool, a means to an end.

    But I am not a tool. I am Anya. A girl with a thirst for knowledge that burns hotter than any anomaly. A girl who dreams of a life beyond these cold, sterile walls.

    I long for the taste of fresh air on my tongue, the feeling of wind whipping through my hair, the sensation of solid ground beneath my feet. But those are foolish fantasies, the fleeting desires of a girl who has known nothing but confinement.

    My anomaly has made me an outcast, a pariah. A single touch from me can plunge the city into chaos, disrupt the delicate balance that sustains life beneath the waves. And so, I remain here, suspended in my watery prison, a prisoner of my own power.

    But deep within me, a spark of defiance flickers. A yearning for something more. A whisper that tells me I am destined for a different fate.

    Chapter Two: The Spark Ignites

    The rebels usher me through a series of labyrinthine corridors, their sleek suits blending seamlessly with the dim lighting and algae-covered walls. The facility groans and shudders around us, the Conduit's sterile order giving way to chaos.

    We emerge into a cavernous chamber, its walls lined with massive pipes and conduits pulsing with luminescent energy. A sleek submersible, its hull gleaming like polished obsidian, rests in the center of the chamber.

    Get in, the leader commands, gesturing towards the submersible's open hatch.

    I hesitate, my eyes darting from the unfamiliar vessel to the rebels' obscured faces. A million questions burn on my tongue, but I know this is not the time for explanations. Trust, however fragile, is the currency of survival in this moment.

    With a deep breath, I clamber into the submersible, followed closely

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